![]() Thanks for being understanding, guys. Quote: thanks for dealing with this head on. There's no other way I'd ever step down from a game. I've had DMs vanish into the mist before, and it's a very disheartening experience. It's only respectful to be open about things like this. I'm glad to know we're parting with no hard feelings, and I hope to game with you guys again one day. ![]()
![]() I'll write it up and send it to you as soon as I get a chance. It's a bit of a busy day for me. Silvio's suggestion of possibly getting a fifth player sparked an idea: Gheris, if you did pick up the game as a GM, would you be adverse to my rejoining the game as a player? I'd love to see where this goes. ![]()
![]() Guys, I think it's about time I faced the music, so to speak. It's not fair of me to hold you guys up for so long because I can barely keep up with the game anymore. You lot are great players and I really enjoyed our time together, but I'm just not cut out for DMing, and it's been feeling like a chore more than a game, for... longer than I dare to admit. I wouldn't be doing anyone a favor if I kept the game going, as much as I know ending a game suddenly like this is rather disappointing. Please accept my most heartfelt apologies, and know that I'll gladly help you guys find a replacement DM if that's what you'd like. I figured it was best if I did this before book 2 was too far underway. It's been nice gaming with you guys, and I'm really sorry for doing this. Lucius, please accept my most heartfelt apologies for ending this so quickly after you came in. ... sigh. ![]()
![]() ~~~Streets of Korvosa~~~ Cases of that particular illness have indeed been showing up across the city; the temples are getting concerned with the amount of sick people coming to their doors; most of the temples seem to be caught off-guard by it. Beyond that, you also learn an interesting tale from the docks: Two nights ago, a sinister looking ship sailed into the river. The guardsmen signaled to the ship and shouted out to it, but never received a response. According to a few of them, there was no one on board. With no way to tell of the ship's intention, the watch had no choice but to fire upon the ship and destroy it. What's your next course of action? ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ Visibily, Wilbur doesn't take well to his own business being asked about. "What we do here, I'm afraid, is none of your business. This is family business, and we're not taking in outsiders, and especially not small-time thieves like you followers of Gaedrenn. Do me a favor and get lost; you obviously have nothing interesting to offer." He says, pointing to the door. "Get lost! Get lost!" The bird excitedly echoes from above. ![]()
![]() ~~~Searching the city~~~ A search of the docks and the market turns up little more than rumors. Roll for diplomacy to gather information. However, they do learn something interesting relating to other matters: The Korvosan Guard, by order of the queen, is scouring the city for the fugitives, and a royal bounty of 5000 gp has been offered for the capture of Trinia Sabor. Beyond that, as the party happens to pass by the temple of Sarenrae, one of the temple guards calls out to Silvio, explaining that someone has left a note for him. "Good day, companions. I would like to invite you over for dinner. If you would be so kind, please see fit to invite your houseguest. ~Your friend, the fencer" ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Knowing himself a poor liar, Corlis opts to remain silent. "Lamm, huh? Always hated the old bag of bones; I wouldn't want anything to do with that if I were you. What do you three even do, then? Lamm had his little lambs do all the work." ![]()
![]() ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ Corlis merely gives a frustrated frown at the bird's interjection, holding at the ready. The parrot appears mostly uninterested by the proffered food. "Guests, I see." A man's voice is heard as the door to the offices swings open. A flamboyant man holding a flask stands within the doorframe, leaning against its edge. "To whom do I owe the pleasure?" He asks, almost theatrically. By the descriptions you've been given, this would be Wilbur Thatcher, the eldest of the Thatcher Brothers; you've been cautioned about his aptitude for alchemy. The other two brothers are Edward, a ruthless fencer and former student of the renowned Korvosan master Vencarlo Orsini, and Elliot, by far the most elusive of the three brothers, a famous wizard. Previous reports indicate that documents seized from previous operations indicate the presence of Elliot Thatcher, but that he has never been caught or seen by witnesses. Rumor has it that a fourth person is involved with the brothers; a woman who may or may not be related to them. Witnesses have difficulties agreeing on her looks, has been seen coming and going from the bank, a tipping point that alerted the guard to the brothers' presence within. ~~~Tayce's~~~ "She does like to take walks by the docks," Brienna answers, "But I can't say I'm entirely sure whether or not she was there recently before her illness happened." ![]()
