GM Nitemares Carrion Crown

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Hi. I'm posting to express interest in this game. If selected, I will be using this alias. He's going to turn into a ranger though. It's a character I ran in Kingmaker for awhile, till real life ate our GM. I don't have the player's guide downloaded, so I'll have to do that and read it. Then Jutmon will endure his transformation into a ranger. Hope I can get it done before the deadline. Ranger is one of my favorite classes and I never seem to play one.

Edit: I post on Arizona time. That's Mountain Standard, but we don't do the Daylight Savings thing.

I originally imagined this Character for Carrion Crown, but never succeeded in getting her into a Carrion Crown campaign before. Her history is on her Character sheet. I have a fair amount of experience with PbP & always try to give ample warning if I am not going to be able to post for more than a day. Live in the Central USA time zone.

All her information should be on her sheet. I believe she falls within your acceptable parameters Spring-heeled GM. Please let me know if there is anything that is unclear.

So, out of cursioty, I've compiled a list of applicants. Please let me know if I missed someone or made an error.

Melee Combat

  • Arven Freeson, Fighter, On the Payroll
  • Tyrnvald Olafson, Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light, Undead Scourge), Subject of Study
  • Batros the Coward, Fighter, Chance Savior
  • Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose, Paladin, Teacher's Pet

Ranged Combat

  • Max Chambers, Paladin (Divine Hunter), Making Good on Promises
  • Mortimer Valdebridge, Ranger(Skirmisher, Infiltrator), Teacher's Pet


  • Izzyraen, Rogue, Chance Savior
  • Dr. Aconitus, Alchemist (Ragechemist), Subject of Study
  • James Denphire, Rogue(Investigator), On the Payroll
  • Zelda Lamplighter, Rogue, Making Good on Promises
  • Xiuj-Hak-Leyng, Alchemist, On the Payroll

Arcane Caster

  • Liera, Witch, ???
  • Lilien Elendyll, Diviner (Foresight Focused), Teacher's Pet
  • Dr. Alderly, Transmuter, Teacher's Pet
  • Yorin, Bard, Inspired by Greatness
  • Raldora, Summoner (Shadow Caller), ???
  • Jutmon Symber, Wizard, No Campaign Trait

Divine Caster

  • Rhia Van der Geist, Oracle, Subject of Study
  • Nathan Azar, Cleric, Chance Savior
  • Balin Katonah, Cleric(Undead Lord), Teacher's Pet
  • Laris D'Vagne, Oracle, Subject of Study


  • Windom

Sorry, Raldora, I don't have an RPGCrossing account to check your character sheet for your trait.

Jutmon, you seem to have no campaign trait.

Here is my candidate.

Well done Cydrius. I hope you get chosen, as you've shown us you should, and I hope to play with you.

If you can, please update Yorin with the "Inspired by greatness" trait, thanks.

Done. Just in time, too.

I appreciate the complment, Yorin. I wish you the best of luck as well. ^^

I originally made this character for WotR, but I later realized that she makes much more sense for Carrion Crown.
I'm also (US) Easter standard time.

The birth of Izorshi Sorph was a tragic incident. Her mother Kamshi was a human priestess of Pharasma, who spent much of her life in a temple in Korvosa. Over time, Kamshi was seduced by (and fell in love with) a mysterious stranger. She had a child with him, and only then did she discover the man she had fallen for was actually a vampire. Although she could normally detect undead, he had used abjurations to conceal his nature and his alignment. Horrified at her relation with the undead, Kamshi did not want to risk her church finding out. She decided to flee Korvosa, taking Izorshi with her.
Izorshi's childhood was, to put it lightly, miserable. Embarrassed by her heritage, she had great difficulty making friends, for she was hesitant to reveal anything about herself to anyone. She hated herself for her connection to the undead. Although she was alive, she knew she was harmed by positive energy, and that that indicated that she was not fully alive.
Until one night, everything changed. When Izorshi neared adulthood, she was visited in a dream by Pharasma. The goddes spoke to Izorshi, encouraging her:
"Be strong, for your fate yet lies in the land of the living. Overcome yourself. You are not undead, you are truly alive. Go forth to Ustalav and seek your fate."
When she awoke, Izorshi resolved to become a cleric of Pharasma. This was easier said than done, though, because he had to be especially careful to hide her dhampiric nature from her church. Nonetheless, she persevered, the goddess' words still fresh in her mind. When she was ready, she set out to the Ustalav.

