GM Kiora's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Kiora Atua

Chosen heroes have arrived in Kenabres at the dawn of the Fifth Crusade. Will they be the ones to end a century long war?


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DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

"Since we know that Arastrax is waiting in the wings, I'll... try to prevent the worst of what could happen here." Sana says as she draws her starknife out in her free hand and casts a glow upon it. "In the event they try to cast a darkness spell, this could ward it off. Does anyone else have anything - even themselves - for me to light up before we head out?" she doesn't wait for an answer before she tilts her head suddenly.

Sana's eyes alight with mischief for a moment as she remembers that the Coloxus has telepathy. She concentrates for just a moment before returning to the task at hand.

Bluff: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Telepathy to Grillixbee, if in range:
"Mistress (or the proper honorific if one has been supplied) Grillixbee, the Crusaders have disappeared. As I approached, I overheard them saying something about 'Lyle's' information on the spiders being good. Should someone inform Master Vang?"

Sana will use one round to cast light on Rainbow Sparkle - it will be vibrant pink. She will use the next round to do the same with Kurushimi - Yui's choice on color. She'll sheathe rainbow sparkle within her quiver once more. A glow allows Anna to roll a caster level check (1d20+8 v. CL+11) on any darkness spell that encroaches upon it. If successful, the darkness spell is suppressed by the light spell. If failed, her light spell is suppressed instead. Yui also mentioned us beginning to scout while the remaining preparations take place. I'm ready to move out of the bathroom as soon as she's disguised.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

1 AP, FRA; Swapping Arcane Eye with Wall of blindness/deafness

Yui spends another few moments preparing her spells, then nods at Anna when she suggests illuminating things as a means to prepare for darkness from Arastrax or his followers. "You can illuminate Kurushimi," she says in response.

"Perhaps we should take a look about out there before we commit the full group to heading out."

Yui removes her mask, causing it to dissolve into wisps of shadow before disappearing completely. She then turns her focus inward changing her shape back to a fully human one, her vulpine ears and tail disappearing completely. She shakes out her silver-white hair and ties it back quickly, then turns to Anna. "Templar or Adept? Any suggestion which form would be best for scouting the halls?"

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

"Probably best to be an adept. Most of the Templars here are mooks, and the ones that aren't are basically faceless. I'm sure they're all important in their own way, but..." Anna gives a shrug. "No one will bat an eye at some magic either, if you're an adept. We can even get you dressed up like the lady who threw me into Ehren's fireball. If you wanted." she pauses.

"That in mind, the factions are kind of separate at the moment, tentatively held together by Grillixbee. Jerribeth is one boss, Vang the other. So if you are stopped, just say you're working for them, probably. I've found threats that involve both of us dying tend to work best."

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Yui nods and plants Kurushimi blade down into the ground. Then after a brief discussion of the adept's facial appearance and robes, waves her hands in a sweeping manner, causing her appearance to shift radically.

Disguise: 1d20 + 7 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 10 + 3 = 25

"Hopefully this will serve to prevent me from drawing too much attention," she says, hiding her natural accent to help sound more Taldan. "I am ready when you are," she says. "Kurushimi will wait here, I will call them if needed. Please leave them undisturbed."

Std Act: disguise self SLA, CL 11, duration 110 min

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


Grillixbee responds, her voice sharp but calm, "Fool. Don’t waste my time with speculation. Keep this information quiet. If Jerribeth finds out that Lile’s name has been mentioned, it could jeopardize everything. If you have proof that they know of Lilevyrrin’s involvement, bring it to me directly and I will see that you are rewarded. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut until I give you further instructions. Do not inform Master Vang of this until we know more."

Yui’s spellwork shimmers to life, transforming her form into the image of a Blackfyre Adept. Her robes and features twist like smoke until she looks every bit the part, complete with the embroidered dark uniform robe and the intense, focused gaze expected of the elite order.

But even with her magical disguise in place, Rue’s keen eye catches a few minor inconsistencies. “Hold on,” she murmurs telepathically, stepping closer and examining the subtle details. “The Adepts here have a slightly different pattern on their sleeves... more rigid.” She adjusts Yui’s attire with a few deft movements, smoothing out the folds and straightening the edges. “And you need to carry yourself more... arrogantly. Think of them as being almost insufferable with how they carry themselves. They’re like peacocks—they know they’re supposed to be feared, and they want everyone else to know it too.”

