GM Zimmer's Rise of the Runelords - Anniversary Edition (Inactive)

Game Master zimmerwald1915

Shadow Lodge

Welcome to the game. I've started you off separately because that made more sense to me, and to put your characters in their circumstances before they have to interact with each other.

You spent the night on a hard, thin cot in the Garrison, courtesy of Sheriff Hemlock. The militiamen waking up around you groan in discomfort at their cricking necks and aching lower backs, but you feel refreshed and ready to face the day. The iron-framed canvas beds might be utilitarian, but they were more comfortable than the root-riddled forest floor on which you've become accustomed to sleeping.

"Look alive, Caerwyn," says a voice, and you feel a heavy, leathery hand clap down on your shoulder. You turn around. The tanned, shaven face of the Sheriff looks down at you. Anyone else would take the man's expression for a scowl, but you know better. "Sun's nearly up, and we've got to be down at the square before it gets too crowded to move."

You are woken up by a loud, insistent rapping at the door to the room you rent above Cracktooth's Tavern. Your eyes are bleary in the early morning half-light and your nightshirt sticks uncomfortably to your body, but your visitor sounds impatient, so you make haste to open the door. Standing there, wearing a wool shirt and beat-up leather jacket, is the Jesk Berinni, Cracktooth himself.

"I'll make this quick," he says, chuckling slightly at your appearance. "You know Cyrdak Drokkus, the Theater owner? Well, last night he asked me for a favor. He's making a big speech this morning in front of the new Cathedral, and he wanted me to shill for him. Y'know, clap and cheer real loud on the big lines." The heavyset innkeeper rolls his eyes at the cynicism. "Probably learned that trick from Grobaras himself. Anyway, I know you've wanted a shot at the big time, and if you did this for him he'd probably appreciate it."

You and the captain of the cog that brought you to Sandpoint, the Barbry Allen, stand on the dock, watching the sailors load the last of their cargo in the early morning gray. "Sorry we can't stay and show you around," he says, "but you know how it is. We've gotta make Kalsgard by Lamashtan or lose twenty percent. Hey!" he calls, waving to a man with a bristly black beard and a wooden leg. He looks up and starts toward you, a smile on his face.

"This is Jargie," says the captain, clapping the other man on the shoulder. "I must've stayed at his place, the Hagfish, a dozen times, when I could." Jargie holds out his hand to shake.

"Best lobster bisque in Varisia," says the Jargie, a boastful smile on his face. "Come down to the new cathedral around noon, I'll be selling some cheap."

You hear two voices, a young man and a slightly older one, arguing outside your bedroom door. You cannot understand what they are saying through the thick wooden door, so you ignore them, focusing instead on getting dressed. Eventually, the older one sighs and you hear footsteps stumping off. The door opens just as you finish buttoning your top button.

A handsome, brown-haired man in a white tailcoat walks into your room. "Cousin Teo!" he says warmly, spreading his arms wide. "It's me, Belven. Forgive the noise," he says, inclining his head towards the door. "Brunton wanted to call you down, but Father told me you hadn't seen anyone but servants since arriving last night, so I came myself. After breakfast we're going to take a walk into town for the dedication, do you want to join us?"

"Get up, get out," sings a voice, rousing you from your slumber. "You lazy louts." It sounds like Ameiko, the keeper of the inn at which you're staying. The melody's one you've heard before, though it seems she's changed the lyrics to something more topical. "Get into your Sunday clothes. The town's gonna be at the church, you see, and there's nowhere else to go."

You remember people in the common room last night talking about their plans for the festival today. Apparently the townsfolk were dedicating a new temple and everyone was taking the day off to celebrate, including the Mayor and the Sheriff. If anyone would know where to start looking for dangerous beasts or other trials you could impose upon yourself, they would be there.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/

Hmm, I forgot about the dedication ceremony for the new church. Best make myself look as presentable as possible. Jin readies herself to speak to the Sheriff, or Mayor, putting her clothes over her armor, and carrying only her dagger and scimitar to let either person realize she's serious, but hoping to appear non-threatening. She brings her money pouch, and leaves the rest of her gear at the inn, trusting the door locks to keep them secure.

As Jin finishes getting ready, she decides to approach Madam Ameiko for information about the Mayor or the Sheriff. If Madam Ameiko hasn't already left, Jin intends to say, "Madam Ameiko, I was hoping you could help me with a problem. I'm seeking the knowledge of either the Mayor or the Sheriff of threats to the locals in the area, yet I am unaware of what they look like. Could you give me a description either person and where I might find them?"

