GM Z..D.. Beginner's Trilogy PBP PFS (Inactive)

Game Master Z...D...

First Steps-In Service to Lore, The Confirmation, The Consortium Compact. Played in order.

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Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

"Well done, my fellow Pathfinders. Now, shall we?"

Mūn goes to examine the front door, and to open it if possible so that we can leave.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Yes, you can you the door to go out. Just make sure you lock it when you leave for security reasons.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

When the crate gets put into the Uthraed will inspect it to see if the crate is trapped

can't be too sure

perception: 1d20 ⇒ 3

we should check to make sure the books are in here before we leave

Uthraed takes out his sword and uses it to pry off the lid. (If he didn't find any trps before that is)

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

The rescued crate holds a smaller mahogany box inside, which contains five books and a few loose sheets of paper in a leather folder. The titles and subjects seem completely unrelated to each other: Practical Thaumaturgy In Accordance with Creation, Geographic Anomalies of the Inner Sea, Under Kaer Maga: A Trial and Travel, Physiology of Dragons: An Illustrated Reference, Lost Sarusan. The leather folder contains cargo manifestos, warehouse inventories, and other financial logs from a dozen different merchant houses and trade guilds.

The crate also contains 10 sets of masterwork thieves’ tools, three flasks of alchemist’s fire, a flask of acid, a dozen jars of various inks, a footprint book, adamantine weapon blanch, three bags of powder, a deck of marked cards, and two sets of average loaded dice

The Exchange

While delievering the crate to the shopkeeper, Gringo shares his thoughts: "As far as i remember, Mr Guaril Karela wants only small box with books. All other valuable items might be rather useful to us during our next missions. I'm skilled at alchemy and can pour someone's weapon or my bullets or Mun's arrows with the adamantine weapon blacnh."

Grand Lodge

male Half-orc, Barbarian 1, HP 17/17|AC 15|init +5 Mwk Earth breaker (2d6+6 20/x3)|cmb +5 cmd 14|spd +10

I will manage. Let's get moving

Dark Archive

Male Half Orc Shaman 3 HP: 24/24 AC: 16 FF:16 T:10 F:+6 R:+4 W:+9 Perception +12, Sense Motive +5 Effects:(None)

"I require nothing."

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

"I would love to read over the footprint book, might have some interesting things in there. As for the rest of the gear should we not at least split up the flasks among those who would use them."

Uthraed says taking a flask of alchemists fire and a set of thieves tools and putting them into a pocket in his backpack before offering the rest to his companions.

I know that we are on a deadline but I hope that I might have a moment to look through the books, at the very least while we walk.

Uthraed takes out the Physiology of Dragons and leafs through it but is drawn to the book of inner sea anomolies and begins scanning pages with the speed that a life of reading and categorizing books will give you.

knowledge history: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

OK, you return the books to the pickled imp.

Gauril looks up from his ledgers and smiles as he notices you with the books. "I see everything went accordingly. Hopefully it was not too bothersome. I will make sure to pass this success to Ambrus. Now be on your way"

First task is completed. What would you all like to do next?

Grand Lodge

male Half-orc, Barbarian 1, HP 17/17|AC 15|init +5 Mwk Earth breaker (2d6+6 20/x3)|cmb +5 cmd 14|spd +10

I think we should just go to the nearest...

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Mūn agrees with Gealdn. He'll also be happy to carry a flask of alchemist's fire. If nobody else claims it, he'll carry the flask of acid as well. Since there are so many, he'll carry a set of MW thieves tools, too.

He takes a closer look at the bags of powder. What does the powder appear to be?

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

Mr Peppers snaps out of his zombie like state, mindlessly following the group around seemed out of the ordinary.

"Man, sorry about that, don't know what came over me. Its like I was miles away and very distracted. Great job on those rats guys, they were really chewing me up in there. Really wish I had prepared that burning hands spell this morning." He says begrudgingly.

"If we're going to be working together for a while I guess I'll need to prepare spells to best compliment everyone else's skills. Speaking of which, I've got a couple nasty rat bites that need some work, I need to stop off at a church or something for some medical attention before we head to our next task." He says as he winces on the walk back to the shop.

"Oh! I almost forgot, if there's a spare flask I'd put it to use, not to mention I'd love to take a browse over those books and maybe try to figure out what that powder is."

