GM ShadowLord's GIANTSLAYER (Inactive)

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

THE HILL GIANT'S PLEDGE - PART 1: Rivers of Belkzen
Current Map

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Hello everyone! I'm starting a Giantslayer game for a party of SIX players. Currently there are two players who already have reserved slots and so I will be accepting four more into this game. The two who are selected are a Female goblin cleric of Sarenrae and a Male half-orc barbarian (titan mauler).

Recruitment will be open for a week and will close Wed February 24nd at midnight EST.

What I want from you right now:

When you post I would like to see three things:

1) I want your character concept (class, focus, how you see your character progressing near term) and background, preferably in its own alias (though that’s just to help me keep track of everything). If you want to put together the crunch also, knock yourself out. It will be required, but not in your first post.

2) A list of driving forces, aspirations, secret desires, etc - (Check out the the background information in the creation rules for more examples)

3) An IC post describing your recent history, and how you ended up in Trunau. Write it as if you are telling your story to a stranger at the pub who just bought you an ale. If you are a long-time resident, or someone just passing through, your story is interesting to him. Maybe interesting enough to buy you another ale?


• The point buy for abilities will vary depending on how "powerful" your race is. The breakdown for point buy is below, consult the race section for additional details.
• 25 point buy for all allowed races that are 7 RP and under.
• 20 point buy for all allowed races that are 8 - 11 RP
• 15 point buy for all allowed races that are 12 - 15 RP.
• No stats below 8 or higher than 18 before racial modifiers.
• If you are dumping a stat I fully expect you to RP your character to be lacking that ability.

• Most Paizo-Published Classes and Archetypes permitted.
• One Archetype per Class.
• Playtest characters allowed under the agreement you will accept changes to the classes that Paizo finalizes when they go final.
• If you intend to play Paladin, I expect strict adherence to alignment and decision making.
• Witches are allowed, but Slumber Hex is not allowed.
• The following classes are not allowed: Gunslinger, Summoner, Samurai.

• Most Paizo-published feats are permitted, no third party feats allowed.
• One free Story Feat
• Banned Feats: Leadership & Antagonize.
• Crafting is allowed, but any custom gear requires GM approval.

• Core, Featured and Uncommon races 15RP and under will be allowed. Table. Breakdown.
Core [Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans]
Featured[Aasimars, Catfolk, Dhampirs, Drow, Ifrits, Oreads, Ratfolk, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings, Undines]
Uncommon[Changelings, Duergar, Gillmen, Gripplis, Kitsune, Merfolk, Nagaji, Samsarans, Strix, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, Wayangs]

• Two traits total from Paizo-published sources, one of which must be a Giantslayer campaign trait (Found in Player's Guide).
• You may optionally take a drawback to add a third trait.

• 1 extra skill point per level to be used on Craft, Profession, or Perform (not Perform for Bards)
• We will be using the Background Skills system from Unchained.

• Max gold for your class

• Max per Hit Dice at level one, 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.

• Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring.
• No Evil alignments.

• Characters may worship any deity but must be within one step of their alignment.

XP: The group will level up at the same time based on when I feel it is appropriate within the campaign. I will not be handing out XP individually for encounters.
HERO POINTS: We will be playing with Hero Points.
• We will be using critical hit and fumble tables with some custom rules. I'll post the rules for these in the campaign area once we are underway. To get an idea of what they are like you can see a generator here.

• A physical description will allow you and the other party members to visualize your character.

A character background will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative!

I've listed out a series of questions or thoughts that you do not need to fill out verbatim, but instead of listed to help you build a history items.

• There is some great information available in the Giantslayer Player's Guide on the surrounding area.
• If you're playing as a common race, how do you view other, rarer races? If you're playing as an uncommon race, how did you come to live among the common?
• What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
• What goals/aspirations does your character have? These don't always need to be lofty or noble.
• What is my role in town? Am I settled there, or just passing through? How do I make a living? (Good examples include Craft skills, occupations listed under Profession, or as an unskilled laborer.) Is this a family business or trade, or am I doing something new? How long have I been doing this in Trunau?
• Did I inherit my equipment / receive it as a gift? Did I save up to purchase it? Did I steal it / steal to get it? Did I kill for it?
• How are the Traits that I have a part of my story? What training or experiences have I undergone to get the Skills, Feats and Class Features that make me good at what I do?
• How strongly do I live out my alignment? Am I a constant beacon of good/evil/law/chaos? Or am I more surreptitious about my moral choices? What are my religious commitments, and how do these shape me?


