Imron Gauthfallow

Wolfmancito's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


We'll hello, i'm really interested, planing to run a human alchemist, will get to background and other details a little later, but i really want to play, english is not my mother tongue and it may come rather a little sloppy from time to time, but i can post many times a day and keep the pace as i have a lot of free time, if my english is not a problem i'll put something together asap :)

Hello, i'm really interested in playing with you as DM, i've been looking forward to playing as a PC as i always do the mastering part for my friends, i've never really played thorugh forums, and english is not my mother tongue, so it may come rather sloppy from time to time, i'm taking an exam in december and was looking for a way to step up my english a bit, so i figured it would be a nice and fun way to do so by playing my favorite rpg.
After a year or so of DMing i have a couple of characters i really want to try, i'm a fast learner, so, if you have no problems with all of the above i will make a character sheet and a background story by tomorrow, and if you find either one interesting enough i hope i can get to play.

-Wolfman, the white necromancer

Hello everyone, this is my first post and i was wondering if any of you could give me some help.

I'm about to start a new adventure for my party, and i had this idea of using an old whiteboard that had been abandoned for some time as a place to draw the maps and put the miniatures in, my players thought it was a good idea, but we weren't able able to come up to a way of making a guide to draw the maps on. So i was wondering if any of you knew a good method to like make something like that without ruining the board

I know my english is not that good since is not my mother tongue, but i'm looking forward to update this post with the results of wathever i end up doing, and to say thanks to whoever brought me some good ideas.

See you in the wild lands of Golarion
Wolfman, the white necromancer

Darthgaul wrote:

I made a playlist for my game on grooveshark that should be approprate. It's made up of songs from soundtracks so their is little to no singing just instrumentals. You can find it here:

Thank you, i was about to start this AP and was having a hard time in finding apropiate music for it.