Here Be Tryants: A Kingmaker saga.

Game Master Joy

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Your group continues on with its exploring, making a slight westish turn to finish off the corner of the map that you are working on. You do not find much out this way beyond the normal wilderness, but you continue on, just in case.


perception Alexander: 1d20 ⇒ 19
perception Andrea: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
perception Eduard: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
perception Radomir: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
perception Thaliar: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

For Alexander and Thaliar for the above rolls:
Amid an overgrown section of blackberries lies a hidden cairn of stones marking the grave of a long forgotten
barbarian. A DC 16 Perception check is required to notice the cairn while exploring this hex.

An additional check of Knowledge History DC 16 gets you the information below:

The skeleton buried under the mound of stones was once the son of a minor chieftain among the Tiger Lords, from a time when that tribe’s territory stretched all the way from Numeria to the Narlmarches—patrols from Rostland have forced these barbarians back to the east, and the majority of their cairns were toppled and the bodies looted—but this one has been forgotten, obscured as it is by brambles.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Not sure if we need a perception roll to notice it or if we've already noticed it and just need the history roll?

Alexander dismounts and approaches the cairn. The Tiger Lords used to roam this area. Judging from the size of this tomb, he was a minor chieftan, or the son of one. The man frowns. This is probably one of the few left remaining.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Perhaps we can find some trinkets in there, if no one objects to a little grave robbing and potentially rousing an undead.

You can make the History roll if you have either noticed it or had it pointed out to you.

If you indulge in some grave robbing::
Toppling the stones and digging up the body below takes a good 30 minutes of work. Once exhumed, the body still wears tattered and rotted remnants of hide armor, and the skull still displays the crushed-in side that spelled this barbarian’s doom. Of all the barbarian’s gear, only a strange ring made of green wood on one finger seems of interest—the ring depicts an eel and a frog locked in a tangle.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Assuming a dig-up.

Andrea casts detect magic on the ring to see if it is magical. If so, A magical ring, I have no skill with identifying what type though.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Alexander shrugs, I've no objection. I'd be interested to learn more about this warrior. How he died, and how this tribe buried their dead.

Once the man is exhumed, and their work is done, Alexander examines the ring. Detect Magic An interesting trinket. He chuckles, It's amazing what you find when studying ancient history. The Tiger Lords... with a sigh and a wistful smile, he tries to remember what he can of the tribe, Their territory once stretched all the way from Numeria to the Narlmarches. Powerful and proud people. And now their heroes are dead and forgotten. We owe this man for more than just his trinket. A humbling reminder.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Is it actually magical?

The ring is a Ring of Swimming.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

A ring of swimming, Alexander chuckles. Pretty though, isn't it?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

It can be very useful if we need to enter the water at some point. I recommend that we keep it.

Andrea looks at the map. What parts remain for us to explore?

Wow, looks like we have quite a bit if the area to the west is still undone. I am going by the map in the campaign link.

Human Arcanist 6, HP 35/35, AC 12 [T: 11, FF: 11], Per +6, F: +5/R: +5/W: +7, Arcane Reservoir (5/9)

Eduard shrugs slightly, I'm certainly up for some additional exploration. And I will leave that ring to others. I suspect that I am unlikely to be the swimmer of the group. It remains continually depressing to me, however, that this region is so plunged into chaos. It is a shame for something previously civilized to be fraught with such random disorganization.

I still need to update that. There are only a few hexes left in the north-westernmost corner of the charter area left for you to explore. Since there isn't anything of note in them, we can go ahead and handwave their exploration and let you guys ride on back to Oleg's trading fort.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Good doing that.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Standing next to the Warden and Marshal, Alexander frowns as he looks at the burned remains of the wood meant to be the wall of the new Smithy. They had said it was bad, but he hadn't realized the extent of the damage would be this great. He shakes his head and rests his hand on his sword belt. Marshal. We need to find this creature. This building needs to be finished. Now. Radomir, go tell the others.

The man turns and look at the Devilbow. It seems we have a chance to test your skills. Can you track it? Can you find out where this...creature...makes its lair?

Male Tiefling Slayer 6 | AC 19 (20), T 14, FF 15 16 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4 | HP 50/50 | Init +4 | Perception +12, darkvision | Insightful Strike 1/day

"If the dragon we've heard rumor of did this, it will be tricky. Flying creatures typically don't leave tracks. However, there should be other signs of its passage."

Survival (tracking): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Male Tiefling (of half-elven descent) Gestalt Magus (Staff Magus)/Warpriest 3

Hiding on a branch, Othniel watches the party approach on horseback. They looked to be well off, probably formidable, but he thought he could probably take them, or escape into the woods if things turned sour. As they draw near, he uses one of the few spells he knows, producing a shimmering field of magical armor around himself. Just before the lead horseman would pass beneath him, he vaults from his perch, landing gracefully, and reaches for his sword. Then freezes, hand halfway to his scabbard. "Orlovsky? What are you doing out here?"