Post as often as is necessary, but keep it regular. I tend to check the boards several times a day but less often on the weekends. Ideally, we’d have at least 1 post per day from everyone, as needed, but I understand that’s not always possible. I am going to do my best to keep this game moving. If you only check the boards on the weekends, this is not the PbP for you.

Perseverance is preferred. This is a long lasting story arc split into multiple modules with multiple parts each. If you don't think you can devote the time to hang around for at least a module at a time, this is not the PbP for you.

Communication is key. Whether it is letting me know of a vacation where you might not have internet access, questions about some minutiae of game play, or simple clarifications; communication is how I gauge how engaged my players are, and how I can tune the adventure so that everyone is enjoying themselves. If you don’t think it’s important to let the other players and GM know when you aren’t going to be able to post for a few days, this is not the PbP for you.

Roleplaying. As mentioned above, I like for my players to take the lead in a goodly portion of the adventure. Cues and clues will be given to prod, but I'd rather you go off on a wild hare chase rather than be spoonfed copied portions of the AP over and over. If rolling dice is your thing, and your character is the strong silent type, this is not the PbP for you

Quality posting. Know how you get when that hamburger you ordered doesn't look anything like the picture on the poster? That's how I feel about craptastic posts. No one (but you) is forcing you to rush a post out the door, so take your time with it. If you prefer to let the others do the talking, while you toss in one word responses, and like to roll for social skills with no explanations, this is not the PbP for you.

Have fun! This is one of the most important, because if you aren't having fun, why are you playing? Of course, this applies to everyone else too. So, don't be a jerk. If you want to have fun, then this is the PbP for you!

I really shouldn't have made my character before confirming what the others were playing, I don't think a party needs two Half-Orc Titan Maulers. :P

Back to the drawing board!

Here is a half orc goliath druid that I submitted for a prior claim. I will do some tinkering with the stats and background, making it more in line with your requests.

Please let me know if you see issues or have suggestions. Thanks for your consideration.

Ooooh yes.

Here is a Hobgoblin Spell Warrior Skald name Kreagor for your consideration, I assumed all races under 15 rp were allowed even though Hobgoblin was not specifically listed. If thats not the case them I can change out the race easily enough.

The alias has pretty much everything done in it, though I am still checking the numbers for correctness. Any suggestions to fit better in the campaign would be appreciated. I tried to play up the exploration/giant side of things without taking the story feats/traits that help kill giants faster.

IC bar story in coming sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Guraza - Didn't see the story feat in there.

Kreagor - Hobgoblin's are allowed, I didn't mean for my list to be limited that only but merely an example for those that were not aware of the classification.


GM, I think the Vengeance story feat might be a good fit with Guraza's background. I have name a particular tribe of the orcs, the Skullcrushers. Is it too powerful to have the feat apply to a whole tibe, or should a come up with a named leader and have him be the target of the feat? I'm fine with either way you want to play it.

I will work up a Catfolk Ranger concept. Focus will be heavy on tracking and archery.

Got a solid idea for a relic raider rogue. How do you feel about unchained rogues and archetypes? A traveling academic in savage lands ...

Guraza - Let me take a look.

Digger - I'm open to anything Paizo, make it so!

Ooh very cool. I've really been wanting to get into a Giantslayer campaign ever since the last one I was in died out.

The character I want to bring in is a elven evoker wizard with the shadowcaster archetype. He is a loyal disciple of the gospel of boom, solving most problems with a well-aimed fireball or six. Not that he won't be able to throw out a haste or dispel when it's needed, but explosions solve so much.

I'm thinking of using the Eldritch Researcher story feat, but wanted to make sure you were ok with going through the process of developing new spells (as well as seeing if I could start off with one). If not I will go with the nemesis story feat.

Let me know if you think that general character concept is something you're looking for, and let me know what you think of the story feat (if you want I can heave some example custom spells your way). If it's something that you like I'll get to work on fleshing it out.

