GM Peachbottom's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Peachbottom

Chapter Six: Crown of Fangs
Part Three: Legacy of Blood

Charisma Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Charisma-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Destiny Shall Not Be Denied: A PC can spend a Harrow Point as an immediate action to force the GM to reroll a d20 roll. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to force additional rerolls).

Psychic Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on her Charisma score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that class’s spell list as she casts it. She increases the spell’s DC by 2 and gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on attack rolls for that spell.

Roll Card: Gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks. In addition, he treats his caster level as if it were 1 higher when casting spells gained from a class that grants bonus spells based on his Charisma score.

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Cressida hands you a piece of paper with a list of tasks written on it. It reads:

Listed here are several issues that need resolution before I’m comfortable revealing to Korvosa that Neolandus still lives. I leave to you the methods for solving these problems.

1. A new “hero of the people” has been fighting rebels in the streets. These rebels are false; they’re not my people, and I suspect that this hero, a man named Trifaccia, is false as well. Find out who or what he is.

2. I have it on good authority that the rumors of a black dragon taking nest in Castle Korvosa are legitimate. If the rumors prove true, the dragon must be defeated.

3. The role of castle seneschal is currently held by a bloated wizard named Togomor. If you can defeat him or secure his surrender, we’ll avoid a long legal complication over the revelation that Neolandus still lives.

4. Our friend Ishani Dhatri, Abadaran priest and vocal opponent of his church’s public endorsement of Ileosa, has vanished. My initial investigations indicate that he was last seen approaching the castle. Perhaps some clues to his fate lie hidden within?

5. Rumor holds that a new group of Red Mantis assassins, along with a more powerful leader, have taken up residence in the castle after you besieged their previous den. If you can find proof that Ileosa is the reason the Red Mantis has come to Korvosa in the first place, this will go a long way toward undermining the queen’s position in the city.

6. The Gray Maidens are a menace, and they need to be disbanded. Kordaitra’s defeat at Longacre dealt them a blow, but the Maidens’ commander Sabina Merrin and their chief indoctrinator, a mysterious woman whose identity remains unknown outside of the organization, have likely retreated to the castle. If you can secure the defeat or surrender of these two remaining leaders, the Gray Maidens will lose much of their command structure. It will throw the entire organization into chaos long enough for us to reclaim the streets from them.

7. Rumors of devils involved with the monarchy disturb me as well. If you can find proof that Ileosa is trafficking with devils, or that devils dwell within Castle Korvosa, that should significantly help our case against her in the eyes of the city’s government.

8. Ileosa must answer for her crimes. She hasn’t been seen publicly recently except for brief appearances on the castle walls. She’s in there, somewhere. If we can capture her, a lot of our work will be easier.

You didn't think it would be so simple to just walk up to the Queen and kill her, did you...

After you read over the letter, Cressida continues, "It would be best if the you didn’t draw too much attention to the Dead Warrens by lingering within the area for long, and if the you can find another place in the city to hide out when you need to recover and regroup between forays into the Castle, that would be best for all involved. To aid you in this, I will supply you with three scrolls of mage’s magnificent mansion that I have gathered expressly for this purpose."

Vencarlo adds, "The Sabina I knew loved Korvosa but was honorable to a fault. It was her rigidity of thought and personality that held back her progress back when she was my student. I have a hard time believing Sabina could condone what Ileosa has done to Korvosa. I suspect the queen uses some sort of magic to control her, and I urge you to try to use nonlethal methods in dealing with her if you can."

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Can't we just jump into the castle with magic and get rid of that queen?" Tyrandro asks.

Ayako replies to Tyrando. After so long on this road that started at a smelly fishery, I have long recognized the signs of needing to take steps in the correct order. In a more practical view, each foe we eliminate removes a guardian from the queen.

Cressida says, "Yes, if you can capture the Queen to answer for her crimes, that would be ideal, but the Queen's death is the likely outcome of this campaign against the crown. But you need to remember that while we understand that our cause is just, we remain rebels against the established authority of this city. Despite the Queen's crimes, there are many that still support her rule and in order to prevent another round of riots and decrees of regicide like we experienced with King Eodred II's death, as you might recall, we need enough legal backing and people's support to transfer rule peaceably."

When you are done with Cressida, Laori's body is taken into the inner chambers of the cathedral and Archbishop Keppira D'bear casts raise dead.

