GM WhtKnt's Into the Borderlands, Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

The Borderlands… an untamed wild region far flung from the comforts and protection of civilization. A lone fortified keep is the only bastion of good desperately striving to maintain the forces of chaos at bay. But evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds.

Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes... and don’t forget to bring at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront chaos in the Borderlands!

Theo Sylvanblood: HP 13/13, AC 14, Init +0, Per 17 (+7) Darkvision
Ore Thornstock: HP 6/15, AC 16, Init +4, Per 14 (+4)
Dirk Thardram: HP 8/15, AC 15, Init +2, Per 15 (+5) Darkvision
Ya'Bo Bright toes: HP 9/9, AC 12 (15 w/mage armor), Init +2, Per 12 (+2) Darkvision

XP Counter: 527 xp each


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Scarab Sages

Ok all changes should be done. If you anything out of wack please let me know.

It's all good. I had a couple of errors within my status bar too. LOL.

Hello everyone, i suppose I'll be joining your adventure. Don't mind me.

4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 3) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 5) = 20
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 3) = 19

Fluffy025 wrote:

Hello everyone, i suppose I'll be joining your adventure. Don't mind me.


Hey, guys. This is my hetero-lifemate of over 20 years. I'll be helping him to put together his character. This was cleared by GM.

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Hello! This is Makira Glory. I am Theo's aunt. I guess I will be joining your quest/adventure. Thanks for letting me join.

My brother's work schedule kept us from meeting up this weekend. It will probably be a few days before I can get him play-ready.

Makira Glory wrote:
Hello! This is Makira Glory. I am Theo's aunt. I guess I will be joining your quest/adventure. Thanks for letting me join.

Here's Makira's character sheet. I had her use standard array. I hope that isn't an issue. I just noticed that the original rules said "roll 4 drop lowest" only.

I wanted to have her background story done before I posted this (She chose her own ideal, bond, and flaw. I offered to blend them into an actual narrative), but it's gotten out of hand and is going to take a bit longer to finish. In the meantime, here are her raw stats.


Makira -- Lv2 Bard, Tiefling

~~Ability Scores and Saving Throws~~
CHA: +3 (17)* | +5 (CHA + Prof)
DEX: +2 (14) | +4 (DEX + Prof)
INT: +2 (13)* | +2
CON: +1 (12) | +1
WIS: +0 (10) | +0
STR: -1 (8) | -1
*includes racial feature bonus.

HP: 14 (2d8)
Armor Class: 14 (leather armor + DEX)

Weapon 1: Longsword (+5 ATK, 1d8+3 DMG)
Weapon 2: Dagger, melee or thrown (+5 ATK, 1d4+3 DMG)

Spell DC: 12 (8 + CHA)

Spell List:

Thunder Clap
Vicious Mockery

Dissonant Whisper
Faerie Fire
Speak with Animals
Unseen Servant

~Features and Skills~
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Jack-of-All-Trades +1

Bardic Inspiration (d6), Song of Rest (d8), Darkvision, Fire Resistance, Thaumaturgy, +1 INT, +2 CHA, Tool Proficiency: disguise kit, lute + 2 musical instruments

Acrobatics [DEX]: +4*
Animal Handling [WIS]: +1~
Arcana [INT]: +3~
Athletics [STR]: +0~
Deception [CHA]: +4*
History [INT]: +3~
Insight [WIS]: +2*
Intimidation [CHA]: +5*
Investigation [INT]: +3~
Medicine [WIS]: +1~
Nature [INT]: +2
Perception [WIS]: +0
Performance [CHA]: +4~
Persuasion [CHA]: +5*
Religion [INT]: +2
Sleight of Hand [DEX]: +4*
Stealth [DEX]: +4*
Survival [WIS]: +1~
* includes +2 profeciency bonus
~ includes +1 Jack-of-All-Trades bonus

Fancy clothes, fake ring, 15gp, longsword, dagger, leather armor, diplomat's pack (chest, 2 scroll cases, fine clothes, ink, pen, lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, perfume, sealing wax, soap)

Dark Archive

Looks good! Go ahead and continue and I'll drop them in when your brother's character is ready. I have an idea.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

She should use a rapier than a long sword to gain the dex bonus. Just a thought.

Ya'Bo wrote:
She should use a rapier than a long sword to gain the dex bonus. Just a thought.

S$~&. I somehow got the short sword and longsword's stats confused. That's why you don't cross-reference item/class charts at 3am.

My plan was to give her a short sword because it's light and has finesse. She'd get the DEX bonus and two weapon fighting with her dagger.

But, as I'm sure you noticed, the Bard's starting gear doesn't offer a short sword. Just the long sword and rapier. I probably mistook her weapon proficiencies for her starting gear, or something, in my sleep deprived haze.

tl;dr -- Yes. She should take a rapier. At least until she can find another light weapon. I'll have her fix it when she copy/pastes the sheet to her profile.

Dragonborn (Blue) | Druid (Moon), Level 2

~~Ability Scores ~~
Strength: 10 + 2 = 12 (1)
Dexterity: 14 (2)
Constitution: 13 + 1 = 14 (2)
Intelligence: 12 (1)
Wisdom: 15 (2)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

HP: 14 (2d8)
Armor Class: 16 (leather armor + DEX + shield)

Weapon 1: Spear (+3, 1d6/1d8)
Weapon 2: Spear, thrown (+4, 1d6)

Spell DC: 12 (8 + 2 + 2)
Spell List: TBA

~Features and Skills~
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Wild Shape (CR1), Breath Weapon (lightning, 2d6, line, dex), Lightning Resistance, +1 CON, +2 STR, Tool Proficiency: herbalist kit, Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Infernal

Acrobatics [DEX]: +1
Animal Handling [WIS]: +4*
Arcana [INT]: +3*
Athletics [STR]: +1
Deception [CHA]: -1
History [INT]: +1
Insight [WIS]: +2
Intimidation [CHA]: -1
Investigation [INT]: +1
Medicine [WIS]: +2
Nature [INT]: +3*
Perception [WIS]: +2
Performance [CHA]: -1
Persuasion [CHA]: -1
Religion [INT]: +1
Sleight of Hand [DEX]: +1
Stealth [DEX]: +1
Survival [WIS]: +4*
* includes +2 proficiency bonus

spear, wooden shield, leather armor, scroll case w/notes, winter blanket, common clothes, herbalism kit, explorer’s pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 rations, waterskin, hempen rope 50ft), 5gp


Trait: "I retreated from society after a life-altering event"
Ideal: "I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer"
Bond: "I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them."
Flaw: "Now that I have returned to the world, I enjoy it's delights a little too much."

A pretty archetypical Hermit Druid. 98% finished. Ran out of time before we could do a spell list, and I forgot to get a name from him. But, other than that, it's good to go.

I'll have him set up his account tomorrow. He can fill in the last of the blanks when he copy/pasta's this on to his profile page.

Aye wassup fellas I’m Theo’s brother what’s poppin

Scarab Sages

Greetings and welcome

Dark Archive

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Welcome, Kanutashi. Uhm, not to be rude, but you might want to change your username (BDJ) as it cuts awfully close to the offensive names rule that Paizo has. Just a friendly heads up. They may call you on it, they may not, but it's better to err on the side of caution, I feel.

Welcome to all our new players! I have one more joining the fun, and they will be dropped in with the other two shortly.

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