GM Lari's By Way of Bloodcove (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh


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Silver Crusade

Your journey back to Nantambu from Azlant Ridge goes without incident, and Aya is thrilled to hear about your containing of the fiendish threat and successful rescue of Juliet and her team.

After giving you a chance to recover and shop, she calls you back into Sharrowsmith's Exports for a briefing.

The sun bears down oppressively through the jungle’s humidity, causing the air to shimmer and lending an even greater feeling of otherworldliness to the Mwangi city of Nantambu. Aya Allahe enters the sweltering room in the local Path nder Lodge with a worn and harried look in her eyes. “Thank you for continuing to help me,” she begins.

“As you know, the venture-captain of this lodge, Nieford Sharrowsmith, perished while heading an expedition into the interior of the expanse. A week ago, I received a letter addressed to Sharrowsmith from our agent working in the Aspis Consortium-controlled city of Bloodcove, Malika Fenn. The letter appeared to be a routine report, though I recognized that it hid an encoded message that describes an impending Consortium expedition up the Vanji River, planned to depart within the week.

“Malika additionally informed us that this expedition’s aims are of great concern to the Pathfinder Society. She has collected substantial intelligence to this effect but is unable to get the information out of the city for fear that the Consortium will detect and intercept it.

I ask that you travel into the lion’s den to retrieve the information that Malika has gathered on this expedition so that we can find out what it might be connected to. Malika has indicated that she left a message for us in the Witchlight Inn that will help us find her information, so head there first.

"“Though these are grim circumstances, they also present us with an opportunity. Once you have infiltrated the city, try to sabotage the Consortium’s preparations for the expedition. You won’t be able to stop it completely, but you can at least buy us some time to determine its nature and formulate a response."

I also want you to make some inroads for the Society in the city. Gaining the
ability to move agents and supplies through Bloodcove more easily would be a massive boon for our operations in the Expanse. I have some information on some disenfranchised citizens of Bloodcove who may be up to the task."

"Finally, gather some intelligence of your own. Talk to the people of Bloodcove and see how complete the Aspis’s control over the populace is. Report to me any groups or people of influence who may be sympathetic to our cause and support us in future moves against the Consortium. Once you’re done, get out of the city. Leaving in a different way than you arrived tends to be best.”."

She provides you with several forged bounty postings, providing one option for a cover story explaining your presence in the city.

She also gives you the name of one of her business contacts, Novaria. She serves House Cartagehn, one of the smaller trade houses in the city, and has worked with the Society in the past. Using Aya's name should help make her likely to meet you.

Though Fola Barun is not present, having returned to the Ekujae in Jalunth, she has left you packages of supplies for your journey.

Local or Geography might tell you something about the city. A second Local or Diplomacy to gather info may tell you more about current events. Any other questions?

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Thorn likes what he's hearing, "Infiltration and disruption are much more my speed." His smile droops a bit at the other part. "Making inroads is you guys though."

He turns to the VC, "Gotcha, we're headed to the Witchlight Inn."

Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

"Not really my area of expertise but after going through all of that. I'm game. It beats snakes and giant walking snakes anytime." Beorin adds on.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

Two local rolls coming up...

Dunkel considers what he knows of Bloodcove and recent events.

Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

"Aye, Aya, aye... recruit some allies n' Bloodcove. Thwart th' Aspis as usual... n' bring back Malika's notes..."

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Oops, current events Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Why do I feel poorly equipped for what's about to come =)

Doubtful looks unhappy about the whole situation.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf DEAD

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17.
Knowledge(Geography): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21.
Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18.

Wyatt raises an eyebrow.

"So... we will be infiltrating an Aspis stronghold? Why do I have a sense of impending doom about this..."

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

"Its only natural." Doubtful retorts.