"Oooh! More! Hurt me more!" moans Laori, then she takes a deep breath and her body shoots up into a sitting position. "Oh? Hello. I was having the most amazing dream. You wouldn't believe how creative devils can get with spiked paddles. ...I was dead, wasn't I. That bastard, Sial. I knew he was rotten to the core. I hope you killed him. But you saved me! I knew you cared, Tyty." Laori hops off the table and crushes Tyrandro in a tight hug. When she releases, she notices he is bleeding from a few puncture wounds and grins sheepishly. "Oops. I keep forgetting about those. I owe you my life. Is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Laori gives Tyrandro a seductive look.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Tyrandro cringes at the thought of what would happen if he gave in to that seductive look. He has seen Laori naked and knows her toys are for pain no matter the game. And if it wasn't clear, that hug settled any doubts about that. "Well, ..." he starts, "I'm not into pain. Not at all." he clarifies, looking at the additional holes he got.

"But we have a lot of enemies. I hope you'd come along to fight them. I like how your aura makes my arrows strike true. And you're also a great support to patch us up when a fight didn't go well. Even if it is not your first nature to do that."

Welcome back, Laori. After all that you have helped us, leaving you in Scarwall seemed unbefitting

Mushu oinks in agreement

Female elf cleric of Zon-Kuthon 11 Init +2, HP108, F+11, R+5, W+10/+12CC, AC 24/13/21, Perc +5

"Good to see you too. Do you want a hug?" Laori offers, this time asking first. "Of course I come along! All that pain we deal and receive. And soon we'll have living enemies too, who really feel it! That will be even better! And no more grumpy Sial to spoil it! This is so wonderful!" Laori jumps with joy.

"How far did you get in castle Scarwall? Did you find the artifact?" she adds after a moment of thought.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Sorry to disappoint you, but Sial still lives. He got taken by that guardian(?) to introductions and will have to serve as new guardian. You know, the job you fought over."

"The weapon we got, Sebastian has it, and we're done with Castle Scarwall "

After recalling the words of Cresida about not staying here for camp Tyrandro asks "Where shall we go to for the night? Zellara's home again?"

Ayako forgoes a hug and instead holds Laori's hands and jumps up and down with her for a bit.

Sial is indeed the new guardian of the Star Tower it seems. Now he will be living there for a very long time with very little company. Hopefully he is satisfied.

Zellara's home? Somehow it seems fitting we return where this all began. Maybe a grand tour of our old haunts? Hmm.. All the World's Meats, The Fishery, His Highness Lord of the Slums, The Arkonas. So many places we have been.

Female elf cleric of Zon-Kuthon 11 Init +2, HP108, F+11, R+5, W+10/+12CC, AC 24/13/21, Perc +5

"Serves him right." Laori tells with a wide smile, happy that it's not her sitting in that hole. "I'm looking forward to meet with your past."

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"We could also visit the Arcona's again. We left some unfinished business there, didn't we?" Tyrandro asks as his memory is a bit foggy.

You make your way over to Zellara's home. The streets are quiet but not deserted. You spot a few Gray Maiden patrols but you take precautions to avoid them. Keeping Tyrandro's 8' tall wolf from sight is a challenge but you manage. Also, along the way, you overhear more than one group of commoners mention Trifaccia, the new hero of Korvosa, and praise him for his generosity with coin and protection from the violent rebels who are making their lives worse.

Zellara's home is the same as you remember it. A small two-room house overlooking the river. There was never anything in the home worth a budglar's time, so the home is left undisturbed.

You rest relatively peacefully with no disturbances in the night. The next day, the red and orange sunrise wakes you to begin your task of overthrowing the Queen.

You are free to go wherever you want. Where to first?

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"What's for breakfast?" Tyrandro asks, as they wake in the mostly empty house. "How about we pay a visit to a baker and someone uses some sweet-talk to find out who this new hero of town is. And who is cheap enough to play fake rebel."

Well we have some fine iron rations. The dried fruit is quite colorful and the jerky has a nice zip to it. Going to the baker's and chatting people up is a good first step. Ayako stands and gives the house one last look before they head out.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Fluffy, stay here, we can't parade you around in bright daylight." Tyrandro orders. Thinking about it, he doubts one can go out with a sweet but crazy cleric of Zon-Kuthon without drawing too much unwanted attention.

"Laori, would you be so nice and keep Fluffy company while we're out?"

