Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Do you play?" Khellek looks Solrisa over interestedly.
Sol smiles sheepishly, looking over the pieces.
"Oh, I created the game," Sol says earnestly. "Oh, I didn't create the *game*, but I did these pieces...they are my early work." Sol picks up a gnomepawn piece, holding it up before her.
"This was one of my early works, no doubt. See how the gnomepawn's face goes against the grain? And there is this line of sedimentary rock long his face. I would never do that again," Sol explains, checking to see if the felt underattachment still covered the bottom of the piece.
Gnomes are always losing their underwear.
She sets down the stone piece on the board with a satisfied thunk.
"I've always liked that stone pieces have heft and weight behind them. When you put them down, you are *really* putting them down. There is a choice that's you've made-- in a move-- when you move stone."
Sol looks to the empty chair and takes it.
"I play a little," Sol says, arranging her pieces, barely noticing the imperfections in her early work. "Would you like to play?"
Sol takes a white and black pawn and jumbles them in her hand, hiding one in each of her manhands hands and letting Khellek choose.
"So...tell me about the cairns you've raided," Sol asks sweetly.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Diplomacy
Raella Grim |
Nonplussed at Dannath's rudeness, Rae returns home and settles the puppies for the evening, cleans up and returns to join the others.
Ascaria |
Ascaria looks at Sol playing chess, and Tynan working the door and shrugs.
On his way out following Mort to a proper (and free!) meal, he presumably runs into Raella returning.
"Rae! Where have you been? Mort and I are headed over to the 'Gar for dinner, Mort's treating! Will you join us?"
Raella Grim |
Rae turns as Ascaria invites her to dinner, but then sees Sol playing chess with a stranger.
"Oh! Thanks,Ascaria," she nods, and then again at the larger man, "thanks Mort. Let me see if I can pry Sol away from her game and we'll join you at the 'Gar?"
With that, she strides over to join Sol at the table.
"There you are, Sister!" She says with a smile as she pulls up a chair next to the table. "Mort has... Oh, I don't think I know your friend." Her brow arches as she waits for an introduction.
Mortimer Smith |
Trying not to distract him too much, Mortimer turns to Tynan and says: "Suit yourself -- we'll be at the ' Gar. We should be back in an hour or so. I doubt you'll need to , but send someone before that if necessary."
"Mmm. Lobster! Let's go!" he says to Ascaria.
As the walk to the Hungry Gar Mort remembers the last time he partook in a game at Lazare's, and how badly that ended.
"I just hope they don't accept any drinks from anyone."
Ascaria |
"An HOUR! Only an hour? Why we'll be there longer than that! There's appetizers, the meal itself, a palate cleanser, then desert! And of course a good after dinner smoke! Can't rush that.", he pats his vest where he keeps his pipe.
Ascaria is happy to be on his way, his fast little legs keeping up with Mort's long stride for once.
GM Rat Sass |
"Would you like to play?"
Khellek reaches out to touch Solrisa's left hand, exposing the black pawn. "Of course! This is the gristle of the gaming parlor here. To challenge oneself to a good intellectual exercise. The conversation is also very welcome." He spins the boards, aligning his color's choice to his side of the table.
"So...tell me about the cairns you've raided."
Khellek raises his eyebrows as Solrisa inquires. "'Raided'? That's not exactly what we do. We investigate. If we find anything of importance, we report it, of course. All in the name of enlightenment. There are several cairns located about this village, but our current focus is the Stirgenest. I'm quite hopeful." He sits back, studying the boards, then offers the boards for first advance.
As Raella approaches, the older man stands, and offers a hand. "I'm Khellek. And you are?"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol smiles as her sister approaches. She delights in being light, happy to have the first move. She spins the boards so each color is appropriate.
Sol studies the unplayed board, pondering her first move.
"Gnomespawn to RocNest one," Sol says cheerily, clapping her hands after she moves. More than likely, it's a terrible first move.
After her move, she returns to the other discussion.
"Stirgenest? Is that filled with birds or something? How is that going?"
