GM Lil"Eschie Second Darkness- or L.S.D (Inactive)

Game Master Escharid Blackrose

Dramatis Personae
Gold Goblin
Map of Riddleport
Loot sheet
Gold Goblin undergrounds
GGU-Level 2
Battle at the GG

Characters HP
Alayna 26/29, AC 18 FF 14 T 14
Natalya 26/26, AC 18 FF 16 T 12
Cameron 15/22, AC 15 FF 14 T 11
Nessa 18/18 AC 13 FF 11 T 12
Therric 27/33 AC 20 FF 19 T 11
Zahel 7/15 AC 15 FF 12 T 13

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Start thinking about level 3, boyz and girlz...

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Right now Cameron is mostly looking for evidence of wrongdoing. Saul has done many questionable things and while it's likely he is acting against us, I don't think it's proven, despite what Bojask said.

Murdering him to get hold of the 'key' feels like an evil act to me. It would be different if it could be stolen or if Saul's wrong doing was proven.

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

Sucks being a goody two shoes sometimes doesn't it? I agree though, it likely would be an evil act without proof, won't stop Nessa since he threw down the gauntlet and is seemingly intent on getting to Sylee and Caithlan. He's made mistake number 1, angering a Calistrian as well as mistake number two, threatening her child, and it's multiplied since Nessa is just a step shy of being a half-demon. Whether he really threatened her or not is kind of beside the point to Nessa.

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

It wouldn't be out of character for Nessa to kill Saul out of pique. Therric would be in an awkward position of course.

I wonder if there's something we haven't found yet that we are supposed to? Or maybe Bojask confessing to Larur's murder is enough to confront him?

Should I answer to this question (have we found everything we should?) OOC?

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

Actually it would be out of character, killing him in a fit of pique would be what CE would do, tearing his clothes up in a fit of pique would be acceptable though. He's made himself a threat now and that makes things different so she wouldn't see it as murder but ending a credible threat to her and her's. I'll get something in character posted tonight, won't be home until much later.

I have re-read the AP.
You have most of the stuff you were supposed to find.

Evidence of someone (probably Saul) falsificating the account books of the GG
Bojask confessed having killed Larur and a prostitute on Saul's order (not at the same time, two separate murders)
Saul attacked Caithlinn's house, something she said was "desperate" as it is well known that her home is protected (by whom, you don't know, but someone efficient and deadly)
You know you need Saul's fake hand to open this lock.

Remember for level 3, you can either take medium HP for your class, or risk to roll the dice, without any safety net! (Count "1" as "2" however)

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

HP: Does Densa smile?: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Mostly!
FCB: Skill point
Feat: Improved initiative
Skills: +1 on all existing skills
Saves: +1 reflex
Spells: Level 2 domain spell (aid), plus two level 2 spell slots
Sermonic performance: 9 rounds / day

Limit Breaks: 1/1|Stance Rounds: 10/10|Time Motes: 3/3|Male Hume Knight (Temporal Knight) 3|HP: 42/42|AC: 23/10/23|Saves: +5 Fort, +1 Ref, +3 Will|Init: +4|Perc: +5

HP Gain: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Sounds good to me. :)

+1 BaB
+1 Reflex Save

New Class Features: Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy (Fatigue)

New Skills (+1 for FCB)

+1 Diplomacy
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Perception
+1 Knowledge (Religion)

Background Skill Boost
--+1 Perform (Sing)
--+1 Perform (Dance)

New Feat: Extra Mercy (Sickened)

EDIT: Switched Tower Shield Proficiency for Extra Mercy (Sickened).

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

HP: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
The same increase either way, nice!

+1 Fort
+1 Ref

+1 to all existing skills

New Feat: weapon Finesse

New Class Feature: Serpent Friend

Spells Per Day: +1 1st
New Spells: Magic Missile
Bloodline Spell: Hypnotism

Kicking myself for taking both sleep and color spray at first level, not sure what I was thinking on that one.

Everything but Serpent Friend has been added to the character sheet. I'll let you know when I get that done.

Male Half-Elf Investigator (3) HP 15/15, AC 15/16 (traps)/ T 13/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5/6 (traps), Will +5/ Perception +12 (+13 for traps), Init +2, Low light Vision

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2 Too bad :/

+1 BaB
+1 Fort Save


Background: Bluff and Sense Motive

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Appraise
+1 Craft (alchemy)
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Disable Device
+1 Knowledge (arcana)
+1 Knowledge (local)
+1 Linguistics (new language learnt: undercommon)
+1 Perception
+1 Sleight of Hand

Investigator Talent: Expanded Inspiration

New Special Abilities:
Trap Sense +1
Keen recollection

New extract learnt: Cure Light Wounds

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Maybe Lil' will let you retrain out of one or both? There's a bunch of rules for doing that.

The effectiveness of color spray does rather drop off a cliff.

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

Same thing with sleep, though quicker. I get to swap one out at 4th level and every even level there after so I can wait.

I forgot about the retraining rules. Might just do that.

The familiar has been added and everything should be up to date now.

I actually see some very interesting possibilities down the line should Nessa survive/remain in play, may get to have some real fun with her build later on.

Male Half-Elf Investigator (3) HP 15/15, AC 15/16 (traps)/ T 13/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5/6 (traps), Will +5/ Perception +12 (+13 for traps), Init +2, Low light Vision

I'm sorry, but I'll catch up with the gaming thread tomorrow. It's late in my country, and I feel really tired.

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6

Sorcs can choose to replace spells at even levels. No worries :)

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6

Level three Alayna is up. Rar.

