Granta's Long Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Granta


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Council of Thieves Maps

Hey GM, would it be problem if I use a character with 1 XP instead of a brand new one?

Sovereign Court

Not at all. Just keep in mind that he will then be playing an evergreen at level 2, as that changes some things for you. Also, at some point you will need to drop back, either by going slow advancement or sitting out a scenario.

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2

Ok, so Giuseppe here. I reworked this character. He's now a swashbuckler, but will take all the following levels in investigator. I'm in the process of writing down his background now (being a non native speaker, that takes me a little more than normal, I suppose).

Liberty's Edge

F Ifrit Lvl 1 Cleric of Sarenrae HP 8/8 | AC 15 FF 13 T 12) CMD 11 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +2 ,Reflex +2, Will +5)| Per +3, SenMot +3| Spd 30'
Tracked Resources:
Spells 0 - 3/3 1st - 1/3, SLA - Channel Pos Energy (DC13) (4/6), Burning Hands 0/1, Fire Bolt 6/6

I'm in the same spot as Giuseppe, character is done; still need to finish the background (as switch to cleric changes what I was planning). Another day or two and I should be done and ready to go with that.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

I'm just waiting to know what people are playing and who I'm going to be guarding/related to so I can write up the fluff and decide between unchained monk and the flowing monk.

Do we need more damage output or defensive ability? If whoever I'm guarding puts out good damage then I'll go with the flowing monk, otherwise I'll go with the unchained for the balance.

Right now it looks like we only have 2 people on the frontline. I'm not sure where a swashbuckler/investigator falls or how martial the cleric will be though.

With only 2 martials, including Kembe, I'm inclined to say we need more damage output.

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

I'm definitely not a front liner. And damage output at first level will be close on zero.

Actually I could take an animal companion to start with and change out when we level up to two, just to help with that.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious

Sejiri won't be doing much damage at first level unless he is flanking, but his AC will be good and eventually his saves will be as well. I'm starting to think he isn't going to be able to remain useful unless I optimize his ability scores more, although I'm hoping I don't have to do that. Them high level adventures can be pretty deadly, though.

I tend to optimize my characters, but I do so less in online play and try to always explain the deficiency for the sake of roleplaying, so it isn't just simple min-maxing.

Liberty's Edge

F Ifrit Lvl 1 Cleric of Sarenrae HP 8/8 | AC 15 FF 13 T 12) CMD 11 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +2 ,Reflex +2, Will +5)| Per +3, SenMot +3| Spd 30'
Tracked Resources:
Spells 0 - 3/3 1st - 1/3, SLA - Channel Pos Energy (DC13) (4/6), Burning Hands 0/1, Fire Bolt 6/6

The cleric is healing and fire domain. So while I'll ranged touch attack or DC save the baddies till the cows come home, she won't be getting the scimitar out much if at all.

Sovereign Court

Don't worry, I'll cover the damage so you guys can focus on other stuff.

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

aww shucks.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

Ok so unchained monk. Next question.. who is my charge? And I need to know some of your background to marry it with my fluff.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

Any updates? If I don't have an appropriate charge to defend I'll just rework my monk to be a bit different. He'll still be a front liner monk but I'll adjust my feats and traits and skills somewhat I guess.

Sovereign Court

At this point, I would assume you don't have a charge to protect.

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

Mechanically I'd be a good choice. But Forvenniel isn't fond of men, and humans in particular. And has never been to Tien. Doesn't mean things can't change during play though.

Liberty's Edge

F Ifrit Lvl 1 Cleric of Sarenrae HP 8/8 | AC 15 FF 13 T 12) CMD 11 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +2 ,Reflex +2, Will +5)| Per +3, SenMot +3| Spd 30'
Tracked Resources:
Spells 0 - 3/3 1st - 1/3, SLA - Channel Pos Energy (DC13) (4/6), Burning Hands 0/1, Fire Bolt 6/6

Iuni Al-Ahdal was raise as a slave girl with her family of slaves in the Windswept Wastes of Casmaron. Her lord owner to one of the few settled keeps in the Wastes, the young Iuni became so mad at the cruel lord, that she burned him alive in his bed one night. So scared and ashamed she ran away into the desert for a couple of days. When she realized, she would not be able to survive the harsh terrain much longer she returned to face her doom. When she arrived at the keep, she found no one alive, it seems a nearby nomadic horse tribe hear of the death of the lord and took advantage of the situation by sacking the keep; taking any survivors along as slaves for themselves. She spent several months making due alone in the ruin of the keep when a traveling cleric of Sarenrae, happened upon the ruin, Zeshkitan Pllumm, also a Pathfinder, found the now half-wild child, and began to show her the way of the Dawnflower.

