GM Tarondor's Trouble in Tamran (PFS Scenario 7-07) TABLE "A" (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Trouble in Tamran, Table "A", Map of Fort Urssos.

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Scarab Sages

Male Human Magus 1 HP 9/9 - AC: 14 T: 14 /FF: 10 - Perception +0 - F: +3 / R: +4 /W: +2 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 - Init. +2

Tekkannan kneels beside the prisoner. "This woman who came to you - did she perchance smell of the swamp? Did she seem to be itchy and bitten by insects?"

The two men look at you quizzically. "What? No. Why?"

It's just possible that you've gotten everything out of these guys they have to give. Just sayin'...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (Detective) [3] | HP 18/18 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +1 R +5 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Diplo/SM +9 | Acro/EA/SoH/Stealth +6 | Bluff +10

Onward, fellows! No more time to waste here. If we were on our way somewhere already, we continue on!

I hope you haven't decided to kill them... Jerrik smirks and laughs to himself.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Magus 1 HP 9/9 - AC: 14 T: 14 /FF: 10 - Perception +0 - F: +3 / R: +4 /W: +2 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 - Init. +2

Tekkannan fishes a few gold out of his purse, and presents the cash to the stallholders. "The honourale Pathfinder Society regrets the mess, and inconvenience. Please take this untainted gold. I will gather this Molthune gold as evidence."

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

Zhatara gives Tekkannan an hard look before interjecting:"What my friend here means is that the Pathfinders would probably give you this gold IF they were here. They are some sorts of heroes for him, and he was deeply offended these thugs were trying to frame them. As far as I'm concerned you can have the gold or throw in into the swamp for all I care. Molthuni gold doesn't look so atractive to me here in Nirmtharas..:"

Bluff check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Once the party leaves the marketplace she adds:"We've better go back and rest a little. I almost depleted my powers for this day. Also, we could do worse than reporting today's events to the VC"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

Violet snorts at Zhatara's comment. Glad for her own ability and not needing to replenish magic.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"Hrn," Ashwait harrumphs, half-nodding in response to Zhatara's comment on replenishing magic. "Running a bit low myself. But I should make a different selection for tomorrow. Today's was... unsatisfactory."

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

Dalgron looks a little impatient, his fists clenched at his side. "I just hope a little rest doesn't allow the rumors to spread too far while we're not around to stop them..." He sighs. "Perhaps we might visit Oraiah first and explain to her what we've learned so far."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"Rumours do that anyway. People don't gossip to your face, they wait until your back is turned or you're otherwise unable to deny; no fun in slandering someone if they're right there, shouting at the top of their voice that you're an unethical liar and a disgrace to the mother who raised you for everyone to hear. That's what you're supposed to be doing to them."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Magus 1 HP 9/9 - AC: 14 T: 14 /FF: 10 - Perception +0 - F: +3 / R: +4 /W: +2 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 - Init. +2

Walking beside Zhatara, Tekkannan frowns. "I do not understand your intervention to overrule my words. Someone is going around spreading falsehoods about the Pathfinders. Surely the way to counter this is to act honourably and demonstrate the virtues of the Society, not to deny our allegiance. Otherwise the lies go unchallenged."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"But we're not to be known as Pathfinders so's certain doors won't slam shut in our faces 'fore we can finish our investigation, are we?"

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

"I'm not sure what your point is. We're not here to incriminate nor slander anyone, they are. The more time we waste not tracking down the source of the rumors, the worse off we'll be." A confused look covers his face as Dalgron shrugs off Ashwait's words. He adds, with sincerity in his voice and a smile on his face, "From the sound of it, though, I do worry that you may need rest desperately."

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"Sometimes honor and virtue help you getting stabbed in the back. Besides that Ashwait has the right of it: we are working undercover here. We don't want people to know we are pathfinders so we don't start telling that to the first group of thugs we meet... especially considering they wanted to incriminate us as Molthuni agents..." answers Zhatara, keeping a carefully neutral tone while speaking.

So you head back to the Ashfall lodge, where Oraiah greets you warmly. "Come in, come in. It's good to have a place to call home, isn't it? Sit down and I'll fetch you something to drink before dinner."

"Now," she says, when everyone is comfortable. "Tell me about your day."

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

"Some low-lifers were put to frame us from murder and robbery. Accused us of being Molthuni agents. The only information we got out of them before releasing them to the authorities were that a woman was who wanted it."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"One who's willing to pay BIG money to discredit the Pathfinders," Ashwait adds.

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

At the mention of the thugs who tried to frame the group, Dalgron grumbles. He then adds, "We were also told certain illicit substances seem to be flowing into town through the river."

The elderly halfling listens to your words with concern on her face. "Did you learn anything about who tried to frame you?"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Magus 1 HP 9/9 - AC: 14 T: 14 /FF: 10 - Perception +0 - F: +3 / R: +4 /W: +2 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 - Init. +2

"A tall woman with black hair with a white strip down the middle" remembers Tekkannan. "I do not agree with our current course of action - the Society's good name is being slandered. Even if we find those responsible, then the mud will stick."

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"What they said, but for the part about changing our current course of action" says Zhatara sounding bored.

"There's a couple of places we still need to visit. Maybe we'll have more luck there..."

"And what is your current course of action?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (Detective) [3] | HP 18/18 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +1 R +5 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Diplo/SM +9 | Acro/EA/SoH/Stealth +6 | Bluff +10

Well, the swamp was mentioned. Not my favorite place but I suppose we can check the lead that way.

