Gadka Burtannon

Doubtful's page

1,113 posts. Organized Play character for Evil Minion.

Full Name

Lord Doubtful


LN Dwarf


Monk 10 *Core*




Common, Dwarf

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 5

About Doubtful


Male Dwarf Monk 10
LN Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60', stonecunning; Perception +17


AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 19 (+3 dex, +4 wis, +1 dodge, +1 deflection, +1 insight, +3 class)
hp 93 (10d8+30+10)
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +13; +2 vs poisons, spells or spell-like abilities; +2 vs enchantments
Immune disease; Resistance negative energy 10
Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion, Defensive Training, Hardy, Stability, Still Mind, Purity of Body, Wholeness of Body


Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +13/+13/+8/+8 (2d6+4, 20/x2)
Ranged javelin +9 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Special Attacks Hatred, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist (11/day, DC 19), Ki Pool (10 ki points)


Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 5
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +13 (+15 to grapple); CMD 36 (38 vs grapple, 40 vs bull rush, 41 vs trip)
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dodge, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Extra Ki, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Traits dangerously curious, reactionary, suspicious
Skills Acrobatics +16 (+33 to jump), Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Climb +8, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +17 (+19 with Stonecunning), Profession (miner) +8, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +9, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Dwarf


adamantine kama
+1 ring of protection
"Clanky's Arm" (masterwork club)
javelin x 3
+2 belt of giant strength
+2 headband of inspired wisdom
nexus crystal
monk's robes
quick runner's shirt
+2 cloak of resistance
circlet of persuasive disguise
traveler's outfit
hot weather outfit
dusty rose ioun stone
belt pouch
silk rope
grappling hook
mwk miner's pick (mining tool)
wand of disguise self [ 5 ]
wand of cure light wounds [ 35 ]
wand of cure light wounds [ 20 ]
wand of mage armor [ 28 ]
wand of barkskin [ 48 ]
wand of shield [ 48 ]
wand of protection from evil [ 2 ]
wand of knock [ 8 ]
wand of endure elements [ 10 ]
wand of shocking grasp (CL 4) [ 12 ]
vermin repellent x 2
torches x 6
vial of acid
oil of bless weapon
potion of enlarge person
potion of fly
alchemist's fire
smelling salts
hemochem, grade III
vive (1 dose)
feather token (Old Flotsam)
nightmarish pigments
50' hemp rope x 9 (knotted)
signet ring
bejeweled bauble x 8
236 gp

Special Abilities:

Defensive Training +4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants
Hatred +1 bonus on attack rolls vs orcs and goblinoids
Stability +4 racial bonus to CMD vs bull rush and trip when standing on the ground
Hardy +2 racial bonus on all saves vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities
Greed +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks for items containing precious metals or gemstones
Slow and Steady speed reduced to 20 feet, but never modified by armor or encumbrance
Stonecunning +2 perception to notice unusual stonework or traps in stone walls or floors. Free check if pass within 10'
Stunning Fist target struck with unarmed strike is stunned for 1 round or fatigued (Fortitude DC 18 negates), 8/day (+1 for monk's robes)
Fast Movement gain a 30' enhancement bonus to land speed.
Maneuver Training use monk level instead of BaB when calculating CMB
Still Mind +2 on saving throws vs enchantment spells and effects
Slow Fall if within arms reach of a wall, take damage as if the fall were 50' less.
Ki Pool gain a ki pool (10 points). If at least one point in pool, all unarmed strikes are treated as magic, cold iron, silver, and lawful weapons. As a swift action, spend one ki point to gain an extra attack with flurry of blows, increase speed by 20' for one round, or gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC for one round.
High Jump add level to acrobatics checks to jump and always count as having a running start. Can spend 1 ki point to gain a +20 to jump checks for one round
Purity of Body immune to all diseases
Wholeness of Body standard action to heal 10 hp. Uses 2 ki points


Many have heard the story of seven particular dwarves who all lived and worked together and who one day happened upon an exiled princess, who decided to live with them for a while, before adventure and hi-jinx ensued. Good triumphing over evil. Happily ever after. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Doubtful is not one of those dwarves.