![]() ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ As Lucius reaches for the 'Offices' door, a bird's loud squawking is heard from above, which a cursory examination reveals to have come from a colorful bird that had been hidden amongst the roof's beams until now. "Hello!" it greets in a high pitched squawk, looking down from its perch. ???: 1d20 ⇒ 20 "Someone's coming," Tern says, motioning for the Offices door. "Blasted sack of feathers gave us away," he adds. Gheris gets an inkling that there's more to the bird that meets the eye. It looks a little too proud of itself right now for an ordinary animal. Gheris's Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
![]() ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ With the mighty Dire Counter crossed with only minor injury, you find yourself behind the bank's counter. Old, dusty shelves line its underside, now devoid of anything but a few scraps of paper. Rickety chairs occupy the two teller booths. Two thick oak doors lead to the back of the bank, marked with two copper plates, one reading "Offices" and the other marked "Supplies". What is your course of action? ~~~Tayce's, upstairs~~~ "I understand," Tayce nods somberly to Staryth's honesty. "Thank you for being honest, and for caring for my daughter," she adds. ~~~Tayce's, downstairs, moments later~~~ Moving right along for the sake of brevity. Tayce is overjoyed to hear that the party has offered to pay for Brienna's treatment, and draws each of them in turn into a hug surprisingly strong for a woman of her size. She asks them and Ishani to join her family the next day over lunch, to celebrate Brienna's recovery. Ishani accepts Staryth's offer of collaboration, suggesting that they find some time after this celebration to see to the creation of a document reporting their findings. Any interjections? ![]()
![]() ~~~Tayce's~~~ "It is a sad truth that there is a limit to what the vault can give out for free," Ishani concedes at Silvio's remark. "Divine magic is not endless in its reserve, and alas the church's operations do require some amount of gold to function. I came here of my own volition to help the Soldados; there is more at hand than mere gold. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and I will make sure that this house is my first stop tomorrow morning, once I can make further requests of the Master of the First Vault." ![]()
![]() ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ The door opens without issue, into the old bank's dusty lobby. The polished wooden counter splits the room in half; a pair of teller's booths are set up on one side of the room, with an open counter occupying the rest of the space. Part of the counter can be lifted to allow passage, though a sturdy-looking lock is in place, currently preventing this. A pair of doors lead to the bank's back offices. They are closed. ~~~Tayce Soldado's Home~~~ Staryth, going by the best of his medical knowledge, gives Brienna careful dosages of various medicines, aimed at helping her natural resistances fight the disease. As far as he can diagnose, in addition to the flaring rashes marring Brienna's beauty, the disease is leaving her exhausted. By his reckoning, the illness is very badly affecting Brienna's health. Unless treatment manages to help her recover quickly, she is likely to die within two or three days. Staryth is confident that his treatment will at least give her a better chance at resisting the illness for a time, but a full cure is as of yet uncertain. Your heal check has succeeded at giving Brienna a +4 competence bonus to her next save vs. disease, which will happen in the morning. ![]()
![]() I don't think you can take 20 on diagnosing on treatment. Since in the case of a diagnosis, Heal works mostly like a knowledge, you really just know or don't know. Similarly, taking 20 on treatment would mean trying various cures and waiting to see if they work; that would take several days. I'd say the Sickened mercy would make her feel better for a while, but it probably wouldn't do much to actually treat the disease. ![]()
![]() ~~~Alabaster Street~~~ There is no answer from inside. Through the bank's windows, the lobby appears to be empty. A dusty counter lies within, and some chairs arranged around a small table form a waiting area. The bank is an old building, built with a high roof held up by overhead beams. Perception DC 24:
You catch a flash of bright red above the roof. Close observation reveals a colorful bird peeking at you from the cover of the beams. ~~~Home of Tayce Soldado, lower floor~~~ When Silvio and Krojun raise the issue of money, Ishani's eyes light up. "You would pay for the girl's treatment? You are truly saviours." [dice=Sense Motive DC 14]Nothing to see here. He really is just happy to see the girl cured, but I gotta keep the suspense up.[/ooc] ~~~Home of Tayce Soldado, upper floor~~~ The creaky steps open up into a bedroom loft above the main room of the Soldado home. A young girl with auburn hair lies in one of the beds, her slight frame dwarfed by the bed’s size and the pile of pillows, afghans, and quilts surrounding her. Splotches of an angry red rash cover her face and arms, appearing in irregular shapes and sizes. Suddenly, her restlessness is interrupted by a violent fit of hacking coughs that jerk her entire frame, lifting her well off her pillows. The spasm passes after a moment, dropping her back to the bed, but seemingly having done little to ease her breathing. "Ah, you must be the hospitaler Grau spoke of," Tayce Soldado looks to Staryth, hopeful. "Thank you so much for coming to help us, do you think... there's something you can do to help?" ![]()
![]() ~~~Trail's End~~~ "I'm told her symptoms began showing last morning, and that this morning she could barely get out of bed. Alas, it is too early to say if the treatment will suffice. I wish I could invoke my magic, I truly do." Ishani explains. "As for patients, yes. As a matter of fact, I have myself had to request Abadar's aid with healing supplicants of the church several times today." "For the symptoms, you may be best served with going upstairs and seeing it for yourself. Dire rashes, general fatigue, and bouts of coughs are what I've observed." ![]()
![]() ~~Trail's End~~ "Ah! You must be the friends Mister Soldado mentioned. It is good to see good folk come to help the needy." He pays particular attention to Staryth. "Are you, by any chance, a hospitaler of the Eternal Rose? I know I have seen this bird before," he adds, nodding to Staryth's holy symbol. "Oh! Please forgive my errant mind. I am Ishani Dhatri, here in Abadar's good name" The man shakes the party's hands politely, betraying a rather limp hold. Ishani appears genuinely concerned for the family, and his recipe appears to be what it was purported to be.. Staryth recognizes the concotion as intended to bolster one's natural resistance to illness. "The girl is resting upstairs and, alas, suffers from an illness most troubling. I've never seen this combination of symptoms before... I fear we may be facing a new disease entirely." ![]()
![]() I've got a bit of a busy weekend ahead of myself. Lucius, any objections with me waiting for Gheris to return before moving on with your subplot? -Trail's End- Grau leads the party to the house of the woman he explains is his sister-in-law. The house is situated in Trail's End, a poor neighborhood more like a small town than a part of the bustling Korvosa. (It is the only name you've ever heard the neighborhood called, though the more savvy Silvio is aware that this is mostly intended as a disparaging nickname, given the large population of settled Varisians who live there.) Grau knocks at the door and announces himself: "Tayce, it's Grau. I've brought some friends who might be able to help!" A young boy of twelve or so opens the door saluting his 'Uncle Grau', and paying little attention to the party before rejoining what you assume is his (barely younger) brother in a game of cards. Grau beckons you in. A few steps into the living room, you notice a man in the house, dressed in the garb of Abadar's acolytes. The acolyte is tending to a kettle boiling on the kitchen's hearth, and a faint scent of cinnamon and anise catches your nose. At the sight, Grau gives a short exasperated sigh and walks upstairs, where you hear the sound of a sternly whispered argument. Perception DC 20:
You hear the gist of their argument: Grau scolding Tayce for racking up a bill with an expensive and worthless healer when he said he would handle things, and Tayce defending her decision and restating the direness of Brienna’s condition. Your move. ![]()
![]() -Citadel Volshyenek- "I'm afraid I couldn't tell you what the nature of the goods is; we've only recently learned of their whereabouts. Suffice to say, the last time they were spotted and we sent a troop of the watch against them... we had to send a second troop to restrain the first until the confusion charm placed on them wore off. I assure you I wouldn't have called for help from the Lodge if I didn't think we'd need it. The Thatcher Brothers have had multiple brushes with the guard; they're most likely already prepared for us, which is why a team like the three of you is far better suited for this. You'll be able to take them by surprise, I'm sure." "The best case scenario would be managing to take them in alive. That would give us a lot of information on their former dealings and accomplices. If it comes down to it, however, do not be afraid to defend yourselves. They've killed watchmen and witnesses before, and they're not afraid to do it again, I'm sure. Any illicit goods will need to be held under watch custody." Recognizing the unappealing nature of this statement for adventurers, she then adds: "On the other hand, the reward for their capture would be all yours, and I think you'll find it to be a pretty sizeable sum." "As to getting into the bank, I couldn't presume to tell you how to best go about it. Catching them off-guard is exactly why I'm asking for help. They know most of my tricks by now, this is hardly my first brush with them." ![]()
