GM Lari's From the Tome (High) (Inactive)

Game Master Dhenn

Tian Image

Yua's Fingers

Silver Crusade

Hi everyone,

I've got a couple tables wrapping up, and after reading through this recently released scenario I can't wait to take it for a spin. This is an experimental 3-7 evergreen. This is not a Gameday table, as it is extremely unlikely we'd be able to finish in time unless you TPK right out the gate.

I can offer two tables, either one high tier and one low tier, or one Core and one Standard.

Much more than any of the past evergreens, each table of this will be different from the others. That said, if you do play this in person or online before we start, please PM me with some details about how your table went.

If you're interested in joining in, please let me know what your first choice mode of play (Core or Standard) and first choice tier (3-4 or 6-7) would be.

I'm going to start by offering spaces to people I've played with before, and open it up to the general community if there are spaces left after that. Hopefully we can get rolling next week.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This is SO VERY tempting, and I think I've got the band width for it.

I would totally bring Thorn if he were free :-) I'd bring a level 5 Paladin (Standard campaign), and prefer him for high tier.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm interested if you have any openings for standard who haven't played with you before. Just drop me a line if you do please, thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I am interested. Not fussy on core or standard since I would be playing a pre-gen (no PFS characters above level 2), so also not fussy on what I play.

Sovereign Court

I will certainly be up for it :-)

Level 6 Medium (built as an archer) for Standard; Level 5 Sorceror for CORE.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd be up for this. Lvl 5 standard monk, I'm for Playing Up.

(Lari, this is Vaughn from your Iron Gods campaign!)

Dark Archive

Level 3 bard or level 4 "monk" for CORE
Lots of thing in Standard

I'm interested if there is still space. I would need to play a pregen so either low or high tier would work. Standard campaign.

This is Marnarius in your Serpents Rise game. :)

Yarr. Pirate Rob here.

Don't think I'm in any of your games at the moment.

If selected my preference would be for Classic - High Tier but I have characters available for all 4 possibilities.

Silver Crusade

Also interested in Standard - High Tier, with Antonella who is a cleric/paladin/monk 6.

I am also just some yahoo that has never played with you before, GM Lari ;)

I would be interested if you plan on doing this high tier core. I have a Druid 6. Otherwise I'll pass.

I've never played with you before, GM Lari. I'm another yahoo that has just wandered in.

I have characters in both high and low tier standard. I'd be interested in either, if you turn out to have an opening. I would be most interested in high tier.


Hi GM Lari,

This is Joliryn from Core Serpent's Rise. I am interested in the Standard game and have available:

lvl 3 druid / hunter
lvl 4 wizard
lvl 4 inquisitor
lvl 6 monk

Choice to be made once tier / party composition are more clear

Silver Crusade

Based on what I've seen so far, it looks like it will definitely be two standard tables, one of which will definitely be high tier. The other might go either way.

There's a lot of interest already, so I'll probably try to get at least one of the tables rolling on Monday. It looks like accommodating at least some of the newcomers will be possible based on the interest so far.

Grand Lodge

Lari, my apologies, but I accidentally misrepresented myself. Bodta is L 4, NOT L 5. That means I can't play him in the higher tier. Sorry!! :-(

Just so I'm clear this is #8-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose right?

I actually do have a level 7 Alchemist I could play in it but I focused him more on his day job then combat so I'm not sure how useful he would be.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm definitely still interested but my only available character would have to go low tier... (standard)... so I await your announcement of the second table's tier.

Silver Crusade

The forums are being particularly uncooperative at the moment, but based on what interest we have, this split seems to make sense:

High Tier
1d12 ⇒ 12

  • Chris M: Paladin 5
  • Luke P: Medium 6
  • Pirate Rob
  • Hmm
  • Antonella: Cleric/Paladin/Monk 6
  • Bigguyinblack: Alchemist 7

    Low Tier
    1d12 ⇒ 3

  • Bodta (Vaughn): Monk 4
  • JAF0
  • Magabeus
  • Ietsuna
  • Ilmakis
  • Tundran

    Gameplay and discussion threads for the two groups will open up either today or tomorrow.

  • Silver Crusade

    Woot. Pirate Rob here, I'll be bringing my Mendevian Crusader, Horacio - The Purifier.

    Silver Crusade

    High Tier can be accessed through the Gameplay and Discussion tabs above,

    Low Tier can check in here

    Hey Lari --

    I hate to do this to you, but I'm going to have to drop. My VL just was talking about how much he's looking forward to be the first person to run me through this adventure... I think I'd better step out and let him give me that "first time" run through.

    Good luck all, and I hope you find a replacement for me quickly.


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