Female elf cleric of Zon-Kuthon 11 Init +2, HP108, F+11, R+5, W+10/+12CC, AC 24/13/21, Perc +5

"Sure thing." Laori answers in her overly excited attitude, moving over and putting her arms around Fluffy's neck.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)


Mushu is small and smug at Fluffy's predicament.

You go and visit a nearby baker. This early in the morning, the bread is fresh but the quality isn't as good as you remember. The baker explains that ingredients are hard to come by nowadays. Merchants still come but their goods are highly taxes and they don't stay long.

When you ask about Trifaccia, the baker tells you, "Oh yes, Trifaccia. He's a masked, robed swordfighter that's new in town. He claims to be Blackjack's replacement and has been taking steps to protect and aid the oppressed common folk. Rebels against the queen have been robbing citizens, beating them, and worse. When Trifaccia spots these violet rebels, he swoops in to save the commoners, then hands out small bags of gold and silver to help them recover from these trying times. With all these violent rebels, it makes you think that Queen Ileosa might not be as bad as we thought. Certainly, in areas where her Gray Maidens patrol regularly, things are much safer."

Human swashbuckler 15 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses Perception +11 AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 28 hp 96/155 Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10 Defensive Abilities charmed life 6/day, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, nimble +4 SR20

Sebastian looks disgruntled at hearing someone being Blackjack's replacement. Blackjack is here. Not a replacement. He glances at his companions.

"Is he around every time these people are robbed and beaten or only sometimes?" It sounds like the Queen is using these "rebels" to raise support for herself.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Iolana listens to the baker as he explains about Trifaccia. "It's terrible that people who are rebelling are hurting the very citizens they want to help. It doesn't really make sense, but in these days not much does make sense." She eats a sweet roll, and pays a gold piece too much for it.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Rebels that are so bad, that they make the queen look good? That's an accomplishment. Reminds me of that wannabe ruler of Old Korvosa. And seems to call for the same solution." Tyrandro comments.

Ayako whispers to her friends. Maybe we can find and dispose of these rebels as Tyrando suggested. Getting ourselves some goodwill is a sound tactic.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Are there any places these 'Rebels' usually appear? Or special times?"

"You said there are parts of town who are safe. So where would I have to go to find them and eventually meet Trifaccia?"

"You know, there's nothing like meeting the new hero of town."

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

”I love talking to heros. It would be amazing to meet him. I hope we can find where he will be.”

If only we could find Majenko! I am sure he and his kin have seen this new hero. I wonder if there any Drakes flying around

Sebastian wrote:
"Is he around every time these people are robbed and beaten or only sometimes?"
Tyrandro wrote:

"You said there are parts of town who are safe. So where would I have to go to find them and eventually meet Trifaccia?"

The baker shrugs. "The Heights are the safest obviously. That's where all the upper-class live. Nothing guarantees safety like having coin. Old Korvosa's bridges still haven't been restored since the plague, so who knows what's going on up there. Northpoint and Midland are hit the hardest by these rebels but I'm not aware of any pattern to their activities. So, I'm sorry, I can't really say where to find them. And Trifaccia is as mysterious as Blackjack was, just showing up in times of trouble. No one knows where he comes from or where he goes. But if you want my recommendation, just keep your head down. You don't want to be associated with these rebels. Whether you are caught by Trifaccia or the Gray Maidens, only death awaits those who cause trouble."

Ayako wrote:
If only we could find Majenko! I am sure he and his kin have seen this new hero. I wonder if there any Drakes flying around

I like this idea. Majenko is still around. The pseudo-dragons and imps are like pigeons in this city. You are practically tripping over them. Or more likely, they are s$!&ting on your heads. Do you want to pursue this option?


AYako will head out with the others and try to get the attention of some pseudo-dragons. Using a Tongues spell as needed.

Hello! Do any of you know Manjenko? We rescued him from the gang lord that had held him captive and we would like to speak to him again.

The pseudo-dragons are all too eager to help, and soon an arrow-like object shoots through the sky and knocks Ayako over. Majenko slobbers her face with wet dog kisses. "Oh, mesa so worri about yousa. Missa thought yousa weesa no com back. Yousa've been gone for so longo. Of course missa help yousa."