'Those' dwarves have made life difficult for regular dwarves.

Like every dwarf is lucky enough to get assigned a convenient gem mine to toil in. No, he and his kin got coal.

Like every dwarf has some royal harlot to do their housework and keep them entertained. No, he and his kin had only each others' ugly mugs to stare at when they got home. If you didn't cook it yourself, you didn't eat. If you didn't clean it, it stayed dirty. And what kind of proper dwarf is named Happy! Dwarves ain't happy! Not proper ones anyway!

He and his kin hated 'those' dwarves. 'Those' dwarves didn't know a thing about being a right and proper dwarf... but kiss enough ass, grease enough palms, hire enough good PR, and suddenly regular dwarves like Doubtful were just not good enough.

To hell with those entitled bastards, they said!

So a group them from a mine just outside Kravenkus decided to form their own group. The 'Other' dwarves if you will! They joined the Pathfinders in hopes of making a dwarven tale that will make people forget about 'Those' dwarves once and for all.

Doubtful of course, was not sure about this plan. He was pretty sure it was a bad idea, and wouldn't work. But eventually, he went along with the rest, if only to be able to point it out when it failed.


Doubtful is a pessimist in the worst way. Despite evidence one way or the other, he is certain that everything he or anyone else attempts, is going to fail.

A bit morose, and gloomy, he's not the most pleasant person to hang around.

Still, despite being sure pretty much everything is doomed to failure, he usually tries anyway. And no amount of successes seem to dissuade his opinion.

Boons and Vanities:

Pleasure Doing Business can purchase Silverhex for 2k gold less then its actual price
Goblin Bane +2 bonus on Intimidate vs goblinoids
Nexus Crystal provides 10 points of negative energy resistance
Gloomspire Explorer +2 bonus on perception made to find hidden objects while in the Gloomspires. Cross off boon to gain the bonus for one scenario anywhere else
Curious Pipefox access to a new improved familiar. Cross off boon to treat a single knowledge (history or religion) result as a 25 or to gain a +5 bonus on such a check.
Yekai Deathhand's Marvel can purchase a Flask of Reconcoction
Ekujae’s Blessing gain the permanent benefits of endure elements but only in the heat at temperatures of 110 degrees F and below.
Kaghaze Redeemed The Ekujae consider you to be a stalwart ally, and they make a point of thanking you whenever you adventure in the region. Whenever you adventure in the Mwangi Expanse, Sargava, the Shackles, or the Sodden Lands, you receive a collection of gifts (vial of antiplague, a piece of +1 animal bane ammunition, and a cure moderate wounds potion)
Azlanti Historian +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks pertaining to Azlant and +2 bonus on Linguistics checks to interpret Azlanti writing. One time, can get +2 on any Knowledge (history) check (that stacks with the previous +1 if appropraite)
Slitherbane can purchase, and upgrade, the intelligent heavy flail, Slitherbane
Spoils of the Siege (Shohiraj)
Coiled Companion snake related animal companion options.
Kami Reunited once per adventure, as a swift action, can activate either Jiraku's Eternal Path or Tanbaru's Insight
Relic Guardian once per scenario, can treat an unattended object as in your possession for saving throws. Cross the boon off to force a reroll if an opponent succeeds at a sunder attempt vs you.
Noble Heir You are a recognized Lord of the Arpador noble family of Absalom. Gain a signet ring, as well as 9 beweled baubles worth 100 gp each. the baubles can be used for expensive spell material components requiring gemstone dust.
The Wraithsoul Recovery 0/3 cleanse it 3 times via Knowledge (arcana, religion, planes), then a will save, for a celestial patron
Family Feud (1 use) gain the shadow blend ability, as if you were a fetchling, for one scenario.
Timelost Chronicler permanent +1 bonus to Knowledge (history). Once per scenario, gain a +1 morale bonus on any one d20 roll (declared before your roll)
Confidante (Faction Card Lvl1) - twice per adventure, can attempt a knowledge check using your ranks in Diplomacy, or can gain a +2 bonus on the check.

