Wareagle |

Hi all run and play several games here on Pazio and most recently discovered a 2nd ed D&D campaign trilogy that caught my interest am thinking of converting it to Pathfinder rules and doing as a PBP.
Will still take place in Golarion though it will be in a fictional location called The Land of Song a place somewhere in the north arctic area don't know where yet will be back with more info regarding soon.
The requirements will be:
>20 point character build
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 3 max hp each lvl.
>3 trait one social, combat, and moagic or Faith
It's a rough idea but will be patched up soon please dot if you are interested not sure when date for recruitment will end will decide based on how many applications.

Mr. Swagger |

I have been looking for a chance to play an evil character. If I don't make it being evil I would at least like to be nongood.
I am not the "stab the party in the back and cause real life drama" type evil player either.
I am starting off as ranger. From there I don't know.
I only need to know if we are playing in Golarion or another setting so my background matches up to it.

Wareagle |

Will still take place in Golarion though it will be in a fictional location called The Land of Song a place somewhere in the north arctic area don't know where yet will be back with more info regarding soon. Says in the first post :) I will be some location far to the north I know that much not sure where though

Mr. Swagger |

Will still take place in Golarion though it will be in a fictional location called The Land of Song a place somewhere in the north arctic area don't know where yet will be back with more info regarding soon. Says in the first post :) I will be some location far to the north I know that much not sure where though
I have a background partially written up which puts me as being from another place anyway. I will just have to do a slight modification that puts me in The Land of Song.

Wareagle |

Heres a writeup of the background of the adventure:
Disturbing shadows have grown long over the northern reaches of The Land of Song. The fierce people who once fished the chilly fjords and hunted in the evergreen peaks now huddle in their villages. An evil is abroad in the land. Outlying villages and holdings have become abandoned, their populations missing. Hunting parties and traders have vanished. Bandits and worse roam the lands unchecked. The harvests have soured and now, as winter descends, the Clans fear that their meager stores shall not last. A Moon ago, the six most powerful clans each sent their champion to discover the source of blight. The six never returned, nor has any trace been found. Putting aside his pride, Yngvar, the old Jarl of the Clans, has called for outlander heroes to aid the free peoples, promising great rewards and remembrance in song. The journey to Yngvar’s halls was long and arduous. The last leaves have fallen, and the cool air blowing off the sea has turned sharp and cold. The first morning frosts already grip the soil. Siri, the Jarl’s wise woman, has consulted with the ancestors of the Clans. An old evil has arisen, they say, full of anger at the living. The stain on the land originates from the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, where all the Clans’ chieftains are laid to rest. The evil will not abate, the ancestors warn, for it bears a great malice for past deeds and hungers for vengeance. Siri has sought to discover what offense has been made, what appeasement can be offered; all for naught. Two nights ago, guards along the wooden palisade protecting Yngvar’s Hall disappeared. The spring calves have died and the poultry refuse to lay. The heroes are charged with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. The wellprotected gorge can be found on the eastern shoulder of a particularly rugged mountain some three days’ travel from Yngvar’s hall. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords?
player characters could be from The Land of Song adventurers in search of wealth do gooders etc.
Starting wealth for equips 3000gp