Scarab Sages

Sorcerer 6
HP 32/32 | AC23 (11FF, 14T) | Perception +7, Sense Motive -1 | +4 Init | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 | Spell 1 : 7/7 Spell 2 : 5/5

My first time in Bloodcove wasn't easy. I hope my past experience will help me blend in better !

Says D'lack not fond of his last visit.

Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

What cover story do you want we use ? As a native of the Expanse, I could be your local guide.

Silver Crusade

Most of you are familiar with basic information abouut Bloodcove after spending so much time in the Expanse.

Bloodcove lies on the western edge of the Mwangi Expanse. The local culture blends the traditions of Cheliax, the Shackles, and the native Mwangi people.

Bloodcove sits on the headwaters of the Vanji River, and much of the city rests atop the roots of massive mangrove trees. Wealth from the jungle interior flows through Bloodcove, making the dingy city surprisingly wealthy. Prominent features in the city include the Witchlight Inn and Free Trade Square.

Though ostensibly ruled by the elected Grand Admiral, fiercely competitive trading houses wield the genuine power behind Bloodcove politics. The Aspis Consortium currently dominates the political and economic scene.

Aya will mention a couple other possible cover stories based on D'lack's comments.

"While posing as bounty hunters or mercenaries might make sense in such a rough city, there are other options. As such a major port city, disguising yourself as merchants might also be viable, though if you're too heavily armed or richly equipped you might draw suspicion. D'lack's likely the only one who could pretend to be a local, but some of you might be more adept at avoiding notice entirely. That said, merchants, mercenaries, and locals all acting independently may raise eyebrows more than a more coherent group."

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Do we have any idea what sort of skills might be needed to pull off certain ruses? Doubtful has a very limited skill set in that regard =)

Silver Crusade

Generally it's going to be something Charisma based. Using Stealth to try to avoid notice might be your safest bet, unless you have a suggestion for a creative use of something else.

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Thorn is already in the shadows...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Male Elf DEAD

EDIT: I guess D'lack could use Bluff (19), Doubtful (18), Thorn (24), and Wyatt (18) could use Stealth, Dunkel could use Craft(Stonemasonry) (20) to pretend to be a craftsman, and I guess Beorin could use Diplomacy (17)...?

Assuming that we all 'Take 10', of course.

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Well Yes I could use Diplomacy (+7) as well as perhaps scholar in exotic languages (Linguistics +4)....

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Hmm.... could Doubtful use his newly acquired hat of disguise variant, to disguise himself as someone innocuous, thus perhaps gaining a +2 circumstance bonus (or the like) on stealth checks to not get noticed? =) I like the idea of a 20 take ten, over an 18.
Hmm.. should have gotten the elven rune cloak instead, clearly!

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

I mean Dunkel is a diggin' merchant, so not sure it's "pretending" to be a craftsman so much as in he simply is a craftsman. I agree a "coherent" story makes sense. Doubtful has helped Dunkel dig before, so there's not even a Bluff check required I'd think at this point for Dunkel to just gesture at Doubtful and consider him a dwarven digger.

Beorin also could be part of Dunkel's diggin' crew, as any new dig certainly should start with a blessing of the dwarf gods.

I suspect that Thorn is the point person, so he just needs a reason to have a dwarven diggin' crew in his employ. Perhaps he's considering setting up shop in Bloodcove as he recently acquired rights to a goldmine that we need to survey?

Three dwarves with picks and shovels retained by a group of humans is actually not all that suspect. Dunkel's diggin' crew could boost this number to dozens of dwarves, as needed, too.

Prior to their arrival, Dunkel, as expected, pushes an agenda that involves little deception and instead involves the prospect of actual, real diggin' in and about Bloodcove.

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Well, Doubtful's ability to make like a miner is as good as his sneaking ability... so I can do that. Even have a fancy masterwork diggin' tool!
Though if we're going to be officially working for the Diggerson Diggin' Company (ASEX: DDC) ... does that mean we'll be drawing a paycheck? And benefits?