GM Rat Sass |
1d20 ⇒ 1
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Khellek answers on the board, bringing his Spire across the Green, assuring no middle game pressures from Solrisa's Blue. His demeanor slips into a relaxed tenor, as the game continues and his dominance becomes pronounced.
"Stirgenest? Is that filled with birds or something? How is that going?"
"Well enough, I suppose. We've only really begun to explore the main level. It's quite expansive, and we've removed a number of stirges, pests all of them. We'll grow bolder, I'm sure, and take to lower levels soon enough. Are you sure you want to move that piece there? I threaten with Basilisk from Red, you know. Seems a shame, letting your Queen's Maid go this early in the game. She proves to be quite effective in the middle game." He looks genuinely concerned.
"So, what excites you these days? Anything of interest occurring in and around Diamond Lake in your circles?"
The attendees of the Hungry Gar, Mort and Ascaria for now, find the place quiet enough, and Guld Torikan, head chef, personally brings you to a table, towards the front window no less.
"Well and good, fine gentle folk! What strikes your fancy tonight? Chef's Special, a personal favorite of mine, happens to be a butternut squash lasagna, if you have a leaning towards sweeter fare. Otherwise, the mutton has been braised in wine long enough for it to stumble to your plates on its own. Har har!!" Guld claps his hands together, ready for an order or two.
Ascaria |
"My good man Guld, this is truly wonderful, but we would like to start with a little something to nosh on - and wine. Lots of wine to soothe our throats." he grins up at the chef.
"Oh, and can we join this table over here to ours? We're expecting some other folks - if they can peel themselves away from Lazare's!"
GM Rat Sass |
Guld nods briskly. "With pleasure, gents, with pleasure. You rearrange the tables as you see fit, just bring 'em closer to the window table, rather than drag the table away from the window, alright? A bottle of red to top a table, and a stein of beer, best I got, it's a lager, if that's alright with you." The cook smiles deferentially at the large man.
As he leaves, the front door opens, and a haggard woman scurries in, joining Guld as he retreats to the back of the restaurant. She returns, apron adjusted, with a plate of butter and bread, which she deftly sets down before excusing herself. "Berta's the name, just holler if you need more bread. Easy on the butter, as we're running low."
Pillette |
When the halfling returns from her brief errand, she hurries to catch up with the others. She slips quietly into the 'Gar, moving to approach Mort and Ascaria. Slipping off her backpack and bow, she looks to slide them down to someplace not too conspicuous but still close at hand.
"Are they taking proper care of you?" She almost adds "Sirs", but can't quite squeak that out for the Gnome, even if he may be able to talk to skeletons, or think he can.
"Do either of you have any real idea of what really happened in that cavern?' She remembers the blue alcove and peers again at the Gnome, reconsidering her opinion. Perhaps he is not as questionable as he initially appeared. Or maybe I've just joined the 'Addled Cart' myself. "You know, as I was leaving the alcove lit in blue, I heard a voice speak rather wistfully. I think it said 'So close...,' like something almost happened, but didn't quite. I don't know if they were talking about the lanterns, or the raising and lowering cylinder's, or someone almost... not making it out."
Raella Grim |
"Rae, a pleasure, I'm sure. " she says to Sol's new friend.
Turning to look at the board, she frowns "Are you just starting?" Snaking a chair from a nearby table, she swings it backwards and plops down with a sigh. "I was thinking we could join the others for dinner." She leans heavily on the table in her disappointment.
"So, what excites you these days? Anything of interest occurring in and around Diamond Lake in your circles?"
"Puppies." Rae interrupts shortly. "Do you like puppies, Khellek? "
Ascaria |
"Pillette! I almost didn't see you - you're so quiet! Welcome, here sit. Help me with this other table, Sol and Rae might join us but Tynan has to work." he frowns. "I dunno, maybe I can get Lazare to let him off for the night, think I should ask?"
He thinks a moment, "I heard a voice too, distinct and high - maybe a child's voice. I figure it's the kid that died there still haunting the place. I'd love to chat with him some more once we get the swarm taken care of. I bet he has all sorts of knowledge about the place. His bones were pretty old I think. I dunno, I need to get a closer look at them - we were sort of in a rush last time - but there was no flesh left so they must be old, right?"
