GM Zoomba |

Hello all, this is a Discussion thread! (there are many discussion threads, but this one is ours)
If you could check in and provide the following:
Character name:
PFS/Organized Play number:
Earn Income: (if you'd like: you can also roll it later on your own now)
I would also ask if your character's signature could include AC, saves, Init, and Perception mods. And if there's anything unusual or special about your PC, let me know!

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So judging by the party composition we are probably going to need a tankish character and that would be my summoner. I am going to double check the rules relegated to PFS but I believe that the summoner gets two exploration activities because of act together. In regard to skill checks contingent on group successes you are still treated as one PC and you have to choose between the eidolon or summoner to make the check. If anyone has any additional information please feel free to tell me. I've only played her once as a summoner and while it is fun its a confusing class.
Character Name: Lynn and Ezra
Number: 59724-2007
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
XP: 36
Money: Ill figure that out as soon as I level her up
Earn Income: Still need to level her up to 4
Also ignore the information. That's back from when she was an oracle.

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Hello Lynn. I GMed a game you played in a while ago. And yes, summoners are awesome. You get to perform 2 exploration activities since you can do Tandem actions.
I haven't seen an official ruling on skill checks. The GMs I've spoken to let me choose either Summoner or Eidolon to make the check, and then the other one gets to Aid the leader. I still can't find an official ruling since it's a PFS specific mechanic.
Character name: Miladistra
PFS/Organized Play number: 133608-2002
Faction: Verdant Wheel
XP: 39
Money: 292.43
Earn Income: Performance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 DC 16. Success earns me 2.4 g for 8 days of Downtime.
Miladistra has the Beastmaster archetype. She has an Animal Companion.
Miladistra is a >Whisper Elf<, so she can Seek creatures in a 60 foot cone, and she gets a +2 bonus to hear undetected creatures within 30 feet.

Deroff |

This is Miladistra's Animal Companion. He is size Large.
As a >mature beastmaster companion<, Deroff can use an action to Stride or Strike even if I don't Command an Animal.
Deroff has low light vision and scent (imprecise 30 ft) as extra ordinary senses.
GM, I assume you will group is initiative with Miladistra's?

GM Zoomba |

Yes: Deroff's initiative will go on Miladistra's
And I believe that is the same for the eidolon as well, right? Excited to run for a summoner for the first time - and a big benefit of doing it in PbP is that if I need to check something I can do it without pausing the table game in real-time for 5 minutes :)

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Hello Lynn. I GMed a game you played in a while ago. And yes, summoners are awesome. You get to perform 2 exploration activities since you can do Tandem actions.
Yeah that's the same character. I originally had contemplated making her eidolon a sheep as a reference to that session but I kind of fell in love with a particular NPC from a module I ran recently.
Also, apparently the victory point clarification was in the additional resources section. Yes the eidolon and summoner act on the same initiative given that they are sharing the same pool of actions. I presume you use the summoner's initiative.
Gold has been updated. Im just trying to figure out what else I want to buy before I finish the profiles.

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Hi there!
Character name: Elixia Zielle
PFS/Organized Play number: 57894-2001
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
XP: 4
Money: 48.48gp
Earn Income: Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
I think that's DC 15 so a critical success for 2.4gp?
I don't there's anything too unusual about Elixia beyond her personality and my posting times (my work schedule is messed up so I can usually only post after 1 or 2am US central time) ;)
Let me know if there's anything wrong with her by-line? Thank you and looking forward to playing with you all!

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Where is that clarification? Ah, >I found it<
The intent of the clarification is that each player gets one dice roll to make a check if it's not something that affects every pawn on the table (so one die roll for a skill check, multiple for an AoE save). Unless it is a passive ability, your summoner should not be able to use their eidolon to aid themselves.
Okay, that clears things up.

LoreMaster GM |

Hey friends! I know I am super super late, but if it would be cool with you all, could I play a pre gen at this table? I am well equated with posting on paizo boards, but has been a bit. In the coming hour I will post what class I am interested in playing based on what we already have.

LoreMaster GM |

My initial thoughts is to play the swashbuckler iconic. It seems like a melee damage dealer would be useful and I have never played that class. Any thoughts from the group?

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The swashbuckler looks like a fun class. I haven't closely looked at the pregen but still if you feel like you'll have fun playing the swashbuckler go for it. We're pretty well balanced in regards to everything so you aren't going change anything.
Also, I can't speak for anyone else but I don't mind.
So here's my equipment purchases
+1 Striking Staff
3 Level 3 Heal Scrolls
Adventurer's Pack
Climber's Kit
4 Eagle Eye Elixir's level 1
As for remaining gold I have 23.286gp remaining which is an odd amount and a byproduct of a rebuild boon. The school I am a part of is spells and I am taking a level 1 heal scroll. My lore is Pathfinder Society Lore.
day job performance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

LoreMaster GM |

Just my luck, the swashbuckler isn't coded for easy copy and paste for a profile. I will get the profile set up early tomorrow for that character then. Excited to play in a special. It had been awhile since I have played in a special event!

LoreMaster GM |

Ohh... I am just a fool, there isn't a level 3 iconic for most classes. I will need to pick from the short list. I will go with Amiri for this adventure then.