Mr. Swagger |

Tom grew up in Tian Xia. He had a rough childhood, and never really got to know his mother and father. He had always been told that they died when he was young, and that he was left with his aunt. She took care of him as best she could, but due to failing health she found it more difficult to do so as time went on. She eventually died a few years later. Since she was only renting the place, Tom had nowhere to go.
Luckily for Tom who was about 9 years old at this time one of the men in the neighborhood, Ben(working name for now), offered him a place to stay. The only thing Tom was asked to do was to deliver messages, and packages. Making sure the messages and packages never got lost was of extreme importance. In return Tom was given 3 meals a day, a bed, and occasional spending money as long as the jobs were done. As Tom got older he realized he was running contraband and messages to criminals, but the money was too good to resist, and by this time he did not really have much of an aversion to it anyway.
Later on he became an enforcer, which required him to collect on any debts owed to Ben. If he had to kill someone who refused to pay then so be it. This probably would have been his station in life for much longer, but Ben had been skimming the profits he was supposed to be turning in to the local theives guild. Ben was made into an example, and Tom was now without employment. He probably would have felt sorry for Ben, but since was virtually a slave up until that point he could not really feel much remorse.
Tom being free from Ben was news that spread quickly and he was offered a job as a bodyguard for a caravan going into Brevoy. Always wanting to improve himself he would spar with the others to improve his fighting technique and learn how to use different weapons. When he was not with the warriors he was with those hired as scouts who taught him how to move so that he would make the least amount of noise, and gain less attention. When he got to Brevoy he was hired again to go into the Mwangi Expanse where he continued his training with others he met. After the expedition was over he decided to stayy and train with an older adventurer named Garrin. Garrin him that the key to his longevity was that he could focus on one enemy instead of learning to only fight certain enemies more effectively*. Tom took this to heart which led to a connection with nature that was not as deep as most people. No deity ever called to him to grant him an animal companion or spells, but he did learn how to set traps** and focus his mind so that he could better hone in on any one enemy with his weapons. Those who saw him in battle when he was "focused" were amazed. After learning all he could from Garren he decided it was time to move on he got a job offer as part of an adventuring group to go to a place called The Land of Songs. .....
*How he got the guide ranger archetype.
**How he got the trapper archetype.
Tom is very focused on being self reliant. He often seeks ways to improve himself, but the does not care much for others. He does however he does keep his word and he is loyal, but it is not due to any real sense of needing to be honest, but because he knows if people trust him it makes life a lot easier especially in adventuring parties. Those who are not currently aligned with him gain no such benefits however. He will risk his life to save you because he expects to live, knowing that you will spread word of his bravery. This "expectation to live" has been misinterpreted as valor by others. Will he fight orc horde or an evil necromancer? Of course, but it is more for his own glory than because he cares for what happens if he does not interefere.
During the course of the game I expect Tom to grow. He should learn that being honest and loyal because people are actually your friends is actually a good thing. It is certainly a lot better than never having company or anyone to share anything with. He will also learn that choosing his battles is better than always choosing to battle. It is not just about whether or not you can win the fight, but why you should fight.
It will be a long road however.
Whether I go human, elf, of half-elf Tom will be about 5'7 165 pounds. He is muscular, but not big. He has a bald head, not as a choice of fashion, but he saw someone fleeing from an Ogre once, and the Ogre grabbed the victim's long hair, and they victim never got away. He has at least 3 weapons(yet to be determined), and he wears light armor with any gear needed quickly not stored in his backpack.

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

I'll go ahead and stake a claim here. Your description said they sent for "outlander" heroes, so I'm assuming we don't all have to be Nordic-flavored?
After wandering through the jungle for months, he ended up in the deserts of Osiria. He gained some local appreciation for his skilled hand with the kraar, an ancient variation on the lyre, but also for the plaintive songs of longing for his family he sang every night, much to the annoyance of his neighbors in the city.
Just before he left the Mwangi jungle, the village witch told him that he would see his wife and son again at the end of the world. So when he heard a call for adventurers in the far North, he signed up immediately...
(So I'm thinking a bard of some kind, probably the sound striker archetype. I'm also going for kind of an ancient Ethiopian/Kushite flavor.)