If it's necessary here's Jin's Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
What Jin does after this depends on Ameiko's response.


If Ameiko has already left the inn, Jin decides it would be best to simply leave and follow the crowd to the ceremony, and begin asking around for help in locating the Mayor or Sheriff. On the way to the ceremony, Jin will keep an eye out for any open stalls that might sell new or interesting games for her to play in her travels.

Jin will attempt to Gather Information in the crowd: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

If Jin is unsuccessful in finding either the Mayor or the Sheriff, she will wait for the ceremony to proceed and hope either person she is looking for will be introduced as part of the ceremony.

Male Human Inquisitor (1)

“Gladly, cousin. It’s good to finally meet you in the flesh.” Teobold reaches out to grip Belven’s arm in greeting. “I’ve appreciated your letters these last months, assuring me that my visit would be welcome. And I must thank your father for his hospitality. This,”--he sweeps his arm around to indicate the sunny room, the fresh linen, the porcelain washbasin—“is more than I’ve become accustomed to. I’ve been in houses larger and finer in Magnimar, but none so great in courtesy. “

Teobold smiles warmly as he studies Belven’s face. And is it only family feeling, coz, that makes me a guest of honor? he thinks. Would a Valdemar fisherman cousin from old Cheliax get the same reception? Or is there something you imagine a Priest of Abadar can arrange for you, some favor you hope to win from my father? His own suspicion saddens him.


Sense Motive...what hunch does Teobold have for Belven?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
1 of 6 Silver Tongued Haggler bonuses used for the day

The Valdemars, merchants by blood and training, aren't easy to read, but Teobold feels he understands his cousin well enough.

Male Half-elf Daredevil Bard 1

Mon Dieu, what do they pass as cognac in this hole forsaken by gods. My head is pounding...ah, it's not just the head

"S'il vous plaît monsieur, stop pounding on that door..." - opening the door dressed in his nightshirt only, Timor was a sore sight. He looked tired, very tired, and it was probably very easy to guess that he had either quite a lot to drink, or he had a very "interesting" night. Actually, probably both combined.

It takes him several long moments to realize what the innkeeper actually wants from him. Finally he answers: "Ah uoi, Je...I mean I will be there promptly."

Barely suppressing the need to go back to bed again, Timor spends next half an hour dressing himself properly. It is always good to look the best you can, especially in front of the audience

Finally, bard heads downstairs where he orders a shot of "whatever I was having last night, and I do not mean the girl", and with a crooked smile he moves towards the cathedral.

I'm not really a morning person, but if Cyrdak wants cheering, than for sure he will get it - yawning heavily, Timor walks slowly towards cathedral, hoping to secure the spot in the front row/line.

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1 (favored class: Sorcerer)

Alys holds out her tiny hand to be engulfed by the captain's. "Perfectly understandable!" she says. "And I'll make it a point to try Master Jargie's food come noontime. Thank you for the safe voyage!"

Ever a light traveler, Alys steps onto the board that's been run across to the dock and picks her way daintily across it, not burdened by anything but the pouch at her belt and the dozing white weasel wrapped around her neck like a stole.

So here I am, she thinks. Now to see what the locals know about this Old Light!

Alys will make her way to the cathedral by noon, as she promised, but in whatever time she has before then, she'll use the gather information component of diplomacy and chat with locals about the ancient lighthouse that looms over their town.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Male Half elf Rogue (Scout) 3/Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 36/36]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 19]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7*; Reflex: +8*; Will: +3* (+2 Racial bonus against enchantment spells or effects)]; [Immunities: Sleep]; [Initiative: +10]; [Low-light Vision, Perception: +10]; [Exploration: Scout]

"Aye, sir. I'll be ready' Caerwyn says with a smile as he stretches to loosen stiff muscles. After a quick breakfast he dons his armor and grabs his father's sword and heads out of the barracks with the other guardsmen.
Arriving early to the square, Caerwyn takes his time patrolling the area, stopping often to sample some of the vendors wares or to smile and talk to some of the local girls.
As the square begins to fill up Caerwyn finds himself a spot where he can keep an eye on the entrances and exits to the village common but also on the stage and the new temple itself.
"She's beautiful, I'll give you that and something this town's needed since the fire."

Shadow Lodge

"What, the Old Light?" says Jargie, when you ask him about it, "I guess you could check it out, but you'd be missing out on the fun." His face breaks open into an ugly, but still charming, grin. "Y'know, I bet ol' Quink'll be down at the festival. If ya can find him, he'll tell ya 'bout the Old Light." Jargie gets a conspiratorial look on his face, and leans in to whisper. "He's a bit of a crackpot, though, so watch what ya believe."