Mortimer Smith |
"...but there was no flesh left so they must be old, right?"
Unless it was all dissolved by acid.
Rather than bring down the mood with his own somber thoughts by voicing them, Mortimer instead grabs a hunk of bread and takes a swig of the lager. He then briefly looks into the stein to make sure it's actually lager -- wishing that it had more flavor.
He slowly gnaws at the bread, taking small bites. Chewing with his mouth closed, he listens to the little people discuss the possibilty of a disembodied presense in the cave.
"To what end could a -- ghost -- want with the likes of us? Were you two the only ones to hear it, and if so, is it because you're not as tall as the rest of us? Is it looking for playmates or something?" he wonders aloud.
"Ascaria -- do you remember just what it said to you?"
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Is anyone around us catching any of this whacky conversation or appear to otherwise be eavesdropping?
GM Rat Sass |
"Puppies. Do you like puppies, Khellek?"
Khellek looks questioningly at Raella. "No time for animals, really. Is that what you do, then? I didn't know there was a kennel in Diamond Lake." The man takes another white piece from the board with a languid gesture. "Ah, looks like your Hierophant fell to my Thief. That is a coup, what, with your piece walking on air, and being struck from below." Khellek chuckles robustly.
"Surely puppies aren't the only thing keeping you sisters busy these days. Tell me something about Diamond Lake that only the locals would know."
Berta brings another cup to the table, for the halfling. "Shall I be taking your orders then? Or are you still waiting for more friends?"
As Mortimer looks about, he finds that, aside from Berta, and Guld at the back, the two tables are the only ones occupied.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"So, what excites you these days? Anything of interest occurring in and around Diamond Lake in your circles?"
Sol studies the board, her brow a furrow of concentration. She tugs her hair, as she thinks about the game. Finally, she makes her move, position her High Elf archer in a pretty useless spot, but it does stop the wererat from the Maze.
Sol seems satisfied with the move. She doesn't like rats.
"My sister and I were in a cave once...and this mean old swarm chased us away, Khellek. I didn't think my weapons would hurt it and it trailed acid as it moved," Sol says, looking for help from the gentleman. "It even split in two, so that it might chase us more! Have you ever heard of such a thing?"
Pillette |
The halfling tries to settle in, uncertain of her place in this rough, remote, human mining town. These two seem safe enough. At least, have proven to be reliable... for now.
"You're so quiet!"
She nods deferentially. It is usually safer that way, especially for small folk. That's a lesson gnomes do not seem to learn as quickly.
"we were sort of in a rush last time..."
Yeah, being covered with acidic beetle bits will do that to you.
"His bones were pretty old I think."
Her mind turns over the names seen traced on the wall. 'Bridgette', 'Mel', 'Tabitha', 'Stevie.' "Do we know how long have the children been missing?"
"Is it because you're not as tall as the rest of us?"
"Maybe it singled out the most vulnerable?" Ascaria is not likely to consider himself as such, given his mouth. But that's not surprising for a Gnome. The halfling looks over the other small one again. And he's displayed more ability than I had expected, although I haven't seen him face any in the ArchLord's service.
"Or are you still waiting for more friends?"
Who knows if the sisters will be able to tear themselves away from the stray pups they gathered. After slaughtering their parents first. Those two seem both stronger and weaker than expected.
Pillette smiles politely. "Perhaps a little stew and a half-pint, Ma'am."
GM Rat Sass |
"My sister and I were in a cave once... Have you ever heard of such a thing?"
Khellek watches the High Elf move just far enough to allow an ascension of the black Witch. The Queen falls two moves later.
"Well, I suppose that was inevitable. It's quite a charming piece, what, with the green marbling for her dress. Lazare is lucky for your craftsmanship."
"Swarms are nasty things, unless you're prepared. They do suffer from fire, oh, and bursts of wind, too! Pretty nasty swarm to be able to split in two. You like to explore, too, do you? Which cave was that, the one with the swarm?"
