![]() Obi wrote: EDIT: Also wanted to show off some of my DA creations! lol me likey! specially the fighter he looks very cloud-y (final fantasy VII) I have a friend who does chaarazy DA stuff http://distortedsmile.deviantart.com/ I know she'd like any publicity :) and I thought the posting for this was gonna be two a day? Thats what i'v been aiming for and theres not much chance of me posting any more often. (busy man and all that) I actually prefer it a bit slower (1 or 2 posts a day) I'm in england so on fast post days I tend to wake up and you yanks have already done everything whilst im asleep! ;);) (ellaria excluded). I see 9 posts as sliiiiightly excessive :P So to answer your question DK sure I'm enjoying it its great! (still sort of trying to figure out Bellis character wise but getting there) Your doing a good job, but I wont be able to post any more often than 1-2 times a day so if thats not regular enough let me know. ![]()
![]() Amael wrote: I think it has to do with liking the animated movies grittyness more, nostalgia, a genuine hatred/dislike of Michael Bay, dislike of "remakes", and overall contempt for cinema lazyness. +1! I havnt seen the second movie but general consensus is its worse than the first which means I definetly dont want to see it! I could barely tolerate the first one (mostly for the reasons amael listed above), nostalgia (and megan fox :P) were the only reason I continued to watch it. I dont mind though, In the end Hollywood is out to make money, which it did, so they must have done something right. The original animated movie is still vastly superior though (in my opinion) even if it is firmly rooted in the 80's (awesome soundtrack!!!!) ![]()
![]() Naomi Fairchild wrote:
The elf in me says "kill!!" but the child in me says "awesome!!" + team fairchild is an brilliant name! ![]()
![]() I would LOVE to get involved in this! I've been a long time lurker of this thread for a while now. heres my submission: Amrunelara Moonlance, chaotic good female elven fighter. Hails from arsmeril in the mierani forest, Amrunelara is solemn and somber elf who barely speaks about from when asking questions...which she does a lot! she believes that learning from the world outside the forest, the world of the humans, is the only way the elves can prevent tradgedies like what happened to the city of emrald rains from happening again. she finds true beauty in the mastery of the blade and truly enjoys every battle. Anyone who watches her fight can see she always has a smile on her face. She doesnt enjoy causing pain or killing though and will always try to revive her opponents if they do not seem wholly evil. After the elves of Arsmeril heard of the goblin attacks on sandpoint Amrunelara was sent to sandpoint by the instructors of her "blade academy" to assess the threat of the goblin menace and establish whether they were a threat to the forest. Amrunelara herself see's it as a chance to learn as much as possible about human culture and the outside world, whilst further homing her "art" I'm going to take Amrunelara in the direction of a dex based fighter specialising in elven curve blade. really hope i get in!! ps. big fan of darst! ![]()
![]() Sorry everybody but my life has become way too hectic for me to continue with this. Thanks for sticking with it so far, you've been excellent players and its been a pleasure to game with you. Sorry again and I hope you all find other games to enjoy. Allan P.S. If you want to see if someone else will take over DM'ing duties be my guest, but from what I've seen theres a lot of players out there and very few DM's. ![]()
![]() Memori wrote: By the by, please feel free to roll for any passive sort of determination that you may need for Ama. Initiative, Saves, if it will hold up the game while you wait for me to post one dice roll and no text, roll it. I like the fast pace of this game Same here im not bothered about rolling my own saves and such. ![]()
![]() This wasnt me but it was still funny as hell. Our party's stupid crazy evil possessed TWF elven Ranger triggered a trap in Castle Ravenloft that teleported him from one of the rooms to outside the tallest spire in the castle. Said ranger is falling fast, tries to slows his fall by plunging his swords into the castle wall...breaks swords...remembers he randomly picked up an amber amulet of vermin (giant bee) in one of the last fights...uses said amulet to conjure a giant Bee and float safely down to the floor on the bee's back. Runs down back to where we started and catches us up...and we thought we'd got rid of him! ![]()
![]() This seems really cool!! 2d20 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16 damn repeat
Race:1d8 ⇒ 8 and again
1d2 ⇒ 2 Female weapons:
Sally's friend betty the dwarf was killed by goblins last year. She now uses betty's axe to kill anything that remotely resembles a goblin!! RARGH!!! ![]()
![]() Thinking Human Rogue. The second son of one the noble houses of Westcrown, he was training as a spy who would report only to his father, even his very existence was kept secret and only his brother, father and mother knew he was a member of the noble family. His whole family was arrested and put to the sword when charges of treason and conspiracy were levelled against his father. He now lives on the streets, selling his services as a spy and saboteur to the highest bidder, all the while vowing revenge on those that took his family from him. ![]()
![]() Darkmoon Vale:
The Place - DARKMOON VALE Darkmoon Vale stands at the northwestern corner of the democracy of Andoran, which only recently succeeded in breaking away from the infernal empire of Cheliax. Whilst it lies within Andoran's borders, the laws, honor and chivalry that so well characterises Andoran seem to have escaped Darkmoon Vale. Danger lurks in every corner, every nook and cranny, of Darkmoon Vale. Some threats are obvious—they come in the form of werewolves, kobolds, and dragons. Some threats—and these are by far the more dangerous—are normal humans, from community leaders to streetwise toughs. Hazards are not limited to the area’s living inhabitants, either. In fact, compared to the active dangers presented by much of Darkmoon Vale’s geology, its living threats might almost seem tame. Vast swaths of the low plain within the wide vale hide superheated mud and broiling hot springs beneath only an inch or two of earth, waiting to boil alive any creature unfortunate enough to make a single misstep. And, of course, standing above the entire area looms the immense volcano, Droskar’s Crag, the awakener of the region’s active geology and architect of the largest cataclysm to hit Andoran in the past millennium. Falcon's Hollow:
The Town - FALCON'S HOLLOW Falcon's hollow...a blunt, sawdust-choked stop on a winding trade route, a festering haven of injustice and cruelty, Falcon’s Hollow
Many come here to make their fortune cutting darkwood lumber in the lush wood, while others journey to this remote fringe to start over, piecing together their shattered lives on the edge of an untouched wilderness far from the things of man. Persecuted zealots and outcasts flock to Falcon’s Hollow to practice their strange and often deviant rites unfettered by the mores of civilization. Finally, Falcon’s Hollow lures many explorers with the promise of great adventure nearby. The town, its people, and everything in it belong to the corrupt Lumber Consortium, controlled by the de facto leader of the town, the loathsome Thuldrin Kreed. His petty decrees and the consortium’s overpriced goods keep the people of the town prisoner as surely as if Kreed and his goons used manacles and chains. The adventure begins...:
The Inn - The Sitting Duck Adventurer Central, well thats what the few adventurers who pass through town call the place. At the Sitting Duck you can find excitement, fun and maybe even a drink or two in exchange for a few tales...well, at least thats what you've heard. It is also the best place to meet others of the adventuring persuasion, and so...you are here. This loud raucous inn is in full swing as the locals spend what little copper they have spare trying to forget about the days hard labour. Most people are sitting at the round, solid looking wooden tables chatting and laughing loudly, others stand around the back wall playing an extremely dangerous looking knide throwing game, more still stagger past you, singing old drinking and war songs so slurred they sound more like a madmans ramblings than real music. As you walk past you attract a few stares and frowning glances from across the room, whispers of "damn newcomers", "strange folk" and "dont trust em" flit past your ears as the atmosphere envelops you. The Barman is a tall, lanky and extremely hairy middle aged man. A thick greying beard covers most of his face but his eyes shine like diamonds beneath it. Two girls dash between tables filling up tankards whilst quickly avoiding the odd stumbling drunk, whilst a young boy barely in his teens hawks wooden statuettes to the less enebriated patrons... Well here we are. Feel free to take a seat, maybe get a drink or interact with each other or the locals. The adventure proper will begin shortly. Those of you with Knowledge Local (Grn'nak and Britton) can make checks if you want to try and recall anything specific about Falcon's Hollow or anything else above. Also here are some specific things your character may know about the area relating to race and class Mezari:
The only other gnome resident of Falcon's Hollow is one Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks, the owner of the local general store, the Goose 'n' Gander. You have heard rumour of another witch living in the Darkmoon Woods called Ulizmila Armandia:
There is a temple to Iomedae in town. It is small and ill frequented, with sermons often erupting into fights that spill out into the street. The Lady Cirthana heads the temple. Felmor:
You have heard rumour that a half-orc from Korvosa runs the rouge lady, a brothel of some repute After working in the cutyards a few days you have also discovered that the sherrif Deldrin Baleson, is somewhat of a hero among some of the lumberjacks because of his willingness to stand up to Kreed and his goons Grn'nak:
You have heard rumours that a fellow half-orc by the name of Kabran Bloodeye is always looking for 'workers' and that he owns the rouge lady, a brothel of some repute Britton: You are known to the lumberjacks of the town as they often see you out hunting in the woods You also know that the most experienced woodsman at the lumber consortium is a man named Milon Roddam Also the whispers around the Inn obviously are'nt directed at you as your native to the area ![]()
![]() Jim said wrote: I normally DM and do not get to create characters too often so Alan if you want to check and make sure I haven't made any mistakes Looks good to me so far. The dog is just a regular dog yeah? you can change it into your animal companion at lvl 4 when you get hunter's bond if you want. As its a hunting dog shall we say its trained in hunting, so it has those tricks. Just remember its not an animal companion so it takes a move action to handle it. And with that we are all good to go! Its new years eve tomorrow and im sure everyones got lots of plans (Partay!!!) so first post will go up new years day (australian time). Speak to you all then and have a good new year. ![]()
![]() Grn'nak and Armandia are both great. However Felmor has both a non-standard trait (drug addict) and a magic item (potion of CLW). I'm not too bothered about the trait however the magic item will have to go. Other than that though he's good. We're just waiting for Jim Cirillo's character now and then thats it.