Gamemaster Kobolum's Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Kobolum

Guilty. You are a lawbreaker – the worst of the worst. Too dangerous to live amongst the good people of Talingarde, they dragged you in chains before a magistrate and condemned you. They sent you to the worst prison in the land and there they forever marked you. They held you down and branded you with a runic F. You are forsaken. You won’t be at Branderscar Prison for long. Branderscar is only a holding pen. In three days – justice comes. In three days – everything ends.

What a pity. If only there was a way out of this stinking rat-hole. If only there was a way to escape. If only…

No. No one has ever escaped from Branderscar Prison. This is where your story ends.


[dice=Casius Flann's initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Anastasius Poli's initiative]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Wade Willhelm's initiative]1d20 + 7[/dice]
[dice=Kira Petrilus's initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Lazarus the Rat's initiative]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Saulric The Black's initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Grumblejack's initiative]1d20 - 1[/dice]
Whoever has the highest initiative gives there side the first actions in a round. Characters are not aware of who is giving this advantage.

[dice=Casius Flann's perception]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Anastasius Poli's perception]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Wade Willhelm's perception]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Kira Petrilus's perception]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Lazarus the Rat's perception]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Saulric The Black's perception]1d20 + 3[/dice]

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Casius I realize I never answered your question about occult skills unlocks. Sure you can use them. If this causes a problem later I’ll deal with it

Tower Shield Specialist HP13/13 Init +3 AC23/CMD18/FF21/TA12 Saves:F5/R5/W3 Perception +3 Saulric

No need. I'm well aware of who I am and what I did and why I'm going forward.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

Thanks. I don't think any of them are particularly powerful, but some of them are great for running scams, and that's something Casius is well-suited to do.

Have reviewed my backstory and crime. Everything pretty much how I remember it.

As have I.
I'm also good at running scams with my cleric debuffs and malleable domain spell list. :)

I’m going to give Baolo a little more time before I force things along.

New picture for you in images.

Baolo hasn’t posted anything since the 29th and I'm getting a bit worried. Especially since this is a player heavy segment.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

I messaged him a few days back and haven’t heard anything. If we have lost Barolo, what’s the plan?

I think it would be best if we look for replacement characters. Now would be the best time to do it too.

hp 39/43 AC 17

Who do we still have left?

The doctor is in

Okay, I’m going to put up a post in the recruitment thread asking for replacements.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

Casius is still here. We only need one person, but having an extra one or two wouldn’t hurt.

If you have anything to say on applicants let me know. This isn’t a participatory sport, but it is participatory.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Nothing yet but I am keeping an eye on the progress.

hp 39/43 AC 17

I don't think a hellknight is thematically appropriate given they're devil slayers and we're followers of asmodeus.

Hellknights are admittedly a slightly off kilter choice. We are aiming to overthrow the government which they would ask amny very... pointed... questions.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

They have to slay a devil in order to ascend into the ranks of Hellknights, true, but their mission is not always to hunt down and slay devils. They do aspire to follow the structure and order of Hell, and while they venerate Asmodeus as a beacon of order as opposed to the Lord of the Nine Hells, their mission is not necessarily incompatible with ours.

In the Fire Mountain Games section of the forums, aspiring Hellknights came up as an option people asked about, and Gary came up with the Hellknight Order of the Brand, who were formerly headquartered in Branderscar Castle. They were wiped out to a man in the Battle of Tamberlyn, supporting the Barcan king against the upstart Markadian I, and their former fortress was turned into Branderscar Prison.

All that being said, if we only take one person, I'd rather skip him - I think we need a rogue-like character more than another heavily armed and armored warrior.

I noticed Lord Foul wants to re-apply with Wade Wilhelm. I think the character could be interesting, but I'm not sure the aboleth ties necessarily fit the campaign, and I don't know where you stand on the Vampire feat chain, GM. He's also another full divine caster, and we've already got one of those.

Ideally, we could use a full arcane caster, rogue-like character, or archery-focused character. We aren't particularly effective when it comes to ranged combat right now, and while I CAN provide some full caster-like abilities right now, I'm a 6-level caster, which means my ceiling is fundamentally limited. I also made my level 1 feat choices based around doing combat maneuvers with a whip and eventually using said whip to deliver touch attacks, so I'm also starting behind the 8-ball on that, as it were.