"Perhaps a little stew and a half-pint, Ma'am."
Berta nods, though she does wait for either of the other two to speak up before heading to the back.
Raella Grim |
"You like to explore, too, do you? Which cave was that, the one with the swarm?"
Rae laughs long and loud, pounding on the table as she does so. "Trolls intestines! That reminds me of that cave mom took us to for Wraith's family reunion, do you remember that one, Sol? Now those were some swarms!!!" I didn't think we'd ever get all those spiders out of your hair!"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol laughs with her sister, nearly snorking cheese all over the dragonchess set. She pauses from her laughter to watch Khellek take her Queen.
"I remember that trip! I tripped over that spiderweb!" Sol reminisces. She giggles as she makes sure she lost the game...checking to make sure the wererat is covered no matter what.
Finally, she gently sets over her queen in defeat. She extends her hand in congratulations. "Good game! I thought I had you..." Sol says wistfully.
"It's quite a charming piece, what, with the green marbling for her dress. Lazare is lucky for your craftsmanship."
Sol blushes, sweetly smiling down, her cheeks reddening.
"Did you want me to make you a set? What would you like?" Sol tries to make a sale.
"You like to explore, too, do you? Which cave was that, the one with the swarm?"
Sol shoofs her hand.
"No, not really. As I told you, I do stonework," Sol answers holding up her hand crafted gnomepawn. "My sister and I were doing a favor for a friend."
Sol tries to describe where the cave was.
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 Survival(?)
"We passed by a tree that looked like a woman hugging an ape and it was down the road that way."
Raella Grim |
"Oh yeah, if you want to see more of my sister's work, you should definitely talk to Lazare. She took him some lovely pieces just the other day... Hey, would you look at the time?!?! I'm sure we can catch up with the others if we hurry." Rae changes the subject again.
Mortimer Smith |
"Do we know how long have the children been missing?"
"The ones who wrote their name on the wall? I don't recall knowing them, but I don't recall much to begin with."
Who would know?
"Maybe it singled out the most vulnerable?"
"... or perceived vulnerable. You are not human children, and yet you both heard it."
If they did hear something, is it ghostly, organic, or just manufactured to respond to them because of their stature?"Or are you still waiting for more friends?Pillette wrote:"Perhaps a little stew and a half-pint, Ma'am."
Mortimer sizes up the current company and respectively their potential appetites for food nourishment.
"Yes, please. And also -- more wine, the mutton special, some smoked fish, pickled vegetables,tomatoes, a bit of ham and/or roasted fowl and a fruit plate or two. More bread. And whatever my gnome friend here desires."
"And please -- another one of -" at a sudden loss of words he gestures at his beer stein "- those."
GM Rat Sass |
"Did you want me to make you a set? What would you like?"
Khellek raises his hand at the offer. "Oh, no. I'd prefer to leave the dragonchess behind, when we eventually leave Diamond Lake behind. It's a pleasant diversion."
"Hey, would you look at the time?!?! I'm sure we can catch up with the others if we hurry."
"Please, don't let me keep you. Your friends and dinner and all. It was nice to meet you both." The aged man stands, and nods politely as you depart. He watches you all the way to the front door.
"Yes, please. And also -- more wine, the mutton special, some smoked fish, pickled vegetables,tomatoes, a bit of ham and/or roasted fowl and a fruit plate or two. More bread. And whatever my gnome friend here desires."
"And please -- another one of -" at a sudden loss of words he gestures at his beer stein "- those."
Berta takes in the breadth of the big man's appetite, quite impressed. She barely hangs on to hear what the gnome chooses to add to such a spread. "Should be ready in about fifteen minutes, if that's alright by you." She doesn't wait to hear a response.
Ascaria |
”Maybe it singled out the most vulnerable?”
Ascaria slows a little and thinks. ”That would be most troubling. I have always assumed it was a harmless or even beneficial haunt. But if it’s hostile, that’s a whole ’nother kettle of fish.” he shakes his head. ”No, no, I don’t like that one bit. I don’t know how to lay to rest an incorporeal haunt.”
