Avrora Vikta |
Just to clarify, Rexia the "tomboy" was a girl. As a teenager, he transitioned from female to male. Varian's childhood memory is of a little boy, so I might be confused?
Varian Tanessen |
Ok, I didn't know the meaning of "tomboy" (as I've said before, I'm not a native speaker). Please just assume that the "boy" in Varian's childhood memory is a girl!
Phineas Aceron |
Reading back through everything, I think Avrora's got it right. My spoiler tag for how Phineas knows Rexus didn't mention the sex change at all, so I've been a little bit confused up until now. Phineas wasn't in Kintargo when it happened, so I am guessing he doesn't know.
Isabel Rhelian |
You've all got it. Rexus had a magical/alcheical sex change in the mid-teen years. He BECAME a man having been born a woman.
DM Crustypeanut |
Yep. Phineas and Galen likely wouldn't have known (though Phineas is more likely to know, considering his association with Rexus's parents).
But yes, Isabel's got it. I wasn't aware that Varian wasn't a native speaker, so I didn't outright say he had a sex change. Rexia the girl grew up to be quite the young man named Rexus.
Varian Tanessen |
I wasn't aware that Varian wasn't a native speaker, so I didn't outright say he had a sex change. Rexia the girl grew up to be quite the young man named Rexus.
Well, that's somehow flattering since it means that I've managed to express myself good enough in English XD
DM Crustypeanut |
Not sure if I'll be able to get a post up until the morning, had to stay late busting my ass at work cleaning up the horrendous mess they decided to leave a co-worker and I, right before the district manager is coming in (tomorrow).
Exhausted in eight different ways and I have a massive headache. I'll try to get a post up but no guarantees.
Gonna be lurking at the least, though.
DM Crustypeanut |
Did you guys want to take Danyeren to the Songbird Hall today or leave her at Galen's for a few days? I saw mention of the former, but didn't see you guys mention her in any of your later posts.
I'll leave it open and out of the upcoming update until you guys decide - we can always add it as an amendment later on depending on what you guys wanted.
Isabel Rhelian |
I understood it that we had done so.
I suggested it, Galen agreed and we only moved on when Darian wanted to speak with Isabel privately. So I assumed that we were able to take her there the day of the riot and only then did Darian, Phineas and Isabel return home.
We can role-play it out if need be :)
Phineas Aceron |
Yeah, I assumed we took her there as well. Are we good with just assuming we dropped her off, or should we role play it out?
Also, I know I asked about this before, but I wanted to ask again since we are possibly selling things. The second half of the Negotiator Bard's Fast Talk ability is very poorly written. The intent appears to be to make them good at buying and selling things, but when using the standard rules for selling you don't get anything for convincing the buyer that your item is worth more. It kind of works if using the bartering rules from Ultimate Campaign, if you assume that the appraise check triggered by fast talk replaces the appraise check used to price the item in step two of the bartering rules.
How exactly do you want Fast Talk to work with regards to selling and buying things, Crusty? Does it do anything useful, or is it just fluff with no mechanical benefit?
Phineas Aceron |
Also, is Holy Water a controlled substance? Phineas may want to pick some up at Songbird Hall, since we may be going somewhere haunted. He'll forge a license if it is, but I want to work that into the post depending. I could have sworn I read somewhere that silver weapons and other anti-devil equipment were heavily restricted, but I'm not finding it in the players guide.
DM Crustypeanut |
One or both of you (or neither of you) can make a post about you taking her there, either way works.
I'm too tired from work today to make a post, and as far as the Fast Talk thing goes, I'll look it up later. Too tired. Feet hurt. So many chuck roasts wrapped and sold. So much meat.
Much pain, such ow. Had to walk to and from work too.
Isabel Rhelian |
Isabel would like to request the mithril dagger - value to be reimbursed from subsequent treasure, if possible. It's the kind of weapon she could actually get away with wearing fairly openly since its all shiny and petty. People wouldn't take it (or her seriously) when wearing it and would make her a little less reliant on her sword-cane in places where it would be conspicuous.
I'd owe each of you 50gp for it I believe?
DM Crustypeanut |
Actually Isabel, in a simple-way of putting it, you'd owe the others 41.67 gp for it, since that much in itself is your share of the loot. 250 gp (sell price of the dagger) / 6. (NOT including the bracers). If you include the bracers (and actually sell them), then you collectively owe the group 183.33 gp spread between the other 5 players.
Basically, next time you guys sell loot, you'd get that much less, since the other players didn't get their share from they would've gotten selling the dagger.
Phineas, as far as Fast Talk goes, I'll allow you to attempt the increased sell price when selling art objects (aka things that need appraising) - such as the Victocora Signet ring, for example.
Basically, when you guys go to sell it, I'll roll the NPC's Appraise check and, if you want, you can sell it for an additional 10% - or higher, later on. I will then let you know when I do so and take off a round (or more, depending on how many items are being sold). I'll do it all in the background when you guys go and sell things. Although YOU, Phineas, need to have appraised it before you can use this ability.
Sound good?
DM Crustypeanut |
For now, if you guys want, we can hold off on selling the loot - Maercin doesn't deal in jewelry anyways, so you won't be able to sell it here. In this case, it still means that Isabel can hold and use the dagger - when you guys have more loot (and sell it), then she can pay for it out of her share.
I'll admit, normally I just go with a "This object is worth x gold and can be sold as such." and don't usually go for an appraise check, so I'm a bit off as far as what I want to do with it.