A cautious person, Izorshi is hesitant to reveal anything about herself even to her closest allies. At the same time, she still has to resist primal, monstrous urges stemming from her vampiric heritage. Yet Izorshi remains very loyal to the few friends she does make, knowing how hard they were to earn. She seeks to avoid the spotlight in most situations.

Izorshi seeks to overcome the dark aspect of her father. She hopes that helping living heroes with the task assigned to her will allow her to expunge the evil within herself, and find whatever fate Pharasma has in store for her.

Izorshi's main fears are as follows:
Other people's watch: Being a dhampir in a society from which undead and their kin are frowned upon, one of Izorshi's greatest fears is the possibility of her friends, allies, or enemies discovering her true nature.
Her father: Although she never knew him, Izorshi knows her father is rather powerful, and quite possibly still alive. Although she has a general loathing of all undead, she blames her father for her personal troubles, and fears him more than any other undead.
Herself:Izorshi knows that her very existence was caused by a creature whose own existence violates the tenants of her goddess, and she knows that there is some evil lurking within her.

Well darn, forgot you had to have an account over there to see those... Apparently 'public' does not mean, well, public. I'll have to get to work transferring everything over then...

For the record, I have the 'Inspired' trait.

Good job on the list.

Windom is an inquisitor of Pharasma. May I add the repose domain and sub-domain appear to be written specifically for undead hunters!

Crunch is set.

Thanks for doing the list Cydrius. No activity from the DM since monday. Hope this is still going to fire.

Sorry Raldora for the snipe. I was thinking of what would fit the campaign, and a Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde just screamed Carrion Crown to me. (I am playing a bard in another Horror PbP, otherwise I would do that)

Thanks for the List Cydrius!

It's all good. Hardly a unique or even rare concept, especially given the Master Chemyst PrC pretty much requiring the alter-ego trope to be played straight.

I've been wanting to play a Summoner as well for a while anyway, and the Shadow Caller in particular... well, let's just say the backstory related to Dux (the eidolon) will fit Carrion Crown pretty well too. ;)

Updated list!

Melee Combat

  • Arven Freeson, Fighter, On the Payroll
  • Tyrnvald Olafson, Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light, Undead Scourge), Subject of Study
  • Batros the Coward, Fighter, Chance Savior
  • Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose, Paladin, Teacher's Pet

Ranged Combat

  • Max Chambers, Paladin (Divine Hunter), Making Good on Promises
  • Mortimer Valdebridge, Ranger(Skirmisher, Infiltrator), Teacher's Pet


  • Izzyraen, Rogue, Chance Savior
  • Dr. Aconitus, Alchemist (Ragechemist), Subject of Study
  • James Denphire, Rogue(Investigator), On the Payroll
  • Zelda Lamplighter, Rogue, Making Good on Promises
  • Xiuj-Hak-Leyng, Alchemist, On the Payroll


  • Yorin, Bard, Inspired by Greatness
  • Windom, Inquisitor, Chance Savior

Arcane Caster

  • Liera, Witch, ???
  • Lilien Elendyll, Diviner (Foresight Focused), Teacher's Pet
  • Dr. Alderly, Transmuter, Teacher's Pet
  • Raldora, Summoner (Shadow Caller), Inspired by Greatness
  • Jutmon Symber, Wizard, No Campaign Trait

Divine Caster

  • Rhia Van der Geist, Oracle, Subject of Study
  • Nathan Azar, Cleric, Chance Savior
  • Balin Katonah, Cleric(Undead Lord), Teacher's Pet
  • Laris D'Vagne, Oracle, Subject of Study
  • Izorshi, Cleric, Chance Savior


Oh, flipperflapper, I knew I'd missed something.

There you go, trait updated. ^^;;

To be nitpicky about categorization, Xiuj is really more of an Arcane caster...

I've put alchemists under Trickster primarily because the bombs tend to put them in the same kind of combat skirmishing as rogues, and because they tend towards being skillmonkeys.

While they are arcane casters mechanically, the fact that most of their extracts are self only unless they take Infusion tends to make their role closer to the Trickster category.

(Especially taking into account your monk-multiclass build)

Sorry for double posting

Just a heads-up: I've picked up the Two-Handed Fighter archetype, which I feel is a good fit for Batros' "I will crush everyone that dares stand in my way." attitude.