Impressive Find Once you earn 12 Fame, you immediately gain an extra prestige point (but not fame)
Elixir of Treasure Seeking [1 use] gain a +2 competence bonus on Appraise and Perception for one adventure. If you earn less then max gold, you can recover some of that loss, up to 150 gp.
Trap Intuition [1 use] Can reroll one reflex save with a bonus equal to half character level. Must take 2nd result
Inner Struggle [1 use] Can attempt to fight off the effects of a failed save vs a compulsion effect. Become stunned instead, and get a new save at the end of your turn.
Ectoplasmic Enhancement [1 use] swift action to treat all attacks as if they had the ghost touch property
Trusted Pathfinder [1 use] can purchase one of 4 special items. [Circlet of Persuasive disguise]
Karela's Gratitude [1 use] can purchase select magical ammunition in either a lot of 10 or 5
Zahra's Tactics [3 uses] swift action to gain a +1 insight bonus on a single attack and damage roll vs a genie. May use all 3 uses for a single +3
Experience with Dark Dreams [1 use] before attempting a save vs a spell or spell-like ability with the mind-affecting or evil descriptor or from an evil outsider, gain a +4 bonus on the save. Or use to negate a nightmare spell effect once.
Jiraku's Respect [1 use] may cast one of dispel magic, invisibility, longstrider, mirage arcana, stone shape, or wind wall as a spell-like ability at your character level
Gauntlet Pin [3 uses] 1 use to either regain 1 expended prestige point, gain the benefits of heroism for 4 hours, or inspire your companions as a 7th level bard for 7 rounds
Tempest Guardian [1 use] Grant a new character the fast-talker, suspicious, or resilient trait. Alternatively, give yourself that trait. (suspicious)
Azlanti Wonders 0/1 when in an site that predates Earthfall, use to gain a +1 insight bonus on 2 of the following for the rest of the adventure: AC, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks

Faction Card:

** 3/9 Season 7 Faction Card goals completed **
G1 2/3
G2 0/1
G3 1/1
G4 3/3
G5 1/2
G6 0/1
G7 1/1
G8x2 2/5

Society Stuff:

PFS# 84637-14
Faction Sovereign Court
XP 27
Prestige/Fame 40/50


  • -Core- First Steps Part I - In Service To Lore [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- The Silverhex Chronicles [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- Emerald Spire, Level 1: The Tower Ruins [3 XP, 4 PP]
  • -Core- Emerald Spire, Level 2: The Cellars [3 XP, 4+1 PP]
  • -Core- Ruins of Bonekeep, Level 1: The Silent Grave [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.01, Between the Lines [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 6.06, Hall of the Flesh Eaters [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.07, Trouble in Tamran [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.15, The Deepmarket Deception [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.19, Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.24, Dead Man's Debt [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.27, Beyond Azlant Ridge [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 6.98, Serpent's Rise [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 6.09, By Way of Bloodcove [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 2.18, The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 8.15, Hrethnar's Throne [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 8.02, Ward Asunder [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 6.04, The Beacon Below [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 3.03, The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 9.00, Assault on Absalom [1 XP, 2 PP] (GM)
  • -Core- The Gauntlet [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 10.18, The Daughters' Due [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • -Core- 7.00, The Sky Key Solution [1 XP, 2 PP]

(HP 79/84 | AC 33, Touch 23, FF 29 | CMD 35 | Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +12 | Init +5 | Perc +16 (+18 with Stonecunning) | KiPoints 9/9, StunningFist 9/9 | Buffs: )