DM Crustypeanut |
Hey guys I've got a question for you.
A friend and former player of mine has expressed interest in restarting my Iron Gods campaign - one that was put on hold due to RL reasons here. I've really wanted to finish that campaign but back when I wanted to restart it, I didn't have any interest from the players to get it back up and running.
Since we're finally rollin' along here, I might look into restarting that one - and since two of my players (Darian, I'm looking at you for one 'em) had a hard time getting into the theme of a science-fiction-meets-fantasy setting I would like to see if any of you guys might be interested in filling out the party of (probably 4-5, but 6 at most)
We'd be starting at the beginning of book 2 where I left off - character creation would be roughly similar to Hell's Rebels, but at level 4.
Darian, since you were in that campaign, if you want in I'll guarantee you a spot - Gyrfalcon is the other player expressing interest, as he's made a guy for another Iron Gods campaign that fell out.
I do need to work on updating the campaign with the ABP rules though so its not going to be right away - and unlike this campaign, I'm not going to require or even ask for as much of a heavy roleplaying investment. When we ran it before, we blew through it without any serious roleplaying (the group was a half-baked bunch of misfits anyways)
Any takers?
DM Crustypeanut |
Here is the gameplay thread for anyone interested in seeing what shenanigans we went through. A lot of the campaign ended up being played on Roll20 when 3/4ths of our group was online at a time, so there are some skippy spots in the thread that don't explain much.
DM Crustypeanut |
..also I was talking to someone and if we do this, throw everything you know about technology from the technology guide out the window. I'm making major changes to make technology actually fun and not-useless.
I'll explain more if I get some of yall interested ;)
Sorry to hear that Avrora! I've got lots of fun things planned for my IG - including the use of ABP rules again.
Phineas Aceron |
Hm. I may be interested in this. I have to think about character concepts and maybe read a little bit about iron gods first; I don't know anything about it except the magic + technology theme.
DM Crustypeanut |
I wouldn't be 100% against starting from the beginning either - it depends on those who want to join, if they want to begin from the beginning or not.
But if we did start from the beginning, I AM making a few changes to the book so those who played through it already (Gyrfalcon and possibly Darian) won't get bored. >:)
But that said, I'd rather go from book 2.
Varian Tanessen |
I love your GMing style Crusty, but I'll pass this one. I'm not really a fan of technology in RPGs :D
Isabel Rhelian |
I love your GMing style Crusty, but I'll pass this one. I'm not really a fan of technology in RPGs :D
Likewise for me Crusty. If you were running any other AP I'd be jumping up and down yelling 'pick me, pick me!' but I just cant get my head into technology+magic the way Iron Gods needs you too. I'd probably end up with a superstitious barbarian with Greater Sunder!
Sorry about the late post everyone - RL bit me in the butt last night.
Small Tarl |
Heya! Gyrfalcon here. Definitely glad you're thinking about starting this back up. This is the character I'd play. His crunch could change a bit (specifically, I could see building him as a Barbarian or a Hunter. I lean a bit toward Barb but if Thron wants to stick with Groog, I'll happily go Hunter...but a small, anxious barbarian seems like a lot of fun to play.)
Small Tarl is a wild-eyed halfling with unusually long arms & legs, covered with black fur. He’s quite muscled for a halfling. He wears furs with many small totems stitched into the seams or dangling from leather straps: teeth of great saurians, a disk cut from a mammoth tusk...and a miniature “robot” made from twisted twine (that he crafted from the images in his nightmares).
Standing just behind him is Raksasa: an obviously predatory bipedal dinosaur, her hide a mottled mix of red and brown with a spray of crimson under her chin and on the spines that ridge her back. She stands 5’ at the shoulder and almost as wide, with three massive claws on each forearm, and jagged teeth visible between her gums.
Small Tarl often keeps one hand on it’s long thick neck when around people, in order to signal as best she’s able that the spinosaurus doesn’t need to be feared.
Spinosaurus Companion (Raksasa) reference image
He is very clearly out of place in Numeria, and often looks as panicked by this strange new land as the locals do by the massive predatory dinosaur that accompanies him.
2. How long has your character been in Numeria?
Just arrived, wide eyed.
3. What drives your character to adventure in Numeria? What will keep your character invested in this motley group?
Small Tarl sometimes wakes screaming with nightmares about something he's never seen--metal monsters. His dreams have led him to make the dangerous journey to Torch from the tropical valley surrounding Tolguth in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords where the Khoeli tribe have lived for thousands of years.