Digger Chandler here, went with Scroll Scholar instead of relic hunter. A fussy academic upset with being sent to this nowhere, outside of his chosen specialization due to what he thinks are school politics but are, in fact, much darker forces are at work, and he is meant to fail. (Thinking of the nemesis story feat.) He'll be caught up in a story bigger than all this and slowly realize the importance of it all.

Just a quick dot with the new alias, but background to be coming tomorrow.

I am now considering a Sylph Monk (or possibly Elemental Ascetic despite being weak mechanically), something I've always wanted to try. 25 points really helps with the MADness, though I still wish it were easier for monks to rely on dex over str.

Dotting. I will submitting a human paladin (holy guide) of Erastil for consideration.

Never actually done background skills ...helps this character a lot. (Don't mind the stats in the avatar, just using a template on my phone.)

Dotting! I love the concept of a womanizing gnome wizard, who uses magic to compensate for all his...uhm....shortcomings. Possibly on the run from Kaer Maga after sleeping with the wrong girl. I'll post something more extensive in an hour or two.

I have a character I would like to play, my battle wolf riding gnome! He is currently PFS legal and I am also applying to another game with him. If he suits your taste I can throw some things around to fit him to the game.

I'll make my official post with him once I know more.

Hey there! Here's my humble submission: Gareth Gulfurion, dwarf titan fighter, ready to hunt goblins, orcs and giants! He's designed to be more tanky, and I imagine he will immediately partner out with the half-orc titan mauler. :)

The profile has a quick concept and backstory, besides the tentative crunch. I'll be developing more the background and other details on the next days. Thanks for the opportunity!

Dark Archive

Dot, I'll be applying a kitsune rouge for this... But I can't seem to find their RP value...

Here is Iangrim Swiftgear, gnome fey sorcerer. He is ready to travel the lands in search of wome....errr...glory. His concept is debuffing, battlefield control and buffing. Highly persuasive, mildly mischievous, all man.

The profile has a detailed background and concept, with the basics of the mechanics. I'll finish the crunch if the character is approved, and I'll post here soon as well for an introduction. If you don't think this character will serve well in the group or your aim for the campaign, but would like to have me in your group, I can also throw together an elven wizard-buffer. Thanks for your consideration!

@william Nightmoon. Kitsune aren't listed anywhere. Using the racial creation rules, here's what I got.

0 RP - Standard Ability Modifiers
0 RP - Size: Medium
0 RP - Humanoid
0 RP - 30ft Speed
1 RP - Low-light Vision
3 RP - Lesser Change Shape
2 RP - Agile
2 RP - Kitsune Magic = Gnome Magic. This could even be a 1 since it's technically weaker than Gnomes.
2 RP - Bite attack, one category size increase
0 RP - Standard Languages

10 RP, roughly.

Sovereign Court

@parizzio: thanks a ton! That was my estimate for them, and that just helps to confirm

This is the alias I'm using

Here is my submission, half elven ranger. I am updating his profile atm with the IC dissertation.

Sovereign Court

Okay, kitsune umchained rouge with the counterfeit mage archetype, her story feat is the accursed feat. For her curse it slows her down 10ft and lights her up like a beacon when she attempts to steal. Although it says "steal" it activates whenever she tries to pick locks and when she takes something from anyone else without authorization, as well as whenever she intends to swipe something.

It acts like a light spell mixed with faire it renders invisibility useless. It lasts 5 minutes each activation

It is an adimant anklet that holds her down and bestows the curse.

Otherwise I'd just like some bacic feedback

*distantly*Swiper no swiping!!

Sovereign Court

Here's fluff,

Background and Fluff:
Sitko was adopted at the age of 5 by a half-elf family who couldn't have children of their own. She lived with them until she was 16, when she began to work for her village's Merchant guild. She learned how to weild a rapier and fight with swift strikes from her mother, and learned how to debate and lie from her father. She picked up how to open locks and disable traps from her mentor in the merchants guild.
She uses her natral magical ability to make her skills even better, she even dabbles in using magic occasionally.