Mesmerists are like the bard of the Occult classes - they can fulfill every role, but try to do too much, and you just end up being mediocre at everything.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

So, given my above list of ideal characters, I have to say that I think my preference of the submissions thus far is Merddyn's, Kira Petrilus. Kira gives us a full arcane caster and a rogue-like character, covering both roles with one submission. If we take more than one character, that gives us more flexibility as far as the other choices, since our needs are covered.

Tower Shield Specialist HP13/13 Init +3 AC23/CMD18/FF21/TA12 Saves:F5/R5/W3 Perception +3 Saulric

Hmm. I'm leaning towards Anastasius myself. Seems like a far more interesting character. Then Kira then wade. To throw this out there, I haven't actually leveled up and I'm willing to dip a toe into Rogue so we have trapfinding and stealth if necessary. I mean, I won't be particularly stealthy since I'm a tank and intend to stay that way, but that doesn't affect disable device.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

I'd rather see what Anastasius brings to the table in terms of actual stats before I say one way or the other about his submission. The backstory could be interesting, but I want to see how that backstory changes into stats.

As an aside, Disable Device is subject to Armor Check Penalty, so a Rogue dip wouldn't be too beneficial for you unless you dump enough points into it.

EDIT: Of course, if Anastasius's class is Witch, there's no reason both can't work in a party. A witch does provide some backup healing for Lorcan, and some strong debuffs that would stack pretty well with my abilities.

See my problem is that I like all of them.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

They all have good potential. How many do you plan on accepting?

Three to be safe.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

Okay, then. Once you close Recruitment, you could have each of us PM you our top 3 choices. Then, you can compile a list of what we each think are the three best options, and choose your final three from that list. Depending on how many submissions you get (and there are already got 7 possible submissions), that could help narrow the field down a bit.

I haven't looked into any in great detail. I'll try to do that in the next day or so.

Opinions on recruitment?

hp 39/43 AC 17

My opinions have not noticeably changed. If we accept rorek's late submission though he edges out wade for third place. However his lateness after being told that submissions ended yesterday worries me and makes me wonder if we should consider him at all.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Indeed. Late submissions be late. Otherwise I'm not forming any instant bonds with any one. I like Poli and Fenix as concepts. Kira would also be handy to have around.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

Seeing this after decisions are made, I’d say they are pretty good options. Anastasius can cover Kira’s barred schools, and Wade is going heavy into necromancy, which adds a minion element that may be highly useful. Kira brings that skilled rogue element we can use.

Female Half-elf Unchained Rogue 1/Wizard (Transmutationist) 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3 R +5 W+4 (+2 vs enchantment) | Int +3 | Perc +9 (+1 to find traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Telekinetic Fist (8/8)

Awesome! Thanks for the invite. I'm excited to be a part of this.

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

Sweet I actually made it in!
Wade willhelm reporting for duty as soon as I make him level 2

Oracle (duel cursed, black blooded/aboleth)
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 6
Int 18
Wis 15
Cha 20
HP 12
To hit (melee) +5
To hit (ranged) +3

Fort -2 reflex +2 will +3

1st level spells/day 6
Spells known cure light wounds, inflict light wounds, bless hypnotism charm person, Ill omen

2 (class)+4 (int) +2 (background)
Stealth +7
Perception +9
Disable device +7
Know (religion) +9
Diplomacy +10
Bluff +10

Craft (weapon) +9
Know (engineering)+8 (only one rank)
Craft (armor)+8 (only one rank)

No ranks
Know (planes) +6
Sense motive +4

Death’s Touch (Su): You can cause terrible wounds to appear on a creature with a melee touch attack. This attack deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage +1 point for every two oracle levels you possess. If used against an undead creature, it heals damage and grants a +2 channel resistance for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. (8 total times)

The Bitten
You have been bitten by a vampire and infected with the curse of undeath. As you sicken, your senses heighten and you become profoundly aware that every day, you are changing into something both more and less than mortal. You have only begun your transformation into the living dead. Prerequisites: You must be bitten by a vampire. Benefits: You gain darkvision 30 ft. and the alertness feat, however your Constitution score is lowered by two permanently.