![]() "Anywhere out of the ordinary, you say?" Grau asks. "Well... she did go to market yesterday, so she might have been exposed to something. I've heard of folks getting sick here and there, so it might be something going around. Let's just hope things don't get too bad." He nods. When Silvio brings up the possibility, Grau shakes his head. "Doesn't look like filth fever, at any rate, but I couldn't tell you what it is." ![]()
![]() Lucius and Gheris The man Lucius addressed has a wide smile as he answers. "She does, as a matter of fact. Back in school just this morning." The man nods. "It is always an honor to have a member of the Society visit us." The other guard nods to Gheris. Lucius and Gheris are led to Cressida's office, where the Marshall is waiting for them. Another person is with her, a tall and lean man of Varisian descent clad in the watch's uniform, though not currently wearing armor. "... and here they are just now," Cressida interrupts herself as the newcomers enter. Cressida invites you to take a seat, before proceeding to the introductions, presenting Gheris to the other two as an adventurer from the Pathfinder Society and Lucius as a frequent source of well-intentioned civilian aid to the watch. Sense Motive DC 10, Gheris:
You note a bit of a reaction from the third man when Cressida describes Lucius as "Civilian aid"; his eyes widened as though he had expected something else. Sense Motive DC 10, Lucius:
Judging by the third man's eyes widening as Cressida describes you as 'civilian aid', it's pretty easy to tell that he's aware of your status as an ex-con. The third man is Lieutenant Corlis Tern, one of Cressida's most trusted men. "Now then, I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here." Kressida begins. "The watch has recently received reports of suspicious activity on Alabaster Street." Knowledge Local DC 12:
Alabaster Street is generally known as a quiet part of town where little interesting usually happens. It is known for little except for little except the presence of Gold Standard, a former private bank and lenders office which closed some years ago... for lack of funds, ironically enough. "You may have heard of the Thatcher Brothers before; they're craftsmen and smugglers, trading in illegal goods, especially magic items. We have it on good authority that they may be lurking there; my best guess is that they've taken the old bank as a hideout," she explains. "And that's where I'd like to ask for your help, gentlemen. The Thatcher Brothers expect the watch, and I don't dare imagine what they might have rigged the place with; I think a smaller team, more familliar with the workings of magic, would be far more suited for this." "Are you up to the task?" ![]()
![]() The temple can't show preference to its own and cast the spell for free when others need it, but Silvio can make the required donation to have Remove Disease cast if he wishes. (150 gp) Speaking of which... As Silvio is looking into the possilbility of getting some healing done, he learns that the temple of Sarenrae has seen more demand for disease-curing spells than usual. ![]()
![]() Almost forgot this:
???: 1d20 ⇒ 4???: 1d3 ⇒ 3???: 1d3 ⇒ 2 Forgot a thing. Sorry to spring this suddenly. This morning, upon waking up, Silvio feels a pounding headache; a quick investigation reveals he has a potent fever. He feels very tired, as though he'd barely slept, and his muscles ache all over. Silvio has suffered 3 dexterity damage, and 2 constitution damage. He is quite obviously sick. Staryth can easily identify the affliction as Filth Fever; Silvio likely was exposed when the rotting construct struck him in the Dead Warrens. It is relatively simple to treat, but might require a few day's recovery. As a reminder, treatment gives the afflicted a +4 to their saving through. Staryth's heal check is high enough that he can treat the disease on a roll of take 10. ![]()