One day she left and decided to gain profit from theivery. She tried to steal from a very powerful mage, but was caught and had a curse bestowed upon her. The curse made it so that any time she attempts to steal she glows like a torch and is outlined in farie fire, the cause comes from a heavy anklet that slows her down(-10feet).(this is the curse for the story feat)

Appearance: in human form Sitko is a human about 5'4", with copper hair and green eyes, her face is covered with freckles and she has a babyish face. Most people find her cute, but not wholely attractive.
In fox form she is the same height and her fur is a silky orange, her chest and neck are a cream white, and her eyes are still a beautiful green. Her ears are black and her tails are tiped with black

I dearly hope you pick me :)

Besides, it seems like I'm the only rouge applying. :D

Note: this is only the draft so far, details will be added

Here is the working background for Ferus Swiftpaw. I will hold for now on doing the crunchy bits until I get the proceed or waive off from your side on how you feel he may fit with the party.

I am taking some dramatic liberties with making up positions of Scouts/Wardens for Trunau, as the player's guide didn't mention a standing militia. It did say that they relied heavily on their hunters and trappers for food, so Ferus would also augment that role as well.


Cut to save space:

"You want to hear why I am joining the others in preparing for the Hopeknife Festival? While your eyes do not deceive you, as there is not another of my kind for hundreds of miles, Trunau is my home and has been since the thrice damned red wyrm killed those I loved."

"What's that? You think I am telling you this because it makes me special? Not at all, look around you and you will see a town full of people who have had something they love stolen from them by this land. It is a cost that I have come to accept, as have all those who call Trunau their home. Outsiders come and go, sometimes they even go without paying the Reaper's coppers, but some find that the land calls to them, the way it does to us and they accept the cost the land demands."

"You are correct, I wear the badge of a Scout and were it not for the desire to see some of my nephews and nieces be presented with their Hopeknife, I would not be in town right now. The Scouts and the Wardens are a close community and their children are as dear to me as any I could have sired, but as we have established, there are none of my kind here to offer the pleasures, and dangers, of a hearth and home."

"After the ceremony I will depart and resume my patrol. The orcs are always testing to see if our guard is down and one day they will figure out the importance of this ceremony, as they are not as stupid as they would have us believe. This land does not allow fools to survive long, but dark thoughts have no business on festive days."

"Do I carry a Hopeknife? Why yes, I do but let me assure you that no orc would seek to keep me alive if they captured me. They would seek to wear my skull and fur like a trophy and a live Scout does not a trophy make."

"Enjoy the festival traveler and who knows, maybe this land will call to you as well. If she does, remember there will be a price to be paid. There is always a price."

Dragonfoe: Ferus' clan was wiped out when he was a youngling by a red dragon seeking to establish territory. Ferus is unsure if the dragon is alive or dead currently, but his burning hatred of wyrmkind is not limited just to the chromatic, but to the metallic as well. He sees the metallic dragons as being far to passive in letting the scourge of the chromatics spread unchecked.

Other trait: TBD

Thanks to everyone for your submissions so far. Don't forget to give me your IC RP sample! I haven't gone over all the individual submissions quite yet, the crunch is one of the least important pieces to me.

I've had two requests for Path of War classes from Dreamscarred press. Because I've played in a game with them before, I will be allowed characters to submit use of these classes if you wish.

Sovereign Court

in all honesty, she'll be exaggerating everything and changing details... So don't expect this to stay the same


Sitko laughs loudly as she tells the man her not-so-tragic story of her life up to when she arrived in Trunau,"so then the mage says ' why my lady, you're glowing like a beacon!' And I smiled and hid the necklace in my shirt. He staired at me for a moment, and said,'now why might you be glowing?' I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his chest lushly and said,'why, I'm glowing for you,' and he totally fell for it.
Sitko took a swig from the beer and made a shrewd face, like the drink was vile, anyways he took me to his room, and I snuck out as he was getting ready. I slipped out through the window when I stole his winged boots. Unfortunately I was flying through the air looking like an angel wreathed in flame and was spotted by the town gaurd. They took the boots back, and as they did I slipped away. Since I'm wanted there, I skipped town. This little village just happened to be the next in line.
Sitko sets the beer down and smiles at the man it's been nice talking, but I got to go. she stands and walks to the other side of the room, outlined with red flames and as bright as a torch

If it is unfinished, I'm still working on it.

I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the two story feats I was considering. I know you've said multiple times that crunch isn't an important piece, but which story feat I have will impact my character's personality and backstory so I want to make sure I'm going down the right path when I start writing. Thanks!