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Amiri reporting for duty!
The Chronicle will be applied to my other character. Information is provided below
Character name: Ron Hawthorn
PFS/Organized Play number:263822-2001
Faction: horizon hunter
XP: 21
Money: 26.2.1
Earn Income: (not sure how this works with pre gens. Will need to read into this tomorrow)

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Hi LoreMaster GM. I don't mind having another teammate.

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Character name: Othello
PFS/Organized Play number: 5369-2004
Faction: Radiant Oath
XP: 46
Money: 37
Earn Income: (if you'd like: you can also roll it later on your own now)
Day Job (medicine): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

GM Zoomba |

Happy to get you Othello!
And we are now officially off!
So, few admin items as we begin in earnest. First: each of you are starting off the adventure with one Hero Point.
If any of you have some more points to spread around on your own due to GM glyphs, let's take care of that here, and now.
Second, the first two slides on the link at the top of this campaign and in my profile are good places to post your character image(s), pronouns, and marching order. Please post your details there is you have not yet done so.
Third: amongst the benefits you received from doing well in the mustering challenges are choices of a few items. Please choose them now, as well as any school items you may be bringing with you this adventure.
And finally (for now, I may think of more), as with all multi-table specials as we adventure there will be multiple paths or potential investigations/missions you will need to choose to undertake. To keep things moving, I will proceed once one of the choices has a majority (3 players here) vote. And as we're going, when we near the end of one mission I can let you know in this thread and you all can discuss and decide in advance what to do next.

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GM Glyph: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Lynn, here's a hero point.

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I'll take an antidote from Supplies.
I'll take a scroll of Burning Hands and a scroll of Restoration from the Magical Investigation.
I'll take a scroll of Resist Energy from the School of Scrolls.

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Earn Income: lore: PF society dc14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
I look it up and the downtime applies to the character I am giving the chronicle to.
It is unclear how picking a "school" works for playing a pregen, so I will assume it is the same school as the applied character as well (and if it is a free choose, I would choose the same).
School- lesser darkvision elixir
Magical Investigations- Bloodsucker Beak (Can I take the same item twice? Only one is useable for me)
Supplies- Lesser antidote

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The only other option would be to get a scroll for someone else. The beak isn't great for me since I don't have sneak attack so if someone wants one more of the scrolls, you can take my second item. If no one claims it, I will take a second beak.

GM Zoomba |

GM poker face remains up
Besides that, several options for your first mission have been provided in the Gameplay thread.
Also, it looks like Elixia will be leaving us due to unforeseen circumstances. While always sad, we still have a nice strong group of four here! (at 22 challenge points)

GM Zoomba |

Lynn: As Elixia has departed, if you'd like to re-direct your GM-glyph hero point that'll be fine :)

GM Zoomba |

If you are able to attempt a standing jump.
The low gravity will make you jump twice as far/high, and I will extrapolate you'd only need 5 feet of striding before making the Leap.

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Going to say that the jump will probably be the best tactic here. None of us seem to have tools even with the summons having trickery and I am not sure we will be okay if we use the summons to set the traps off since they seem to reset automatically. The pathfinder clearly set them off but they still seem to function.

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Note to DM:
Othello has a reaction. If he is within 15 feet of an enemy who damages an ally who is also within 15 feet, then Othello will make the enemy feel guilty. See Glimpse of Redemption.
If there is a single attacker, then I will use it on the first successful attack. If there are multiple attackers, then, generally, I will wait until there is a critical hit.
If the enemy is doing damage via a spell, rather than physical damage, Othello will enfeeble them, as per Weight of guilt

GM Zoomba |

Thank you for confirming/letting me know. I will presume Othello will use this whenever the opportunity arises - if there's a specific fight where that tactic may change (i.e. you want to wait for whatever reason to only use it on attacks vs player A instead of the first attack against any player), let me know!

GM Zoomba |

As we are rapidly approaching the end of this first mission, which would you like to tackle next when you're done here?
* A library
* A room with a strange, glowing phenomena
* A room draconic voices seemed to be coming from
* An ominous sanctum

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1d4 ⇒ 1 Library it is.
I'll have to remember to buy Thieves Tools when I get the chance. But I'm a frail elf where Bulk is a priority.

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Library works for me. Honestly, since there isn't much go off of, I am fine if we just go in order. I don't think any of those options seem better than the rest for Amiri and it might make help the GM if they know where we are headed next.

GM Zoomba |

Yeah: unlike many other recent specials (at least the SFS ones) this one doesn't really have a 'type of mission' hint.
I will say of all the remaining, none require Thieves Tools as much as this one :p

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Alright, I'll use the classic trap disabler: Disposable minion!

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Oh, thanks for the catch! I forgot to update the skills section. Everything else looks alright.
Miladistra has no compunctions with summoning evil fey to serve as bait.

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I don't get to use it too often in game, usually the animals are instantly hostile. But I would use it to speak to Deroff directly.

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I don't get to use it too often in game, usually the animals are instantly hostile. But I would use it to speak to Deroff directly.
The funny part is that I just knew you were a Fey Sorcerer. I didn't know you had speak with animals as a spell.

GM Zoomba |

Othello seems interested int he glowing thing for the next section after this. Anyone else?

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Sounds like we're doing glowing stuff next.