About Tasche MaddenTasche Madden
Special Abilities
Ranged spell combat - Tasche can cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his ranged weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). Tasche can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks. Tasche must use a ranged weapon for spell combat. He doesn’t need a free hand for ranged spell combat. Ranged weapon bond (mwk revolver) - Tasche has a bonded object as per the wizard’s arcane bonded object; it must be a ranged weapon, and it can’t be used to cast a spell once per day. Holding his bonded item does not prevent Tasche from providing somatic components for her spells. Backstory:
Tasche Madden was born as the second child to a pair of peasants. His older sister, Ada, fell in with a street kid gang. Eventually, Tasche joined too after his parents died of hunger and cold. Tasche was fast and smart, and fit in well with the gang. He was their best pickpocket by far, and was easily their greatest planner. One time, the gang found a spellbook on the corpse of a dead wizard in a back alley. Tasche took the book and found an appreciation for magic. Impressing his friends, he began practicing simple spells. This was when Ada realized that she couldn't inflict this kind of life her little brother. She convinced their gang that he deserved better. They upped their stealing and put all of their money into paying for school. At 15, Tasche went to the Anomanexus college. Once at school, he excelled. His mastery of magic left his classmates to shame, and he worked harder than any of them. Most of his classmates were bored nobles, which gave Tasche a certain disdain for the upper class. Eventually, he found an apprenticeship with a professor who studied enchanting weapons, particularly firearms. This was the fascination that led to Tasche's current job. After 7 years of schooling, he graduated with honours. He builds custom guns for the moderately rich. That same professor helped Tasche set up his small store and job, believing that he could overcome his poor roots and become something great. This rapid stealing and borrowing caught up with the gang. Ada in particular, had taken out a huge loan from Lamm. About a year after Tasche graduated, a couple crime lords felt the gang was getting in on their territory. Soon, a series of 'accidents' crippled the gang. After Ada's boyfriend, the gang leader, was murdered, the entire gang collapsed. Fleeing the wreckage, Ada and her daughter Augusta went to live with Tasche. Lamm still wanted his money. Lamm's solution involved breaking into Tasche's house and kidnapping Augusta as 'motivation'. Tasche is sociable and outgoing. He loves meeting new people and having new experiences. His outlook is very similar to that of a gnome, which is partially the fault of a gnome friend he had while at college. He finds guns and displays of magic fascinating, and loves studying them. He is sensitive to the carelessness of the rich, and believes strongly that the poor need more support. However, he also dislikes theft, believing it to simply be a more direct form of what the rich do. This attitude was a gift from his teacher, and often put him at odds with his street friends. Despite this dislike of wealth, he still tries to present as not completely poor. Sometimes, he feels guilt over this. He feels loyalty to Ada and Augusta, as well as the other gang members. He prefers to outthink or outrun his problems, but is capable of using magic and bullet to fight when necessary. He also isn't scared to be the first to resort to violence, as years on the street made him jumpy. Hates Lamm: Lamm kidnapped Tasche's sisters 8 year old daughter, Augusta Madden. He also destroyed the lives of many of Tasche's friends.