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

I'm good with an actual paycheck and benefits. I imagine the fluff of PFS Day Job is just the earnings of the Day Job but does not actually represent actual revenue and expenses. Dunkel's just earning like 25gp every adventure since the Diggerson Diggin' is a nearly break-even enterprise. Likely he cuts all diggers in for a share of the proceeds, less some contribution for a general benefits fund for casting Regeneration and what-not should someone lose a finger, arm or... head.

So.. it's not super lucrative to dig at this point in a PFS context. :) Hence the Society gig to augment the general fund.

I suspect that miners need just 1 rank in Profession (miner), which Doubtful is +8 at!

Scarab Sages

Sorcerer 6
HP 32/32 | AC23 (11FF, 14T) | Perception +7, Sense Motive -1 | +4 Init | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 | Spell 1 : 7/7 Spell 2 : 5/5

D'lack will buy some local clothing and trinckets to be more like a native and less than an adventurer.

Will buy masterwork tools for bluff to specifically be more like a native of the region. Giving +2 for bluff in the Mwangi Expense

We could act as representatives of the Diggerson Diggin' Company ? Me as the local interpret, you as the experts and other as merceneries hired to protect us ?

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Beorin likes the idea proposed and before leaving decides to get himself some digging tools as well.
Will purchase Digging tools like a shovel.

Silver Crusade

Sounds like that's a plan, and people intend to take 10. I'll have arrival in Bloocove up later tonight or tomorrow. That said, one additional option:

Those of you who are exceptionally talented at covert operations or deception may try to actively lay false leads, helping distract prying eyes from your less subtle party members. That significantly increases the DC (so you'll probably want to roll rather than take 10). Failure may help call attention to your activities, however.

You'll have several opportunities to do this, so you can opt to do this down the line if you wish.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

If it's still Stealth for Thorn and it doesn't increase it for everyone, that's DEFINITELY the thief's rogue's modus operendi.

Silver Crusade

Arriving at Bloodcove, you make your way to the Witchlight Inn. There are no obvious signs of people following you. The occasional passer-by looks at you strangely, though no more than other foreigners and tourists.

The dim atmosphere inside the Witchlight contrasts sharply with the bright Mwangi sun. The sour stench of unwashed bodies and stale beer fills the air as a throng of warehouse workers, ship crews, and less reputable folk take their morning meals. The innkeeper stands behind the bar chatting amiably with patrons, while servers hurry between tables.

Perception or Sense Motive DC 25:

The servers seem to take unnecessarily complicated routes as they weave through the tables, and often linger near certain tables. It seems they're eavesdropping on patrons' conversations.

A board of bounties, job opportunities, and other postings dominates much of the far wall.

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Perception : 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

Whispering "Every word we speak is up for grabs. keep it tight."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Male Elf DEAD

Wyatt nods, and nonchalantly moves to investigate the bounty board.

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Doubtful frowns at all the overtly suspicious people, and ponders whether the food is edible. Eventually he decides its most likely not and just sort of stands there, trying to appear like a disgruntled mine worker. Surprisingly, he seems to have it down pretty well.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

Dunkel, upon arriving, steps into the Withlight and squints against the light.

He assesses the room.

"Looks about right."

He then looks to Thorn as his patron, nearly forgetting its actually a cover story while his mind starts to calculate the proper sized shafts to deliver himself, Doubtful and Beorin to the choicest gold veins in likely digs within the area.

Scarab Sages

Sorcerer 6
HP 32/32 | AC23 (11FF, 14T) | Perception +7, Sense Motive -1 | +4 Init | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 | Spell 1 : 7/7 Spell 2 : 5/5

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

It's good to be back ! says D'lack when he enters in the inn. He begins looking for a clue of their agent passage on the board.
Lets find something to help us, gentlemen. he says to his comrades trying to pass for their guide.

