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Beorin works hard and proceeds to note and cataloug what the supplies and equipment is being loaded. Though he does attempt to make small talk if only to relieve the tedious tasks.
Perception, to look around and estimate goods and guards 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Diplomacy, make small talk and gather information 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Sense Motive. attempt to gaudge the mood. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

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Close examination reveals a few different options, Thorn catches a glimpse of a manifest, revealing that one of the locked containers contains a significant amount of wolfsbane poison. If you can get your hands on that, it could be used to taint a large amount of the food.
The Aspis inspect crates as they are being loaded, including with detect poison. While this means it is unlikely that the Aspis will actually consume the contaminated supplies, they would have to take the time (and spend the money) to replace those supplies.
Targeting the boats themselves would be a more direct option. Dunkel can find a few vulnerable places where the ships could be damaged, requiring extensive repairs, though this is a more obvious source of damage.
A more subtle approach would be to try and tamper with rudders, rigging, or similar parts of the boat. If done well, the Aspis would not realize the extent of the damage until after they've left Bloodcove. Making repairs outside the city would be more difficult, and leave them exposed to the myriad dangers of the Expanse.
Possibly the most comprehensive method, though definitely the most overt, would be to torch the warehouse and/or the boats. In order to make sure you destroy enough of the facility, you'll either need to use accelerants like oil or alchemist's fire, or call on particularly powerful magic (fireball and similarly dramatic effects).
Creative solutions are welcome here. Whatever you do should involve at least one skill check, or the use of a spell or class ability of some sort. In order to avoid being noticed by guards, you'll generally need to roll Stealth or Sleight of Hand, unless you have another approach for avoiding their attention.

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Thorn confers with the rest of the group. "The bigger the dowry the bigger the score eh? I say we give it the old uncle Vito and double it up with some of the Vudrani spice." When everyone simply blinks at the rogue he translates, "More damage is better, and I like the idea of a subtle job. I can mess with the ship just enough to get it done. They'll be well past the cove before they realize how gummed up it is." Thorn doesn't fly off the handle though, he'll gladly switch to the poisoning route if someone else feel comfortable handling the ship. Burning something down isn't his style.
Subtly messing with the ship.
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Disable Device: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

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I could use wood shape to have a tiny warp in the water barrels meant to leak water and have it gradually contaminate the food as it gets wet.

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Dunkel offers his agreement to Thorn's plan to sabotage the boats, quietly and thoroughly as opposed to the more overt plans of destruction.
"Ah always though o' diggin' as creatin' somethin'... a tunnel... a travel corridor... ne'er destroyin' dirt or earth, so ah'm in favor o' th' plan tha' does th' least permanent structural damage."
Multiple PC checks needed? Or is Thorn's expert precision here enough?

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I can fill an empty slot with Invisibility, which will allow me to sneak around for a few minutes, and aid in the sabotage...
How about Thorn messes with the rigging, et cetera, whilst Dunkel uses Warp Wood to weaken the structural integrity of the boats (but not actually sink them), and I invisibly poison the food stores?

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Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Sense Motive 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Casts Warp Wood
Making sure that nobody divines his intent as he unloads the barrels, Beorin casually remarks on making sure that the stores are packed properly and offers to ensure that it is done due to the speed that everyone is loading.
If given permission, he'll place his hand on one of the barrels to have his holy symbol touching the wood on deck below the hold to have his spell take effect there. Enough to cause trouble after a time but not enough to sink the ship.

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Sorry for the holiday slowdown, everyone. Let's get back up to speed!
Beorin is able to persuade some of the guards to let him "fix" the supplies. Meanwhile, Thorn slips around completely unseen, committing a dozen small acts of sabotage that will take their time to take full effect.
If all goes well, the two of you will cause the shipment to be stranded well before they reach their intended destination. Spoiling the supplies will likely force them to turn back to Bloodcove rather than attempt field repairs.
Where to next? It might be worth reviewing the briefing, especially as it's been a while.

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"I also want you to make some inroads for the Society in the city. Gaining the
ability to move agents and supplies through Bloodcove more easily would be a massive boon for our operations in the Expanse. I have some information on some disenfranchised citizens of Bloodcove who may be up to the task."
"Finally, gather some intelligence of your own. Talk to the people of Bloodcove and see how complete the Aspis’s control over the populace is. Report to me any groups or people of influence who may be sympathetic to our cause and support us in future moves against the Consortium. Once you’re done, get out of the city. Leaving in a different way than you arrived tends to be best.”
Smiling conspiratorially at the job well done, Thron then turns to his mates, "We got a bit of the drunk uncle taken care of on the dingo, but we've got some right other tax collecting to do."
He takes a breath, and speaks in plainer Taldane, "Now that we've got the most time sensitive piece out of the way, I suggest we gather some information on the players in this town. We're looking for people who have a potential soft spot for the Society, and the VC had a list of disenfranchised citizens to talk to."