Casts detect magic on the lot of stuff

Powder: Powdered chalk, flour, and similar materials are popular with adventurers for their utility in pinpointing invisible creatures. Throwing a bag of powder into a square is an attack against AC 5, and momentarily reveals if there is an invisible creature there. A much more
effective method is to spread powder on a surface (which takes 1 full round) and look for footprints.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Mr. Peppers, nothing detects as magic.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

So where are we headed, which if these tasks seems to be the closest?

The Exchange

"Yeah, let's have some rest. During which Mr Pepper may ready his spells and I want to visit forge to apply adamantine blanche to bullets. I suggest then gather at Temple of the Shining Star in the Ascendant Court to assist Ollysta Zadrian."
If everyone agrees Gorngo heads to the forge.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Gringo no need to go to the forge, you can just apply them yourself. The Temple is the closest location. And Mr. Peppers the spellcasting service you can get at the temple, a cure light wound level 1 casting cost 10gp per the CRB Spell casting service cost and Society Guide.

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

While at the temple "I would like some treatment for my wounds please. I was bitten by a couple of large rats and would love to have the injuries treated and healed. I am happy to pay the 10g tithe to your Patron." CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 With that Mr Peppers lifts his robe up gingerly to show the gnaw marks on his shins.

"I have no huge need to rest Gringo, I have not expended any spells yet and have some useful ones prepared, but there were not best used against those rats. We're in a bit of a rush I guess to complete these errands so lets just get back to them."

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Mūn also takes a bag of powder. "The Temple of the Shining Star seems a fine next choice."

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token


Gealdn: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Mr. Peppers: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Gringo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Uthread: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Mun: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Grummosh: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Gringo and Mun:
You both notice a person, paying too much attention to you, but as a crowd people get in your line of sight, he disappears.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Arriving at the Temple of the Shining Star, the PCs are immediately directed to Ollysta Zadrian. This paladin of Sarenrae is young in her years, but holds herself with the poise of a queen and warrior simultaneously. As she notices the PCs’ arrival, she strides forward, addressing the group in a strong voice.

“Thank the light of Sarenrae you have arrived! I knew Ambrus would come through for us in the Silver Crusade. I desperately need you to bring medicine to an orphanage and let me know if the headmistress, Gilga Baltwin, is deserving of our charity. Since our quest began, the needy have clamored for our aid, and I suspect some are abusing our generosity. It may sound cruel, but there are plenty of dishonest people out in the world eager for easy gold.

“Do you know of the Silver Crusade? After discovering so many factions splintered the Society, a number of us banded together to proliferate the cause of charity and kindness using the Society’s resources. As it is said, ‘The Dawn brings new light’ and I’ve made it my life’s work to use our recent darkness to bring a new light to the world and to the Pathfinder Society. I apologize for straying off point. Will you bring this parcel of medicine to Auntie Baltwin’s Home for Recovery in the
Eastgate district?”

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy (Gather Intel)

DC 10:
Miltivis, who runs a nearby market, claims he’s served Auntie Baltwin for over 30 years, and while a good customer, she is quite demanding and often rude to the other customers. He says she’s kept his supplier of fine whiskeys in business for decades.

DC 15:
Gilga Baltwin’s neighbors Travost and Tirelle Anthos are frankly tired of the noises the children make and the retinue of cats—though they do appreciate the latter’s mousing skills. They admit to being happy when Auntie Baltwin sends the children “off into the town”
during the day, as it gives them a few hours of peace and quiet before they return in the evening.

DC 20:
At the estate across the street, Master Trebb Bonto, a retired builder, says nothing but nice things of Lady Baltwin, as he calls her. He recounts tales of tea and games on the sitting porch, though if pressed, he lets slip that she often cheats at games and sometimes had some shady characters coming to whisper in her ear and palm her small bags of what might have been money before slinking away. “Otherwise a fine lady, indeed.” he quickly adds.

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Regarding that Perception check, did I see what I saw at the bookseller, or at the temple?

Mūn smiles as the paladin speaks of the Silver Crusade. "I know the Silver Crusade well, sister. I too find my heart there. We will be glad to help." He accepts the medicine. "If we find this headmistress to be unworthy of your charity, child of the Dawnflower, do you wish us to withhold the medicine, or just to report our findings?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13

Dark Archive

Male Half Orc Shaman 3 HP: 24/24 AC: 16 FF:16 T:10 F:+6 R:+4 W:+9 Perception +12, Sense Motive +5 Effects:(None)

Diplomacy to gather info: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

"We shall do this for you. You are honorable people."

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

"You may still give her the medicine in hopes it gets to someone who needs it."

