GM WhtKnt's Giantslayer: Battle of Bloodmarch Hill (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant?

Norasha Mountainrunner HP 19/28; AC 20/11/19; F+5 R+2 W+4 (+2 vs. poison and magic); Init +1
Rokar Longclaw HP 7/24; AC 15/12/13; F+4 R+5 W+3; Init +2
Milani HP 13/16; AC 18/14/14; F+4 R+6 W+5
Aisha Rageborn HP 17/17; AC 11/11/10; F+3 R+4 W+4; Init +1
Corric Toppleton HP 12/21; AC 15/13/13; F+2 R+5 W+2; Init +4

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Same here! Looking forward to adventuring with both Rokar and Boram.

Dark Archive

The discussion thread is now open and there is a message for the chosen ones there. Please proceed there and check in.

Dark Archive

So we're down a lovable rogue and auditioning for replacements. I'll keep this open until next Monday (21 March) at 11:59 pm CST.

Adventure Background:

Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant?

Character Creation:

Attributes: 20 point buy.
Classes: We are looking specifically for a rogue type with good thieving skills.
Archtypes: Most archtypes will be permitted.
Races: All Core races are allowed without restriction. All other Paizo races may be considered acceptable on a case by case basis.
Alignment: All good, and all neutral alignments allowed. If you choose to play Chaotic Neutral, I need a strong backstory as to why you aren't locked in an institution someplace.
Traits: Two traits of your choice, one of which must be from the Giantslayer adventure path. No drawbacks may be selected.
Faction: Characters are allowed to choose a faction to work for. Factions bring with them specific benefits as well as requirements. You will be asked, or even required, to complete tasks for your faction during the course of your career. Some of these will be simple, others might place you in difficult situations. Working for a faction has several benefits, including the ability to earn Fame and Prestige that can be used to purchase goods and services from your faction.

It is suggested that if you wish to play as a member of a faction that you have access to the Pathfinder Faction Guide. There are specific details and services of each faction in this guide and it would be considered an important resource to be able to turn to.

Hit Points: Hit points will be gained at each level equal to ½ class HD +1. You will receive maximum HP for first level.
Starting Gold: 150gp.
Character Background: This is a critical piece of the selection process. I am looking for players who are both creative and articulate. Your background should include what led you to Absalom to seek out the life of an adventurer, some information about your upbringing, and details explaining how you came to have the characteristics you have today (traits, feats, etc.).

Each background also should include the following; one close friend, one unknown friend, one known enemy, one unknown enemy, and one contact within your faction should you choose one. Please include an appropriate amount of detail for each.


- It goes without saying that cheating will not be tolerated. It ruins the enjoyment for everyone and kills the game. Don't do it.
- I expect you to make the effort to check in at least once a day. I will try to post moves as often as possible and will check in daily. If you are going to be gone for an extended period, please let me know in the Discussion thread and arrangements can be made.
- If a spoiler is posted that says GM Screen, GM Only, or has someone's name other than your character's, don't read it! This is akin to cheating.
- I have no problem if you have played or read the AP, but I do expect that character knowledge and player knowledge will be kept separate.

Your Application Should Include the Following:

- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. If you don't want to create an alias until you are accepted then post the required info in a reply to the recruitment thread.
- A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table.
- A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone.

How to get picked:
1. Write a great background
2. Don't be a power gamer or a min/max munchkin
3. Do something original
4. Make your character memorable
5. Include everything asked for in the application

How not to get picked:
1. Submit a character outside of my creation criteria
2. Beg me to allow some crazy munchkin gestalt character
3. Have a poor command of English, to include grammar and punctuation
4. Be a sloppy poster
5. Disrespect a fellow poster

All applicants are expected to have read the Giantslayer Player's Guide. It's a free download, so you have no excuse.

Please, no role-playing in the recruitment thread. It will not affect your chances of being chosen (and, in fact, may insure that you do not get picked).

Guraza is still interested. She's a Druid, but I'd love to reapply.

Dark Archive

I think they'd like a rogue, but go ahead and throw her back into the pot and we'll see what happens.

How far are you in the adventure path?