• Why did you join the Society?
Iuni joined the Pathfinder Society as a way to bring the message of the Dawnflower to world as Pathfinders are sent all over the world, following in the footsteps of her mentor Zeshkitan Pllumm.

• What is your life like outside of adventuring?

Iuni has a passion proselytizing to anyone that will hear, loud and pushy would best describe her approach, she rarely takes a break from this calling even when not on an official mission from the PFS.

• List two prejudices that you have.

Iuni has a disdain for slavers naturally. But also has little tolerance for anyone who runs away from danger, at times driving her to reckless behavior.

• Describe a memory that you still regret.

Iuni has never regret killing the slaver lord, but regrets the outcome that came from it; and also deeply regrets running away. She somehow feels like if she had stayed it would have all been okay.

• Tell two stories about people you have wronged in the past, but in one of them you thought you were in the right.

Well one was the slaver lord, obviously killing him was wrong, but he was so cruel and dreadful that he deserved it.

The other is her former mentor Pllumm, over the years all he had seen had lead him to take up the drink, and as the years went on he only increased his drinking until he basically did nothing but get drunk and wallow in misery; seeming to have lost the hope of the Dawnflower. Iuni had joined the PFS by now, and although she feels she should have done more to help the man that gave her so much; she abandoned him. She feels the guilt of it everyday.

Overall, Iuni is a zealot for Sarenrae; but her ifrit nature causes her to be unpredictable at times. Her faith in the Dawnflower is demonstrated in her flowers, even if her action are sometimes contrary to the teaching she whole-heartily believes in.

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2

Ok, so I managed to finally write down a small background for Arthur, answering the questions asked from the GM in the first page of this Discussion Thread. I plan to add more information in the future, but for now I wanted to keep the pace with the others.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

@GM Granta - travelling for business this week, if we get started I should still be able to get a post per day up, but maybe not much more.

At this point, what would you like us to have ready for you GM?

Sovereign Court

Character sheets in your profile, preferably not via link, and including the background/questions. Stat bars.

Will post more tomorrow or Tuesday. I was up from 3AM to 6:45AM yesterday, then GMed this afternoon. This is my last post for the night, and I expect to be snoring within 5 minutes :-)

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

How set are we all on the higher tier scenarios?

I've got an opportunity to play one of them :-)

Even if we get through one scenario a month (which is possible, but unlikely), it's going to be like almost two years before we touch level 7, and there will be a host of new high level content open up in that time.

Sovereign Court

I don't mind changing the schedule a few times, but would become rather annoyed if everybody played multiple scenarios on the list and we had to reschedule a third of the calendar.

Sovereign Court

Please enter your info for the chronicle sheets here.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious

Okay, I finally found my planning sheet for Sejiri I made a while ago and it turns out he starts as a paladin and then branches into ninja. Shouldn't change his build much, especially at this level, but will rework him and enter Chronicle info shortly. Just less skills to start.

Edit: Some time ago a session was incorrectly reported in saying Sejiri played it and not the character that did. Just in case it says he has a scenario under his belt, he actually does not.

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

Form filled in for Standard.

If you have any spaces in Core after the evergreen run, I'd be interested in putting Khellek through some of them. As he is slow, he'll eventually drop behind, but drops are the way of PBP, so if you need a filler-upper in it, let me know

Sovereign Court

Just waiting on Giuseppe to complete the form.

Council of Thieves Maps

Hey guys, I'm at an international meeting in Spain. I'll try to fill the form as soon as possible, although web connection here is very hard to find.

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2

OK guys, I'm back! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Anyway, I've filled the online form. I will also roll for my Day Job check below.

Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Sovereign Court

I'd like to start tomorrow. Forvenniel, please update your stat bar to include AC, hp, saves, etc. And if anybody else has a Day Job, please roll it now.

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

craft(jewellery): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 On the off chance I have a reroll left at the end, I'll take ten for 21

Dark Archive

Gummy Bear here!

Norril will forever and always take 10 on his day job roll. The result is a 22 on his Perform (Oratory) check.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

No day job here. Also Granta, I've changed my faction to match that of Sejiri, he is my charge. I've taken the adopted racial and the Helpful (halfling) trait to go with Kin Guardian. I'll work on getting more backstory written up this week, but it'll be nice to develop his personality between now and level 2 where it will be finalized.