Rue flashes a faint smile. “Just tilt your chin up a little more. See? Perfect. And make sure not to drop your gaze first if someone looks at you. Even in battle, don’t lose that poise.”

Rue steps back, examining the final result with a critical eye. “There, now you look like you just crawled out of a planar rift ready to lecture everyone on the nuances of dimensional theory.”

Rue Perception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (19) + 27 = 46
Rue Disguise aid another: 1d20 + 38 ⇒ (9) + 38 = 47 +2

If you intend to move your characters, you should use the map (or draw on it)

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

"As if any of these fools are astute enough to understand the intricacies of dimensional theory," she whispers sounding both disdainful and exasperated, then gives Rue a wink and a grin.

"Lets go, Anna," she says as she heads towards the door.

Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 25 + 3 = 40

Quietly opening the door the minimum necessary to step out, she leaves it cracked just enough for Anna to follow behind.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Silently, Yui glides down the hall like a shadow given form, her footsteps muffled against the gleaming ivory floor.

The hallway is vast, its twenty-foot walls clad entirely in ivory, creating an eerie sense of uniformity. Even the ceiling and floor are crafted from the same polished material, giving the space an unearthly, pristine appearance. To her left, an open doorway reveals a barracks filled with templars. Nine beds line the walls in a rigid formation, each occupied by templars hurriedly securing their armor. Shuttered lanterns cast dim pools of light, making their movements appear almost ghostly in the half-light. Yui’s eyes flicker to each templar, but she continues on without breaking her stride.

At the end of the hall, she finds another open door, emerging into a new corridor branching off into three directions. The door to her left opens into a workshop bustling with Blackfyre Adepts. They move with frantic energy, bent over an array of weapons, tools, and alchemical concoctions spread out on a table. The air hums with the scent of magic and the sharp tang of alchemical reagents. A rack along the wall is mounted with newly-forged weapons, their dark steel surfaces etched with unsettling runes.

Yui tears her gaze away and glances to her right. A set of massive double doors stands open, leading down into a cavernous chamber. There, looming in the center, is a monstrous, demonic-winged minotaur. The creature faces away from her, its massive shoulders heaving with each breath, fists curling and uncurling reflexively.

Further down the hall to the right, past the minotaur’s chamber, the corridor widens into a larger room lined with wooden benches. The muted echo of voices drifts towards Yui from within.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Stealth(Hope): 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 27 + 3 = 43
Sana closes the door behind them just as quietly, mussing her own hair as she does so, as if attempting to flatten both sides. She leaves amber behind as she does so. She's careful to match her movement to Yui's as they go.

Rue Telepathy: "Eight Templars just outside the bathroom in the barracks on the left, they're preparing currently. Might be the best time to hit them that we have. Please inform Yui that the room straight ahead is where Grillixbee would be - it's also the strategy room.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Wanting to avoid the adepts and the minotaur for the moment, Yui gestures to the right and heads towards the hall to the south.

Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 25 + 3 = 38

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Sana activates Time Skitter (Haste) as a swift action, so that she can move at half speed and still keep up while closing the door as a move action.

Stealth(Hope): 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 27 + 3 = 40

Sana once more matches her companion, and closes the door behind them once more, making it a little less likely for there to be any surprises for their companions.

To Rue: "Perhaps half-demon minotaur down the hallway towards the temple on our left. Door to the crafting rooms is open, at least three adepts at work inside. To our right, the training areas, and to our left are your 'barracks'. Further ahead on our right is the library. Straight ahead leads back to where we came from; there would normally be Derakni through the doors ahead, with Arastrax's guest quarters on the right and Vang's quarters straight ahead."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

CSW Hinagiku: 3d8 + 11 ⇒ (2, 4, 6) + 11 = 23 Hinagiku is not grazed.

Time passes: 1 round.

Hinagiku takes a steadying breath as healing magic flows through her, the bruises and cuts knitting back together. She moves her hands slowly away from her wounds and lets out a small, calm sigh of relief. Her focus sharpens, and she turns her attention back to the others.

"How do things look from your side?" she asks through the message spell. "Is it safe for us to move forward yet?"

Yui, Anna:

The Adepts are absorbed in their work, their hands glowing faintly as they weave arcane energy into various weapons and artifacts. A few mutter in Abyssal, exchanging notes about planar foci and the best methods of stabilizing volatile blackfyre eruptions. They barely glance at Anna or Yui, assuming them to be one of their own.