![]() Krojun, Staryth, and Silvio The next morning finds the three of you gathered at the inn where Krojun presently resides. Earlier that morning, Staryth met an acquaintance on the street, who requested the party's help. Grau Soldado, one of Kressida's lieutenant, asked to meet with him and his companions, explaining that he needed help and could think of no one better. Though his concern is clear and apparent, Grau looks much better than he did the last time you met him. Sobered up, cleanly shaved, and in solid shape, he is the true image of a guard of Korvosa. "My niece is sick. I don’t know what she has and neither does anyone in Trail’s End. She’s broken out all over in red pocks and can barely keep down food, or even the swill that good-for-nothing herbalist gave her. Her mother’s talking about going to the Bank of Abadar, but her family can’t afford to pay the prices their clerics would demand. Then I remembered how you and your friends handled yourselves during the riots, and how you helped me out, and I figured you all could help. A bunch of resourceful folk like you, I’d bet if you don’t already have a way to fix this you must know who can. Surely you can’t just sit by while a child suffers, can you?" ~~~ Gheris Your arrival in Korvosa last night was mostly uneventful. The captain of the ship was heard cursing a few times about security at the port being unusually strict and thorough, but this could simply be chalked up to his being in a bad mood. Nevertheless, the local contacts of the Society had an inn room ready for you. This morning, you are expected at Citadel Volshyenek. Marshall Kressida Kroft has requested help from the Society, explaining that a dangerous criminal is on the loose, and that the help of an intrepid hero would be appreciated. Lucius Last night, a letter came to your home, requesting your presence at Citadel Volshyenek, the city watch's headquarters and location of Kressiday's office, tomorrow in the morning. Cressida's writings were clear that this would be a job that would go a long way towards redeeming you in the eyes of the city, sentence served or not. Reaching the citadel, as usual, no complex task. The guards at the gate know you well, and have come to regard you as a pleasant acquaintance, far from the glares you first earned while working as a cooperating convict. ~~~ On their respective way to meet Cressida Kroft, two men meet at the gate; as fate would have it, they arrived at the same time. It's on you guys to give us an idea of what your arrival might look like. Two of Kressida's men are at the gate, expecting both of you. ![]()
![]() An uneventful day passes over Korvosa; though the streets are alive with merchants, the city is sleeping, exhausted by the events of the previous day. The queen herself is not seen out of the castle, and no official words are heard of the event. Whispers claim that this new Blackjack is a traitor, a man impersonating the hero to discredit the queen and sow chaos on the city. Some go as far as to claim him a demon looking to cause the city to rip itself apart. Word of the woman-to-be-executed being an impostor has spread, but the crowd seems split on its veracity. Rumor on the street has it that a ship of foolish pirates from Riddleport hoped to sneak into the heart of the city under the cover of night, and were fired upon and destroyed by the Korvosan Guard. An oddly large amount of businesses seem to have workers out sick today, astute customers note. All in all, the city is its usual self, abuzz with various rumors. More to come. ![]()
![]() A question for you guys: The campaign has its own hero-point like system, the Harrow Points, which are a bit specific to the campaign, though high in flavor. We'd had some issues keeping track of them earlier in the campaign, and had discussed swapping them for using hero points instead. (That in mind, if we use Hero Points, I would award them slightly differently than the standard way, awarding them for special accomplishments rather than level ups.) Silvio, Staryth, Krojun, are you still in agreement with this change? Gheris, Lucius, are you fine with that? Also, is everyone ready to move on to book two? (Veteran players, don't forget to split your loot. In case this might be relevant, I've tossed in a little more onto the pile to account for some of the things being, in short 'party loot'.) ![]()
![]() Concluding book one for now. Expect the kickoff for book two some time tomorrow, including the entrance of our two new players. The party finds little trouble on the way to their respective homes. A few passersby recognize them as having helped Blackjack, and a few are quite thankful for it. No trouble of any kind awaits Staryth at the temple of Shelyn. In fact, the news of his involvement with taking down one of Rolth's lairs, necromancer or not, has reached the ears of the temple higher-ups. Much praised is heaped on him. Silvio finds that the crowds are abuzz with joy at the return of Blackjack, and quite like Staryth, Sarenrae's templars are impressed with his heroics in helping the city. That night, as he meditates to the spirits, Krojun feels a sense of accomplishment. That night, rain washes over the city, and in the sound of its droplets, the spirits speak of fate taking form, but warn of coming dangers. The harrowed fate of Korvosa has passed, and with it, the winds of fate turn wildly. A new day will soon dawn on Korvosa, and with it, the whims of fate will turn. That night, as the city sleeps peacefully, an old ship lit with orange lanterns creeps silently towards the coast... ![]()