His little face scrunches up in consternation a while, until the wine comes. He takes a small flagon, no larger than a shot glass, hanging around his neck and pours a little of the wine into it and drinks it down smiling. Tucking the flagon back in his shirt, he takes a larger swig of the wine from the glass.
"The ones who wrote their name on the wall? I don't recall knowing them, but I don't recall much to begin with.”
Ascaria tries to think of the names written there and connect them with missing children in the town.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10"Yes, please. And also -- more wine, the mutton special, some smoked fish, pickled vegetables,tomatoes, a bit of ham and/or roasted fowl and a fruit plate or two. More bread. And whatever my gnome friend here desires.”
Ascaria’s eyes open wide at Mort’s order. Wow, he can really put it away!
He looks up at Berta, ”I’ll have that butternut squash lasagne - a goodly sized piece if you please - we’ve had a long day.” He grins at the very thought of that lasagna sliding into his mouth and very nearly drools like some common animal. But not quite.
”So we’re really not all here, but I dunno if the others are going to show or what. So when do we want to go back? I say we leave first thing in the morning when we’re rested. I can heal everyone up again in the morning, and if we’re more careful, keep us healthy for a while.”
He slams his little fist in his hand, ”We take out that swarm, check out the voice, climb down into that tunnel, and see what there is to see.” he thinks a moment, ”You know what we need? Rope and a good grapple so we can climb easily. I’m not, er, very good at the physical stuff, but I’ve done some spelunking in my day.”
Pillette |
"”You know what we need? Rope and a good grapple so we can climb easily."
"That I have. Mort could certainly throw it farther than me, and I've also got a grappling bolt I can fire from Rickie. But if we're going down and not up, that's a moot point."
Pillette stares away, her gaze and fingers apparently running through some silent calculations. "I'll make sure we are better supplied for our next foray. I am unaccustomed to having so few resources available, but that's no excuse. We need to have some more appropriate gear. Like vermin repelling salve." Something the House stores would have had without question.
The halfling scans around the room, fairly satisfied they can talk freely, as there is unlikely to be a rival agent in the relatively empty restaurant.
"We might inquire about the names we saw etched, and see if we can estimate just how long this lantern crypt has been luring the young. I would assume they are being lured to be a sacrifice to empower something." At least, that's what the Lady would suspect.
"I doubt they were summoned to tend wolves, or spiders, or even the crypt. The sarcophagus seemed to be rather old, so if the summoning is tied to that, either this has been happening for a long time and gone unnoticed, or somebody is trying to re-empower something that has been dormant... only Pharasma knows for how long."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Oh it was nice to meet you as well! Thanks for the advice!" Sol says rising from her chair and stuffing one last piece of cheese in her mouth.
"Rae, look!" Sol says, "I played dragonchess! I almost won, I think," Sol smiles at her sister. "Did you want to go find food? And Mort? We can share what we learned."
Sol goes to the 'Gar for food. Entering and finding the right table, she slides over two chairs to the table.
She sits.
Tynan Swale |
Tynan breathes a sigh of relief as Raella leads Solrisa away from Khellek's table.
Hopefully he was distracted enough by her... assets... to ignore anything she might have said.
Tynan nods to Rae and Sol as they leave Lazare's.
"Ladies, enjoy your evening."
Tynan returns his attention to Khellek's table, where the older man is busy resetting the dragonchess pieces for a new game.
Now I just need his companions to arrive, so I can see if Sol may have let anything important slip.
GM Rat Sass |
Berta makes slow, steady trips back and forth, plates finding their way into open spaces and in exchange for plates newly emptied. The food continues to arrive, as the sisters join the dinner.
The restaurant hosts a couple more tables, older patrons seeking simpler fare, but the grand gathering at the front is given wide berth. Guld attends the table several times over, making sure the food is to everyone's liking.
The food is hit-or-miss. The mutton is oversalted, and the lasagna is almost sickeningly sweet. The vegetables are passable fare, as is the ham, but the smoked fish has a tinny aftertaste.
As the group discusses, Ascaria is unable to place the names of the cave with names of missing children locally.