So long story short, please go into your form and change my faction to Silver Crusade.

*Also: I have a boon trait I'm using on this guy: Caretaker from:

Champion of Time: Councilor of Time (One use: When you make a new PFS Character, you can gain a bonus trait: Caretaker, Charming, or Ease of Faith) From Sky Key Solution event we had recently.

Not sure what sort of documentation is needed for that.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Kembe: Faction changed to Silver Crusade, and no documentation needed.

Sovereign Court

If you have any questions, please post them here in Discussion rather than as ooc text in Gameplay. You'll get a faster response that way, as I'll be checking this thread more frequently than the Gameplay.

And you guys are table 10 for the map links.

Dark Archive

Roger that!

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2

Hey guys, it has been a hectic day at university today, so I'm going to post tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Giuseppe: Our characters are likely to have numerous conflicts as we play together. I am ok with this if you are! I think it is fun to have a foil character, however I completely understand if this is not fun for you. If you ever feel like it is too much for ANY REASON, please let me know (a post here, to the GM, a PM, etc.) and I will stop immediately, no questions asked.

I don't plan on being contrary arbitrarily, there are just some things that really irk Norril. He will probably just be grumpy in his head, but may say something on occasion. If he does say something and you respond, it will probably continue for 1 more turn of conversation and then be dropped.

Is this ok with you?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

Heh its funny you say that Norril. I have many characters that provide that very interaction in games. They really add depth to the game if everyone is ok with it. I hope it works out for you both.

Sovereign Court

I seriously contemplated offering Norril a bonus for every time his flirting makes Kembe uncomfortable. GMs need to have fun too :-P

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2
Norril Tyndall wrote:

Giuseppe: Our characters are likely to have numerous conflicts as we play together. I am ok with this if you are! I think it is fun to have a foil character, however I completely understand if this is not fun for you. If you ever feel like it is too much for ANY REASON, please let me know (a post here, to the GM, a PM, etc.) and I will stop immediately, no questions asked.

I don't plan on being contrary arbitrarily, there are just some things that really irk Norril. He will probably just be grumpy in his head, but may say something on occasion. If he does say something and you respond, it will probably continue for 1 more turn of conversation and then be dropped.

Is this ok with you?

I'm completely fine with it. Arthur is deliberately a young little prick, but he will learn and grow up as we play. For now, he's just an obnoxious young lord who thinks to the best the world has to offer. But I plan to let his personality develop as we play, and some conflicts with Norril could help him in the process. Perhaps one day they'll even become friends, but for now, feel free to play the conflicts. That's the fun part, and that's why I made Arthur so obnoxious.

Sovereign Court

Who has(n't) played/GMed The Confirmation before?

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10; CLW wand 47/50; reroll at +3 1/1; Reroll vs drug, poison or disease 1/1; AC 11; Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +4; Perception +8; init +1 Cleric-1

You really don't want to know how many times I have played or GMed it. I think it is 18, but may be only 16.

Sovereign Court

LN male human swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 [19] (13 Tch, 14 [19] FF) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +3 , SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Special abilities: inspired panache 3/4 | Active Conditions: barkskin +2


Liberty's Edge

F Ifrit Lvl 1 Cleric of Sarenrae HP 8/8 | AC 15 FF 13 T 12) CMD 11 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +2 ,Reflex +2, Will +5)| Per +3, SenMot +3| Spd 30'
Tracked Resources:
Spells 0 - 3/3 1st - 1/3, SLA - Channel Pos Energy (DC13) (4/6), Burning Hands 0/1, Fire Bolt 6/6

Played and GM it before

Dark Archive

Played and GM

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Vudran) Unchained Monk 2 HP 20/20 | AC (20)16, T 15, FF 13 Deflect Arrows| Fort +6, Ref +7 Evasion, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | SM +8 | Stuns: 2/2 | Effects:

Played a few times now.

Sovereign Court

I've never played it, but this batch will bring me up to 17 times GMing.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious

I've played it at least eight times and GM'd it once.

Dark Archive

Granta, I was trying to look at our map on my phone and accidentally moved the map for confirmation 5 while trying to zoom in. I'm sorry if I just messed it up, I think I was able to undo it though.

Sovereign Court

I accidentally move the map all the time when trying to move a token, I'm always at a computer though, and can just hit Ctrl-Z :-)

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