Mr. Swagger |

I did change my character's name, but the other people in the background story will get names if I make the cut. Names always give me a hard time.
KADAIN Male Human (Tian) Ranger (Guide/Trapper) 3
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15. . (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 36 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Cestus +7 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Masterwork Falcata +7 (1d8+3/19-20/x3)
Ranged Longbow, Composite (Str +3) +5 (1d8+3/20/x3)
Special Attacks Ranger's Focus +2 (1/day)
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats Double Slice, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Falcata, Iron Will, Two-weapon Fighting
Traits Indomitable Faith, Reactionary, Suspicious
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +6, Disable Device +10, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Heal +7, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Perception +7, Ride +1, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7, Swim +6
Languages Common, Skald, Tien
SQ Cold weather outfit, Snare Trap, Symptom Kit (10 uses), Terrains: Urban (+2 bonus) (Ex), Track +1, Trapfinding +1, Wild Empathy +2 (Ex)
Combat Gear +1 Chain Shirt, Arrows (60), Longbow, Composite (Str +3), Masterwork Cestus, Masterwork Falcata; Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Bloodblock, Cold weather outfit, Everburning torch, Flint and steel, Healer's kit (10 uses), Heatstone, Heatstone, Ink (1 oz. vial, black), Inkpen, Parchment (sheet) (10), Rations, trail (per day) (2), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Smokestick, String (50'), Sunrod (2), Symptom Kit (10 uses), Thieves' tools, masterwork, Thunderstone, Tindertwig (3), Waterskin, Weapon Blanch, Cold Iron (3), Weapon Blanch, Silver (3)
Arrows - 0/60
Bloodblock - 0/1
Everburning torch - 0/1
Healer's kit (10 uses) - 0/10
Ranger's Focus +2 (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Rations, trail (per day) - 0/2
Smokestick - 0/1
Sunrod - 0/2
Symptom Kit (10 uses) - 0/10
Thunderstone - 0/1
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Ranger's Focus +2 (1/day) (Ex) +2 to hit and damage focused target.
Snare Trap Effect The trap constricts around a limb or other part of the triggering creature's body (Reflex avoids). The creature cannot move from the location of the trap, unless the ranger included a “leash” when setting the trap, in which case the creature is limited to the length of the leash. The trapped creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC equal to the trap's DC) as a full-round action. The trap or its leash has a number of hit points equal to 1/2 the ranger's level, or can be burst as a full-round action with a DC 25 Strength check. The trap can hold up to a Medium creature; each extra daily use of the ranger's trap ability spent when the trap is set increases the maximum size of creature the trap can hold. At the ranger's option, if there is a tall object or structure nearby, she can have the trap lift the creature.
Symptom Kit (10 uses) +5 Disguise to simulate illness.
Terrains: Urban (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Urban.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
The hit points on Herolabs automatically do half rounded up. I did not roll for them yet since I don't know if you will use the method from the other game or do pure rolls.
edit:Gave max hp

Mr. Swagger |

Better names have been entered, and the appearance is now more accurate.
Kaiden grew up in Tian Xia. He had a rough childhood, and never really got to know his mother and father. He had always been told that they died when he was young, and that he was left with his aunt. She took care of him as best she could, but due to failing health she found it more difficult to do so as time went on. She eventually died a few years later. Since she was only renting the place, Kaiden had nowhere to go.
Luckily for Kaiden who was about 9 years old at this time one of the men in the neighborhood, Xin Zu(working name for now), offered him a place to stay. The only thing Kaiden was asked to do was to deliver messages, and packages. Making sure the messages and packages never got lost was of extreme importance. In return Kaiden was given 3 meals a day, a bed, and occasional spending money as long as the jobs were done. As Kaiden got older he realized he was running contraband and messages to criminals, but the money was too good to resist, and by this time he did not really have much of an aversion to it anyway.
Later on he became an enforcer, which required him to collect on any debts owed to Xin Zu. If he had to kill someone who refused to pay then so be it. This probably would have been his station in life for much longer, but Xin Zu had been skimming the profits he was supposed to be turning in to the local theives guild. Xin Zu was made into an example, and Kaiden was now without employment. He probably would have felt sorry for Xin Zu, but since was virtually a slave up until that point he could not really feel much remorse.
Kaiden being free from Xin Zu was news that spread quickly and he was offered a job as a bodyguard for a caravan going into Brevoy. Always wanting to improve himself he would spar with the others to improve his fighting technique and learn how to use different weapons. When he was not with the warriors he was with those hired as scouts who taught him how to move so that he would make the least amount of noise, and gain less attention. When he got to Brevoy he was hired again to go into the Mwangi Expanse where he continued his training with others he met. After the expedition was over he decided to stayy and train with an older adventurer named Garrin. Garrin him that the key to his longevity was that he could focus on one enemy instead of learning to only fight certain enemies more effectively*. Kaiden took this to heart which led to a connection with nature that was not as deep as most people. No deity ever called to him to grant him an animal companion or spells, but he did learn how to set traps** and focus his mind so that he could better hone in on any one enemy with his weapons. Those who saw him in battle when he was "focused" were amazed. After learning all he could from Garren he decided it was time to move on he got a job offer as part of an adventuring group to go to a place called The Land of Songs. .....
*How he got the guide ranger archetype.
**How he got the trapper archetype.
Kaiden is very focused on being self reliant. He often seeks ways to improve himself, but the does not care much for others. He does however he does keep his word and he is loyal, but it is not due to any real sense of needing to be honest, but because he knows if people trust him it makes life a lot easier especially in adventuring parties. Those who are not currently aligned with him gain no such Xin Zuefits however. He will risk his life to save you because he expects to live, knowing that you will spread word of his bravery. This "expectation to live" has been misinterpreted as valor by others. Will he fight orc horde or an evil necromancer? Of course, but it is more for his own glory than because he cares for what happens if he does not interfere.
During the course of the game I expect Kaiden to grow. He should learn that being honest and loyal because people are actually your friends is actually a good thing. It is certainly a lot better than never having company or anyone to share anything with. He will also learn that choosing his battles is better than always choosing to battle. It is not just about whether or not you can win the fight, but why you should fight.
It will be a long road however.
Kaiden is a human who stands at 5'7 and weighs 157 pounds which is small to most people but about average to slightly above average where he is from. He is bald with brown eyes. He wears no jewelry, nor does he have any tattoos. His clothes are often very plain.
He wears a chain shirt. His weapons are a Cestus, and Falcata in melee, and he has a composite longbow for ranged attacks.
What Kaiden brings to the group:
Kaiden has the ability to disable traps, and he should make a good scout also. Over the course of the game he should become more versatile being able to be the party face if needed at times. He can also fight pretty well, and when ranger's focus is activated he should be on par if not ahead of many barbarians and fighters. Even when not using ranger's focus he still does pretty good damage