Well, my hopes of this taking off are starting to vanish... I think the GM disappearance is really weird anyway, maybe he will show up ^_^

It's only been about two days since his last post. He might just have been a little more busy.

Izorshi looked around nervously.
Great Lady of Fate, she thought, That Aasimar is impatient. Two days is not long to wait.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Zelda sits quietly, slowly drinking her wine and flipping a coin. Heads I win, tails you lose.

Grand Lodge

Dang it I did it again :(

Zelda, here's a tip: When you post under the wrong alias, you can edit the post and select a different alias.

Nice of you to put up a list like that, Cydrius, but Jutmon is a ranger, not a wizard. I ran the alias in a Kingmaker campaign, where he was a wizard. For this one, though, he will be a Ranger. Campaign trait is Chance Savior. I'm still working on it.

What Cydrius said. On the bright side, if you do get picked, once you have posted in Gameplay, the Alias you posted under will always be the top option available. Of course, that means you need to be very careful which alias you make your first gameplay post with.

Oh, sorry.

Melee or Archery ranger?

Grand Lodge

Thanks I appreciate the advice. I will get the hang of this yet

He's a wild Stalker so probably melee. At first level his dex is higher, though, so decent with a bow.

Also, no apologies needed. When I posted, the character was still a second level wizard. He's been slowly morphing into a ranger.

Yeah but you'd actually mentioned it in your post. :P

Melee Combat

  • Arven Freeson, Fighter, On the Payroll
  • Tyrnvald Olafson, Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light, Undead Scourge), Subject of Study
  • Batros the Coward, Fighter (Two Handed Fighter), Chance Savior
  • Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose, Paladin, Teacher's Pet
  • Jutmon Symber, Ranger(Wild Hunter), Chance Savior

Ranged Combat

  • Max Chambers, Paladin (Divine Hunter), Making Good on Promises
  • Mortimer Valdebridge, Ranger(Skirmisher, Infiltrator), Teacher's Pet


  • Izzyraen, Rogue, Chance Savior
  • Dr. Aconitus, Alchemist (Ragechemist), Subject of Study
  • James Denphire, Rogue(Investigator), On the Payroll
  • Zelda Lamplighter, Rogue, Making Good on Promises
  • Xiuj-Hak-Leyng, Alchemist, On the Payroll


  • Yorin, Bard, Inspired by Greatness
  • Windom, Inquisitor, Chance Savior

Arcane Caster

  • Liera, Witch, ???
  • Lilien Elendyll, Diviner (Foresight Focused), Teacher's Pet
  • Dr. Alderly, Transmuter, Teacher's Pet
  • Raldora, Summoner (Shadow Caller), Inspired by Greatness

Divine Caster

  • Rhia Van der Geist, Oracle, Subject of Study
  • Nathan Azar, Cleric, Chance Savior
  • Balin Katonah, Cleric(Undead Lord), Teacher's Pet
  • Laris D'Vagne, Oracle, Subject of Study
  • Izorshi, Cleric, Chance Savior

A wizard that morphs into a ranger? Sounds like an interesting character concept. What kind of spellcraft roll was needed to come up with that spell? (hehe)

Alright, sorry about vanishing for a few days, it's been crunch time on some school work. Final party selection will definitely be taking place Sunday-ish now, to give people time any feedback or last-minute additions to be made in time.

Very important since it makes my job of sorting so much easier, I'd like you to give me a quick rundown of your mechnical uses. Not necessarily a deep strategy paragraph, but a sentence or two just detailing what your character does; if they're leaning toward support magic, going to be focusing on certain skills or sub-roles beyond the typical Martial/Arcane/Divine/Skill split.

@Tyrnvald: Much like Max, I'm interested to know how you'd be playing out his code relative to the rest of the party.

@Aconitus: Inspiration's coming in loud and clear, but that's okay; the classics are a good ground for this sort of thing.

@Mortimer: A ghost from his past who could just kind of slip in one day? Perfect. I'm interested to see how he might react with certain other applied characters.

@Balin: Well, there was going to be an Undead Lord eventually. As for your levels, might want to plan out, because if we go by book XP you'll be around 15th by the adventure's end. Not sure if that'll change your plans at all.

@James: Yeah, we can reflavour it a little, sure.

@Lilien: No, everything looks to be in place.

@Dr. Alderly: Everything seems to be in place here.