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Guraza wrote:
Guraza is still interested. She's a Druid, but I'd love to reapply.

I could give her a ranger level at second to help cover some of the roguish skills. That would be fine with me. She's very nature based anyway so it would make sense.

One question--in the Character Background section you say "...background should include what led you to Absalom...." Is that a typo?

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested.

Would you prefer an actual rogue or a class that can act as a rogue? I.e. how would you feel about a ranger trapper?

All the important thievery skills such as perception, disable device and the trapfinding ability but with a little more combat capability. Probably looking at the archery route.

Windle Thetra wrote:
One question--in the Character Background section you say "...background should include what led you to Absalom...." Is that a typo?

Yeah, it's supposed to be Trunau.

Do you have a preference between rogue and unchained rogue?

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As one of the players (I hope WhtKnt doesn't mind me saying), I would be fine with any 'roguish' class. Skilled ranger? Cool. Clever slayer? Yup. Mechanically minded alchemnist? Good with me. That's just me though.

How much of a must is Trapfinding?

I'd be looking at making a Telekineticist using Telekinetic Finesse to do all the rogue things at close range. Only downside is that he'd lack the Trapfinding ability (which can be gained through a trait but since that's a Mummy's Mask campaign trait I assume it's not an option).

Another option is taking a single level of Rogue but that would delay Telekinetic Finesse to 3rd level.

JamZilla wrote:
Would you prefer an actual rogue or a class that can act as a rogue?

Great question. Perhaps to add to this, you may have lost a character playing a rogue, but was there a niche that player filled that is now vacant?

Were they the face, and now you're looking to have a smooth talker? Did they save the group on multiple accounts due to the trapfinding skill?

Knowing what the party is lacking since the player left, would certainly help with tailoring a character to fill the void.


Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see a reference to character level. Does this mean y'all are looking for a lvl 1 replacement?

A rogue who also acts as face as well might be useful. Our former rogue was quite jolly and kept things lively for us. Not to mention acted like a hobbit, which added to fun factor if you will.

Also I'm one of the other players.

And no we don't have a preference for unchained or non unchained rogue. Although unchained rogue might be useful I guess. I know that since we'll probably be adventuring in the mountains if this AP is anything like old school D&D game Against the Giants then a scout (rogue archetype btw) could be useful as well

But don't let that limit your creativity and imagination in designing your characters! Be creative as you can be!

Also to give you a rough idea of what we have in our party: a half Orc psychic, a dwarven paladin, and a catfolk hunter.

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@gossmar4 & inxpitter:
We're currently 2nd level, if that helps.

source: I'm the other, other player.

As for rogue types and skills, yeah. I think we've got social skills mostly covered, not sure about bluff, but more are always welcome. The party is pretty talkative, so someone who gets along well would be great.

Trapfinding & Disable Device are a plus, since that's the one major niche we don't have covered at present.

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May I present Corric Toppleton, a halfling rogue with a warped fun-loving personality. He'd as soon bed you as he would sock you with his sap.

I used some actual npc's provided from the primer for known and unknown allies, hope that was alright. If not, I'll come up with something else.

inxpitter wrote:

May I present Corric Toppleton, a halfling rogue with a warped fun-loving personality. He'd as soon bed you as he would sock you with his sap.

I used some actual npc's provided from the primer for known and unknown allies, hope that was alright. If not, I'll come up with something else.

Looks good. You might want to bring him up to level 2 though but other than that, I like him. Also is he neutral good or chaotic neutral? You have NC so I'm having a hard time figuring out his alignment.

Norasha Mountainrunner wrote:
inxpitter wrote:

May I present Corric Toppleton, a halfling rogue with a warped fun-loving personality. He'd as soon bed you as he would sock you with his sap.

I used some actual npc's provided from the primer for known and unknown allies, hope that was alright. If not, I'll come up with something else.

Looks good. You might want to bring him up to level 2 though but other than that, I like him. Also is he neutral good or chaotic neutral? You have NC so I'm having a hard time figuring out his alignment.

Thanks for pointing that out. hes supposed to be chaotic nuetral. Will also upgrade to level 2.