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

is there any specific reason you suspect these people of abusing your generosity or are you just weary?

diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

I know nothing

The Exchange

Diplomacy to gather info: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10

"We'll deliever the package in no time and figure out any dishonesty."

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Regarding that Perception check earlier, did I see what I saw at the bookseller, or at the temple?

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Mun it was while you were traveling.

Ollysta looks at Gringo,"I am not sure if Gilga is honest or not, I just want some you all to look into the orphanage and make sure is legitimate"

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

I assume this Temple is where I get my healing, I'm not sure how you handle disease, but I'm hoping they get a chance to notice or at least check me over when I mention being bitten by rats. Also, what race is Ollysta?

Knowledge:Local(untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

"Caring for those that can't care for themselves is very giving of you Miss Ollysta. I commend you on your charity. We will be sure to deliver the supplies as you requested."

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Mr. Peppers, right now you character would not know he had failed is save due to an on set period. However, we will handle it prior to ending this scenario, but you will have to pay out to get what ever it was removed. And yes, this is a suitable place to regain the hit points.

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

Yup sounds fine, thanks.

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Once the group gets underway towards the orphanage, Mūn shares a warning with the group. "I'm quite sure that I saw someone watching us as we travelled to the temple. I can't say for certain that he had malicious intent, but I believe he did not want to be noticed. The person disappeared quickly after I noticed him. I think we should keep an eye out for trouble, just in case."

The Exchange

"I saw him, too. He may be anyone: enenmy, friend, occasional passer...We shouldn't let our guard down anyway."

Grand Lodge

male Half-orc, Barbarian 1, HP 17/17|AC 15|init +5 Mwk Earth breaker (2d6+6 20/x3)|cmb +5 cmd 14|spd +10

I will keep an extra eye out...
Gealdn falls back, and look back from time to timer.
perception-lookout: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Uthraed readies his bow as the walk and fiddles with the arrows in his quiver.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

After meeting with Ollysta at the Temple, you head to house of Gilga Baltwin.

Nearly swarming with cats and children, this fine upper-class home appears to be clean and in good condition considering the number and ages of its inhabitants. Three young boys shoot marbles in the dirt near the side porch, and inside strewn toys and more cats lie about on the floors. A few children take care of chores, while coughs and sneezes softly erupt from the children’s dormitories upstairs.

Auntie Baltwin’s Home for Recovery is known for being a place where sick kids go to get better, and the results seem amazing. Some people claim the place looks odd because people are always coming and going, sometimes taking kids with them. Auntie Baltwin has always played that off as their parents taking them home. A few of the kids come and go throughout the day, especially children that are now well, but have nowhere else to go.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Auntie Baltwin meets the agents in a little kitchenette area.
"You all are a bit older who usually comes to stay at my home, what can I do for you?...Oh dear" She shifts her attention to Mr. Peppers see that he is slightly injured,"Maybe you need Auntie's help after all, maybe Elven magic is not as good as it use to be" She lays a wrinkled hand on a bite wound.

GM roll:
cure light wound: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Mr. Peppers:
You get 9 HP back

Spell craft DC 16:
Cure Light Wounds

"Now that, that has been taking care of. What brings you here."

Grand Lodge

male Half-orc, Barbarian 1, HP 17/17|AC 15|init +5 Mwk Earth breaker (2d6+6 20/x3)|cmb +5 cmd 14|spd +10

Gealdn leave the takling to the others, and focus on exploring the sorroundings while the others go in.
He moves to the playing kids

hey kids, how are you? Do you like it here by aunty?

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Mūn holds out the package of medicine. "We bring blessings from the Silver Crusade, medicine to assist in your care of these unfortunate children." He pays careful attention as he continues. "How came you to a life of such charity to these little beauties?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

"Well, Mr. Elf, I was the oldest of nine kids, and I was always watching over them. Shortly after my siblings left, I had babies of my own. When they were finally old enough to set out, I started taken in orphans and the sick. So you can see, I have been taking care of kids my whole life. They depend on me and I them. She then looks down at the medicine,"Ah, more medicine, I really do appreciate the Temple sending me supplies.

Her shaky hands reaches for a teapot and pours some in a cup."Would any of you like some?" before any one can answer, she pulls a flask from her apron pockets and puts a couple drops of liquid in her tea. While looking around the rest of the kitchenette, you notice 1/2 empty bottle of alcohol and a nearly empty one on the table of the sitting room.

Anyone in the room with her, can make the following heal check. Gealdn I know is outside some children. Please advise what the rest of you are doing. So I know who is where.