Talathel nods to the man who just bought him a round.
"Thanks lad."
He grabs the cold beer and flinches, his forearms blackened by a fire are still very sensitive to touch.
"I've run into some spirits a few weeks ago. Threw me in the hearth fire."
He says as he nods to his arms.
"You could say it was mostly my fault but..."
He sighs.
"Lost my home and my fortune because of them."
An ominous wind suddenly passes the couple at the bar.
"Kept bothering me ever since they did. One positive thing though, they gave me some pretty neat magic!"
The last he adds with a flash of a grin, he points at the man's beer which slowly starts icing over.
"But tell me more of yourself!"

Sovereign Court

Here is my updated background
and hopefully finalized

Background and Fluff:
Sitko was adopted at the age of 5 by a half-elf family who couldn't have children of their own. She lived with them until she was 16, when she began to work for her village's Merchant guild. She learned how to weild a rapier and fight with swift strikes from her mother, and learned how to debate and lie from her father. She picked up how to open locks and disable traps from her mentor in the merchants guild.
She uses her natral magical ability to make her skills even better, she even dabbles in using magic occasionally.

One day she left and decided to gain profit from theivery. She tried to steal from a very powerful mage, but was caught and had a curse bestowed upon her. The curse made it so that any time she attempts to steal she glows like a torch and is outlined in farie fire, the cause comes from a heavy anklet that slows her down(-10feet).(this is the curse for the story feat)

Appearance: in human form Sitko is a human about 5'4", with copper hair and green eyes, her face is covered with freckles and she has a babyish face. Most people find her cute, but not wholely attractive.
In fox form she is the same height and her fur is a silky orange, her chest and neck are a cream white, and her eyes are still a beautiful green. Her ears are black and her tails are tiped with black

Goals: Sitko is slightly kleptomaniac, she sees everything as a means to profit. She swipes things off of people when she can, but has become frustrated with her curse. It is her greatest goal to remove her adimant anklet. She even considers amputation, but as a last resort.

Party role: Sitko will be the trapfinder and the backstaber. She will sneak about and lie, fake weakness and blend in with everyone. She will appear to not stand out, but in fact do a lot to help. She will trick people into helping her and she'll swipe their gold from beneath their noses.

How I got my Traits: Sitko studied alot when she worked at the merchants guild, she picked up a lot about rare and expensive artifacts. She learned that many people don't know anything about artifacts, so she can scam people out of powerful objects without them knowing.
Sitko's parents where both raised by their elven parents. They taught her the finer skills with a blade that they where taught themselves.
Sitko is also very analytical, and uses this to her advantage.
Although she is smart, she is very vain. She can't deal with herself if no one finds her beautiful, or when no one believes her, even if it was a lie.

Hey I've had a chance to think over my submission, i'd love to play a pyro kineticist. But since you offer a wide range of races I want to go something different since you never normally get options like this. So I want to go a hobgoblin or race like hobgoblin shuned for what they are.

I want to play it off as he was burnt bad(dragon fire would be my first idea tie that into a dragon we might face? The dragon took out his tribe), take draw back and lower charisma to play off on that. If love to see how he's seen by other people not just because he's a hobgoblin but because of the burns and how he acts very anti social at first.

I will get this all written up by tomorrow.

Iangrim stared down into his almost-empty ale mug, waiting for the liquid inside to settle so he could see his reflection. His two tiny hands tightly gripped each side of the oversized made-for-humans mug as he let out a soft sigh. There was a tinge of irony in his choice of a drinking container, considering the establishment he was patronizing, Trunau's "Ramblehouse," specifically catered to little folk.

Still, even in an inn filled with halflings and gnomes, Ian stood out like a sore thumb, if a sore thumb were a supermodel. His naturally tanned skin, brilliant green hair, and fey-like almond shaped silvery-blue eyes defined him as something far different from most of his kind, and by the Gods did it ever bring him some attention.