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

AKSUM Male Human (Mwangi) Bard 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 27 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword +4 (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow, Composite (Str +1) +6 (1d6+1/20/x3)
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
BAB +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Extra Performance
Traits Indomitable Faith, Poverty-Stricken, Resilient
Skills (*=Skill rank)
Acrobatics +7*
Bluff +7*
Climb +5*
Diplomacy +7*
Escape Artist +7*
Fly +3
Heal -1
Intimidate +9***
Knowledge (Arcana) +4*
Knowledge (Geography) +4*
Knowledge (Local) +6***
Knowledge (Nature) +4*
Knowledge (Religion) +4*
Perception +5***
Perform (String) +11*** (Versatile Performance for Bluff, Diplomacy)
Ride +3
Sense Motive +3*
Sleight of Hand +7*
Spellcraft +6***
Stealth +7*
Survival +5**
Swim +1
Languages Common
Gear Cold weather outfit, Bedroll, Backpack, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Masterwork lyre, Hemp rope, Trail rations (10 days), Everburning Torch, 19.4 gp
Combat Gear Mithral Chain Shirt, Arrows (60), Blunt Arrows (20,) MWK Shortbow, Composite (Str +1), MWK Cold Iron Longsword, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 4x Alchemist Fire, 4x Flask of Acid
Arrows - 0/60
Blunt Arrows - 0/20
Wand of CLW - 0/50
Rations - 0/10
Acid - 0/4
Fire - 0/4
Level 0
Dancing Lights
Daze (DC 13, Will)
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic
Level 1 (0/4)
Charm Person (DC 14, Will)
Grease (See entry)
Hideous Laughter (DC 14, Will)
Silent Image

Volty |
Interest. I've got a Lawful Good Elf Fighter I tried to play another campaign with. It seems to have died after a week, so I really want to see where it leads. I'm new to this, so bear with me. :) I really just want to get an actual campaign going. Fighter seems the easiest for me to handle, but would consider playing another class along the same lines, with some handholding.
Cliched, a little. But I like the idea of a LG char clashing with the others.
Born into a religious family, he never quite fit in with the others. His father raised him to uphold the virtues of his god, including being truthful and protecting others. Growing up, he was outgoing and tried to do his best to live up to the code of morals taught by his father, a priest of Iomedae. Thought of by many to be a "suck up", he took pride in the knowledge that he was doing what was right and best for others. His pride suffered when this distanced him from other children, who preferred to spend their time not in the company of someone they thought might get them in trouble.
His father saw that his son was meant to fight for others, and took pity on the outcast young elf. He purchased a used, and somewhat battered, longsword for his son to learn. He began practicing with the longsword as a diversion, and soon became obsessed. Not a traditional Elven weapon by any means, he practiced with it for years, gaining some skill, and growing to be able to handle the heavy weapon. Without a master to teach him, he was forced to rely on forms and lessons from books, and soon found his skills stagnating. With this in mind, and a need to prove himself to the others in his community, he set out to make a change.