They pause just long enough to pick up a few snippets of conversation:

“...if Vang doesn’t send these up soon, Jerribeth’s not going to hold back. She’s losing patience with this experiment—”

“Let her. We have no interest in her idle threats. We’re close, I can feel it. If we can replicate the energy siphon one more time—”

Arueshalae’s voice echoes through the minds of the heroes. “Anna says there are eight Templars gearing up in the barracks right outside where we were. It might be best to strike them soon, before they’re fully armed.”


Rue's voice echoes in your mind, “Yui, just ahead of you, is the strategy room where Grillixbee usually resides. If she’s there, this could be a prime opportunity to catch her off-guard and see what she’s been planning.”

Arueshalae then adds, softly, “Whatever you choose to do… be careful. I’ll support you from here, and I’m ready to move in if you need me.”

"Understood," Rue responds, relaying Anna’s detailed description to the others.

"Anna has eyes on a half-demon minotaur down the hallway. To the left is the temple entrance, and further back are the crafting rooms with at least three adepts busy at work. The training areas are empty, and the barracks I mentioned earlier are directly to our left. If we continue forward, the library will be on our right," she pauses briefly, gathering her thoughts as she continues to map out the Sanctum in her mind.

"If you keep pushing ahead, it’s back towards where we entered. Derakni demons should be on guard through the double doors, and Arastrax’s quarters are on the right. Vang’s own quarters are straight ahead," she finishes, her voice as clear as it is quick.

Yui, Anna:

Yui's movements are fluid and deliberate, every step carefully measured to muffle even the slightest sound. The soft patter of her sandals on the ivory floor is barely perceptible, lost in the muted hum of the distant adepts’ chatter. She rounds a corner and enters a spacious hall. It seems to be empty.

The chamber is dominated by four combat training dummies, their wooden frames worn and scarred from years of practice blows. Along the wall to her right, rows of weapon and armor racks stand empty. An alcove further down to her right holds a few more vacant racks, while several benches are pushed against the walls, their surfaces polished smooth by countless hours of soldiers resting or observing drills.

Yui’s gaze drifts further down the hall, where a pair of large archways open up into two separate rooms. Each one appears to be a classroom.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Telepathy to Rue: "I've told Grillixbee that I saw the Crusaders teleporting out and overheard them saying Lile's information on the spiders was good. She told me to keep my mouth shut on it. Maybe an adept could not keep their mouth shut on my behalf..?" Sana suggests through the telepathic link.

"It's in our best interest to destabilize trust between the two factions. I could move across the building at top speed to check on the prisoners, and maybe convince someone gullible that the adepts are spreading rumors that Lile is working for the Crusaders. Is anyone near you planning to make any moves or preparations while we're out?"

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

With Hinagiku now in much better condition, Ehren takes his stoneskin wand back out and taps it against her arm, bolstering her defenses.

Ehren casts stoneskin (CL 9th) with his wand.

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

Beatrix waits, impatiently, in the quiet strange bathroom with her companions. She keeps her ears peeled for any signs of struggle from outside, or from a verbal sign or a telepathic sign from Rue. In the absence of either, not wishing to jump the gun, Beatrix just checks on Myrna in the bag.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Time passes: 1 round.


Rue's voice echoes in your mind: “Anna has informed Grillixbee that she witnessed the Crusaders ‘teleporting out’ and mentioned that she overheard them talking about Lilevyrrin’s information on the spiders being good intel. Apparently, Grillixbee wasn’t happy about it and told her to keep quiet. Now Anna’s wondering if she could ‘slip up’ and let an adept overhear it ‘accidentally.’”

Rue’s telepathic voice grows more focused as she elaborates on Anna’s plan. “We’re looking at a classic game of sowing discord—if we can spread enough doubt and suspicion between the adepts and Templars, it could weaken their defenses and make our job easier. Anna is also considering rushing across the Sanctum to check on the prisoners, and perhaps plant the idea that Lilevyrrin’s working for us.”

Meanwhile, back in the washroom, Rue's voice echoes in the heroes' minds:

"Anna says she's already planted some misinformation with Grillixbee," Rue explains, glancing towards Beatrix and the others. "She told Grillixbee that she saw the Crusaders teleporting out and overheard them talking about how Lilevyrrin’s information on the spiders was good. Grillixbee’s reaction? Told Anna to keep her mouth shut about it—classic. But Anna’s suggesting that Yui could have a... 'slip of the tongue' and spread that rumor on Anna’s behalf."