Majenko darts off looking for trouble. It's not long before he returns and tells you that he spotted some hooligans harassing people in Jeggare Circle. That location is a little bit of a ways north from the area with the baker but you make it up there with a 15 minute hustle. When you arrive, you spot a group of about a dozen "rebels" bullying people in the square. Some are brazenly beating and robbing any commoner they can catch. The Gray Maidens are no where in sight.

What do you want to do?

Human swashbuckler 15 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses Perception +11 AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 28 hp 96/155 Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10 Defensive Abilities charmed life 6/day, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, nimble +4 SR20

"Hey Iolana I need to be invisible. I'll be right behind you all, but I think Blackjack needs to make an appearance."

Sebastian ducks into an alley as they get close and changes into his Blackjack togs as quickly as possible.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Iolana casts Invisibility as requested.

When the group gets to the square, she moves toward the group. "Jim? Jim! What are you doing? How dare you give our hard earned money to these thugs! We need that for our children." She point in the general direction of the people getting shaken down.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

She's attempting to buy time for Seb to appear, and also trying to get the feel of the "rebels"

Oh gods, Jar Jar

Ayako pats the little bundle of energy. We've missed you as well and have been far away from the city. But now we are back to kick the Queen's butt.

Ayako goes into full weird mode. What are these thugs doing to this fair city? Ayako's voice cracks and makes a rattling noise as her head snaps back and forth. Dark fluid drips from her face as she seeks to make the thugs cower.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Are they armed?

"How final do we want the solution to this problem to be?" Tyrandro asks his companions as they face the issue.

Iolana wrote:
When the group gets to the square, she moves toward the group. "Jim? Jim! What are you doing? How dare you give our hard earned money to these thugs! We need that for our children." She point in the general direction of the people getting shaken down.

Bluff 23

Rebel Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Iolana easily fools them.

Ayako wrote:
Ayako goes into full weird mode. What are these thugs doing to this fair city? Ayako's voice cracks and makes a rattling noise as her head snaps back and forth. Dark fluid drips from her face as she seeks to make the thugs cower.

Intimidate 32

DC to intimidate is 15. Success +3. Typically, I think unless you have a feat, you can only intimidate 1 foe at a time. But the rebels aren't the real challenge here so I'll allow them all to be intimidated. They are shaken for 4 rounds.

The rebels are clearly confused by Iolana's intrusion. The make room for her to step between them and help a poor man on the ground. They glance at each other looking for direction for what to do next. Then Ayako gets their attention with her otherworldly visage, and one or two of them literally soil their pants. Finally, one of them gets the courage to address you, "Hey, I recognize these three! They've been prancing around Korvosa thinking they are heroes or some sort. Well I got news for you! You ain't no heroes. If you were truly here to defend Korvosa, you would never have left the city to go adventuring in the wilds in the first place. You're just like Blackjack who claims to love Korvosans so much, but where is he now, eh? Nowhere! Why don't you just leave the city for good."

The people being harassed get up off the ground, thank Iolana, then run for cover. Meanwhile the dozen thugs slowly begin to form a circle around you. They try to look menacing despite their fear of the crazed woman (Ayako).

Tyrandro wrote:
Are they armed?

They have rapiers and light crossbows. They are wearing studded leather. While more than enough to menace commoners, they clearly not a challenge to you, even as a mob.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Ok, that's close enough." Tyrandro tells, knocking an arrow. "Now spill the beans. Who are you working for? I know this is a sham - a set up play with this new wannabe hero Trifiella."

"Or get a taste of what it means if I do the clean up here. And that nice grim lady mops up what still stands."

I would really like to one shot the leader. But I leave it to Seb to come in as the good guy first.

"We don't need to tell you nothing! I wish you'd go to Hell!!" says the thug.

Tyrandro Will save DC 22: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Suddenly, Tyrandro vanishes before your eyes. A brief smell of brimstone fills the air and then is also gone. The thug seems as surprised about this as you are and stumbles backwards before falling on his ass. "What just happened...?

Meanwhile, Tyrandro finds himself suddenly standing in the middle of an infernal city on another plane, a twisted mockery of a mortal palace where legions of devils march the streets. Taking cover in an alley, he avoids detection for now.

Tyrandro's brief trip to Hell is outside the scope of the adventure. We'll assume he stays safe enough, likely, he'd mow down plenty of devils if he needs to. But he'll need to be rescued with a plane shift unless he has another way of getting back, which I don't think he does.

A crowd of people begins to gather in the square, curious to see what is going on.