Heal DC 12:
spot broken blood vessels in the eyes and nose, shaky hands, glassy eyes, and a fine sheen of sweat on the woman.

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Mūn graciously accepts some tea.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

I would love some tea, Uthraed says accepting some tea and smelling it but not drinking any. How many sick do you generally have here at a time and how long does it take them to recover?

heal: 1d20 ⇒ 15

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
heal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

On the way to the orphanage Mr Peppers mentions how he's heard a few things about the place and its proprietor Aunty:

Miltivis, who runs a nearby market, claims he’s served Auntie Baltwin for over 30 years, and while a good customer, she is quite demanding and often rude to the other customers. He says she’s kept his supplier of fine whiskeys in business for decades.

Gilga Baltwin’s neighbors Travost and Tirelle Anthos are frankly tired of the noises the children make and the retinue of cats—though they do appreciate the latter’s mousing skills. They admit to being happy when Auntie Baltwin sends the children “off into the town” during the day, as it gives them a few hours of peace and quiet before they return in the evening.

At the estate across the street, Master Trebb Bonto, a retired builder, says nothing but nice things of Lady Baltwin, as he calls her. He recounts tales of tea and games on the sitting porch, though if pressed, he lets slip that she often cheats at games and sometimes had some shady characters coming to whisper in her ear and palm her small bags of what might have been money before slinking away. “Otherwise a fine lady, indeed.” he quickly adds.

"So she seems to be into the drink and could maybe into some things that are a bit loose with the law. I wonder if she has the children doing any dirty work for her?"

Once we arrive at the orphanage

"Thank you Ms Baltwin, we had a bit of a run in with some rats earlier. My magic training lies not with the divine arts, but instead with the more powerful arcane variety." Mr Peppers says with a slight bit of air about him, definitely noticing the dig at his Elven heritage, but accepting the tea none the less.

"Would you mind if we could meet some of the children upstairs? It would be great to be able to describe some of the great kids their medicines are going to help. It could even help increase their donations to the cause."

The Exchange

"Thank you a lot, but i just want to finish the job and get for the next one" Declines Gringo. "Are you fealing well? Taking care of so many children should be exhausting."

Dark Archive

Male Half Orc Shaman 3 HP: 24/24 AC: 16 FF:16 T:10 F:+6 R:+4 W:+9 Perception +12, Sense Motive +5 Effects:(None)

"Yes, we should check in on the younglings."

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Gealdn, One of the small children look up at the half-orc, "Yeah I guess, she is a really go cook, but can be mean at times"

Diplomacy DC20: Gealdn only:
Another child who is slightly older chimes in,"The kids who are older get sent to other houses in the district to work all day. Auntie gets money for sending us there but she just says it covers our cost of staying with her"

"Well most of the kids are out about doing chores and playing. The only kids left upstairs are on bed rest to one kind of illness or another and they should not be disturbed. But if you insist, I can take you up their, just make sure the one in the wolf pelt washes his hands if he is going to touch anything" She looks at Uthread, "Well that would depend on wait ails them. Some get better with a few days bed rest, the others could take several weeks for something to pass."

She then pats Gringo on the knee as if he was her own kin,"It can be tough, but if I did not do it, who would?"

If anyone wants to follow Mrs. Balwtin. they may do so. You can also decline and do something else while the rest go upstairs.

The Exchange

"I'll wait you outside. Donna want to make sick children frightened of such crowd"
Gringo leaves the kitchen and looks for Gealdn."I guess if he managed to get some info from children, if not i'll help me...After all i'm not big scary half-orc, hah!"
Diplomacy (aid Gealdn): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7 If Gringo catches Gealdn still speaking with children

The Concordance

Male Elf Arcanist 11 HP: 68/68 Temp HP:? AC: 13(17) FF:10 T:13 F:+10 R:+11 W:+12 (Remaining Spells: 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 6/6, 3rd: 5/5, 4th: 5/5, 5th: 4/4, Arcana: 11/17) Effects: False Life, Overland Flight

"I would love to meet the little ones, please lead on Ms Baltwin."

With that Mr Peppers will follow her up to meet the sick children. He motions for at least a couple people to head up with him, Mun especially.

As he goes, he will continue to do his best to compliment Ms Baltwin on her good deeds, a finely cleaned home, the tea etc in an attempt to improve her attitude of them.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Feel free to add in any circumstantial bonuses :)

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Mūn follows along with Mr. Peppers, attempting to build off of his compliments. "The tea was really quite fine."

Aid Another, Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19

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