@Cydrius: It would be interesting to see, definitely. I guess if 'interesting roleplay' for you is having a crowd of people part like the Red Sea whenever you walk in? I'm totally okay with reflavouring the trait to be that.

@Windom: Very traditional-looking, but traditional isn't always bad.

@Izzyraen: If he's hooded and masked he ought to be fine. There is an issue of his 'skin condition' being seen as an excuse for being a demonic entity since Ustalav is a place of deep superstition, so it would create some interesting roleplay opportunities, but definitely might want to consider it down the road, depending on how things go.

@Raldora: Interesting to see what her new approach will be to not getting chased out of Ustalav this time.

And I have no questions for the rest of you and don't feel like typing out "Everything looks fine," in four different ways, so going to leave it at that.

I was going to go full alchemist. He would probably stick more with his Bombs and save his Mutagen for when he really needs it. Otherwise he is a skill monkey. Might take 1 level in ranger for favored enemy undead/trapfinding. So Skill/Martial.

I'm EST, per the original question.

Yorin would be a Jack-of-all-trades. He is socially oriented and will resolve things diplomatically if it's possible (plus Charm may be used if it's important). Several languages have been (and will be) learned for that purpose.
He has some knowledge that will be useful as the mysteries show up. In combat, charm and fascinate will be used on enemies to make the battle easier for the group, but he somehow good when using his longsword with a buckler, and a shortbow for ranged combat. Aside from healing and having arcane spells, there is the ability to use wands (not very good yet, tough). Hit point is what he lacks, putting him in the middle line of combat.
Party-oriented cantrips have been selected, and later spells depend on the progress of the group. He has dominated the Spell Resistance feature against evil spells, and so have some chance of them failing (very low, but still).

Lawful Good, wants the best for society and will act for the good cause. And, of course, greatness is what inspires him and what he plans to achieve.

Linking to the character again for convenience.

Batros brings big, brutish strength to the party, both in and out of combat.

In combat, he's a straight-up tank and melee striker. He is very much a front-liner, charging in and bowling the enemy over to expose their squishy casters etc, and eventually making himself intimidating with feats like Cornugon Smash.

Outside of combat, he can provide the Intimidating Cop to any other party member's Diplomatic Cop. He's also adept at breaking down doors and similar obstacles, and applying brute strength where brute strength is required.

This is actually my first time playing what one could classify as a "big dumb fighter", I usually tend to play skillmonkeys or casters, but this time, I felt the call of the muscle.

I'm fine with people parting before Batros. It's not a role I've played before, so it could definitely be fun. (That and seeing how the rest of the party copes. :P)

Batros is completely neutral. He's not motivated by wealth or glory or somesuch, though he will gladly accept both should they come to him. He's motivated by showing the world what he can do, and forcing others to admit that he's a fierce and courageous warrior.

Max will probably be the young naive diplomat to start with. I plan on having him be the wide-eyed, first time out of the temple adventurer. More trusting of his companions, especially those who seem more wise to the ways of the world, but when evil is found a zealot for destroying or redeeming it.

He will be a ranged damage dealer and when he gets spells he will focus on protection type spells. As he levels I will add more skill ranks to diplomacy. As he grows up, I'd see him a bit more violent than Shepherd Book, but with the more of the example version of religion than the zealot, YOU MUST CONVERT guy.

Grand Lodge

Zelda is the scout. She will put her toe out there and hope it doesnt get stepped on. She can handle a bow but would rather use her rapier & sword.

Zelda grew up in a small town and this is the first time she had left it, so she still learning about these big cities. So many places to explore so many locks to play with :)

Zelda is missing some stat points. I forgot to add +2 for human. I will adjust her tonight

Shadow Lodge

Spring-Heeled GM wrote:
@Balin: Well, there was going to be an Undead Lord eventually. As for your levels, might want to plan out, because if we go by book XP you'll be around 15th by the adventure's end. Not sure if that'll change your plans at all.

Thanks for the heads-up, I'll take some time and weigh the options based on that final outcome. I would've overshot by a level or two in my estimate.

Xiuj is a support caster/bomb thrower/potion maker primarily. Later levels increase his monk/staff trip combat capability, but support is still his primary focus.

Rhia is the Pro.

She is an agent of Pharasma, granted limited control over the veil to call upon the heroes of her family to advise, aid and on occasion act directly to continue protecting the people of Ustalav from the depredations of the supernatural.

