Fraejia |

"No time like the present I suppose." Fraejia quickly opens the door and looks inside.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
If nothing is threatening, she will actually step into the room.

GM Warhawk |

As the doors are opened, the warm air of the hallway diminishes rapidly as if the very warmth is being drawn into the room. Inside the showers, a thin layer of what looks like rust covers the entire floor. Inside, it appears as though the room has a central common area with benches, and a large room to either side--presumably the actual showers.
You can sense that your natural immunity to extreme colds is the only thing protecting you from this strange substance. You can't quite recall, but something tells you that you have heard of strange substances like this on other planets that suck the heat from those unfortunate to get too close.

Fraejia |

Looking back at her companions, "Stay out here, I would suggest going back down the hall a short distance. If you come in here you will die. Go and I will catch up." Fraejia quickly steps in and pulls the door most of the way closed to try and keep herself from being trapped inside the room if the door swells up. She makes a quick search of the area and takes anything of interest before going back out and leaving the door partly open behind her.
I am basically leaving the door open slightly farther than I need it to be so I can get back out and then leaving it open when I leave in the hopes that it will help cause a serious distraction later as the effect spreads. Just taking 10 on the perception if I need another one right now. If anything seems threatening to me I will just leave, I'm not going to take any chances in there.

GM Warhawk |

Inside the satchel, you find a credchip worth 100 credits as well as a nanite hypogun (brown) and a nanite canister.

Fraejia |

Grabbing the items she finds, Fraejia quickly slips out to follow her fellow excapees. When she reaches them, "I wouldn't suggest staying here much longer, I left that door open in hopes that it will cause a major distraction if it spreads. I didn't find much of interest in there, only a hundred cred chip and this hypo gun and canister."
See above post for more details as she shows them as everyone moves along.

Fraejia |

"Then let's get moving, I don't think we want to hang around here for long anyway." Fraejia follows him down the hall.

GM Warhawk |

Xim slowly led the way back to the central hub room. The prisoner escape klaxons had died down, leaving the noises the group made the only sounds. Kunga followed close behind Xim, his tomahawks ever at the ready.
As you approach the doorway leading to the central hub, the silence is broken by the scream of some unknown creature. The noise echoes off of the metal walls, making it difficult to pinpoint the direction.
Lazarus Xim
Xim cautiously peeks around the corner and scans the central hub before turning back to everyone and speaking in a whisper.
"The door to the security wing is still closed, but the science lab's door is fully open. It appears to be another long hallway. It's dark in there, so I can't see much further than my enhanced vision allows. I'd say it goes at least fifty or more. There appear to be some panels of some sort on the walls, but I cannot make out any details."
Kunga the Seeker
Kunga nods in understanding. "We must proceed cautiously. This place has many surprises for us already."

Fraejia |

"I agree, caution would be a wise idea, and those panels sound too much like the pop up turrets we ran into before." Fraejia keep her place in line and moves with the rest of her compatriots.
I take it we are still on track for finding the cure we were told about, namely, this hub is part of the area were we are searching for it in I assume.