His motivations are a mixture of terrified-yet-resolute desire to Do What Needs To Be Done (not that he knows what that is yet, apart from his nightmare visions which you’re welcome to supply from time to time, as it suits you...otherwise I’ll fill them in myself periodically.). He’s also quite loyal and after building a bond with other adventurers will be invested in keeping them safe.
4. How does your character feel about new technology?
Awestruck, suspicious and drawn in, all at the same time. His anger and fear will flare particularly around robots but other tech is more of a blend of frightening and fascinating.
5. How does your character feel about the Technic League?
It’s a weird foreign thing in this weird foreign land...but his understanding of what it is will start out as next-to-zero.
6. Where is your character from?
He’s a member of the Khoeli tribe, a small compound-tribe of Kellid humans and halflings that dwells with the great saurians, in the tropical jungles around Tolguth in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Within the Khoeli there is a subset of unusually hairy halflings (Agathion-blooded aasimar) like Small Tarl who have a special gift of connecting with the great saurians.
7. What is their personality like?
Anxious-to-terrified but determined (bordering on resigned/fatalistic). Loyal. Has difficulty speaking in a voice above a whisper. Quick to charge into battle but not always clear if that's his fearsome battle cry or if he's just screaming in terror.
8. What training did they undergo, if any, to become their class?
Shamanic training from a young age, since his gift was known.
9. Why does your character wield the weapon(s) they use?
He made his and Raksasa’s armor from the hide of a mammoth they felled together (mechanically, leather lamellar). He uses a (small) greatsword--the principal weapon of both the small and large folk in the Khoeli tribe.
10. If your character is religious, describe what lead them to their deity.
Small Tarl listens to the spirits that guide the Khoeli tribe (whether he wants to or not)...and when he doesn’t the nightmares increase.
11. Explain what your character's alignment means for them.
What does NG mean for Small Tarl? He cares about the lives of others and feels a spiritual duty to preserve life in general (animals, as well as humanoids). He would feel very happy to return to the tropical jungles he was born in--and away from frightening people and robots--but his sense of duty (as well as his nightmares, which he knows are sent by the spirits) keep him from doing so.
I'd be fine with starting from the beginning again or with continuing on from Book 2...though wherever we start I want him to be "fresh off the boat", just arrived in Numeria, driven by the nightmares he keeps having of Metal Monsters.
, |
Actually... a 'standard' Spellslinging Sunset. :)
A fiend friend built a useful "Mammoth Lord" magus for a campaign I was in. The "Mammoth Lord" aspect was mainly for 'flavor' for most of the campaign. (Basically picture "He-man" or "Thunndarr" from teh Saturday cartoons)
The Magus was simply passing themselves off as a 'Barbarian' and sneaking/bluffing all the magic stuff as a,
"I am Barbarian! I has magic sword!"
The large, eventually giant feline they were riding? Well... "They have THE POWWEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!" (^_^)
* I meant to type friend.. yeah.. (>_>)
DM Crustypeanut |
Ok so for those interested in Iron Gods Book 2, please go Here and post your character ideas so we don't spam this thread with it.
Varian Tanessen |
DM, do we see the Dottari coming our way? I ask it because it would influence Varian's next turn action. Thanks ;)
DM Crustypeanut |
Yep indeed you do! Only one for you guys though - the other one approaching is going towards Galen and Isabel. The remaining 10 dottari are holding the line against rioters.
Also an update to Iron Gods, as that last link no longer works, instead go here instead. Had to make a new campaign so the gameplay thread wouldn't be cluttered.
Varian Tanessen |
Yep indeed you do! Only one for you guys though - the other one approaching is going towards Galen and Isabel. The remaining 10 dottari are holding the line against rioters.
Thank you for the prompt answer DM ;)
DM Crustypeanut |
Lurking while I work on an update. Busy day at work and I fell asleep as soon as I got home.
Got a busy week this week too >.> Its gonna be tiring, so my posts will definitely be later at night after work. I sleep right until I have to go to work and since thats in the evening.. my sleep schedule is all sorts of wacked up.
Nevertheless I'll do my best to keep up with the posts :D
Galen Mistbringer |
Isabel breathes a sigh of relief as the dottari flees. Turning to Galen she bends down to heft Dany's legs as best she can and help Galen hurry along.