Rook - You easily follow the dragons tracks down to the lakes edge, they disappear into the lapping waters there.

Knowledge Arcana roll would be appropriate for dragons.

Knowledge Survival would be used for figuring out any ambushes or where the creature might have made its lair.

male Human Cavalier 6 | HP: 28/59| AC: 25/14/24/23 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11(+13 v surprise)| F:+9 / R: +4 / W: +3 (+4 vs fear/compulsion) | Sentence 4/4 |Circuit:150 mi from keep

Radomir mounts Czernabog, lance at the ready, and bardiche at his back. Aye, milord. Lead on, your instrument shall obey.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

I shall prepare some anti-fire magic, this assault must be dealt with.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Alexander starts as the figure jumps out of the tree, reaching for his sword and half pulling it from its sheath. As the man speaks, he squints his eyes and looks at him more closely. After the initial surprise he throws back his head in laughter, Laurentius? You scared the life out of me! He continues, chuckling as he says, What are you doing out here? Did you pass through Voronakholm? We have so much to catch up on! Alexander laughs and jokes as he tells his old friend about how the group cleared the wild frontier and just this past month started building a small town on the edge of the frontier.

His tone grows more serious as he finishes, At the moment we're hunting what we think is a dragon. The report is that it is green of scale. With luck, we'll find its lair and 'convince' it to stop plaguing our land. He sighs and continues, With any luck, the thing will be reasonable. If not, well, I'm sure we'll work something out.


Things you know about Green Dragons:

- Their breath weapon is acid.

- A green dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

- It is immune to things like: acid, paralysis and sleep.

Male Tiefling (of half-elven descent) Gestalt Magus (Staff Magus)/Warpriest 3

"No, I got tired of people in general after too long in Restov. I've mostly been avoiding civilization, living off the land...and the occasional passerby, when I had to." He says the last with a shrug. His own needs come first. If it means killing the occasional peasant for their supplies, what of it? "I had heard there was a new power on the rise in the area, but I had no idea you were out here. Need another blade at your side?"

"A dragon, you say? Hmm. Can't say I've seen one, but that's unsurprising. Let me think for a minute."

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Don't know if local will help, but it's worth a shot. Maybe he's heard some rumors.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Still fast with that blade of yours? Alexander laughs, Friends, this is Othniel Laurentius. Never have I seen a man strike so quick...or be so quick to strike. He says with a chuckle. Yes, if you're interested, I think we might have some work for that sword of yours.

A dragon indeed, and a green one at that. The thing breathes acid, as we saw with the remains of our wood piles. It most likely makes its lair out in the middle of the lake somewhere. He sighs as he thinks about their predicament, I believe it can breath water, or at least stay submerged long enough that it doesn't matter. Between that and its ability to fly, it will be near impossible to bring it down in one fight. But if its lair is in a place we can get to, then we could ambush it and chase it back to its home. He chuckles, Perhaps we'll get lucky and it will be willing to talk. I've never talked to a dragon before.


You can't recall anything about Dragons with your Arcana roll, but your Local roll does indeed give rumors of three, young, green dragons that have been spotted at different locations around the Stolen Land. One of which was supposed to have made its home in one of the lakes in the area. The other two are scattered elsewhere.

Male Tiefling Slayer 6 | AC 19 (20), T 14, FF 15 16 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4 | HP 50/50 | Init +4 | Perception +12, darkvision | Insightful Strike 1/day

As the half-elf jumps down from the tree, Finnegan quickly draws an arrow to his bow, yet relaxes his grip as Alexander appears to know the man. Clearly, he was less of a threat than he initially presented himself.

"Before speaking of ambushing the creature or chasing it back home, let's make sure it isn't trying to ambush us. You say it can breathe underwater?"

Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Looking for either signs of ambush or a likely place for its lair.


There is just some small scrub bushes near the shoreline, nothing a dragon could hide behind. Also, this side of the lake is rather shallow and you would have to go out at least 30 feet into it before you could find deep enough water to hide a dragon, even a small one.

A likely place for its lair would either be somewhere on the bottom of the lake or around one of the more overgrown edges of the lake.

male Human Cavalier 6 | HP: 28/59| AC: 25/14/24/23 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11(+13 v surprise)| F:+9 / R: +4 / W: +3 (+4 vs fear/compulsion) | Sentence 4/4 |Circuit:150 mi from keep

As Othniel descends from the trees, Radimir leaps into action, and spurs Czernabog forward. His lance is at the ready, and he aims to run the threat through. Only Alexander's timely words of welcome half the cavalier's charge and spare the man's life. Radomir hauls on the reins of his stallion, and the horse bucks and rears angrily. He holsters his lance into the stirrup with a bit more force than he needed to. [b]Sire, you know[//b] he tries to interpose his horse between Alexander and Othniel, but seeing that that doesn't seem possible, contents himself with staying in striking distance

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Acid? So I will pray for some miracles that can protect two from such damage.. Perhaps we could lure out the dragon with livestock or some other bait?

