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Hi everyone,
I've got a couple tables wrapping up, and after reading through this recently released scenario I can't wait to take it for a spin. This is an experimental 3-7 evergreen. This is not a Gameday table, as it is extremely unlikely we'd be able to finish in time unless you TPK right out the gate.
I can offer two tables, either one high tier and one low tier, or one Core and one Standard.
Much more than any of the past evergreens, each table of this will be different from the others. That said, if you do play this in person or online before we start, please PM me with some details about how your table went.
If you're interested in joining in, please let me know what your first choice mode of play (Core or Standard) and first choice tier (3-4 or 6-7) would be.
I'm going to start by offering spaces to people I've played with before, and open it up to the general community if there are spaces left after that. Hopefully we can get rolling next week.

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Based on what I've seen so far, it looks like it will definitely be two standard tables, one of which will definitely be high tier. The other might go either way.
There's a lot of interest already, so I'll probably try to get at least one of the tables rolling on Monday. It looks like accommodating at least some of the newcomers will be possible based on the interest so far.

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The forums are being particularly uncooperative at the moment, but based on what interest we have, this split seems to make sense:
High Tier
1d12 ⇒ 12
Low Tier
1d12 ⇒ 3
Gameplay and discussion threads for the two groups will open up either today or tomorrow.

GM Hmm |

Hey Lari --
I hate to do this to you, but I'm going to have to drop. My VL just was talking about how much he's looking forward to be the first person to run me through this adventure... I think I'd better step out and let him give me that "first time" run through.
Good luck all, and I hope you find a replacement for me quickly.