Retraining will be allowed between two major adventures, Nessa, don't worry, be happy

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

I'll have a go at bringing the loot log up to date.

Here's the most recent loot, we should get it identified and distribute stuff. Cameron might be interested in the chain shirt.

You find on Bojask's cooling corpse two potions.
His battleaxe and one of his handaxes are top-notch quality, and his chain shirt is magical.
There is a small pouch of money 43 GP

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6

What is ABP?

Alayna would also like the armor :p. However, we will most likely sell the Axes, so we could get MW something also

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Automatic bonus progression.

Limit Breaks: 1/1|Stance Rounds: 10/10|Time Motes: 3/3|Male Hume Knight (Temporal Knight) 3|HP: 42/42|AC: 23/10/23|Saves: +5 Fort, +1 Ref, +3 Will|Init: +4|Perc: +5

I know I just want to get enough cash for a good dinner. :)

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6

ABP is fine with me, if that's what would be best/easiest :)

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Actually I'd be good with ABP too if Lil" Eschie is, it might be a bit too much work though as the adventure wasn't written with it in mind :s

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

I'm fine either way. GMs have to do extra work for PbP loot regardless since PbP parties are usually 5-6 but the adventure is written expecting a party of 4.

I have planned to give you some extra loot. ;-)

I'll be very busy for the next two days (passing a professional exam to get a promotion), so I won't post until Thursday.

Sowwy for the delay.

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

K, so I guess we need to determine what time of day we're at. Nessa won't get up until she's had 8 hours of rest, she won't get the used spells back otherwise. I'm guessing we got back to Caithlin's around 4 am, I might be mistaken though, if it was earlier then she'll get up earlier. It's not often I have to worry about things like this.

What I wouldn't give for ring of sustenance right about now.

Congrats and good luck Eschie!

You went back to Caithlinn around 4-5 hours in the morning. So it's nearly mid-day when Nessa is awake and ready.

I'm sorry, I'm sick and feverish. I hope to be better by the week end, but all my (feeble) energy is spend at work...

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Hope you feel better soon DM :)

Starting to feel better, will update tomorrow

Thankies for your patience!

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6

okie dokie :D

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Glad you're feeling better DM :)

Forgot to post my level of Natalya earlier.
+9 hp (5 class +3 CON +1 fave class)
+1 BAB
+1 Will save
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Disable Device
+1 Perception
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Stealth
Elemental overflow +1
Feat: Precise shot
Infusion: Pushing Infusion

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Sort of a shame Evangelists don't get Saving Finale. Pretty awesome Bard spell there.

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Merry Christmas all :)

Merry X mas to everyone, wherever you are!

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Happy New Year from New Zealand!

May 2017 treat you better than 2016 did :)

Limit Breaks: 1/1|Stance Rounds: 10/10|Time Motes: 3/3|Male Hume Knight (Temporal Knight) 3|HP: 42/42|AC: 23/10/23|Saves: +5 Fort, +1 Ref, +3 Will|Init: +4|Perc: +5

It wouldn't even be that hard to do, frankly...

Male Half-Elf Investigator (3) HP 15/15, AC 15/16 (traps)/ T 13/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5/6 (traps), Will +5/ Perception +12 (+13 for traps), Init +2, Low light Vision

Happy New Year to everyone! :D Wish you all the best!

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Want to buy a Therric post! :)

Sowwy, I have a big increase in my workload, I hope to be able to post soon.

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Here's hoping that's temporary, or congrats if you got promoted!

I haven't been promoted, but I'll soon (1st February) switch departments at work.. and I honestly don't know how much it will impact my avaibility on Paizo.

The first weeks of February might be rough.

Will post tonight, this week was even harder than expected.

My sincerest apologies.

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Folks I'm going on my semi-annual transatlantic business trip and will be traveling this weekend and next. I expect to have internet access at the hotel so I should be able to post, but I may be slower at responding than usual. Please bot if needed.

Female Tiefling Kineticist 3, hp 30/30, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +6|R +6|W +2, Init +3, Perception +6 Darkvision 60 ft
Acrobatics +9, Disable Device +11, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +9

Hi all,

Due to various reasons I'm having to pull out of the game, so just wanted to wish you all the best with the rest of the AP :)

Take care.

M Wild half elf | Resource Tracker | Cleric 4 | HP 26 / 37 | AC 18; 12tch 16ff | +7 fort +4 ref +7* will | +4 init | Acrobatics +6 Heal +6 Kn: Religion +4 Perception +15 Sense Motive +7

Over the past couple of years I've enjoyed the RPing in this game. I'd like to thank Lil Eschie for taking this over, it would have died years ago otherwise.

Anyway Lil doesn't have as much free time anymore (and neither do I really) so, I'm wondering if we should call it a day and stop this? It's been a good run, but 1-2 posts per week is too slow for me.

female tiefling (pitborn) Sorcerer 4 | HP 21/30 | AC 13, TAC 12, FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2 | Perc +0 (darkvision 60 ft) | serpeant's fang (dc 13) (7/7) | Blood Intensity 1/1 Spells: lvl 1 3/7, 2nd 2/4

I'd hate to see this go as I've truly enjoyed the character development I've had with Nessa and playing with you all. If that's the general consensus though I understand.

Sorry to see you go Natalaya, I've enjoyed having you here!

No, it's true that I doesn't have enough free time now, and I don't think I'll got more free time in the future, honestly.

My new job is harder, and more time consuming, than the previous, but more satisfying too.

So if you want to stop, we can stop.
If you want to play with a part-time GM, I can still do that.

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