Silver Crusade

One note in particular catches your eye, as a familiar name appears:

I am calling upon any who are willing to take up the call and search every part of Bloodcove to find my missing amulet! The artifact is in fact an heirloom called the Terra Fas DeQuere, a jewel-studded pendant that has been passed down for generations by my family. It was stolen by vile thieves from my household at some point in the last week. I am seeking any information leading to its recovery or to any of the lowlifes mixed up in this most heinous crime! Bring your information to the bounty office to receive your reward.

Reward: 342 Gold Pieces to be paid by the bounty poster, Kreighton Shaine, upon return of his valuables.

Before you have an opportunity to discuss the note, the door to the tavern swings open with a bang, and everything goes silent. The new arrival is a tall, slender Bonuwat man with long but neatly kept dreadlocks wearing long robes and a brightly colored necklace of beads. Two Bekyar men accompany him and leer menacingly at bystanders. The robed man draws a rolled piece of parchment from his robe, opens it, and announces in a clear voice, “We have ten jobs available for today, working the warehouse at dock twenty-two. Any strong, able-bodied person is welcome to see me for assignment.” He then moves to a table near the door and sits down, and a line begins to form in front of him.

An intelligence check may reveal some clues about the note if you're unsure of how to respond to it. You could take 20 on the check to automatically receive the relevant information, but spending so much time poring over a seemingly innocuous bounty may raise the suspicions of others.

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Do these guys recruiting look like Aspis Consortium?
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 if it helps

Grand Lodge

Male Elf DEAD

Wyatt gives the Bonuwat man a calculating look.

I wonder precisely what sort of 'job' they have in mind...

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Raw Intelligence? Thorn is a master Linguist, and very good at unlocking hidden messages. INT: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Oof not a good way to start the game.

Scarab Sages

Sorcerer 6
HP 32/32 | AC23 (11FF, 14T) | Perception +7, Sense Motive -1 | +4 Init | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 | Spell 1 : 7/7 Spell 2 : 5/5

342? The sum seems strange don't you think ? There must be some hidden message in it.

Says D'lack who tries to find some clue in it.
Know. (history) - Terra Fas DeQuere: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Int: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Kreighton Shaine? Isn't he someone high in the ranks in the Society? Beorin thinks.
Int Check 1d20 ⇒ 19
Sense Motive 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

"I'm more interested in the line over there." He points out.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

Dunkel, having fully embracing his role as a diggin' merchant in Thorn's employ, looks to his patron as the offer of dock work is presented.

"What's th' deal boss? We diggin' this week, or do me n' th' lads 'ave th' option t' do some dockwork?"

Dunkel gives Doubtful and Beorin a nod and makes his way to the line, seeking to eavesdrop on any details being shared about this job, in the case the employers seem to be their Aspis rivals.

His time is mixed with thoughts about the note he just scanned.

Kreighton Shane? Ah know 'im... master o' somethin' or another..

Terra Fas? Tha' real? Code? Another language?

Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
History: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Int: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Silver Crusade

Several of you recognize that Terra Fas DeQuere isn't based off any Inner Sea language. D'lack is the first one to realize that it is an anagram for "Free Trade Square," the major marketplace in the city. The 342 gp reward is oddly low and weirdly specific. That could be directing you to a particular building or market stall, which use numbers to identify their addresses.

Overhearing several of you discussing the new arrival, one of the servers leans in. "He is Na’alu, one of the Consortium’s men. Been coming here for two weeks, looking for day workers to load up supplies on some big ships the company is sending upriver. They work you like dogs, but it’s good money and they feed you at midday.

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

"Sounds like we've got a few leads. Which first?"

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Int check: 1d20 ⇒ 20 (huh...)

Doubtful scowls, muttering. "Aya said they was mounting some expedition. Might be that." He nods towards the recruiter signing on day labor.

"Probably have to get a second job."

Seems convenient =) Though how exactly to sabotage remains to be seen.