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"There was also something about the market?" Beorin trails off.

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Dunkel nods casually, as if he completely understands Thorn.
"Aye, th' dingo. N', err.. taxes."
Clearing his throat, he concurs with the lead Wyatt presents and suggests one more.
"Ah' could always go about town, errr, inquirin' if anyone needs any diggin' done... ye know, t' preserve our cover n' such? N' if ah see anyone who ah think may be a good contact fer th' Society, mark 'em as such fer ol' Thorny 'ere?"
Dunkel will then proceed to secure additional "diggin' contracts" while digging up anything he can...
Gather Info: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
Looks like Dunkel spends more time trying to dig up diggin' business than finding new inroads for the Society...

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Going to move ahead with Market, based on what I'm seeing.
Free Trade Square is the busiest part of Bloodcove at all hours of the day and night. The streets swarm with merchants and wagons buying, selling, and transporting food, spices, and antiquities.
Lot number 342 sits on the southeastern edge of the market, bordering the fringes of Warehouse Row, making it a convenient location to regroup. You notice more passers-by taking note of you, though it may just be a busier area.
A run-down-looking stall dealing in lamps and oil occupies the space, though the poor quality of the lamps may be an indicator of why no customers are anywhere near the stall. The owner, a thoroughly bored middle aged Mwangi man, sits behind the counter making fishing lures.

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Thorn looks about, keeping an eye out for anyone who looks at the party with too much attention (or forced inattention as it were.) Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
Thorn addresses the man in Polglot, "Not sure what a lamp salesman needs with a job on the board, but are you the person I'm looking for?"

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Beorin acts as lookout as well though he also observes the 'sales' man for any tell.
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Sense Motive 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

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After his friends came back from their work, D'lack catch up with them, taking back its usual mwangi's guide look.
Stopping at the stall he says This is a typical mwangi lamp.
Then, looking right at the man he adds Do you know of any open road who can lead us to a friend of mine ?
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

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Dunkel, arms crossed, and not wanting to engage in magic to decipher Thorn's polyglot, stands and acts the part of a mere "diggin' enforcer" off to Thorn's side, nright enough to not be any more conspicuous than necessary.

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The man puts down the lure he was working on, his expression quickly becoming serious as you mention the letter.
"Meet me around back in five minutes." He says quietly, as he stands and begins escorting you out of the store.
Walking around to the back of the stall, he emerges with a clay oil lamp. Whispering, he says, “This will lead you to what you seek. Only one of your number can use it, but keep it protected and out of sight as much as you can. Good luck.”
With that, he ducks behind the flap again, saying nothing further.
The lamp is plain, with unremarkable decoration and clearly cheaply made. There is no oil inside, but the lamp rattles when handled, as if a broken piece of clay was inside.

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Does he stick around to give us instruction on how to use it? what size is it, asking about hiding it on my person.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Beorin stares.
He stares at the man's back.
He stares some more.
He now stares at the rest.
"He seriously not be thinking of leaving us wih this cryptic message ain't he?" his accent slipping into heavy Dwarvish brogue as his stare whips back towards the flap as if he ould burn a hole in it.

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All Beorin hears from the other side of the tent in response is the quiet activity of a man making fishing lures.
The lamp is about the size of an orange, designed to fit in the palm of one's hand.
Like the bottom right one in this image, but the decoration is much simpler and cheaper-looking

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Cracking the clay lamp open reveals an imperfect hematite sphere.
This is some sort of ioun stone. They grant special abilities when sent orbiting your head. Slotting them into a wayfinder grants additional abilities in many cases.
This is a flawed Hematite Sphere Ioun stone. It grants a +2 enhancement bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. When it is placed in a wayfinder, it causes the compass needle to point towards the nearest other stone of its kind.

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"I have no idea what is that." comes Beorin's flat response.

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Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Spellcraft (+identify): 1d20 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 10 = 32
After failing to identify the stone D'lack draws a wand and tries again, this time with success.
This is a flawed Hematite Sphere Ioun stone. It helps to avoid becoming lost. But when it is placed in a wayfinder, it causes the compass needle to point towards the nearest other stone of its kind.
I think this stone will help us find someone or something !

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Dunkel almost smacks himself in the forehead.
"Ye know, ah knew ah should've bought one o' those... ah remember tha' Janira lass goin' on n' on about 'em when ah helped 'er 'n ah spot ages ago."
Dunkel looks sheepishly about the others, trusting one of his companion's preparedness in this matter.

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"Of course." Doubtful mutters sarcastically, when it appears he's the only one with an actual Wayfinder on his person.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
He looks around suspiciously, to make sure there are no observers, then hands it to Wyatt. "Probably just a way for those Aspis bastards to ferret out Pathfinders."

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Beorin grins sheepishly as he remembers not getting one at all......... He does follow the rest.....