Khellek holds conversation with a couple of patrons, getting up to watch a game two booths over. Pleasantries, mainly, but he routinely inquires about interesting attractions in and around Diamond Lake.
An hour later, and a young elven woman enters, accompanied by strapping hulk of a man. They look bored as their eyes roam the interior. They sit down with Khellek, and you can piece together their plan to make a late morning start for Stirgenest. Khellek seems quite eager to start earlier, but the brute rubs his temples, and waves him off. Khellek remains at his boards, and wishes the two a good night, as they exit the parlor.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol smiles as she sits down, not having spent much time at the 'Gar in the past. She listens to the conversation for a bit before discussing anything.
Sol smiles at Mort.
"The game?" Sol's face scrinches up as she remembers. "Oh! The game!! I almost had him, I think!" Sol smiles, meaning that she almost had the stupid wererat dead at the expense of losing in every other aspect.
"That man, Khellek, seemed really nice. Did you know he's investigating Stirgeridge right now? He and his group! And he seemed to know a lot about swarms. He said, 'Swarms are nasty things, unless you're prepared. They do suffer from fire, oh, and bursts of wind, too! Pretty nasty swarm to be able to split in two.'" Sol shares openly while ordering a bit more cheese and bread. "Looks like we're on the right track. In fact, I bet we could ask him to help us if we wanted."
She chooses not to drink tonight. She doesn't have much of a head for alcohol and wants to enjoy the dinnering experience.
Tynan Swale |
Tynan seeks out Lazare, and approaches when he looks free. He speaks in a low tone.
"Sir, if you don't need me any more tonight, I'd like to meet up with the rest of the group and strategize about our return to the cave tomorrow. We want to make sure whatever drew Meghan there won't be able to do so again." Tynan pauses briefly "Oh, and the bearded gentleman at the center table has a card up his sleeve."
With Lazare's leave, Tynan will join the others at the 'Gar.
Ascaria |
Ascaria spots Tynan's lithe form through the window and greets him with a bellow, well for him anyway, "Tynan!"
Once everyone has gotten some food, he starts in again, "Well now that we're all here and such, we should decide what we're doing next. I say we head back early tomorrow. I can heal us up a little in the morning, those of us who may still need a little help, and we head back early. Smash the swam with all our flame and see what there is to be found."
"And of course save the children too. Depending on how things go, I want to write down and research the names on the wall when we get back. If today is anything to go by, we won't get too far before coming back to resupply anyway. Who knows what's down there to be overcome." his eyes positively gleam at the thought.
"So what do you all say, are we all in?"
GM Rat Sass |
The evening passes uneventfully. The middle of the week, the day of Oaths on the morrow, most citizens of Diamond Lake are keeping their heads down, and their minds clear. The Hungry Gar grows colder as night sets in, provoking Berta to bring out small braziers to spread the warmth.
Lazare's takes a similar tact, as the central hearth roars to a good glow. Lazare takes in the measure of the activity, tapering like a low-oil lamp, and gives Tynan leave to enjoy himself, his services redundant for the low turnout. He strolls by the older gentleman's table, and strikes up conversation as Tynan departs.
Feel free to enjoy your dinner conversations and end-of-day activities. Oh, and please take some time tonight to bring your characters to Level 2.
Mortimer Smith |
"...and sorry for leaving -- other than visiting Lazare, I don't have much business being in Lazare's."
"[...]Did you know he's investigating Stirgeridge right now?
If anyone could hide an instinctive distaste for a man like Khellek, Mortimer would be the last to pull it off successfully.
"Investigating? What -- to make sure it's aptly named?!I doubt he's done any solid work in a long time, but he seems knows what he's talking about with swarms. Too bad it's not anything we didn't already know.
"In fact, I bet we could ask him to help us if we wanted."
No thanks. I only have two eyes for the time being, and I'd like to keep it that way.
"He doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who'd drop what he's doing to help a lot like us out -- unless we made it very well worth his while -- and I don't think we're in any position to do that."Unless he was really after something else. What was that play move before their game with the Slyph and Basilisk anyway?