Wareagle |

Opening recruitment for yet another pbp please check out if your intrested Pool of Radiance Recruitment still continuing with this one just thought I'd let y'all know :)

Arknight |

I've got an idea for a Barbarian, son of a chief and exiled from his clan because the Shaman took power, killed the chief and made it appear that the son was to blame. However, with no direct proof, the clan exiled him instead of killing him. He's looking to gain the skill and knowledge to return and take his rightful place.
Probably a Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager / Bear totem Warrior)

valliss |

You could say Morphet has magic in his veins almost. He is 3rd generation sorcerer. He grew up hearing bedtime stories from his Grandma on wild adventures she had in her youth. Fighting kolbolds, goblins, and even putting a stop to an orc king. She had grown up in a small mountain village and had been taught by the local shaman how to harness and use her abilities. He always loved when Grandma would do story time.
Dad on the other hand had been a sorcerer as well, but he seemed more to use his abilities to help him make a living. He was a jack of all trades type, and didn't' really specialize in any thing. From using Mend to fix clothing, to prestidigitation to clean hard to clean items. Magic was just a means to help him live. He tried to instill these ideas in Morphet, but grandma's stories were the things of wonder and he just had to do more. His dad tried to convince him not to go adventuring that it was too risky and dangerous. But Grandma had secretly given Morphet her old spell book and was teaching him the spells from it. So for the most part his arguments fell of deaf ears.
Feeling ready and being consumed with call for adventure he left home to go find it. That was three years ago. He has now fought goblins. orcs, and bandits and more. He has made sure to stop home every few months to check on dad, share some wealth with him, and share his stories with Grandma. He currently is on one of these visits. Tho this is not a happy visit, Grandam much to his dismay passed on two weeks back. Father has given him permission to go though her stuff and take anything he might find useful. He finds (insert item here after getting equipment) and keeps it as a reminder of her. Hearing the call to the Land of Song for adventurers has brought back memories of one of the stories grandma had told him, of putting down a some necromancer and his undead horde. He recalled that grandma had lost a friend there to the evil necromancer. If that evil is rising again he knows grandma would have wanted him to go help, with this in mind he says his goodbyes again and sets off for the land of songs.

Scarogoth |

Opening recruitment for yet another pbp please check out if your intrested Pool of Radiance Recruitment still continuing with this one just thought I'd let y'all know :)
I shall withdraw my barbarian suggestion from this campaign, not least because it looks like someone else is doing the same, but also because I do prefer to play a character from first level. I have suggested Melismar for the Pool of Radiance campaign, and hope you'll give him due consideration. Many thanks.

