Izorshi |

Izzyraen loves things that go bump in the night. Mostly because that it's usually him!
Izzyraen may be dark
But he never misses mark.
He may not be the brightest one
But just you see, he'll get it done!
These poor fools who live in light
Will soon fear Izzyraen's might.
His rapier pierces and his daggers fly
Before his enemies let forth a cry!
So if you fear Izzyraen not
Be prepared to be taught.
The Sable Mask will soon descend
And to Pharasma you'll be sent!
But dark is not among Izorshi's fears
And the thought of death does not give her tearsSo if Izzyraen can hurt her body
Izorshi will smile, and say "you've been naughty!"
And if off to Pharasma she is sent
Well, that's no reason to get terribly bent.
Anyone who writes a poem about their character submission in the next two hours wins 7 rare submission-superness points.
Disclaimer: rare submission superness points are not guaranteed to have any effect on whether your submission is accepted, but they will certainly make you more rare-submission-superness-y!

Arven Freeson |

oooh like who's line points!
Arven's Creed
Keep your gear in well made order.
Open an eye to the Belkzen border.
Always your weapon near at hand.
An eye open for bandit band.
Your comrades backs to watch each night,
Never leave them in a fight.
Guard the merchant for more than gold,
It's Abadar's work or so I've been told.
Slaves and like their masters foil,
Though freedom brings its own harsh toil.
The bully stands to be layed low,
A tyrants blood should be made to flow.
As for the rest they aren't our concern,
The gods will sort them in their turn.
And when the cards have all been read,
The beast of war needs to be fed.
Swing the flail over head.
Make the orcs and bandits dead.
Thresh their hide like a farmers grain,
They never ken a soldier with a brain!

Cydrius |

For the record, you forgot -2 because of shaken, but the result is the same here.
"Fool!" Batros roars as Arven swings for his weapon.
Falchion Attack of Opportunity: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
The falchion bounces off of Arven's armor before neing knocked out of the half-orc's hands.
"That could have ended badly for you. That disarm left you completely open for a moment there." Batros grins. Then, with a grin, Batros draws his greatclub and holds it at the ready.
"I suggest cutting your losses and not trying that a second time. Only a fool is disarmed when he loses one weapon."

Arven Freeson |

Nope didn't, my regular bonus is +7 on a disarm, and a trip ;)
Arven grins and raises his visor.
As much as it would please me to dance with you... he nearly spits the next word out like he finds it distasteful orc. My dispute was with the falchion.
He takes a step back and gives a half bow mockingly, eyes never leaving his opposition and his weapon still held at the ready.

Cydrius |

Oh, my bad.
"I don't like your tone." Batros remarks, picking up his blade and returning it to its sheath. "And you have to be at least a little loopy if you're holding a grudge against weapons instead of their wielders."
Without another word, Batros leans against a tree, which leans slightly under the combine weight of the half-orc and his massive backpack, and returns to waiting for the mysterious forces to swoosh by.

Arven Freeson |

Arven barks out a laugh. If you are called to attend the professors last rites who am I to question his whims. Spilling your blood afore then would dishonour myself and his memory. Rubbing your crude orc weapon in the dirt satisfy's my pride just fine in the meanwhile. As for my tone, well it doesn't like you either and who am I to argue with it?
He wanders a distance off and begins a series of basic weapon practices against a nearby rock, not stopping unless interrupted or the rock is reduced to gravel.

El Ronza |

Well, since we're writing poems...
Some creatures born of darkness fear the light
And all the normal folk who wander there,
While others shun the comfort of the night,
And cast away the tainted blood they bear.
Some turn to magic, arcane or divine,
Some martial strength, and train for many years.
Yet all bear proof of evil-touched bloodlines,
And face distrust, and hate, and scorn, and fear.
And such was one young girl, who's woman now,
Who wonders what her summons means for her,
Who hides the ramlike horns upon her brow
And fears her magic force that sleeps and stirs.
Can she control this force? Or will she fail?
Pick her, so she can help unfold her tale.

Cydrius |

Hah, an all-goblin party? Sounds like... (obligatory pun) a blast.
For the record, pardon me for not posting as my alias (link for GM convenience), but I'm being careful not to fill my aliases page with a bunch of unselected character.

Spring-Heeled GM |

Sorry guys, some emergency stuff came up this weekend. Party selection is probably going to be delayed to either an unreasonable hour of the night or until tomorrow.
All-divine is an awful idea and I was actually flirting with letting nobody with Channel Energy in, but I decided to not do that ecause it's also an awful idea. I'm definitely aiming for rounded party, but also with consideration to backgrounds and how well I think they'll mess with the setting. Not just for things that might say typical horror, but for things I can maybe toy with and twist some of the campaign's horror to help play with/prey on.
But yeah, will try to get everything done by tomorrow afternoon. It's a pretty anomalous week as far as continued distractions go, but usually I'm not this bad about being so busy.

Cydrius |

Spring-Heeled GM |

Alright, after an hour of considerations and re-reading after my excruciating Psych class, I've finally settled on the final party. Wasn't easy, but thanks to everyone for coming out and giving it a shot. I'll keep some of you in consideration if there are any drop-outs early on. The final roster is:
-Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose, Paladin
-Rhia Van der Geist, Oracle
-Windom, Inquisitor
-Dr. Alderly, Transmuter
-Raldora, Summoner
-Dr. Aconitus, Ragechemist
Because half-divine party sounds like such a marvelous idea. So yeah, everyone selected please report to the discussion thread.

Lilien Elendyll |

Congratz to everyone that made it in, hope you'll have fun!
Before you close this thread, Spring-Heeled GM if I may impose just a little bit more, I'd love to hear one last time from you with feedback about the discarded characters. You know, if you thought something was out of place, or could have been done better, or simply if you have general suggestions.
I'm always trying to improve my characters and how I present them to others, and this would help me a great deal!
Thank you in advance! ^_^
I'll keep some of you in consideration if there are any drop-outs early on
Please do! Always nice to have another chance to play :).

Spring-Heeled GM |

I don't think I really have the time or care to go through everyone's characters and explain my process behind not choosing them, but it was definitely not a matter of being wildly unhappy with all the other applications. Especially because of how different GMs look for very different things, it's not particularly the best way to go about things, either.
I will say that overall, I selected the party based not only on balance, but on how much I felt they could be played with in the campaign, gearing some of the horror around them and pulling them in personal directions here and there to help make it something deeper than just whatever the book called spooky. Some applicants didn't provide me with any hooks at all, nor could I really get any ideas flowing to accomodate them, so they were definitely cut from consideration pretty quickly. From there, it was just a matter of figuring out how I could get a balanced party out of characters I liked, and I'll readily admit that I had to cut a fair amount of characters who I thought would have potential.
Overall though, my dissections wouldn't be of much use because everyone has their own ideas of what their game will be and even another Carrion Crown GM is likely to go in a different direction entirely. I might tell someone to flavour their character more toward the tone of the book and away from more generic, general fantasy stuff, but then they'll get a game where the person is looking to run the adventure straight out of the book and it won't get you any points at all.