Looking back up from his mug, he took note of the several beautiful women surrounding him, including the lovely halfling Glam on the other side of the bar. "You know, in hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have...", he continued his story, starting with those words that he so often uttered when describing the unfortunate situations he got himself into, "...flirted with the bugbears daughter, but they were the only two bugbears in all of Kaer Maga! And she was beautiful indeed," he paused mid-sentence, looking in an arc around him while flashing a smile, "nowhere near the caliber of you lovely folk, but beautiful nonetheless! Oh but her father, the brute he was, chased me around the southern quarters with a club bigger than the door to this place!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up and spreading his hands out, as if the spread of his tiny arms could actually reflect the size of the club he spoke of.

"Thankfully, he's not quite as fast as ol' Iangrim. A hop and a skip and I was hundreds of miles away. I must say, I'm glad I made the trip now, considering my present company." He suavely spoke out, winking at Cham. Smoothing over his fancy vestments, his gaze met the barkeep, "so Cham, which one of these lovely girls were you trying to introduce me to...?"

Sovereign Court

Oh, I can just see Iangrim hitting on Sitko, and then getting dumped when she Lets him know she's not interested :)

Though she might have at it if you put up a good game, it would be a battle of who can flirt better.

Just off the top, what are your rules for intoxication?

I (when I'm DM) use the old version 3 rules. Each full drink is a fortitude save. Each successful save increases the DC by +1, and each failed save is temporary Wis and Dex damage. Damage heals 1per hour rest, and hangover is represented by fatigue and light vulnerability.
Reduction of Dex results you falling into a drunken mess, wisdom results in you basically being high
Then the drinks are divided into three major groups: beers, wines, and whiskey. Beers have DC:10+ wines:15+ and whiskey: 18+

But that is just me... What do you do?

Sitko wrote:
Oh, I can just see Iangrim hitting on Sitko, and then getting dumped when she Lets him know she's not interested :)

I thought this is why wizards made the charm person spell

lol Might help if I look in the right thread :3

Rysky here, presenting the Fluffy Sarada the Warder, come north to slay some dragons... or something.

Will get work on the sheet and motives.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Snowe wrote:
Sitko wrote:
Oh, I can just see Iangrim hitting on Sitko, and then getting dumped when she Lets him know she's not interested :)
I thought this is why wizards made the charm person spell


How about hell f%@*ing no.

Would you allow the feat substitution for hero points?

Sovereign Court

Yes, the antihero rule, my character would like to apply for that as well :)

Dotting interest. I have a dwarf titan fighter that I will need to re-up with the point buy

Updated with the ale talk now :)

After a few crashes, I've got the crunch mostly done here. The delicious juicy fluff is next.

Fluff?! Who said fluff?! I heard fluff...

Wow. In a little over a day there has been ten submissions with a handful more coming. I don't think I'll be able to accept new submissions for another six days at this pace - we already have more than twice what I can take. I think what I will do is allow people to dot in with interest until Saturday 2/20 - Midnight EST and allow people to flush out their submissions until the original date of 2/24.


Adjunct Professor Silverwood - I concur about background skills. I believe they are my favorite part of unchained!

Ferus - I Wouldn't expect you to know the locations, it's perfectly fine - thanks!

CampinCarl - Hmmm. I've seen anyone actually pick Eldritch Researcher in any of my games before so I've never had to consider it! If you feel like you create a spell that is not going to become unbalanced I'd consider it otherwise I think nemesis is a solid feat that is commonly chosen.

Ictoo - There be dragons! That would definitely work.

Sitko - I've played numerous games with numerous intoxication rules, it really depends entirely on how much alcohol consumption is going to come into play. I'm open to adopting any set of rules if we can reach a general consensus on it. Also, did you really model yourself after Swiper? I'm sad I know who it is, but I supposed a as a father of three it would be impossible to not know. ;)

Azule son of Abendago Hero feats can't be traded out for feats. If you don't want to use them you can let them accumulate if you wish. I don't particularly enjoy killing PC's and if for nothing else it gives you some death insurance if need me.

IF you missed it above, the submission deadlines have changed!