I wanted to step it up this time and make you guys actually appraise art objects this time, but its not working particularly well with pbp. For ease-sake, shall we just go with that you guys know what the value of an art object is, as long as someone has a few ranks in Appraise in the group?
At least until I can figure out how it would work better with Pbp.
I would in this case, allow Phineas to try and sell it for higher still - I'd roll the NPCs appraise check to see if Phineas can haggle it off as a higher price.
"Sunset" |
Yay! I helped! (^_^)
Phineas Aceron |
Appraise is one of those things that gets ignored a lot of the time because following the rules for it gets logistically complicated and it isn't immediately obvious how it is supposed to interact with the sell for half rule. Right now, I don't think we have anyone with appraise, but Phineas will stick a rank in there when we eventually level up. We can probably hold off on selling any art until then?
I like having Fast Talk apply to sell prices of art/appraised based loot but not to anything with a more standardized price. That prevents it from being used for stuff like selling crafted magic items at a profit while still being useful for something. Sounds quite reasonable to me.
Varian Tanessen |
Sorry for the delay guys, I usually have really hard times in getting the time to post on the weekends, but will catch up right now :)
DM Crustypeanut |
It happens - I just wanted to make sure you knew you needed to post in case something happened that made you forget. I've been off and on busy myself since at my work, Valentines Day (and the days leading up to it) is apparently really busy.. gotta buy them overpriced flowers and chocolates to make up for the rest of the year, of course!
(I don't celebrate Valentines Day if you haven't guessed :P)
Varian Tanessen |
GM, Varian has prepared some new spells for the current day. I will post them in the OOC section of my next post ;)
Darian Aulamaxa |
Hey guys, I have an offer I'd like to throw yalls way, see if any of you are interested. A group I am in (longest pbp I have had the honor and privilege of taking part in) is looking to add a new player. The premise of the game is a group of Pathfinders who agreed to undergo an experiment, which has resulted in us all being changed in some way (be it physical, mental, or both that are affected), effectively granting the PC's Eidolon evolutions.
It has been going on for a loooong time, and we are a very strong group of players, looking to add one more to our merry little band. Specifically, a strong roleplayer, as the group of r currently has two very active RP posters (myself, Argor, and the character Cladissa), and two less active but still strong writers and posters. We would like to add another heavy RP focused character/player to join our shenanigans and make it a bit less of a spotlight on only a couple characters.
The group consists of the following:
Myself, playing Argor, a level 7 Occultist Arcanist
Cladissa, a level 7 Witch
Nyugusk, a level 7 Alchemist
And Hrimnagel, a level 7 Inquisitor
We need another strong melee/tank to join Nyugusk on the front line beside my summons.
[url=http://paizo.com/campaigns/AbsalomAbberationsAPathfinderSocietyTale/recruiting&page=5#238}Here is the recruitment thread.[/url]
Phineas Aceron |
I think I will need to pass on this one, but thanks for the offer Thron. I don't want to get myself spread across too many games.
Darian Aulamaxa |
DM Crustypeanut |
Apologies for my relative silence lately everyone, work has been a PITA the last few days and I've been too exhausted to do much more than sit and watch shows when I get off work.
Luckily I have two days off (I'M SO HAPPY), followed by two easy shifts then another day off - and provided they schedule me as I requested, next week I should have three days off too. Plus with the holidays gone (V-Day is apparently very big in my store as I mentioned), it should be easier - at least until July.
I'm gonna be working on the update to this after I get my Iron Gods one up, which i've been neglecting a bit more than this one and need to get it moving along. It looks like everyone here is ready, unless I missed something.
Avrora Vikta |
It's OK. Personally, Monday-Wednesdays are nuts for me. I'll have to Google what PITA means.
Also Thron ty for invite but I'm also at capacity right now. Come May, I'd like to start a Curse of the Crimson Throne game, and I'll post here about that, too.
Galen Mistbringer |
Unfortunately a similar issue of heavy workload here, as I will be converting my company's data and infrastructure over to a new company's infrastructure starting tonight through this weekend. However, I will be sneaking over when I can to post and keep Galen moving along there.
DM Crustypeanut |
Heads up guys. If you see a blue dot-like thing that you can move around, DO NOT TOUCH IT. I'm using it as a way to show where you've been and explored - the reason you can move it around is I had to give everyone control so you can see through it and see where you've been.
They need a warcraft3-style fog of war system..
Phineas Aceron |
Yeah, it would be nice if they had a fog of war system were you could still see a grayed out map layer on areas you've seen. I think you might be able to block our ability to move the blue dots by sending it to the map layer; I tested doing that with a token in a game I'm running, and it was not controllable by the player despite being owned by them. I don't have dynamic lighting though, so I don't know if it would still provide vision to the owning players if moved to the map layer.
I poked around in their API a little bit. If that works, I could probably write a script that automates the process, such that whenever someone moves themselves they create an invisible token on the map layer to provide vision. It would reveal tokens in areas as well, unfortunately, but would provide for automatically revealing the parts of the map each player has seen to that player.
Would that be something you're interested in, if I was able to get it to work?
Phineas Aceron |
It has been hit or miss for me, but I can get in the majority of the time.
Varian Tanessen |
Paizo.com is launching its twitch channel, and they've decided to create a humblebundle offer. The process of personalizing the downloaded PDFs is slowing down the site, unfortunately...