GM Rennai's The Midnight Mirror (Inactive)

Game Master Rennaivx

Can a group of intrepid Pathfinders figure out what is happening in the city of Karpad?

Karpad overview map

House of Night maps

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The sleepy town of Karpad in shadow-haunted Nidal has long been overseen by the Boroi family, and until a few weeks ago, the citizens under Baron Stepan Boroi’s rule have lived uneventful lives of relative peace. Recently, however, the outbreak of a virulent and fatal disease and a number of mysterious disappearances have left the people of Karpad paranoid and fearful. Even Baron Stepan has been acting strangely, and now the tenuous balance of racial tensions between Karpad’s human and fetchling populations stands on the verge of collapsing into total anarchy. The young Baroness’s mother has sent a team of Pathfinders to look into her daughter’s well-being after an unexpected silence - can they uncover the root of Karpad’s problems and put an end to the deadly virus, the terrifying disappearances, and the miasma of fear and distrust that threatens to overwhelm the region?

Hello! I’m Rennai, a first time GM on the Paizo boards. I’m looking for a group of 4-6 players to run The Midnight Mirror, an investigative/horror adventure that takes characters to the town of Karpad in Nidal.

Character creation guidelines:

  • Build requirements: 20 point buy, 4th level. We won’t be leveling up in the module.
  • Classes: all Paizo. I’m not very familiar with the Occult classes, but I can learn them if need be. Please note that for a significant portion of this adventure, summoning will not work. (I may be able to bend this for a summoner’s eidolon if it’s necessary.)
  • Races: all the Core, Featured, and Uncommon races are allowed, although I do tend to be sort of a traditionalist where race is concerned. (Be warned that playing a fetchling will have roleplaying consequences, as there is some anti-fetchling discrimination in the town at the moment. That’s not to say don’t play one, just be prepared.)
  • Hit points: maximum for the first hit die, then either roll in Recruitment for the other three hit dice or take half hit die +1 (plus other modifiers as usual).
  • Traits: two traits. I’ll allow a drawback to take a third trait.
  • Alignment: any non-evil. I don’t tend to police lawful v. chaotic super closely.
  • Your character should be a member of the Pathfinder Society, and will be sent first to the city of Nisroch in Nidal. Your venture-captain hasn’t said much, just that you’ll be performing a favor for an old friend of the Society, and that she will tell you more. (Note: this is NOT a game being run for PFS credit.)
  • Starting wealth: 6000 gold.
  • Play guidelines:

  • Please be available to post at least once per day, and expect that the module will last two to three months. If you are unable to meet either of these expectations, please leave the opportunity open for someone who can. (I do understand that sometimes, life happens. You won’t be booted just for missing a day.)
  • I will hold myself to the same standard as I expect of players for posting frequency. My posts tend to be during the late night, American West Coast time. I am sometimes on at other times, though, and am usually on the boards frequently checking for updates. I’ll post as often as necessary to keep the action going, although I will pace my responses so everyone has a chance to respond as appropriate.
  • I will act for your character if you haven’t acted in over 24 hours and it’s delaying the action of the game (e.g. during combat). If you haven’t posted in a week with no explanation, I reserve the right to switch you out for a more active player.
  • Don’t expect PvP. It rarely leads to good things, and I don’t know everyone well enough yet to trust that it’ll be handled well.
  • I won’t judge solely on writing ability, but I’d like well-thought-out characters.
  • I’m perfectly willing to take on newer Pathfinder/PbP players as well as more experienced ones.
  • Above all, be nice, friendly, and willing to have fun and help to tell a good story. I very much enjoy roleplaying. While there will certainly be combat, I’m looking for people who will enjoy the times in between as well.
  • About GM Rennai:

    I’ve been playing Pathfinder (my first tabletop RPG) for about a year and a half, and doing Play by Post for about four months. I’m still definitely learning the ropes, especially when it comes to running games, but I have run several sessions over Roll20 before, and I’ve been part of PbP games with some fantastic GMs. Poring over all of Pathfinder’s rules and seeing all the possibilities is quite fun for me, and I’m looking forward to getting better at helping other people play out the possibilities in their minds. :)

    Recruitment will be open until October 14, 2015 or until I receive a suitable number of entries from which to choose. If I decide to end recruitment early, I will give at least 24-48 hours notice for a last call.

    Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your characters!

    If anyone needs any help with formatting a character sheet, click here for the template I've put together to use for all my characters. Don't feel obligated to use it, but if it's helpful for you, go for it!

    I would like character sheets to be done in text - I don't have access to HeroLab or anything like that. Don't feel you have to burn an alias before you're accepted if you don't want to - you can paste the code into a Recruitment forum post instead.

    I think Xander would fit your game concept nicely. He was originally created for a Carrion Hill game, but the overall themes are similar.

    Xander is haunted by the ghosts of his family, but his relationship with them is cordial. He talks to them quite a bit and they enjoy being helpful. Mostly he just comes across as crazy to people who don't understand what's going on. (Some of the inspiration for the character came from Michael J Fox's character in The Frighteners).

    He's primarily a support caster, but he's a trapspringer as well, and a competent back-up combatant.

    I designed him to be well-rounded, easy to get along with, and helpful no matter the group composition.

    Please let me know what you think.

    dotting for interest. Still thinking over possibilities

    Does 'once per day' include weekends?

    @Xander - I like the look of him! I will need some sort of connection to the Pathfinder Society; perhaps as a way to make a living out of his search?

    @Philo - I'll keep eyes out for your entry. :)

    @Mowque - Yes, I'd like weekend posting as well, although I do understand that's when life tends to happen most, so I'll likely be a bit more flexible.

    We'll hello, i'm really interested, planing to run a human alchemist, will get to background and other details a little later, but i really want to play, english is not my mother tongue and it may come rather a little sloppy from time to time, but i can post many times a day and keep the pace as i have a lot of free time, if my english is not a problem i'll put something together asap :)

    I'd like to present Kalen Veilsong, a Wayang Harrowed Shadow Puppeteer. His summons are all illusions (it's based on Shadow Summoning) - he's not actually bringing anyone from a different plane or anything. Would it work?

    Character Sheet:

    Kalen Veilsong
    Wayang bard (shadow puppeteer) 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 210, 210)
    NG Small humanoid (wayang)
    Hero Points 1
    Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
    AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
    hp 34 (4d8+11)
    Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3 (+7 vs. charm and compulsion, +1 vs. enchantment effects); +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic, +2 vs. shadow spells
    Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor)
    Melee mwk longspear +3 (1d6-2/×3) or
    . . unarmed strike +2 (1d2-2 nonlethal)
    Special Attacks bardic performance 18 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 17])
    Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +9)
    . . 1/day—ghost sound (DC 15), pass without trace, ventriloquism (DC 16)
    Bard (Shadow Puppeteer) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +9)
    . . 2nd (2/day)—color spray (DC 16), gallant inspiration[APG] (DC 17), mirror image
    . . 1st (5/day)—hideous laughter (DC 16), liberating command[UC], saving finale[APG] (DC 16), unbreakable heart[ISWG]
    . . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, message, open/close (DC 15), read magic, summon instrument
    Str 7, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 20
    Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 13
    Feats Harrowed[ISWG], Harrowed Summoning
    Traits irrepressible, maestro of the society, reactionary
    Skills Acrobatics +6 (-2 to jump), Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +7, Perception +7, Perform (act) +12, Perform (dance) +9, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +12, Use Magic Device +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth
    Languages Aklo, Azlanti, Common, Wayang
    SQ bardic knowledge +2, dependent, hero points, light and dark, shadow magic, shadow play, shadow puppets, shadow servant, versatile performance (act)
    Other Gear mwk lamellar (leather) armor[UC], mwk longspear, cloak of resistance +1, headband of alluring charisma +2, ioun torch ioun stone[APG], bedroll, flint and steel, harrow deck[UE], ink, black, inkpen, journal[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], mirror, soap, spider's silk rope (50 ft.)[APG], trail rations (5), waterskin, weapon cord[APG], 129 gp
    Tracked Resources
    Bardic Performance (standard action, 18 rounds/day) - 0/18
    Ghost Sound (1/day) - 0/1
    Light and Dark (1/day) (Su) - 0/1
    Pass without Trace (1/day) - 0/1
    Trail rations - 0/5
    Ventriloquism (1/day) - 0/1
    Special Abilities
    Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex) Add +2 to all knowledge skill checks.
    Bardic Performance (standard action, 18 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
    Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
    Dependent Shaken for 1 hour when you fail a Diplomacy check.
    Harrowed +1 on saves vs. enchantment; can draw Harrow cards for bonuses
    Harrowed Summoning Draw two cards, summoned creature gains +4 enha. bon. to Abilities, +6 if same Abilities drawn.
    Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
    Ioun torch This item is merely a burned out, dull gray ioun stone with a continual flame spell cast upon it. It retains the ability to float and orbit, and allows the bearer to carry light and still have his hands free. It may be in any crystalline shape common to ioun stones (ellipsoid, prism, sphere, and so on).
    Irrepressible You can use your Charisma modifier instead of Wisdom for Will saves vs. charm & compulsion.
    Light and Dark (1/day) (Su) As an imm action, treat positive/negative energy as if undead for 1 min.
    Maestro of the Society +3 rounds of Bardic Performance (or an equivalent ability) each day.
    Shadow Magic (Ex) Wayangs add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast.
    Shadow Play You require light to use Shadow Play and Shadow Puppets.
    Shadow Puppets (Summon Monster II, DC 17) (Sp) Summon shadowy creatures as summon monster.
    Shadow Resistance +2 on saves vs shadow spells.
    Shadow Servant (Sp) Create a shadowy version of unseen servant.
    Versatile Performance (Acting) +12 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Act skill for Bluff or Disguise checks
    Weapon cord Attached weapon can be recovered as a swift action.