After a cursory review, here's what we have:

Brolga Zorador - Half-orc barbarian (titan mauler)
Garri Leaflock - Goblin cleric of Sarenrae

Guraza - Half Orc Goliath Druid
Talathel Wolfrider - Gnome Oracle (Dual-Cursed Oracle)
Kreagor - Hobgoblin Spell Warrior Skald
Adjunct Professor Silverwood - Elf Rogue (Scroll Scoundrel)
Ferus Swiftpaw - Catfolk Ranger
Gareth Gulfurion - Dwarf Titan Fighter
Iangrim Swiftgear - Gnome Sorcerer
Sitko Liliyfrond - Kitsune Unchained Rouge (counterfeit mage)
Rydell Ryuu Ellindorr - Half-Elf Ranger (infiltrator)
Sarada - Gnoll Warder

Sovereign Court

@GM Shadowlord: Hahaha! No I didn't really model myself off that ridiculous cartoon. I just reminded myself of him.

Besides that, paizo also has some rules for addiction, but to be honest, I'm not drinking much.

Oh and I forgot to say that she was in human form during the RP

GM V here. Since there is already 1 titan fighter supmission I might just go with this Stonelord paladin instead. I will update his background and point buy later.

Sovereign Court

This just dawned on me, kitsune have a bite attack, but does weapon finnese apply to the attack?

A Tale at the Tavern:

“Thank you for the ale kind sir” Kreagor says as he lifts the mug and quaffs a good third of the drink down. “For your kindness I would regale you with a story of a hero, or at least his origins” A regular beside Kreagor snorts a bit at hearing this, possibly knowing the tale that's about to unfold. Kreagor eyes the regular askance before continuing.

“So this hero, well he began life not unlike the rest, born of a set of parents who tried their best but could not live up to the task. As such, he was found near a settlement perched atop a set of cliffs, and a couple in the town took him in, having just recently lost their own new born son.”

As he speaks, Kreagor studies the man, noting how the structure of the sentences, his tone of voice and the inflection of the words affect him. Noting that the man responds better to a lower tone with the words strung together smoothly, he alters his speech to better affect the man.

“As he grew, he took to labour and the helping of others with an ease that surprised everyone at first. He worked hard, helping with the crops, hauling lumber, whatever was needed, and to pass the time he would entertain those around him with stories and jokes, his soothing baritone voice comforting to others and allowing them to forget their sore mussels and their fatigue and work harder for a time.”

Letting out a sigh, Kreagor quaffs from his mug again, doing so in a slightly stiff but laid back manner, intimating the behaviour of a hard working man done work for the day

Eventually, this young intrepid man would begin to venture out into the wilderness around the town in his free time, exploring the lay of the land and those small caves or ruins he could find, seeking to understand it all. Soon enough, he was venturing far enough afield that he saved his money to acquire a bow, a bedroll and the other necessities required to safely spend the night out in the wilderness for days at a time.

It was on one of these outings that he saw one for the first time. At first he heard the sound of loud foot steps so he peered through a fracture in the wall of the ruin he was in. At first he only saw movement, then he could make out a limb here or there, a bits of the torso now and eventually he realized what his eyes were on...

Enjoying the moment, Kreagor takes a final quaff, finishing his drink and placing in on the counter. I do love to drag out a climax he thinks as he drinks.

In seeing a giant for the first time, he was filled with awe and wonder. That something so big could move with such ease, or even exist seemed to defy the very laws of nature!

After the giant moved off, either not noticing him or simply not caring, our hero quickly made his way back to town to tell his parents what he saw. After regaling them with the tale, he set out to find every bit of information on giants that he could, plumbing the minds of people and the depths of caves alike. His life goal was to learn all he could about them and one day venture into the mountains to experience their culture for himself. Eventually becoming a man renowned for his intellect and skill in battle by both the people of his village and the giants he was so enraptured by.

Having the man right where he wanted him, Kreagor set about to end his story with a flourish and a twist, set on earning another drink by dint of his story alone.

Now, why have you never heard of this man, you must be thinking. A hero as great as this would have his story shouted from the roof tops of every town in the land! There must be no such hero as this! And you'd be right, except that this heroes story is still in the making, and he is currently sitting in a tavern in Trunau telling a man a story over a free mug of ale.

At this point Kreagor looks into his empty mug and with a wry grin subtle slides in closer to the new comer.

Now I'd like to thank you for the ale again, and hope my story was worth a pint or two! With that, Kreagor finished his performance with a wry grin.

Ahh I hope it was enough. he thinks Another mug of ale would go well with the bit of adventure I am sure I'll find myself in tomorrow. There's many more caves and ruins to search for information about the giants.

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