Dark Archive

Sorry, all. I never updated my call for recruitment. Yes, the reference to Absalom was an error, and all characters should be level 2. We are about halfway through the first book.

Oh, and I welcome the input of the current players. You're going to be adventuring with the newcomer, after all.

inxpitter wrote:
Norasha Mountainrunner wrote:
inxpitter wrote:

May I present Corric Toppleton, a halfling rogue with a warped fun-loving personality. He'd as soon bed you as he would sock you with his sap.

I used some actual npc's provided from the primer for known and unknown allies, hope that was alright. If not, I'll come up with something else.

Looks good. You might want to bring him up to level 2 though but other than that, I like him. Also is he neutral good or chaotic neutral? You have NC so I'm having a hard time figuring out his alignment.
Thanks for pointing that out. hes supposed to be chaotic nuetral. Will also upgrade to level 2.

Chaotic good. Dammit I meant chaotic good.

That's good. I liked how you wrote your character's background. A very interesting character.

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Alright, Corric Toppleton should be upgraded to level 2 now. Though, saw a few possible discrepancies.

I chose the "Orphaned by Giants" campaign trait, but in actuality Corric was orphaned by Orcs which may be like Giants, but aren't. Should I change the trait, rename it, or leave as is?

Also, with the increase to level 2 does our starting gold increase as well? I'm not going to run into game with a pack full of loot (Corric would likely tip over) but curious about that...

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I'm working on Reiner Slagsun, a Dwarf born and raised in Trunau who makes his living as a hunter and mountain guide and only recently discovered that he's a telekineticist.

He comes from a family that was exiled from Sky Citadel Kravenkus centuries ago. It was one of a handful of families that was exiled, all connected to military unit that made a pact with a Duergar clan to repel an attack by Derros and enslaved Cave Giants. This was considered treason for they allied with what normally were their greatest enemies.

He has 1 level of Ranger (Trapper/Warden), representing his normal life before the strange revelation that he held some sort of strange power. Beyond this he'll be a Telekineticist, though maybe he'll take 1 or 2 more ranger levels at some future moment.

Liberty's Edge

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Ok here is my submission.

Magnus Stromm, dwarven trapper ranger. I am working on the actual crunch but in comparison to the background that part is easy and shouldn't take much time at all although rest assured he will have maxed out skills in perception, disable device and stealth.


Magnus is an uncommon dwarf. He enjoys the wide skies of the open plains more than claustrophobic tunnels of the Darklands where his forebears dwelled centuries ago. He firmly believes that the Quest for Sky was the destiny of his people and the prophecy that Torag spake was the literal truth – “When the ground beneath your feet shakes, press for the Sky.”

He was born in a small, nameless village on the outskirts of Janderhoff. Over the decades he trained hard in the art of scouting, reading the tracks of animals and giants and in setting snares to trap these creatures. As a young dwarf, he found that few things made him happier than spending days stalking the trails of the low lands of the Mindspin Mountains, listening to the wind whistling through the canyons and crevices, but always his eye would turn to those snow-capped peaks. It had always been his desire and ambition to scale the mountain and fulfil the Quest for Sky, a pilgrimage he felt all of his kind should make during their lifetime. When asked why he couldn’t really answer to any great satisfaction, only replying with a shrug; Because it is there.

He rose to become captain of the militia, pledged to keep the lands around the village safe and, by association, Janderhoff itself. Eventually he took a wife and raised a son – Deziak – and taught his son his trade.

Everything changed twenty years ago when he led a militia band from the village against a small group of ogres that had been raiding out of the lowlands for months. It was Deziak’s first assignment in the militia. And Magnus’ greatest error. Misjudging the size and skill of the raiding party, he led his band into an ambush, where it was slaughtered to the last dwarf. The last dwarf being Magnus himself.

He played dead but inside he was drunk with rage, his son’s blood wet on his hands, the bodies of his friends broken and scattered all around him. That night a madness took him, he tracked the ogres to their camp where they ate the roasted joints of dwarf and drank the fiery liquor the men carried in their canteens. After they had eaten and drank their fill, the night air loud with their snores, Magnus stalked among them like an avenging demon slaughtering ogre after ogre as they slept.