    @Wolfmancito - English as a second language isn't a problem, go for it. :)

    Considering a Bramble Brewer Alchemist....

    I have a character from a Midnight Mirror game that died off just after the intro, I'll just edit it for compatibility.

    RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

    *waves at Xander, remembering him from that Carrion Hill game*

    ...come to think of it, my submission started to feel a lot like Milo in terms of personality, so what the hell, I'll bring back Milo. ;) Updated and tweaked for this game.

    Milovic Draznoi is a young exile from Nidal who ran away from home ten years ago to join the Society. He's not thrilled to be back, especially since there's always a thin chance of running into the noble family he fled...

    Unchained rogue with some face skills, basically. I gave him Shadowtongue since it's the first time I'm likely to ever play a character that would likely know the language. I also was loosely thinking he might have an unrequited childhood crush on the missing Baroness, but I don't know how old she is for that to be feasible or not.

    Anyway, thanks for considering the application.

    @Mowque - That archetype's cool; I don't know if I'd ever noticed it before. Fair warning, though: there's a significant portion of the adventure where I wouldn't count on having bright light for the fast healing.

    @Azure - I'll keep eyes out for your character, then.

    @dien - Milo looks great! I love having excuses to take some of the weirder stuff, too.

    Thanks. :)

    Shadow Lodge

    Question How do you deal with crafting before the adventure starts? Do you get a discount on items if you have the class ability or feats?

    AZ's submission

    @catman - I think for fairness's sake I'm gonna say no discount this time. (Although ordinarily I'm a big fan of crafting feats; if it was a longer campaign I'd likely say yes.)

    @Az/Titania - Looks good! From the name and avatar, I didn't expect big tough halberd fighter, haha.

    Dotting for interest here guys, just a quick question for the GM first. Did you have any restrictions on where the characters are from? What's the assumption for how they have reached the starting point of the campaign?

    @Bantamweight - All I ask is that you end up working with the Pathfinder Society - you're being sent to the starting point on a mission for them. Where you're from before that is up to you.

    Awesome, how do you feel about Dhampir as a race? My concept works just as well with a human, but I've never played a Dhampir before and I feel like it would suit the mood

    @Bantam - Go for it. I'll keep an eye out!