Rue pauses for a moment, making sure everyone’s following along, then continues. “She thinks it is in our best interest to sow distrust between the factions here—anything to break the cohesion between Xanthir’s followers and Jerribeth’s -- and I agree. Anna’s also offering to scout ahead and check on the prisoners. She thinks she might be able to convince someone gullible that the adepts are spreading rumors about Lilevyrrin working for the Crusaders.”

"Is anyone currently making moves or getting ready to act? Anna and Yui should be aware of any sudden changes while they are scouting ahead.”

Yui and Anna:

The rhythmic clank, clank, clank of heavy metal boots echoes through the hall, breaking the stillness. Yui freezes, her senses honing in on the sound’s source. It’s approaching fast—coming from the direction of the temple. With a quick, silent motion, she presses herself against the cool ivory wall, pulling Anna with her behind the archway.

They wait, breath held, muscles coiled like springs. A templar steps into view—a tall figure in gleaming armor, their helm obscuring their features. They stride forward with the unhurried confidence of someone who expects to find nothing amiss.

Slowly, the two women edge back into the deeper shadow of the archway, barely daring to breathe as the templar turns and approaches the closed door at the end of the hall.

Knock, knock, knock.

The sound reverberates dully against the door. The door creaks as it opens.

Templar perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

While Ehren calls on the Green to toughen Hinagiku, Unafe calls on her ancestors to help protect her, and those in her reach, from beings that don't belong here on Golarion.

-1 MP: gain Stabilize (aegis)
-1 SP: Cast Stabilize
33 AC // +2 enh vs evil outsiders, +4 morale vs extraplanar creatures, such as summoned or conjured creatures
34 CMB (37 vs Grapple) // +2 enh vs evil outsiders, +4 morale vs extraplanar creatures, such as summoned or conjured creatures
147/147 HP
24 THP // 11 giant fort, 13 guardian
0 Nonlethal //
0 Tension // til combat starts
6 Mythic Tension Pool //
Essence: 2 Champ, 1 Guardian, 1 Trickster, 1 Spherecaster
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP // -1 to gain Stabilize (aegis)
7/11 Momentum //
2/2 martial focus //
4/22 SP // -1 to cast Stabilize (aegis)
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Ehren uses his wand yet again, this time bestowing Beatrix with stoneskin. He listens to Arueshelae's telepathic updates with a mixture of amusement and apprehension, realizing that how the upcoming battles will proceed depends largely on Anna and Yui's efforts. Ironic, considering that neither of them were accounted for in their initial plan.

"It seems we should allow them more time to execute their plan then," Ehren figures. "I have a few more preparations I can make in the meantime."

Ehren casts stoneskin (CL 9th) on Beatrix.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

7 rounds of haste remaining. She spends a swift action to become incorporeal, leaving her with 9/11 rounds. She'll wait for a telepathic answer, then double move in the direction of the jail to check on the prisoners. She can move 110 feet while stealthing at half speed. Her movements make no sound while incorporeal. Before completely surfacing, she'll take a look around.

TP to Rue: "I'm going to head to the prisoners. I can't stop worrying about them. If Amber starts glowing brighter, it means I've encountered danger. If she disappears entirely, I've probably called her to myself. I'm pretty certain I'll be out of reach of conversation for a bit. In the short term, I can maybe hide Amber over there. What do I do if they're in danger? I can try to get them to the bathroom same way as I did for you lot, but another six won't fit if we don't file out..."

Stealth (Hope): 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 27 + 3 = 40
Perception: 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 26 + 3 = 33

Sana pauses as she awaits a response, and then sinks into the ground once more, this time by simply spreading her hands and allowing herself to fall in. She flits just beneath the surface of the ivory, heading towards where the prison is.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Seeing Sana disappear, Yui decides to stop and wait for the templar to enter Grillixbee's chamber. It could provide a perfect opportunity to start the rumor among the blackfyre adepts that Lile had been responsible for tipping the group off about the constructs.

Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 25 + 3 = 30
Perception: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 27 + 3 = 37

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Time passes: 1 round.

Anna and Yui:

Arueshalae's voice echoes in your minds: ""Ehren believes we should give you two more time to maneuver and see what you can accomplish. He says he has some additional preparations he can do on this end." Rue pauses, as if considering something, before continuing with a touch of reassurance. "We’re all relying on your success to give us the best opportunity when the fighting starts. If anything changes, I’ll update you immediately. Just... be careful."

"Anna is heading toward the prisoners," Arueshalae relays softly to everyone still waiting, telepathically. "She says she’s worried about them and wants to make sure they’re safe. If Amber—her lantern—starts glowing brighter, it means she’s encountered danger. If it disappears entirely, she’s called it to herself."