Tareth Ravensgaurd |

Here's a draft background for Khalil Noyon a level 2 rogue, level 1 cleric of Calistria.
Khalil Noyon a Keleshite from the far desert land of Osirion grew up among the temples and back alleys of the port city of Totra. His father served the port master as an accounting clerk while his mother was washer, seamstress, and general caretaker of Khalil and his seven brothers and sisters. Born with a free spirit, natural gift for curiosity and a healthy disregard for authority Khalil often found himself on the wrong end of the disciplinary stick. While growing up he often witnessed his father's complaints about his work and the lack of opportunities, corruption, or some other scandal occurring in the vast city government. Yet, when he asked why not leave and seek out something new his father would simply clap a hand aside his head and mutter something about duty, responsibility, and the law. None of which Khalil much understood or believed in.
When not under the watchful eye of his parents, which was actually quite often, Khalil wandered the streets and especially the docks. This land of a thousand tales of wonder and distant lands told by the sailors, merchants, and minstrels became his second home. He would spend many of his days listening, and learning. It was during the summer of his fifteenth year when he first met Osman the Bold, a minstrel and professional thief.
Osman took the young Khalil under his wing and began teaching him the basic arts of thieving and trickery. Khalil took to it like a fish to water. His natural boyish charm and looks, along with a talent for locks and mechanical things meant he could get in and out of nearly any building in the city. The two worked well together until one day Osman was no longer waiting for him outside of the The Sailing Harpy Inn as he usually was. It wasn't long before he heard the watch had been on the hunt for the minstrel and he had taken flight on the first ship leaving port that morning. Not dissuaded by this turn of events, Khalil focused on improving his skills and developing schemes of his own.
It was during this period when he first met Marza, daughter of the regional governor. She was beautiful, charming, manipulative, and completely beyond Khalil's status. Khalil found himself deeply smitten by the girl's beauty and he sought to win her favor. She used the young thief's infatuation to get him to spy and steal for her father's enemies until he finally got caught by the city guard sneaking into the study of a wealthy merchants home. With his arrest everything changed. His father disowned him, Marza denounced any knowledge of his existence, and he was soon to be executed.
Never being a very religious person, the now eighteen year old Khalil, did what many do in his situation, he turned to the divine for assistance. Osman had always worn a symbol of Calistria underneath his tunic and had often spoken of the patron goddess of thieves and luck. So Khalil spent the night before his execution praying and waiting.
It was in the early morning hours as the moon was slowly sinking below the horizon that the goddess heard the young man's prayer and took notice. It was simple to make the guard slip and fall against the bars of Khalil's cell, the keys easily within reach. A mere snap of her fingers to cause the other guards to be soundly asleep at the beginning of what would be a large scale prison break.
As the keys rattled across the filthy stone of the cell, Khalil couldn't believe his fortune. Rising from his prayers, he grabbed the small metal pieces of freedom and unlocked the cell. Taking the fallen guards sword and uniform, he made a quick disguise and made good his escape, but not before opening all of the other cells and releasing chaos into the streets of unsuspecting Totra.
During his flight from the prison he was running down an alley when the street actually collapsed beneath his feet dropping him into the sewers below. Upon regaining consciousness he realized he couldn't get back to the street level from here and didn't wish to call for help so he slowly made his way in the dark. Feeling his way carefully step by step and facing down a growing panic that he would never find his way back to the surface, Khalil passed through the first test of his new patron goddess. After nearly three days of wandering in the dark, beneath the city, the young thief finally came to a small, dimly lit shrine. Predictably the shrine was to Calistria, and as he again slipped into unconsciousness Khalil dreamed of a beautiful woman blessing him and telling him of a journey he must make in return for her patronage and help.
He woke finding the back of his hand marked with a tattoo in the shape of a wasp and more amazingly in a bed with the smell of tea steeping next to a tattered copy of The Book of Joy on a table at his side. Struggling to stand he tried to shake off the dreams of the night before while sipping the tea. A note written in an elegant hand also sat on the table next to a small pouch. The pouch contained an amount of gold and silver while the note sent a slight chill down Khalil's spine. It stated that he was on his way to the Land of Songs and that there he would met his destiny and repay his debt to his new goddess. It was only then that he felt the floor rocking slowly beneath his feet and heard the sounds of waves washing past the ship as it sailed north.
Vorik Torgrimson a paladin with a strong dislike for the undead.
Standing nearly six and a half feet tall and weighing in at over 250 pounds, Vorik Torgrimson is a mountain of a man and tends to fill any room he walks into. Jovial, kind hearted, and often boistrious by nature Vorik is often nicknamed the Bear. He is a man of honor, integrity, and deep convictions while understanding in the fallibilities and challenges all mortals face within themselves.
The son of a former Ulfen dragon ship raider, Vorik was always drawn to the martial life. He grew up in the small village of Feldheim Falls hearing tales of raids, great battles and the heroes of legend. His father taught him sword and axe work as well as how to care for the tools that would serve him well in battle. When he came of age it was simply assumed Vorik would take up the sword he crafted with his own hands and join Jarl's army to serve his people. Yet raiding or fighting for plunder and without a cause was a thing of the past, fighting for crown, country, or diety often led down a path contrary to his own sense of justice, honor, and desire to leave this world a better place than when he arrived.
So Vorik crafted his sword, but then broke with tradition and set forth to the south to travel the lands of the inner sea. During his wanderings he took up the cause of innocents and justice, seeking out evil in its many forms. His successes and failures have left his a stronger, wiser and much more skillful warrior. A solid tactician and swordsman, but more significantly he has become a potent force against all things undead. The undead and their keepers are one sure thing to fire Vorik's usually mild temper and turn him into a cold, merciless, destructive force.
This hated of all things undead is the direct result of the death of his younger sister Dora at the hands of undead fiends who harassed his village for a winter before they were driven out by the men of the village. Unfortunately, they never found the one who commanded the dead, so to this day Vorik hunts in the hope he will eventually avenge his sibling.
Hearing of the troubles back in his native land, Vorik has ridden long and hard to answer the need for brave souls to face this unknown and menacing evil.
I'll develop a character sheet if one is selected. Thanks.