![]() With Staryth's warning, Blackjack deftly dodges the axe, leaning back under the broad swing. Staryth's glaive knocks the executioner off his feet at an inopportune time, and he scrambles back, barely keeping a hand on his axe, dragging the weapon against the plaza's stones as he withdraws into Castle Korvosa. "They don't pay me 'nuff fer this!" He can be heard muttering. With impressive acrobatics, before the fascinated crowd, Blackjack grabs the former captive in one arm, and clambers up one of the castle's hanging banners. Atop the wall, he swigs a potion and bows to the crowd, then raises his rapier to the sky, looking at the party with a thankful smile. "Until next time, friends!" Blackjack is obviously disguising his voice, though, while the tone is familliar, you do not recognize the source of it. Then, Blackjack leaps off the wall to the opposite side, and disappears into the city. ![]()
![]() "Fellow Korvosans! You have suffered greatly these past few weeks. Homes have burned, family members have died, fortunes have been lost." Queen Illeosa begins to speak, as Staryth advances through the crowd. "I feel your suffering, for not only have I lost a beloved husband, but with each riot, each burning home, each act of anarchy, my heart bleeds a little more. This has been a trying time for us, yet the torment is at an end." Soon, he finds that the audience is unwilling to part further for him. The crowd is tight; everyone, from nobles to merchants to travelers and beggars wants to see what'll happen. "Before you is the face of your anguish and pain. Do not be deceived by this murderer’s timid nature—she is a black-hearted assassin, a seductress and sinner, a viper amidst us all. I offer you all her death as a salve against the hatred and hurt you have suffered. Her death will not rebuild Korvosa, nor will it bring back the king, yet tomorrow will be a new dawn—a dawn over a city ready to rise from the edge of anarchy to become stronger than ever before! Uncertain murmurs build through the crowd as the queen speaks. "And so, without further delay, let us usher in this new dawn
At the queen's roaring command, the headsman raises his axe high to the sky, and the crowd freezes in anticipation. Yet, before he swings, the executioner gives a strange little grunt and staggers. His axe, easily a match for Krojun's own, falters as he reaches to his back and brings it back. His fingers are dripping with blood. "Augh!" He cries in pain as a dagger embeds itself in the back of his hand. He drops his axe, and its blade embeds itself in the chopping block, edges from the woman's head. As the man doubles over in pain, the source of his earlier hesitation becomes clear: a second dagger is embedded in his back. As the woman gets to her knees and looks to the executioner with confusion, a scream echoes through the courtyard. "By the gods... it's BLACKJACK!" As resident of Korvosa, you have a very good idea of who Blackjack is. An infamous masked hero to the city, known for striking against corrupt politicians, cruel nobles, and greedy merchants. Tales of his appearances were legend in Korvosa for two centuries, though his disappearance had been conspicuous for the past decade. Knowledge Local DC 15: Surging out of the shadow, a slim man dressed in a hooded cloak and leather armor surges onto the executioner's block, wielding a rapier in one hand and a dagger in the other. With a swift stroke of his blade, he slices the prisoner's bonds, before flicking the dagger into the executioner's foot, pinning him to the stage. "Yes indeed, my queen! Let us usher in justice, but let that be justice for Korvosa, not this shambles you petulantly call a monarchy! Long live Korvosa, down with the Queen!" Blackjack's words spread through the crowd like flame through oil, spurring a frenzy of activity around the party. "Down with the queen!" someone shouts nearby. "That's no blackjack!" another howls. "Death to the whore queen!" a drunken voice roars. Queen Illeosa stands stunned for a moment, before whispering something to Sabina. She quickly turns and flees into Castle Korvosa, Sabina and a dozen guards covering her retreat behind her. The remaining guards move to apprehend blackjack, but the raucous cround makes this a difficult prospect. As Blackjack laughs, the executioner rises, unseen to the hero, and lifts his axe, hungry for revenge... Here's your cue, fellas.