There’s a brief pause before Arueshalae continues, sounding thoughtful, “She also mentioned that if the prisoners are in immediate danger, she might try to get them back to us. But there’s no way six more people will fit here without us moving out first. What should she do if it comes to that? Do we stay, or prepare to receive them somewhere else, perhaps?”


The door opens, and the templar’s armored silhouette vanishes into the chamber. As it shuts behind them with a heavy thud, Yui shifts forward, listening. Her senses sharpen, but no conversation filters through. She does not hear a whisper.

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

Instead of thinking, Beatrix whispers, so that everyone can hear. "If we're rescuing prisoners, we should be ready for action." She looks around at the others to check their reactions. "I'm not excited by the prospect of facing down these fiends outside, but surely a prison-break will gather attention. It's not like there's anywhere safe near here to keep people."

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

6 Rounds of haste remaining. Double move action as before. 8/11 rounds of incorporeal remaining. Swift to maintain incorporeal.

Stealth: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 27 + 3 = 32
Perception: 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 26 + 3 = 46

With no actionable information relayed, Sana simply hums into the telepathic link as she travels towards where she believes the prisons are relative to herself, that way their companion would know when she was out of range.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

"Good, we'll make use of the time, I should be within telepathy range the entire time, so I will update you on the situation out here. Currently a templar is going to visit Grillixbee, which is prefect for claiming I overheard the templar told to keep quiet about Lile."

The idea of bringing back the prisoners to where they were was a good one, but the lack of space was certainly a problem."The quarters outside where you are has a few templars getting ready," she responds to Rue, "The best bet would be to try to kill them quickly and hole up there. It's also possible I could lure them out if I can start chaos quickly."

Once the door shuts, Yui sneaks back to beside the door as quietly as she can and listens once more, hoping the silence didn't mean they were communicating telepathically. She wasn't familiar enough with demons to know whether they preferred that as a default, or instead preferred to speak.

Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 25 + 3 = 44
Perception: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 27 + 3 = 47

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


Yui’s senses strain, reaching for even the faintest whisper. But there’s nothing. No murmur of voices. Only the shifting of feet.

“You’re right, Mrs. Beatrix,” Hinagiku says softly into the message, inclining her head in agreement. “Freeing prisoners… it is never a quiet matter.”

Rue’s brow furrows as she processes Yui’s telepathic message, her gaze shifting to the rest of the group huddled in the cramped washroom.

“Yui’s got eyes on a templar headed to Grillixbee’s chamber,” Rue says telepathically to the group, her eyes moving from one face to the next. “It’s a good chance to sow some distrust among the Blackfyre Adepts. Also, a few templars are getting ready near us in the adjacent quarters.”

She pauses, weighing their options before continuing, “We could hit them hard, take them down quickly, and secure the area for ourselves - there would be more room to hold the prisoners. If we move fast enough, we can hold it.” Rue’s expression tightens, lips thinning. “Or… Yui could draw them out, give us a shot at getting through without getting cornered. It’s risky, but it might be our best chance if things get messy.”

The group exchanges glances, the tension thick in the cramped, lit space. “Thoughts?” Rue asks, letting her gaze rest briefly on Beatrix before shifting to Hinagiku and the others. “We don’t have a lot of time to decide.”

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Looks like Ehren & Unafe's players are inactive, so I will move time forwards now.

Time passes: 1 round

Roll 20 map is up-to-date.

Listening carefully to Rue’s words, Hinagiku bows her head slightly, considering the options. “If Yui can draw them away,” she responds softly into message, “we should take that chance. Avoiding unnecessary bloodshed… that would be best.”

Rue frowns slightly, shaking her head as she processes Hinagiku’s response. “I understand where you’re coming from, Hinagiku, but these templars are already arming up. We need to get moving soon, and we can’t afford to leave threats at our back."

"Well, Anna is too far for me to communicate with her. With Desna's guidance, may things go well for her."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

With the discussion in Grillixbee's chambers clearly occurring via telepathy, there was little point in Yui sticking around longer. Instead she decides to begin sowing dissent.

Bluff (Critical, Good Hope): 1d20 + 23 + 3 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 23 + 3 + 10 = 56
Yui hurries quietly into the room where the Adepts are working and closes the door behind her. She leans up against the door and listens then looks towards the others with a look that is somewhere between shock and anger.