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Perhaps. What do you think Mr. Rook? Livestock to lure it in for food perhaps? I'd like to get it in a position that it needs to listen to us. If that means making it come to us, or finding it, then we'll do what we need to do. Alexander chuckles, I suppose finding a cow or two wouldn't be too hard. But you're right...if we can find its lair first, we can both ambush it, and when it tries to escape, run it down.

Alexander sits upon his horse, looking out over the lake. It looks rather quiet, but even that holds dangers. What a wonderful countryside we've laid claim to! Never a moment to rest. Resting his hand upon his sword-belt, he says to Finnegan, How would you like to track this lair down? With all of us trampling about, I expect that we'll only slow you down and warn it of our approach. Perhaps we could split up? A few go and find some cattle to purchase and a few go with you? Those of us a little more discrete?

Male Tiefling Slayer 6 | AC 19 (20), T 14, FF 15 16 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4 | HP 50/50 | Init +4 | Perception +12, darkvision | Insightful Strike 1/day

Shaking his head, Finnegan says, "If its lair is underwater, it's likely somewhere on the bottom, and we'll be forever trying to find it - not to mention we can't breathe water indefinitely. Otherwise, it's lair is on one of the more overgrown banks of the lake, and it may take days to find it. Our best bet would be to use livestock to lure it out."

Looking at Alexander, he said, "Given the difficulty we will likely have in killing it, we should also find a way to trap it on the ground. It will keep it from fleeing as quickly."

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Alexander nods, We may have a few days, but we'll defer to your judgement on this. He smiles, I know nothing of hunting beside what the food tastes like.

Eduard, Andrea? Any ideas how to keep it on the ground? Some magic, maybe? Or would a trap of some sort do it? Alexander frowns, I wonder how large this thing is. I hear dragons can be remarkably big, but I'm sure if we ask the folk around here, they'll say it's as big as the castle or the size of a cat.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Many tanglefoot bags thrown to snare the wings?

Male Tiefling (of half-elven descent) Gestalt Magus (Staff Magus)/Warpriest 3

"Actually, I have heard some rumors of dragons. Supposedly several young green dragons have been sighted in different parts of the Stolen Lands. The nearest was, I think, supposedly in one of the local lakes."

Later in the conversation, Othniel hears something else that piques his interest. "Bait isn't a bad idea, but I'm not sure cattle is the right way to go. Maybe they're just fairy taljes, but every story of dragons I've ever heard has them preferring sentient prey to any animal. If we could disguise ourselves as harmless travelers, we'd probably make better bait than mere animals. Of course, there are issues with that course of action. Like getting eaten."

Male Tiefling Slayer 6 | AC 19 (20), T 14, FF 15 16 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4 | HP 50/50 | Init +4 | Perception +12, darkvision | Insightful Strike 1/day

"Could we perhaps use an illusion to make it appear as though there are sentient prey while we hide under cover, then ambush the creature when it comes in to grab the bait? That would at least get us out of the path of its initial attack."

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

We can, though it will be difficult to fool it with my simple illusions. I imagine dragons to have a good sense of smell, and that, I cannot replicate. Perhaps we could find something to offer it. I, and perhaps one other, could be out in the open. Mr. Rook can hide the others, and if negotiations don't go well, then we attack. Alexander shrugs, In this case, I do not mind being bait. I expect that, if it comes down to it, I can at least escape. The man runs his hand through his hair and sighs, At this point, I'd just like to know what it wants.

To move along this downtime Event, we will assume that the majority of you vote for the bait plan.

We will go with the idea that those that are capable of hiding will hide and those that can't will be bait along with some cattle.

Othniel stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Rook stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
[ooc]Alexander makes Andrea and Eduard Invisible

Also, Andrea can cast Resist Acid on anyone she wanted to before the dragon comes.

The day after the Event, your group returns down by the lakeside with some cattle commandeered from your soon to be farm areas. Othniel and Rook find places to hide, Eduard and Andrea are made invisible and take up safe positions while Alexander and Radomir herd the cattle through the shallow lake waters and then back up onto the shore.

Soon enough, all that activity gains the attention of the young dragon that lives in the lake. The first thing that you see of him is his head, peering above the surface of the lake to find out what was running around in his waters. After sighting the cattle and humans, he starts to make a beeline for them.

When his head pops up, the dragon is 60 feet from the shore. If your intent is to talk first, how close do you let him get before you start talking and go ahead and make any Diplomatic/Charisma rolls.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

I'm okay with that as a plan.