Toto I don't think you are in Kansas anymore

Ayako freezes as Tyrando vanishes, shocked to her core at what happened.

Shaking herself out of the shock, Ayako's face splits down the middle and goes down her front. Spreading wide,, gnashing teeth made of ice, freezing cold winds and the sensation of being crushed under stone assults the thug who cursed Tyrando.

Dweller in the Darkness Once per day, you cast your psyche into the void of space to attract the attention of a terrible otherworldly being. The dweller in darkness behaves in all ways as if you had cast phantasmal killer. At 17th level, the dweller in darkness can be perceived by more than one creature, as if you had cast weird. You must be at least 11th level to choose this revelation.

DC 19 will save to disbelieve, if failed DC 19 fort save or die. 3d6 damage on a save.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Great." Tyrandro states as matter-of-factly. "This time without a stop at Pharasma's. The strikes come closer. Now I get to know that highly recommended devil with the spiked paddle personally."

Tyrandro watches a while from cover and then goes on the quest for a magic shop that accepts coins and not only souls.

I'm not that bad a player, that you need to send me straight to hell! (rofl)

Human swashbuckler 15 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses Perception +11 AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 28 hp 96/155 Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10 Defensive Abilities charmed life 6/day, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, nimble +4 SR20

Sebastian changes quickly, and then moves int the square just in time to hear the statement about Blackjack.

"What's this about Blackjack leaving the city? I haven't. I was a guest in the prison of our Queen, and despaired for my fair Korvosa. I'm back and will not allow you to hurt the citizens of this city." a disembodied voice calls out.

He whacks one of the thugs on the head with his fist becoming visible, and moves away from the crowd.

Unarmed Attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27
Damage Nonlethal: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Iolana shakes her head. "Where did he go? What did you do?" She tries to move up to the one who wished Tyrando away, and pokes him in the chest.

Rebel Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Ayako has the worst luck with enemies making their saves.

The rebels are utterly terrified of Ayako but the one targeted by her recognizes the illusion enough to not die from fright.

Then Blackjack appears and clocks one of the rebels in the back of the head. "It's Blackjack! Let's get out of here!" they shout and panic and flee.

As they are fleeing, the one you were really looking for shows himself. A man steps out of the crowd to confront you. He appears as a slender human man dressed in black clothes and a long flowing hooded cloak. His features are obscured by a brass mask with stylized features, including frowning brows, sharp cheekbones, and a goatee. He wields a golden scimitar that flickers with fire. As he enters the conflict, his mocking laughter is strong and clear. As soon as he has your attention, the masked man salutes you by raising his scimitar.

“Greetings, heroes of yesterday! My name is Trifaccia. Have you heard of me? No matter. I’m the true hero of the people of Korvosa, for I defend the loyal citizens of our beloved queen instead of fomenting chaos in the streets. As you can see, with the exception of a few clots of filthy rebels, Korvosa is at peace now, and soon prosperity and happiness will smile over it again. I dare say that harmony first began to return not long after you vanished from our streets, and judging by the nature of the divine retribution visited upon you just now, I would say that even the gods might agree. We do not want further trouble in our town, but since I know you mean to continue disrupting the tranquility in my fair city, it looks like I’ll have to stop you. But instead of a fight that would end in your humiliation, perhaps you’ll agree to a duel? Me against one of you, with the winner agreeing to leave Korvosa for good, along with all allies? What do you say, "Blackjack"?”

There's a sweet picture of this scene in the book. Link

Human swashbuckler 15 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses Perception +11 AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 28 hp 96/155 Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10 Defensive Abilities charmed life 6/day, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, nimble +4 SR20

What a picture.

"Blackjack" laughs. "The people of Korvosa are my allies. How can they all leave if I'm defeated?"

"I accept your challenge. The people of Korvosa will be free. Free of you, free of thugs, and free of tyrany." He readies his rapier.

Initiative Rolls:

Ayako: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Iolana Altumas: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Sebastian Merrin: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Trifaccia: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Round 1

21 - Trifaccia (AC 31, T 19, FF 24)
17 - Iolana
16 - Sebastian
8 - Ayako

I included Iolana and Ayako in case they want to do anything. Or you can see how Sebastian fairs on his own.

"We'll see how many Korvosans call themselves your ally once you are defeated. En guarde."