Jargie has to leave to get his meal ready for lunch, but some of the people you ask point out Brodert Quink soon enough. He's an old man with white hair that you can tell has been falling out, a well-trimmed beard, and wrinkles. At the moment he's arguing with the owner of a stall that seems to be selling books. Around the stall are scattered other vendors and entertainers. From where you are you can spy an old woman offering to divine the future and a man with wispy gray hair manipulating what looks like a giant soap bubble with the tips of his fingers.

You find upon your arrival to the square that a stage has been erected just in front of the church, and that it commands a view of the square. Sheriff Hemlock seems to guess your intentions, and, scowling, tells you to keep off it. "I would'a wanted you up there myself, and a couple others," he explains, "but Mayor Deverin said no. Said it would spoil the atmosphere." After that he stumps off and leaves you to your own devices.

You manage to find a spot to the left of the stage from where you can see all the entrances to the square. Even including only the roads, and not the gaps between buildings, there are far too many for your liking. You explain this to Sheriff Hemlock when he next comes around on his rounds, and he sympathizes. As he's talking, however, you notice a graceful-looking woman staring in your direction. She's carrying a scimitar and her clothes fall like she's wearing them over armor.

"I could tell you stories," says Ameiko, an impish smile playing over her face. "Folk have been coming here for years, hunting the Sandpoint Devil. They say it's a horse that walks like a man, with the wings of a bat, the tail of a dragon, and the fangs of a monster from the vasty deep. Nobody's ever found it, but sometimes adventurers go out looking for it and are never heard from again." She chuckles.

"I don't know where it lives, if anywhere, and neither will Kendra or Belor," she says, a little more seriously. "That's the mayor and sheriff," she explains. "But Belor's a grouchy, nosy stick in the mud, so if there was any real danger afoot, he'd know. You'll probably find him in the church square, hollering at kids to keep off the grass. If he's not doing that you can find him by the reflection off his shiny bald head."

The entertainments you find scattered around the border of the square include an archery contest, a beanbag throw, a tug of war, and a lizard race. There's also an old woman offering to divine the future and a man with wispy gray hair manipulating what looks like a giant soap bubble with the tips of his fingers. Near the church itself a makeshift wooden stage has been erected. No one is on it at the moment, but off to the side you spot a well-muscled man in armor with dark skin and a shaved head talking earnestly to another man. The other is also armored, but is much thinner, with straight gray hair.

Belven seems to be friendly and with no ulterior motives. During breakfast you try to engage him in talk about business, but he laughs it off, saying that the shipping line's thriving. Ethram, Belven's elderly father, starts to warn his son to keep an eye on the Scarnettis to make sure they're paying the full cost to ship their lumber down to Magnimar, but Belven assures him it's fine.

The walk from the manor house of the Valdemar family is a pleasant one, shaded by trees on either side of the road and accompanied by the burbling of the Turandurok River. From the road you can see the white sails of ships coming and going from the dock. "Normally we go south when we want to walk," explains Belven, gesturing down the Lost Coast Road. "When you go this way most days all you can hear is the sawmill. But Titus – Lord Scarnetti to you – let his workers off for the day, and the mill's still." He gives an embarrassed smile at the somewhat lame rhyme.

The road begins to fill up with people as you cross the river into town, and it's not long before you find yourself in the church square. An empty wooden stage sits in front of the grand stone doors of the new cathedral, and vendors and entertainers jockey for your attention – and business – around the edges of the square. From where you are you can see an archery contest, a beanbag throw, a tug of war, and a lizard race. There's also an old woman offering to divine the future and a man with wispy gray hair manipulating what looks like a giant soap bubble with the tips of his fingers.

Your head buzzing pleasantly from the drink, you wander down to the square. The edges of the square are crowded with vendors and entertainers, including an archery contest, a beanbag throw, a tug of war, and a lizard race. There's also an old woman offering to divine the future and a man with wispy gray hair manipulating what looks like a giant soap bubble with the tips of his fingers. The folk of Sandpoint crowd in the middle, but nobody seems to have picked out a place yet. You are able to root yourself a few feet from the lip of a wooden stage that's been set up in front of the cathedral. Some men in armor who look like guards are talking off to the side.