Mortimer really didn't like the way the man was casing out Solrisa.
He listens to Ascaria's suggestions, and brings Rae and Sol up to date on the little people's encounter with what might be a Haunt. With beer and tinny fish percolating through his system, this thought occurs to him:
"You know, if the Haunt is not hostile, maybe you can get it to tell you what he looked like in life and sketch it. We could hang the sketch in town square asking anyone who recognizes it to contact us."
What did I just say?
He takes a bite of fish, vegetable and bread, and a large swig of the lager. He disappointedly looks into the stein again.
It may not taste like much, but it's definitely refreshing.
Pillette |
"So what do you all say, are we all in?"
Pillette waits quietly, watching others for their response and eventual answers. When the conversation lulls, she will add her comment.
"While we returned our charge, clearly others haven't been so lucky. Whatever power is in the crypts certainly is dangerous, but usually reward..." and safety " not earned without a little risk." And whatever is down there might be lucrative. "So I am, as you say, in." Not that it matters. But a reliable slip can be useful.
"We could hang the sketch in town square asking anyone who recognizes it to contact us."
"Would there be anyone in this town that would recognize the names that were scrawled in the cavern?" Would any in this... well, what passes for a town... even notice if a child went missing?
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 If this were Egorian, the Lady would have known whom to ask.
"The constable did not seem very... interested." Even one with the resources of Lazare could not motivate the man. The constables true benefactors must have other priorities.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"So what do you all say, are we all in?"
Sol looks at her sister, a hopeful look on her face. She clearly wants to do more, but worries that her sister might want to tend to puppies or find a new job or whatever wonderful thing her sister might decide.
"Rae? Can we go tomorrow? I think we can. It will be fun," Sol urges her eldest sibling.
Raella Grim |
"I'm in." Rae says, as she grabs another piece of ham.
"Sol should probably work on her art." Where she'll be safe. Of course, there is that Khellek *person* running about. "On second thought, it might be fun for her. Sure, Sol. You can come too."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol yawns. Then yawns again.
Maybe it was the long day or the sniffing of alcohol or all the excitement, but Sol is pooped. Her eyelds sag in ways that her impossibly perfect breasts never have.
"Well, I think I'll be making my excuse now. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 bells at the meeting point, yes?" Sol gets up and yawns again, stretching.
Sol looks Rae.
Raella Grim |
Rae stretches as Sol yawns.
"Yes, we should be on our way. Thank you for dinner, Mort. We will see you tomorrrow."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol rises with the sun, getting up to eat and pack. She rouses her sister as well.
"Rae, look! The puppies pooped!" Sol says handing Rae a rag. "What are you going to do with them today?"
She dons her armor, gets her backpack (with her trusty butterfly net within) and is ready to go.
At 15 minutes to 8 bells, she is at the meeting spot and ready to go.
Raella Grim |
Rae grumbles, first at being woken, then at the realization at how late she already is. She tumbles from bed, taking the pups out before anything else. She then cleans up the poop, feeds the dogs, then scoops them up again before saying word one to her sister.
Finally, combing her hair into place with her fingers, she states simply, "I'm off to fetch Thistle. I'll check to see if the stable boy can keep the pups while were gone. I'd rather not leave them in here alone."
Ascaria |
Weapon Equipped = None
Cold Iron Bullets (9/10), Silver Bullets (10/10)
Conditions = None
Channel Energy (5/5) (1d6+1)
Sling Attack: BAB +1, Dex +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 2, Concentration +6)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Spark, Stabilize
First (15): (5/5) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Liberating Command
Ascaria rises early with excitement and listens to the early traffic along the Vein outside his window. The chattering of miners and other folk going about their business always interests the gnome, though he’s no eavesdropper - he just likes the lilt, the ebb and flow, of the noise.
He rises and gathers his gear, careful to pack the alchemy fires in a way that they don’t get crushed and set his whole pack aflame. He grabs some extra paper and heads out the door, down the cramped stairs, and into the street.
He joins the rest at the meeting point more or less on time, ”Good morning! How is everyone feeling today?”