Her spells and Oracle Mysteries will manifest with this theme (for example for her Unseen Servant actually has a name is is more of a call than casting a spell.)

She puts the people first and is quite comfortable in a hero of the people role.

Question: What are your thoughts on this?:

Oracle: Can I use my Charisma modifier for cleric spells and effects that use Wisdom, such as spiritual weapon?
As written, those effects say "Wisdom" (because they were written before the idea of the oracle class as a Charisma-based caster), so an oracle has to use her Wisdom modifier.
However, it is a perfectly reasonable house rule to allow an oracle to use her Charisma modifier (or bonus) for cleric spells that refer to the caster's Wisdom modifier (or bonus).
—Pathfinder Design Team, 05/09/13

Yeah, that's fair. I've run games where I houserule certain Cha-based Cleric abilities to be Wis-based, and I see no problem gonig in the other direction for Oracle.

Oh, by the way, I don't mean to pry, but I'd like to alert Dr. Aconitus and our GM to a possible issue:

We had a player play a Ragechemist in my tabletop group, and we noticed an issue with it:

The growing rage effect of his mutagen tends to cause problems: When you fail a will save from it, your will saves and int goes down, meaning the next one will be failed even easier, and so on.

We've found that it basically means that the ragechemist winds up a vegetable after any kind of a fight that's not a total blowout.

Our group resolved it by not making the ragechemist take a ding to will saves, only to intelligence, but I'll let our GM decide what he wants to do. Just wanted to throw this out.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Spring-Heeled GM wrote:
Yeah, that's fair. I've run games where I houserule certain Cha-based Cleric abilities to be Wis-based, and I see no problem gonig in the other direction for Oracle.

That is also how the official FAQ ruled.

"Interesting to see what her new approach will be to not getting chased out of Ustalav this time."

Well, Dux (her Eidolon) won't be out for one :P Otherwise, I'm thinking a heavy cloak, smoked goggles, keep her head down, don't call attention to oneself, and Disguise Self as a 10-minute emergency pass... Plus she's not intending to stick around forever. Depending on the specifics (I have no idea how big the town is etc etc) she may even just be intending a quick arrive-say goodby-leave.

Alternatively... would it be possible to apply the Campaign trait to the Disguise Self SLA instead of a normal spell? It would work better thematically for the background, and it would give me a 20-minute window.

As for mechanics, just planning the typical 'buff Eidolon, sic Eidolon, watch blood fly and support as needed'. Or Shadow Summon various nasties if the situation prohibits having Dux being summoned On that note, will you allow the Augment Summoning feat to work on my Summon class ability? It's not quite RAW I believe, but the non-archtype ability essentially is just a time-buffed form of the normal summons...

As a transmuter specialist, Alderly is primarily intended for a support-magic character, but since he has an obsession with how magic can twist the body and mind, I also anticipate some offensive capability (necromancy and enchantment spells) as well. He'll more than likely be a straight wizard, although I have considered a level or two in alchemist (mind chemist archetype). He wants to expand his knowledge (especially that which is forbidden) so that would be a logical choice if I did decide to multi-class. I look at him as a Cthulhu-esque Dr. House.

Combatwise - Laris is a support/healer character, with a sideline in fear and undead slaying/commanding abilities. Unless fighting undead she'll hang back and use her crossbow, moving into heal where required.

Out of combat Laris has healthy sneak and competent personal skills, though her Wasted appearance drops down her personal skill abilities significantly.

Advancement - Intending on sticking with Oracle (though I don't like to plan too much ahead), see where the direction of the campaign takes me.

I'll probably buy one as soon as we get gold (if chosen, of course!)

Grand Lodge

Zelda is now updated.

In combat I'm planning on having Izorshi focus on buffs/debuffs/support.
Out of combat, I plan on focusing on knowledge skills and diplomacy.

In combat: Mortimer is primarily a ranged fighter, but will get into melee when needed. He's going for the Crossbow Ranger style. Later he will get a Dog (and Boon Companion Feat to enhance him). I may change my mind on this, but I loved the image of a big slobbery hunting dog, one of his family's animals, a pet from his youth, being his buddy.

Out of combat: Mortimer has a mix of useful outdoorsy skills and a couple knowledges with a focus on Undead and later Aberrations.

I imagine his development being one focussed on improving his ability with the Heavy Crossbow.

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