Male Human Inquisitor (1)

Teobold finds it easy to enter into his good-natured cousin’s light spirits. Today’s a festival—it’s only proper to save talk of business for another day. And the dedication will give me plenty of chances to appraise the leadership of the town. He sets aside as premature a judgment of whether Belven takes duty too lightly, and chats warmly with him as they stroll through the square.

“Are all these folk of the village, cousin? Or are many of them visiting for the dedication? Certainly many of them seem to recognize you.” The village square looks small and quaint after the bustling streets of Magnimar; this entire crowd could vanish into one corner of the Bazaar of Sails. Still, the inns seemed full enough, and the vendors pleased with the coin coming in. Odd gathering for a looks as motley as a Varisian ship's crew--why, there's even a gnome. Teobold covers some slight startlement with a friendly if distant nod, and moves on towards the booksellers. I suppose it's a cathedral to Desna as well as to Abadar.

Teobold waves off offers of cakes, ale, and other festival dainties from all sides. “If you wanted to stuff me here, cousin, you shouldn’t have laid out such a fine breakfast. I’ll have some of that fish stew after the ceremony, though—nothing like fish straight from the docks. Now play the dutiful host and point out the people I should know. Would that fellow in the rich tunic be one of the Scarnettis? Your father thinks them a shrewd bunch,” Teobold says casually. If Uncle Ethram is wary, best to follow his lead. A small jungle can have a large tiger.

Male Half elf Rogue (Scout) 3/Fighter 1
Character Information:
[HP: 36/36]; [Armor Class: 18; Touch: 14; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 19]; [Saves: Fortitude: +7*; Reflex: +8*; Will: +3* (+2 Racial bonus against enchantment spells or effects)]; [Immunities: Sleep]; [Initiative: +10]; [Low-light Vision, Perception: +10]; [Exploration: Scout]

As Caerwyn catches sight of the strangely clad woman, he will make his way over towards her "Armor AND a weapon, strange choice of clothing for a festival" he thinks to himself as he approaches.
"Welcome to Sandpoint, are you in town for the festival?" he asks with a disarming smile. "Will you be here long?" he asks, his smile fading. "Are you expecting some sort of trouble to be going armed and armored on a day like today? There's not going to be any trouble, is there?" he asks, his smile completely gone, replaced by a cautious concern.

Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/

"Thank you for your help in this matter, Madam Ameiko" Jin says to the innkeeper, "If you do not mind, I will be leaving the rest of my gear in my room, and settle my tab when I return. Enjoy your day at the festival!" With that, Jin tips her hat to Madam Ameiko and makes her way to the festival.

As Jin wanders the crowd, she spots the bald head of who she assumes to be sheriff Belor, Madam Ameiko was not lieing about the sheriffs reflective head,. Before she loses him in the crowd, she quickly makes her way to sheriff Belor, hoping to catch him before the ceremony starts. When she does make her way to the sheriff, Jin will greet him and explain her reasoning for seeking him out."Sheriff Belor, my greetings to you. How fares the celebration for you on this day?" Jin says, honestly curious, "My name is Jin Ward and if you could spare a moment of your time after the ceremony has concluded, I would seek your advice about the surrounding landscape and creatures that dwell there.

Male Half-elf Daredevil Bard 1

Looking at all the various entertainers, drowsiness quickly disappears from Timor's head, only to be replaced by "professional appraisal". After all, these guys and girls were here for the same reason as him - audience. Majority of potential competitors were not anything special, in his opinion.

Although the old diviner lady seems to charge quite a lot - either not enough diviners around, or she's really good enough to ask for so much. And that guy with gray hair manipulating that giant bubble - hmmm, that is new. And it even seemed not to be magical...

Remembering finally that he should get one of the front spots, he hurries across the square, and notices with satisfaction that there are a few good spots still free. Placing himself just a few feet from the lip of a wooden stage, he starts to muse on the best possible lines.

Hmmm, let us see - the folks here look simple enough, maybe just a good, hearty laugh followed by "You're the man!" and "Top dog!" will be enough. I'd say that something like "Brevity is the soul of the wit" would be a bit lost on these folks...

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1 (favored class: Sorcerer)

Alys casts her eyes hungrily over the bookseller's wares, hoping to spot volumes of history she hasn't already read. A good browse of the stall would take quite some time, she realizes, and that might mean missing the chance to introduce herself to this local expert on the ruin she's come to explore.

"Master Quink," Alys says, her voice high and pure as a reed pipe compared to those of the humans bargaining around her. "Master Quink, if I may be so bold. I am Alys Kindletrick, late of Whistledown. I'm told you are the man to bring any questions about Old Light."

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