Mr. Swagger |

Opening recruitment for yet another pbp please check out if your intrested Pool of Radiance Recruitment still continuing with this one just thought I'd let y'all know :)
I don't know how you do it. I am struggling and I am only running one pbp.
<bows respectfully>
Mr. Swagger |

For those of you wanting to run a paladin I have no intention of slaughtering villages, or killing party members in their sleep, and so on(random other annoying habits of badly played evil characters). Paladins are allowed to travel with evil people as long as it is necessary, and since an entire group of people(the village/town/etc) we are trying to save may perish otherwise I think that qualifies. Me trying to convince the paladin to loosen up, and the paladin trying to get me to see the error of my ways should make for some good RP. I won't be as merciful as a paladin, but killing for the sake of killing is not how I will run my character. Such things only draw attention, mostly unwanted, and if I can make the people love me(us) they will be more likely to cooperate.

Greyson Caine |

Doomed Hero here submitting Greyson Caine for consideration.
Essentially he's the most non-standard paladin ever. He's a guy who was on the fast-track to big time hero stuff who became disillusioned with church politics and the fetters that bind people who actually want to help others. Long story short he became a drunk and then mouthed off to the wrong people about how their methods sucked, and even through he never broke his vows to his god, he was still stripped of his knighthood.
After a few years spent inside a bottle he's ended up as the bouncer in a brothel, keeping out the riff-raff, making sure folks are respectful and patching up the girls when johns get rough. They feed him, clothe him and try to pay him (which he refuses), and let him drink in peace. It's all he really wanted for a long time. Lately there's been something simmering though, maybe a divine calling, to shake it all off and do something that's actually worth a damn.
He's a hero who gave up on the big picture, walked face first into the most wretched place he could find with the mission of cleaning it up, just to prove that it was the ones the church scorned that needed them the most, and now that he's done it he's ready for something bigger. He curses, drinks, doesn't have much patience with anything he sees as stupid. He also thinks that people are basically good if you offer them a chance, and that the law is supposed to be there to protect those that can't take care of themselves from those that can.
Mechanically he's a Paladin/Monk, though I haven't really figured out the planned ratio yet.

Spectrum |

Another submission from Doomed Hero
Spectrum is not his real name, of course. He took it after trying to explain to stumble-tongued humans how not to pronounce Ryllathllyn.
It's more of a symbol of the work he's dedicated to. It's well known that magic, when viewed with arcane sight, is divided into "colors". Spectrum believes that mastering the nuances of these colors is the key to truly mastering magic. To that end he has taken it upon himself to push the boundaries of what he is capable of as hard and fast as he can in order to observe the effects of destructive magics in use. Because no one is going to volunteer to be pushed through a prismatic wall so some elf can watch how the magic interacts as it's rearranging their skin, Spectrum has decided to go out looking for trouble. It makes his research more authentic anyway.
Spectrum is brilliant, arrogant, and extremely dedicated to his craft, and practically fearless in pursuit of his goals. His willingness to watch people slowly have their flesh seared off by a Flaming Sphere often makes people think of him as sadistic or cruel, but they're failing to see that the flesh searing isn't at all the point. Most of the time he couldn't care about the subject one way or the other. It's all in the pursuit of knowledge.
Despite his general ambivalence about normal morality, Spectrum is not a loner or a monster. He enjoys the company of others so long as they do not hinder his research and he fully recognizes that keeping each other safe is the best and fastest way for him to succeed.
Mechanically, Spectrum is a straight forward Wizard with some crafting feats and a penchant for rainbow-themed magic.

Mr. Swagger |

I'll base the date on how many applications are in
Beckett I will allow you to make a spontaneous cleric not sure about FS though
I guess I worded it badly. Are you going by player applications or character applications.
If I post 10 characters, dont worry I have no plan to do that, does it count as 1 application or 10?