    Awesome, I've got the basics for my character planned out and I just need to detail him as an alias. I'll be submitting Vandrare the Wretched, a Dhampir two-handed ranger hailing from Ustalav. As soon as I've worked out the kinks I'll let you know!

    GM Rennai wrote:
    @Mowque - That archetype's cool; I don't know if I'd ever noticed it before. Fair warning, though: there's a significant portion of the adventure where I wouldn't count on having bright light for the fast healing.

    I've wanted to play it for awhile. Good point though, we ARE in Nidal, aren't we? A place famously dark.

    I'm still debating if I can give this game the time every game deserves.

    The idea is he is from the Mushfens, and left his tribe of poor, semi-nomadic half-elves due to exploring the swamps so much. Got caught up in the Pathfinder society after running into their missions into the Mushfens. Became an expert in alchemy, specializing in poisons and dieasies. That, combined with a natural bent for mystery solving have led him to this little mission....

    Sounds decent?

    @Rennai: what about the questions I sent, my friend?

    @Mowque - Sounds good to me; build him up! I just figured I'd warn you ahead of time, in case it changed your mind about playing the archetype. (Dendrite mutagen's still good even without the fast healing, though.)

    @Archlich - Wow, somehow I managed to never see your post, despite clearly being online at that time, considering I posted literally the same minute as you...that's weird, I don't know how that happened. Sorry, mate, I swear I'm not ignoring you! Shadow summoning will work just fine, since you aren't calling them from elsewhere.

    Not a problem, Rennai! I imagined it was something like that :) Thanks for the reply. I will humbly submit my Wayang Shadow Puppeteer, then :)

    Here is Liam professional troubleshooter. Investigator Empiricist

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I've updated my statblock. What kind of information are you chasing in our character backgrounds? I've drafted a really basic one, I just need to spellcheck it before adding it to my alias.

    GM Rennai wrote:

    @Xander - I like the look of him! I will need some sort of connection to the Pathfinder Society; perhaps as a way to make a living out of his search?

    Heck, he could be a pathfinder. They certainly are the kind of organization that would appreciate Xander's talents and be likely to accept his peculiarities. As long as they are fine with him funneling information back to his in Lastwall, he'd be happy to work for them.

    What do you think?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    dien wrote:

    *waves at Xander, remembering him from that Carrion Hill game*

    ...come to think of it, my submission started to feel a lot like Milo in terms of personality, so what the hell, I'll bring back Milo. ;) Updated and tweaked for this game.

    Milovic Draznoi is a young exile from Nidal who ran away from home ten years ago to join the Society. He's not thrilled to be back, especially since there's always a thin chance of running into the noble family he fled...

    I'd like to vouch for Dien. He was a great, reliable player and Milo was a fun chapter to be in a game with. Big thumbs up.

    It would be super fun to reprise these two characters, using the Carrion Hill game as mutual backstory. Crossing my fingers.

    @Liam - Looks good! I gotta admit a mad love for investigators; I was sad when the investigator in our IRL campaign died at level three. :(

    @Vandrare - Whatever you'd like to include is fine. I just like to have some information about history/motivations/etc. so I can help to make characters more a part of the story. Whatever information helps you understand and play the character more fully is stuff I'd like to know, too.

    @Xander - Being a Pathfinder is perfect - I figured it'd dovetail nicely with Xander's goals. And I'd love for you to include your past history with Milo. Even if he doesn't get in for some reason, it's still a part of Xander's past.

    @Milo - See Xander's reply above - feel free to include Carrion Hill and Xander as a part of your character's story if you like.

    I've added the Carrion Hill game to Xander's backstory and used it to tie him to the Pathfinders.

    Ok, alias pretty much complete. I've detailed a backstory, feel free to take a look GM Rennai and hit me with some feedback (I'm new to this so any criticism is much appreciated). My character isn't a pathfinder, though he has interest in becoming one. I was hoping to swing it that he is repaying a debt for his now deceased mentor. This debt, owed to a venture captain, has turned into a trip into Nidal to investigate some spooky goings-on. How does this sit with you as the GM? I'm totally flexible, if it doesn't work i'll just take him back to the drawing board.

