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Jin Ward's page

8 posts. Alias of Tels.

Full Name

Jin Ward




Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/




5' 4"




Chaotic Good


Cayden Cailean




Common, Elvish, Kelish, Minkaian


Caravan Guard/Aspiring Adult

Homepage URL

Jin Ward

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 7

About Jin Ward

Jin was found amongst the wreckage of a ship by an Elven caravan of traders and merchants that travelles the world from Varisia, to Casmaron and even distant Tian-Xia. The Elves rescued the young girl, and nursed her back to health hoping to return her to her homeland. Unfortunately, Jin had received a head injury in whatever it was that caused the wreckage and could remember nothing from her former life, not even remembering how to speak. The Elves, in their kindness, took the girl into their care, and began teaching her the ways of the world and how to survive in it.

For a long time after the Elves rescued her, they were unsure of what to call the young girl they had found in a pile or wreckage. Whenever she was discussed, they usually referred to her as 'the Ward' and the name seemed to stick. When she was still unable to speak to others, she tended to play by herself, and one day wandered off into the woods nearby after hearing an odd noise. In the woods, the Ward discovered a baby chick and the remains of a nest that had been disturbed by a recent storm. The damsel herself became the rescuer of this baby chick, and brought it back to the camp and began nursing it back to health. When her caregivers discovered the Ward's new pet, they bestowed upon her the name 'Jin' which means Benevolence in the language of the Minkai Empire. When she grew older, Jin kept the name Ward, as a remembrance of her adopted parents and upbringing, and as a symbol of her desire to protect those around her.

As a Human raised by Elves, Jin faced a great many difficulties in growing up. First amongst them, was the issue of race. Jin found herself leaving what little friends behind as time passed, with Jin growing larger, and more mature, while the Elves she used to play with, seemed to be forever children. Unfortunately, as Jin grew older, she found herself unable to associate with the Elves of a similar mind, as they had already formed strong bonds of companionship, and the games the younger Elves played no longer seemed to interest her. In her loneliness, Jin found herself being drawn more and more to the warriors in her tribe, and their ability to communicate in ways that did not require words. She found herself training with the warriors, and learning more about the character of the people she fought in a few short minutes, than most would in a few months.

With the wide ranging travels of the Elves she called family, Jin has been to and experienced a great many things in her short life. She's seen many things from barbarians riding mammoths, knights riding hippogriffs, dancing sand warriors, and even people who turned drinking tea into an artform.

With the long-lived Elves for teachers, Jin has been exposed to a variety of different subjects for her to learn. The Elders instructed her in religion and social etiquette, philosphy and nature, they even taught her to dance. In her travels, she's also adopted and integrated many things from many cultures into her way of life, and her method of fighting is a style unique to her life.

Unfortunately for Jin, as she grew older, in the eyes of her adopted parents and Elders, she was still a child. She's felt an urge to leave her Elven family, and seek adventurer and proof of her adulthood to her family. More than anything though, she desires to make her parents proud of her.

Her clan recently decided to spend some time shores of Lake Syrantula, and Jin felt this was her chance. She'd encountered rumors of ferocious beasts plaguing the town of Sandpoint, and decided to travel to the distant city and see if she couldn't bring the heads of the beasts back as proof of her adulthood. To this end, Jin wrote a lengthy letter to her parents, explaining her desires, and traveled down the Yondabakari River to Magnimar, at which point she will travel North along the coastline to Sandpoint.