At least I think that's right. Its been a long, terrible week. I might be spotty on Paizo for a few days.

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

Zhatara raises her eyebrows at Jerrik's suggestion:"We could try that as well, although "the swamps" seem to be a pretty huge "subject" around here. I'd say we could do well to try restricting the area or research before moving inside the swamps"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

"Aye, while I'm itching to see more action, how knows how long we might be searching. We need to find a more focused destination."

"Then perhaps Mister Karela will have some more information when he returns the day after tomorrow," says Oraiah. "I think perhaps it would be best if you confined your investigation to the city until you have a chance to speak with him and compare results."

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

Dalgron nods. "Very well, Venture Captain. Perhaps we should make for the Gar's Last Meal, then. I believe that inn is the only place we've not investigated yet."

Right? I did go back and look through our posts, and I don't think we've hit the inn yet...

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"If nothing else, we can get a drink," Ashwait suggests. "I could do with a beer after that tussle in the streets. My nerves are still jangling!"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

"Aye, Ashwait, being in this heightened awareness can tire one out faster I've noticed."

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"Seems like a plan" Zhatara nods spproving of Dalgron's idea.

You are correct. You visited three of the four suggested areas, leaving off only Gar's Last Meal.

You spend a pleasant, if quiet, evening in the Ashfall Lodge. Oraiah, who is after all a priestess of Alseta, goddess of doors, transitions, and years, reminds you that tomorrow is a brand new day filled with new opportunities, and bids you good night.

You awake in the morning refreshed and ready to go. Where to?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (Detective) [3] | HP 18/18 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +1 R +5 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Diplo/SM +9 | Acro/EA/SoH/Stealth +6 | Bluff +10

Anyone interested in what a Last Meal must taste like? I wonder how they stay open...

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"Well... I'm not sure about the "last meal" part, but sure... lead the way" says Zhatara, seeming perfectly serious!

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"Gars are nasty aquatic predators, so it's probably a fish restaurant," Ashwait suggests. "Fish for breakfast. Hmm. We'll see."

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

"If it's called the last meal where soldiers eat, then perhaps it is some sort of morose joke before they go on duty or out to battle."

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

Dalgron's stomach grumbles. "All this talk of food and meals... I don't care if it means eating fish for breakfast, let's go!" He marches ahead.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Magus 1 HP 9/9 - AC: 14 T: 14 /FF: 10 - Perception +0 - F: +3 / R: +4 /W: +2 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 - Init. +2

Tekkannan smiles to himself. "It is always good to have the truth in an old adage confirmed. I had heard the phrase 'never come between a dwarf and his dinner', but we have just had a demonstration of its wisdom."

He gathers his things, and follows after the hungry, angry monk.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

Violet Chuckles as she walks on.

A small bird lands nearby and chirps loudly. It bears a slip of paper in its claws.

DC 27 Knowledge (arcana):
This is the product of a bird feather token

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

Knowledge (arcana) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

"What's this? The Nirmathan idea of a carrier pigeon?" Ashwait asks, puzzled. "Here, tweety. Whatcha got there?"

The Magus whistles at the bird and holds out her hand.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (Detective) [3] | HP 18/18 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +1 R +5 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Diplo/SM +9 | Acro/EA/SoH/Stealth +6 | Bluff +10

Well, isn't that interesting. Jerrik will wait to see if Ashwait can retrieve the note.

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

Zhatara says nothing but looks at the bird with sudden interest.

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

Dalgron takes out a ration and begins munching on some berries. "It was either this... Or the bird." He chuckles.


Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (Detective) [3] | HP 18/18 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +1 R +5 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Diplo/SM +9 | Acro/EA/SoH/Stealth +6 | Bluff +10

Do we have time to get to our current destination? If so, I say do that then heed the note.

Sure. You have about fourteen hours.

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"I see. Let's hope he doesn't just need some hands to ship his next cargo or some goons to get rid of the competition" chuckles Zhatara dryily.

"Anyway we have time to check the Gar Last Meal, maybe we can find some information worthy of note that will make meeting with Karela superfluos" she finishes leading the way.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Arcanist 1; Init +1; Senses +0; AC (+1 Dex.); hp 12; Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2

"And let us hope this is neither a crimping-scheme nor a trap set by our unknown enemy," Ashwait adds, darkly.

The Gar’s Last Meal is a reasonably priced and relatively comfortable inn, whose only downside is that it smells of fish. The taproom at the Gar’s Last Meal is a fairly popular local hangout, providing you a large number of possible informants in one place.

There is a large lunch crowd when you arrive. No one takes any particular interest in you.

Dark Archive

Female Human Mesmerist 05 HP 43/43 - AC: 17 T: 13 /FF: 15 - Perception +8 - F: +4 / R: +8 /W: +12 - CMB +1 - CMD +13 - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - Mesmerist Tricks 8/8 day

"Let's see what's new..." says Zhatara as she starts mingling...

Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Liberty's Edge

Dwarf monk (qinggong, tetori) 1 | HP: 8/11 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+6 grapple, +3 bull rush, +3 trip), CMD: 18 (21 grapple, 22 bull rush, 22 trip) | Init: +4, Perception: +6

Dalgron takes a huge bite of a bread and donkey cheese sandwich he had ordered. With his mouth still full, he says "Not quite the same as the cheese back home, but still delicious!" He smiles, revealing several fragments of bread still left in his teeth.

He gets up, still taking the odd bite of his sandwich, and has a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

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