    @Xander - Looks good!

    @Vandrare - Works for me - there may even be a field commission in it for him if he does well. :) And hooray getting new people addicted to PbP - I mean, having fun! ;)

    @Everyone - In addition to your normal loot, everyone have a free wayfinder as well. Symbol of the position, and all. :) Vandrare (and anyone else who wants to play as a hopeful/ally rather than an already accepted Pathfinder), your wayfinder will be on loan from the Society.

    Haha, it definitely seems like an addictive pastime!

    I'm thinking Van is interested in eventually joining the society, so a potential field commission would be a huge driving force behind his participation.

    Yay, free compass! Seeing as how mine is on loan, what is the chance that the previous user accidently left a sweet ioun stone in it? :P

    @Vandrare - Pretty slim. :P

    Thought so, but it was worth a try :)

    @Everyone - Can't believe I forgot to bring it up in the intro post! We'll be using Background Skills in this module as well. Basically, it's two extra skill points per level that can only be used in the skills that usually get the least love (for a full list see the link). It's a neat way to round out characters, and only makes them better and more interesting. Any other questions about it? Let me know!

    For getting my mind straight, so far we have:

    • Xander Ravencourt, human reincarnated seeker oracle
    • Kalen Veilsong, wayang shadow puppeteer bard
    • Milovic Draznoi, human unchained rogue
    • Titania Evangeline Snow-fell, half-elf phalanx fighter/archaeologist bard
    • Vandrare the Wretched, dhampir ranger
    • Liam Samsom, human empiricist investigator
    • Mowque, not-yet-complete half elf bramble brewer alchemist
    • Wolfmancito, not-yet-complete human alchemist
    Missing anyone?

    @Xander Ravencourt
    Nice to see you around again Doomed Hero, haven't run into you since KM died.

    Nice, background skills do help fill in the character to their backstory.

    Easy access Character list

    Xander Ravencourt human reincarnated seeker oracle
    Milovic Draznoi human unchained rogue
    Titania Evangeline SnowFell half-elf phalanx fighter/archaeologist bard
    Vandrare The Wretched dhampir ranger
    Liam Samsom human empiricist investigator
    Kalen Veilsong wayang shadow puppeteer bard

    Mowque, not-yet-complete half elf bramble brewer alchemist
    Wolfmancito, not-yet-complete human alchemist

    @Titania - Thanks!

    Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:

    @Xander Ravencourt

    Nice to see you around again Doomed Hero, haven't run into you since KM died.

    Wow, this thread is like a reunion for awesome games that died.

    Silver Crusade

    May I present Kinvara Doone, dhampir life oracle, for your consideration.

    This looks like it could be a fund adventure.

    Updated Character list

    Xander Ravencourt human reincarnated seeker oracle
    Milovic Draznoi human unchained rogue
    Titania Evangeline SnowFell half-elf phalanx fighter/archaeologist bard
    Vandrare The Wretched dhampir ranger
    Liam Samsom human empiricist investigator
    Kinvara Doone dhampir life oracle
    Kalen Veilsong wayang shadow puppeteer bard

    Mowque, not-yet-complete half elf bramble brewer alchemist
    Wolfmancito, not-yet-complete human alchemist

    @Kinvara - Thanks for your submission, looks great!

    Updated with background skills. Also my IRL inv. died at the same lv too.

    I've also updated with background skills, and adjusted my archetype to Beast Master to accommodate my animal companion

    @Liam, Vandrare - Perfect, thanks.

    Xander Ravencourt wrote:
    I'd like to vouch for Dien. He was a great, reliable player and Milo was a fun chapter to be in a game with. Big thumbs up.

    Flatterer! :D (And I'm a 'she,' but no worries. ;) ) Nah, you're kind, and I likewise enjoyed Xander. Milo's backstory has changed a little in that he's now from Nidal rather than Ustalav, and he's shifted a little more amoral due to Nidal being a harsher place to grow up in than Ustalav.... it's pretty bad when Ustalav is the happier alternative ...but he's still pretty darn close to the Milo you know and spoke so nicely of.

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