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

"Perhaps we sign up for the job and then we look for the stated address?" Beorin suggests.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Fighter1/Wiz5 | Max HP 65 | AC 15* (T11/FF15) | F: +8 (+10)* R: +2* W: +5* | Perc +15 | Init +0

Dunkel elbow Doubtful playfully.

"Ah bet th' dockwork 'as e'en worse benefits tha' th' diggin' crew... smells o' scabwork, n' ain't no good benefits 'less ye're unionized."

Dunkel gives a nod to Beorin.

"Aye no harm in signin' up then checkin' th' address out on th' way."

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

"Let's do it."

Silver Crusade

Getting in line with the other laborers, one of Na'alu's assistants hands each of you a contract. It stipulates that payment is dependent on completion of a full eight hours of work. Failure to complete the full shift results in non-payment and possible breach of contract fees. The pay is trivial for adventurers like yourselves, but pretty generous by the standards of the typical laborer.

Na'alu and his guards look you over as you wait in line, but don't seem particularly concerned about you.

Any questions for Na'alu? It looks like completing this task will take most of the day (assuming you want a paycheck at the end of it).

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

"I think they pay more." Doubtful adds to Dunkel, as he glances at the contract with a scowl.

Shrug, seems a way in. Though Doubtful will sign someone elses name =) Cause he's clever like that.

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Thorn isn't the question asking type, and prefers to simply watch and study, looking for any sign of duplicity or ulterior motive as his friends ask questions: Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Scarab Sages

Sorcerer 6
HP 32/32 | AC23 (11FF, 14T) | Perception +7, Sense Motive -1 | +4 Init | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 | Spell 1 : 7/7 Spell 2 : 5/5

D'lack lets his comrades do the signing but doesn't do it himself.
I will not work for them! Never§

Once they enlisted he says. I will check of the marketplace for a 342 stall. May be I will get more info.

The Exchange

PFS #76925-36 Male Dwarf Cleric 6 | HP: 57 /57| AC: 17/10/17|Init: +4| Perc: +8| Fort: +10 | Ref: +4| Will: +11| CMB: +6| CMD: 16| Warhammer: +7;1d8+3| Sling: +3;1d4+2 |Channel Energy 3d6 3/4
Acrobatics: -3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+1| Climb:-1| Diplo:+8| Heal:+7| Intimidate: +1| Kn.( Reli): +6| Kn (His & Nob):+5/4| Ling:+4| Sense Motive: +11| Stealth: -3| Survival: +4| Swim: -1|

Beorin casually signs in a psudeo name.

Sovereign Court

LN Dwarf Monk 10 *Core*

Working for them? We're not working for them, we're supposed to be trying to learn about/sabotage their expedition up-river... this might very well be it!

Silver Crusade

You are some of the last laborers selected before being led by Na'alu's guards, though the man himself goes his own way.

Three large sailing vessels sit in the river slips. All three are serviced by a large warehouse, which contains pallets of food and barrels of water. You do find a couple locked crates, which remain in the warehouse.

Three large sailing vessels sit in the river slips. All three are serviced by a large warehouse, which contains pallets of food and barrels of water. Three human guards patrol the warehouses and docks, supervised by a powerfully-built half-orc. A massive hyena stays a few paces behind him, occasionally snarling at the workers.

The work is exhausting labor. While you can act now, the guards and the other workers around you make it virtually impossible to avoid the eyes of others.

You can also use this chance to examine the site and figure out your eventual plan, if you'd like to return later.

The Exchange

Male Human Rogue 8 (CORE) Magsman HP:75/75), Init: +5, Perception: +17 (+21 v. traps) Fort: +5, Ref: +11 (+13 v traps), Will: +4 | AC: 23, Touch: 17, FF: Uncanny Dodge, CMD: 24

Thorn will try to nonchalantly look around for anything that might be useful later on: [ooc]If there are pre-existing traps add 3 to the Perception.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
Stealth if needed: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

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