Alexander relaxes with his hands upon his belt. When the dragon's head pops up he holds up his hands and makes it clear he has no intention of attacking.

Draconic: We're here to talk. Though we'd appreciate it if you stayed where you are as you're rather large and my friend here can get rather...jumpy. The man smiles, So, are you interested in speaking? Or will this get more bloody that either of us will like?

If the dragon comes to shore, Alexander will back up slightly allowing it to come on to land without having to be right near the two of us. Perhaps 50 feet? I don't want to have to shout, after all.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Oh! How big is the dragon? And would Sense Motive or Perception be more appropriate for figuring out if it is hostile? Or at least hostile enough to immediately attack.

Male Tiefling Slayer 6 | AC 19 (20), T 14, FF 15 16 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4 | HP 50/50 | Init +4 | Perception +12, darkvision | Insightful Strike 1/day

Finnegan studies the dragon as it emerges from the lake and swoops towards the cattle - how it moves, any possible weaknesses, looking for whatever he could use to better bring the beast down.

Studied Target on the dragon

Male Tiefling (of half-elven descent) Gestalt Magus (Staff Magus)/Warpriest 3
Alexander Orlovsky wrote:
Oh! How big is the dragon? And would Sense Motive or Perception be more appropriate for figuring out if it is hostile? Or at least hostile enough to immediately attack.

The info I got from my Knowledge (local) check said "young". Assuming it means the OOC age category, and that's not an IC vague description of approximate age, it should be Large. So, perhaps as small as a horse, certainly not as big as an elephant.

Correct on the OOC age category, meaning that it is about the size of a Clydesdale horse. Sense Motive would be used to figuring out intentions and hostility.

The dragon pauses at being addressed in draconic, it then moves very slowly to shore, standing in about a foot of water still as it responds.

In Draconic"What do you have to say before I dispatch the two of you and your herd animals?"

You may make your diplomatic check with your next speech.

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 Well, it's lucky that wasn't Perception! Continuing, as long as I don't think it's attacking.

Draconic: Well, you're welcome to the cattle. We thought it'd be best if we spoke while you weren't so...hungry. Alexander relaxes and rests his hands casually back on his belt. After all, it appears we're neighbors. With that said, I don't want to take all your time. We'd like to know what's upset you and what you want. And...if there's anything that we can do. It's a rough neighborhood, and we've had to deal with a lot of rough neighbors. It'd be nice to be friendly with some for a change. But, like I said, we've had plenty experience with being rough.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Andrea waits, her magic on Alex and Radomir Resist Acid 10 40 minutes

male Human Cavalier 6 | HP: 28/59| AC: 25/14/24/23 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11(+13 v surprise)| F:+9 / R: +4 / W: +3 (+4 vs fear/compulsion) | Sentence 4/4 |Circuit:150 mi from keep

Radomir remains ready to defend his lord with his life.

Congratulations, you have shifted his attitude from "hostile" to "indifferent".

The young dragon settles down on its haunches in a "seated" position and then responds to Alexander in Draconic. "I live away from my sibling because I had no interest in having neighbors. You are building where I used to hunt and chasing away all my food. So I had to substitute with a different food."

male Human Cavalier 6 | HP: 28/59| AC: 25/14/24/23 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11(+13 v surprise)| F:+9 / R: +4 / W: +3 (+4 vs fear/compulsion) | Sentence 4/4 |Circuit:150 mi from keep

aid another: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

[b]My lord is wise and honorable. Perhaps, he can be a strong ally for you. I'm sure a compromise could be reached[/dice]

sucfessful aid another gives a +3 bonus

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Alexander laughs, Is that all? The man chuckles and coughs into his hand, My apologies, but that is a problem I think we can easily solve. If you're into hunting, I'm sure we can find you some grounds. If you're into...cattle...I think we could work out a deal.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Some Taztelwyrns have..moved on from an area in these lands. A perfect spot to enlarge your hunting grounds. Andrea mentions the evicted wyrms the party found at a river.

"I am rather fond of this lake and do not wish to leave it for new land. Perhaps I should charge you a tithe of cattle for living on the landing surrounding my home?"

Male Aasimar Bard (Animal Speaker) 6 , HP 46/46, AC 22 [Touch 16, Flat 17], CMD: 23 Init +4, Perception +0 (60' Darkvision)

Alexander rests his hand back on his belt and his tone grows more serious, As it happens, we're rather fond of the lake as well. A tithe, you say? No, I think not. The man frowns in thought for a moment, Look, we don't want trouble, and I expect that you don't either. I'm sure the fine folk of this land will happily give you cattle in return for what would be, to such a magnificent creature such as yourself, a pittance.

Diplomacy (Make Request): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Perhaps a cow now and then for allowing our farmers to graze and drink. Plus keeping us aware if any threats such as bandits intrude.
Diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

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