When the last giant was left choking on it’s own lifeblood, Magnus melted into the night, disappearing into the mountains where the crushing weight of grief and guilt drove him mad. His days were filled with the ghostly sounds of his men and his son, still singing as they marched, his nights filled with terrible dreams of their dismembered bodies.

Time passed. Whether months or years he truly didn’t know, he could no longer comprehend such a thing. Eventually he made his way across the mountains down to the small village of Trunau. Half starved and wild-eyed with madness he collapsed at the gate. It was only through the kindness of an old half-orc named Katrezra, himself something of an outcast in the wilderness from the savage orcs of this land, that he survived at all.

When he awoke in the Sanctuary under the care of the Iomedean missionaries, his memory was all but gone. Perhaps his mind was trying to protect itself from the horrors he had witnessed but he could barely remember anything before the trek out of the mountains – only his name, and the most basic of the skills he had learned over the decades and his deep and overriding hatred of the giants. It is only in the coldest night that he dreams of Deziak, sees a face that he does not recognise, twisted in fear and pain…. And then he wakes up screaming…

Obviously Magnus would have had to have been pretty tough to take on a whole camp full of ogres. The concept I am shooting for is that actually he was pretty damned skilled, and certainly of a much higher level. However the power of his psychological break has been such that he has forgotten much of what he learned and essentially ‘regressed’ back to level 2. I would like to think it would be fun to RP a character like this who knows he was once something much more than he is now and of course unravelling, in his own mind at least, the mystery of who the person is he dreams about.


Magnus, like many of his kind, is gruff and taciturn. His memory loss has made him something of a loner, distrusted by those who do not understand how a mind can break the way his has. As such he spends as much of his time outdoors, communing with nature as he can. It has always been where he feels most comfortable and where he has felt drawn with his wanderlust. As time goes on he will become fiercely loyal to his party-mates, unconsciously seeing in them the camaraderie he shared with his men and the protection that he should have afforded his son. Although I don't see him as jovial as the rogue you lost, in time he will certainly display the banter you might find among fighting men and women and be lighten the mood with some crass humour.

Friends and Enemies:

I don’t know enough about the AP to know who would be suitable friends and enemies. I have listed Katrezra as important in his backstory as a friend but perhaps other members of the group can help out with an enemy?

Any feedback or criticism welcome.

Dark Archive

Ehr, yes. All characters have wealth appropriate to level. Orphaned by Orcs is fine, just apply the bonuses to orcs instead.

JamZilla wrote:

Ok here is my submission.

Magnus Stromm, dwarven trapper ranger. I am working on the actual crunch but in comparison to the background that part is easy and shouldn't take much time at all although rest assured he will have maxed out skills in perception, disable device and stealth.

** spoiler omitted **...

Wow! Very excellently done!

For the enemies and friends, you can create your own! Doesn't have to be NPCs from the book. Maybe the ogres' boss or leader isn't too happy about his troops being slaughtered or maybe your character has a second son who is out looking for what happened to his father and older brother. Or maybe it's his wife whose looking for him! Don't limit your imagination to what's covered in the player's guide!

Norasha is spot on. The more creative the better!
Here's some easy links to the current players if you want to see how we did it:

Norasha Mountainrunner
Aisha Rageborn
Rokar Longclaw

I might change the friends and allies a bit then, hope you won't mind a few edits.

Don't mind at all. :)

Don't worry about it. We can wait a little if it means better quality applicants.

Liberty's Edge

Ok cool. I'm still mulling over friends and enemies and will likely update the app over the weekend.

That's good to hear. Remember, your imagination is limitless! Like the universe!

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Alright, kept most of the friends and allies the same. Revamped the backstory and personality.

Corric Toppleton

Dark Archive

Having talked it over with the players, we have decided to recruit an extra person. I thank everyone for their interest and encourage you to keep a watch in case I lose my mind and decide to start another AP. In the meantime, Corric Toppleton and Magnus Stromm, please report to the Gameplay thread and await your entry. Thanks to everyone for the great entries.

Thanks for the invite. I will standby for when my character appears.

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