You have violated one of the churchs, cathedrals or holy
shrines of the great god Mitra. To be sent to Branderscar
this was no minor act of vandalism. Instead you have
done something flagrant and spectacular to dishonor the
Shining Lord.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive +1 trait bonus on all saving
throws against divine spells
(he stole the bones of an important religious figure and was caught)

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

1d8 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 2 = 5

Human Antiquarian 2 | HP: 16/16| AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+1 vs divine spells) | Init: +6 | Perc: +1 | SM: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1 - 3/4 ; Arcane Reservoir: 4/5

Hello there! *Obi-wan style*

Thanks a lot for the invite! I'm happy to have made the cut ^^

A side note: I live in Switzerland and thus post at a different time than all of you.

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

I will edit my profile for this version of wade when I get home and am not on mobile

Human Antiquarian 2 | HP: 16/16| AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+1 vs divine spells) | Init: +6 | Perc: +1 | SM: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1 - 3/4 ; Arcane Reservoir: 4/5

Anastasius has been edited slightly to fit more my understanding of his character. He's ready to go.

Female Half-elf Unchained Rogue 1/Wizard (Transmutationist) 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3 R +5 W+4 (+2 vs enchantment) | Int +3 | Perc +9 (+1 to find traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Telekinetic Fist (8/8)

What should we do about gear for these characters?

Okay. for equipment to you three get:
• Any class specific items (such as a holy symbol or a spell book).
• A potion of cure light wounds.
• A silver medallion that acts as an Unholy Symbol of Asmodeus (worth twenty-five gold if you could find a buyer).
• Two hundred gold worth of equipment (do not keep leftover gold).
• One hundred gold pieces.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

Welcome, everyone! Glad to have you joining us.

Does anyone plan on targeting Will saves?

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

Can I use craft skills on that equipment to get mwk stuff?

Wade Willhelm wrote:
Can I use craft skills on that equipment to get mwk stuff?


Human Antiquarian 2 | HP: 16/16| AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+1 vs divine spells) | Init: +6 | Perc: +1 | SM: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1 - 3/4 ; Arcane Reservoir: 4/5
Casius Flann wrote:

Welcome, everyone! Glad to have you joining us.

Does anyone plan on targeting Will saves?

Yes :) (charm Person might prove useful in this campaign)

Tower Shield Specialist HP13/13 Init +3 AC23/CMD18/FF21/TA12 Saves:F5/R5/W3 Perception +3 Saulric
Wade Willhelm wrote:
Can I use craft skills on that equipment to get mwk stuff?

Nice try. But sadly anything we'd have had before is gone and no time to make new equipment.

I managed to carve out a wooden symbol of my deity, but that's it and you're getting that stuff anyway.

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

Fair enough
I'll craft when I have downtime

Human Antiquarian 2 | HP: 16/16| AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+1 vs divine spells) | Init: +6 | Perc: +1 | SM: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1 - 3/4 ; Arcane Reservoir: 4/5

@Wade: in his original post, the GM said that we'll have little to no downtime. That's why I didn't take any crafting feats.

@GM: I'll manage Anastasius' stuff today. He will be ready tonight.

Female Half-elf Unchained Rogue 1/Wizard (Transmutationist) 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3 R +5 W+4 (+2 vs enchantment) | Int +3 | Perc +9 (+1 to find traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Telekinetic Fist (8/8)
Casius Flann wrote:

Welcome, everyone! Glad to have you joining us.

Does anyone plan on targeting Will saves?

I'm planning to do some as well, though it probably won't be my main focus.

I'm in process of buying my stuff. Should be done in the next little while.

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1//Mesmerist 1 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | HP 10/10 | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Mesmerist Tricks 4/4 |
1st - 2/2
| Conditions:

We’ll need to coordinate targets, then, as my hypnotic stare will make spells much more effective.

Eventually, we should also probably start coordinating spell selections so we aren’t overlapping too much.

Human Antiquarian 2 | HP: 16/16| AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+1 vs divine spells) | Init: +6 | Perc: +1 | SM: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked Resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1 - 3/4 ; Arcane Reservoir: 4/5

Indeed! I look forward to playing along with you both. I'm sure we'll make a fine trio of evil mages ^^

Shadow Lodge

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

I also have charm person on my spells known thanks to my curse

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