In a loud whisper she addresses the adepts. "I just overheard a discussion between a templar and Grillixibee. They reported that the crusaders who just attacked had gotten their information on the new retrievers from Lile... And do you know what they were told? They were told to keep quiet about it and not let Vang know! Grillixibee must be working with Jerribeth and Lile to betray us. We must let Vang know immediately and prepare. You two," she says, pointing to the far two, "go to our quarters and make sure everyone there is ready to support Vang. You two," she says pointing at the nearer two, "go quickly and let Vang know. He will decide what actions must be taken. I will stay and keep an eye on the Templar dormitory and Grillixibee's room. Hurry! There is no time to lose!"

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

One round of incorporeal used as a swift action - 7 remaining. 5 Rounds of haste remaining. She performs a single move action of 40 feet. If the coast is clear she'll try to center herself amongst the prisoners with her remaining movement.

Stealth: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 27 + 3 = 48
Perception: 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 26 + 3 = 31

'Another fiendish minotaur of some sort near the main entrance.' Sana mentally notes as she surfaces for a moment to peek over the ivory. She sinks in for a moment more to head towards her eventual goal, surfacing entirely as soon as she's out of sight of those things she can see. She peeks her head through the door to look about the prison, and if the coast appears clear, she'll simply walk through the closed door, trying to look as unthreatening as a Templar with a shortbow can while walking through walls. She makes sure her gauntlet, Opal, is clearly visible as she does so.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Ehren gives Hinagiku's arm a reassuring pat, knowing that as always, she means well. But given the nature of their mission, bloodshed was simply unavoidable.

With one final tap of his wand, the druid imparts Arueshelae with stoneskin before returning it to his pouch.

"I have done all I can for the time being. We should engage the templars quickly, before our greater threats can close in on us," he whispers urgently.

Ehren casts stoneskin on Rue (CL 9th, 90 minutes, DR 10/adamantine, 90 points).

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Time Passes: 1 round.


Sana glides soundlessly up to the door, her translucent form flickering slightly as she phases her head through to peek inside. The room beyond is dimly lit, a cold and oppressive space with a low ceiling. The harsh, acrid scent of sweat and fear hangs in the air, mingling with the faint tang of blood—a common presence in these forsaken halls.

Rows of iron-barred cells line the far wall. Each cell is bare, devoid of even the most basic furnishings, leaving the prisoners inside huddled on the cold stone floors. There are four of them, their bodies marked by signs of abuse. They glance up at her, eyes widening in surprise and suspicion as they catch sight of a Templar’s armored figure phasing through the solid door.

The closest prisoner—a gaunt, battle-worn Kellid with intricate tattoos winding up their forearms—narrows their eyes, watching her warily. Their ragged clothing hangs loosely on their frame, and the scars peeking through the torn fabric speak of many battles fought and lost. To their right, a young Taldan woman with dark, cropped hair and a fierce, defiant gaze shifts slightly, one hand twitching as if reaching for a weapon that’s no longer there.

Further down, a tall Kellid man with long, neatly braided hair and delicate features sits against the wall, his knees drawn up to his chest. His gaze flickers briefly to the door Sana just walked through, and he seems to tense, as if expecting a guard or torturer to follow in her wake. Beside him, a Tien woman with sharp, angular features and piercing hazel eyes stares at Sana with barely concealed suspicion.

The prisoners shift uneasily, exchanging wary glances. They’ve seen too many Templars in these halls—none of them bringing anything but pain. The eerie silence is broken only by the faint, agonized screams echoing from beyond a closed door to her left. The sound twists through the chamber like a cruel wind, sending shivers down the spines of the prisoners and making one of them flinch involuntarily.


As Yui enters, she quietly closes the door behind her. The click of the latch draws their attention, and they glance up, annoyance plain on their faces.

The adepts freeze as she speaks, their eyes wide. One of them, a tiefling with a jagged scar down his cheek, clenches his fist. The adepts exchange glances, their expressions shifting from confusion to anger. One of them, a tall, gaunt human, steps forward, his jaw set. “We have to act now,” he mutters, glancing at his companions. “We’ll go straight to Vang.”

Without hesitation, the two adepts exchange a nod, begin murmuring arcane words, and vanish in a flash of blue light, the faint scent of brimstone lingering in the air.

The remaining adepts give Yui a quick, tense nod, and with another quick incantation, they, too, disappear in a crackling shimmer of magic.