FRA: help Galen drag Dany - will that help get any extra distance?
Maybe that can get us another 5'-10' - maybe to that bench right there by the pond?
DM Crustypeanut |
With Isabel Helping, you guys can move at full speed carrying Dany - excluding the difficult terrain of course. So together you can move 30 ft per round as a full round actoin - make sure you stay adjacent for that to work though.
I moved her next to your character, but you two can move yourselves an extra 15 ft before you take your next actions. Galen, since you're leading, you can choose where that is.
Galen Mistbringer |
With Isabel Helping, you guys can move at full speed carrying Dany - excluding the difficult terrain of course. So together you can move 30 ft per round as a full round actoin - make sure you stay adjacent for that to work though.
I moved her next to your character, but you two can move yourselves an extra 15 ft before you take your next actions. Galen, since you're leading, you can choose where that is.
Okay I moved Galen another 15' down, accounting for the fact that I had already taken one diagonal. I probably can't do another round until tonight EST, but that allows Isabel to be farther down if she takes her Round 6 action.
Galen Mistbringer |
...what, he needed motivation! I'm a great motivator! Its a perk of being a Lawful Evil Dungeonmaster. >:)
Hehe yeah well I asked for that one didn't I?
So to my fellow players, I will work hard as I'm playing Galen to not be a complete pratt as I work through Galen's sorrows here - particularly as we are in this foreboding street & alley map (I'm a good boy and didn't look at the spoiler, but something tells me this isn't good heh).
Varian Tanessen |
Huh you know I NEVER realized that Sleep takes 1 round to cast. wonder it was so overpowered in my playtest.
It's very easy to forget. Do you believe that even though I know that it takes 1 round to cast, I'm always forgetting it every single time I GM my party in real life?
Galen Mistbringer |
Heh well that's me getting all carried away again - meant for that to not take as long to write out but you know how that goes sometimes.
@Isabel: No that's cool and it sets her up nicely early on as having her voice in the campaign. this an early push for Strategist or Sentinel Officer role? ;)
EDIT Drat it I just realized I used the wrong avatar for the much for editing review...
Isabel Rhelian |
@Isabel: No that's cool and it sets her up nicely early on as having her voice in the campaign. this an early push for Strategist or Sentinel Officer role? ;)
Isabel has strong views about how the rebellion should go ahead - her role in it... more flexible :) Lord Mayor Rhelian sounds good though ;)
Varian Tanessen |
Great RP hook Darian! I would like to post right now, but I'm far too tired. Will ppst tomorrow morning!
"Sunset" |
And the Scooby Doo cartoon where I'm pretty sure it was inspired from still gives me the heeby-jeebys.
Varian Tanessen |
Also, Loot:
Thron (Darian) knows how I do loot, but I want to clarify with everyone else since you haven't worked with me in the past.
I will be keeping track of all loot on the Loot Tracker (will be posted shortly), which will keep track of the sell price of all loot obtained by the group. This, including coins, will be totaled and then divided up by the number of players, which equates to each players' share value, representing each player's share of the loot if everything was sold.
For players who want items from the loot list, they may 'buy' items from the loot list by spending an amount of gold equal to the item's sell value to claim it. If the item in question costs more than the player's share value, then they may either take money out of their own pocket to pay the other players or issue an IOU, going into loot-debt, where you'll owe one or more players part of your loot later.
Restorables (Potions/wands/scrolls of curing spells or whatnot) are generally left OFF of the sell-list by me an as assumption that you guys would rather use them for the benefit of the group. This means that they don't figure in to share value. Other items as you guys see fit can be put into this list too (just let me know).
Example: You guys end up getting done with adventuring for the day and come up with loot that sells for a total of 6,000 gp. This may represent a mixture of gear (sold at 1/2 price), gems (sold at full value) and coins (counted for full value), but totals to 6,000 gp. Because there are six players in the group, that means everyone has a share-value of 1,000 gp.
Lets say of that, one of you wants a suit of masterwork chainmail - the normal price of that is 300 gp, while the sell-value is 150 gp. They would take 150 gp out of their 1,000 gp share value and end up with 850gp and the suit of armor. If thats all they wanted, they would add 850 gp to their coins and the suit of armor to their inventory. If another player wanted a single object amongst that...
Do you mean this?