Trifaccia: Flaming Scimitar vs. Sebastian's AC 34: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (14) + 29 = 43
Damage: 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20 Fire Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Trifaccia makes the first attack. He hops in with a single strike of his flaming scimitar the leaps back out of melee range. Trifaccia uses spring attack to move up to Sebastian then back 10 ft. Sebastian takes 20 damage and 5 fire damage. (25 total)

I'm not going to use a map for this since its a single opponent. I'm sure we can play it out in our mind.

Trifaccia counts as an ally of Queen Ileosa for the sake of gaining the additional bonuses from Serithial. He is also obviously evil for the holy damage. Reminder if needed: Serithial is a +4 holy "rapier" and gains an additional +2 enhancement bonus and 2d6 damage (like the bane weapon property) against the Queen and those who serve her. It can also cast cure moderate wounds and zone of truth 3/day each (CL 17) (this does not use Sebastian's action). Sebastian is also under the effect of death ward and freedom of movement (if it comes up).

Meanwhile, Tyrandro decides to take his chances in Hell and ventures into the streets in search of a magic shop. Surprisingly, the devils mostly leave him alone. Most take glee in pushing him, spitting at him, and uttering the vilest language his virgin ears have ever heard but they don't outright attack. One barbed devil gets very close and personal but after hanging out with Laori, it's just another day. More surprisingly, Hell actually has stores and begins searching for a magic shop that might help him.

Tyrandro's non-good alignment works in his favor here.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I'm not the most loyal follower, but until now I'm still listed with Asmodeus and with LN I could even become his cleric. It's like my second home. But I like it less any minute I'm here.

Once some of the devils established that it is common to curse and swear at people walking around, Tyrandro decides to return the favor and commands one of the lesser douche-bags to give him some directions to the next place to get a hike out of here.

How about some stoneskin for Sebastion?

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Iolana silently casts Cat's Grace on Sebastian. She tries to hide the fact she's casting.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Human swashbuckler 15 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +10; Senses Perception +11 AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 28 hp 96/155 Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +10 Defensive Abilities charmed life 6/day, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, nimble +4 SR20

"Blackjack" pulls out a blue scarf and wipes away the blood. He stands tall. "We'll see. We'll see. For the people of Korvosa!!!". His arms lengthen to give him a 10 foot reach, and he attacks.

Serithial: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (7) + 25 = 32
Damage: 1d6 + 13 + 28 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 13 + 28 + (5, 3) = 53
Serithial: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38
Damage: 1d6 + 13 + 28 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 13 + 28 + (6, 3) = 51
Serithial: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (8) + 25 = 33
Damage: 1d6 + 13 + 28 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + 28 + (1, 4) = 51

157 Damage, Used 1 Panache Point
Swordmaster's Flair

If attacked in Melee he'll use: Opposite Parry and Riposte:

Serithial Parry Melee Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29
Serithial Counter Attack: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (8) + 25 = 33
Damage: 1d6 + 13 + 28 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + 28 + (5, 3) = 54

Trifaccia: Sense Motive: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37

Trifaccia shakes his head when Iolana tries to subtly tap Sebastian on the back to bestow him with cat's grace. "Disappointing."

Trifaccia is caught off guard by Sebastian's reach and reals back from the hard hits. Trifaccia takes 157 damage.

Round 2

"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." Trifaccia's form melts away and he grows to double his size. His head grows two long sharp horns and his skins turns red and radiates intense heat. He reveals his true form as that of an efreeti. He leaps up and magically flies 40 feet into the air. "Let's see your reach extend this far, trickster. Now burn!"

Trifaccia: Ranged Touch vs. Sebastian's Touch AC 25: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40
Fire Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 3) = 20
Trifaccia: Ranged Touch vs. Sebastian's Touch AC 25: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (16) + 25 = 41
Fire Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 6) = 17
Trifaccia: Ranged Touch vs. Sebastian's Touch AC 25: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44
Fire Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 3) = 19

From the air Trifaccia fires three quickened scorching rays at Sebastian. All three hit and severely burn his flesh. Both combatants are panting and bleeding from multiple injuries. The dual will be decided very soon, one way or the other. Sebastian takes 56 fire damage.

Round 2

21 - Trifaccia (AC 30, T 18, FF 23) - X
17 - Iolana
16 - Sebastian
8 - Ayako

Ayako strokes Sebastion's burned form and knits it back whole. Cast Heal

Iolana, you can dispose of that thing now.

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