The room falls silent.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Arueshalae steps forward. With a single motion, she draws her bow, the dark wood gleaming faintly in the light of the washroom. “Should I lead the way, then?” she asks, telepathically.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Opal uses her Create food and Water spell (Berries only) to add food to the cells. She 5-foot steps to a more central location. Sana uses a swift action to summon Amber to her side. She uses her own standard action to cast Goodberry via Opal's SLA list on her handful of berries. 4 rounds of haste remain.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Good Berries: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

"It's me again." Sana whispers to them as she enters. "No time for lock picks right now for using the door. Opal..?" she says, causing her opalescent gauntlet to ripple in color for a moment, as Sana clenches her fist. "Some of the Heroes of Kenabres are here, they've managed to take out the southwestern most flank, and we've bought a bit of time." her head twists to the side at the sound of one of the screams, a pained look on her face, even as Opal finishes her spell, adding blueberries within easy reach of all of the prisoners - just enough for a meal each, there couldn't be any clear evidence.

"Be careful of the ones that don't look safe." she reminds them as she opens her hand to reveal a handful of berries of her own, which she begins to pick through for the edible ones.

She pauses for a moment in thought. It wasn't what she'd suggested, exactly. She'd been worried that maybe their attack would have prompted them to kill the prisoners, and maybe she'd show up and save those she could. There being four unhealthy people with a single individual's life in danger was... different. Ary would have destroyed herself to keep these people safe, busted down the door into the next room, and freed them as well. Assuming there wasn't anyone smarter to tell her how to do it better. But what would the others do? How would they do it better?

She wasn't Ary. She couldn't just fight everything in here. And she didn't have the others at her back just now. Fighting wasn't an option.

She did, however, learn guile from Li'an, Val, and Auntie Anevia... and sometimes trickery was better. She'd need time to work it all out - time that the tortured might not have. But as her mother always said... count the living.

"If you want out, give me about fifteen seconds after I leave and will yourself towards the mote's light." she whispers. "I'll take you somewhere... safer. Not quite safe yet, though." she adds hastily. "But not too soon. If you try it too soon, you'll wind up stranded somewhere in the Temple. If you can't trust me, I'll still try to come back for you later."

'After that, I can hurry back in here... tell those in the next room that the Blackfyres have stolen the prisoners and are holding out on the goods they're making... and that Vang appears to be blaming Lile for the attack on his Spiders... maybe they'll be dumb enough to tell the two to their face. If there's time. If they aren't a Blackfyre... hm, what to say to a Blackfyre...'

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

"I need a few moments more and I should be able to get rid of the templars, the Adepts have headed out to warn the other adepts that the Deskarrans are betraying them, along with Vang. I will run into the templar quarters and tell them to hurry to Vang's room and get all the help they can. Be ready in case something goes wrong to rush in and kill the Templars."

Yui quickly changes her disguise into that of a fully armored templar and opens the door, intending to head back out to the templar dormitory to put the final step into action. She then moves quickly and quietly to the dormitory, hoping to goad them into reckless action.

Using disguise self again
Disguise: 1d20 + 7 + 3 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 3 + 10 = 36
Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 25 + 3 = 41
Bluff(Surge): 1d20 + 23 + 3 + 1d8 ⇒ (15) + 23 + 3 + (7) = 48

"Everyone, Vang has betrayed us, he is using the crusader attack as an excuse to justify killing Jerribeth and Lile. Don't worry about your armor, just grab your weapons and get every minotaur and templar you can and head to Vang's room immediately to support them. The adepts in the crafting room have already abandoned the workshop to join the fight. If you see any of them along the way, do not hesitate, they have orders to kill on sight. Hurry!"

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


Make a CL check to spawn the goodberries without Worldwound taint.

Each of the four prisoners hesitates, eyes darting between the sudden appearance of food and Sana’s calm expression. One of the prisoners, tenses visibly at the sound of another tortured scream echoing down the hall.

The Minkaian woman’s hazel eyes narrow slightly, searching Sana’s face for any sign of deceit. “The Heroes of Kenabres?” she whispers, her voice low but laced with disbelief.

The woman with the fierce gaze shifts closer to the bars of her cell, her expression caught somewhere between skepticism and desperate hope. “It’s a trap, isn’t it?” she asks hoarsely. “The demons love their mind games. Why should we believe you’re not one of them?”


Yui approaches the Templar dormitory, where templars are gathering. The air is thick with tension; some templars are only half-dressed in armor, others hurriedly sharpening weapons. The sight of them all on edge is perfect. Exactly what she needs.

Yui steps inside, raising her voice in a clipped, urgent tone that demands attention. Heads snap up, and the room falls silent as they turn to face her, shock and disbelief etched into their faces.

A low murmur ripples through the group as her words sink in, their expressions hardening from uncertainty to anger and resolve. A man steps forward, a greatsword strapped to his back. His eyes blaze with fury. “Vang’s finally shown his true colors,” he snarls in a thick Ustalavic accent, voice thick with rage. “We’re not letting that worm destroy what we’ve built here.”

Several templars grunt in agreement, already reaching for their weapons and rallying their comrades. The man nods once, then bellows to the rest of the templars, “Everyone, with me! We’re taking the fight to Vang!”

The templars and minotaurs surge forward, weapons clutched tightly in their hands, adrenaline and fury driving their actions. Yui watches as they spill out of the dormitory, spreading through the hallways in a clattering mass of metal.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Rue stiffens at Yui’s message, her gaze snapping to the others huddled in the cramped washroom. She conveys Yui’s plan telepathically, “Yui’s going to try and send the templars after the Adepts. She’s stirring the pot out there, but we need to be ready. If something goes wrong, we’ll need to strike fast.”

As if on cue, the faint sound of voices filters through the thick door, rising to a cacophony of hurried footsteps and raised voices. The commotion outside is growing louder, the shouts blending into a chaotic mix that echoes down the narrow hallway. The group tenses.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe's eyes go wide. She laughs a tense laugh. "Yui and Anna are masters at deception." Her voice is a mix of admiration tinged with wariness.

"If either of them ever decides to betray us...", she shudders, reflecting on how little she knows Anna...and that her trust of Yui is really only because of Rue's words.

Well, at this point our life is in their hands. Nothing to do but stand ready to pounce.

With that, she readies herself mentally for battle.

Swift: -MF, Embracing Bear Stance for 5 rounds
Full: Recover MF

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

"The templars are on the warpath, our moment to strike approaches!" she sends to Rue telepathically. Watching them file out, Yui's grin is hidden beneath her illusory armor. With their foes in chaos, they had a perfect chance now to kill the fly-demon and destroy Baphomet's altar in order to break the unhallow that was preventing her from using much of her magic. "The dormitory will be free for us to use to hide the prisoners should Sana return with them. Let her know if she reaches out to you. I will follow the templars out and once they are far enough away, we will all charge Grillixibee's room."

Yui follows the mass of templars at a slightly slower pace, allowing them to surge past her, then drops back out of sight once she is the last in the group.

Stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 25 + 3 = 40

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Sana will leave Amber within 15 feet of all of the prisoners as she heads back to the group. Her fly speed is 110' and her path appears to be 205'. She'll double move 105' with a -3 to stealth due to mythic. She spends a swift action for incorporeal, leaving her with 6 rounds. 3 Rounds of haste remain.

CL v. the Wound Itself: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Diplomacy (Hope): 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 12 + 3 = 33
Stealth (Fast, Hope): 1d20 + 27 - 3 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 27 - 3 + 3 = 37

"The Archdruid and Hinagiku, yeah." Sana whispers back to the Minkaian woman, but immediately has her attention shifted back to the task at hand by the probable Crusader.

"I don't really have time to talk about trust. Don't trust demons and don't have faith in them, or their followers. Don't make wishes and all that. But hope is something a demon can't give you. Or take from you. That's yours. "They can't take your light." she says quietly, as she twirls in place and falls into the floor once more, leaving her mote within reach of all of them.

'So cool.' she thinks to herself, before swimming through the not-stone back towards her companions.

She waits until she's about halfway back to begin informing Rue of what's going on. "Four Prisoners not in danger. Fifth is. I'm uncertain of how many are coming. Minotaur fiend guarding entrance, no other enemies sighted. Will need space. Will try to get the fifth out using the absent prisoners as a distraction... if there's time. Surely there's time."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Ehren claps Unafe on the shoulder, smiling at her reassuringly in light of their new allies' deviousness.

"Let's not borrow trouble for ourselves," he suggests quietly, shaking his head slowly. "It will do us no good to doubt them now."

With that, he looks to the door, wary of the ongoing chaos outside. He poises himself, ready to move at a moment's notice.

Full-round action to regain martial focus.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Rue glances around at the heroes in the washroom, the faint sound of armored boots and distant shouts reverberating down the hall. “Yui’s got them moving. The templars are heading out—she’s herding them away from us.” She pauses, her gaze flickering to Ehren, Beatrix, and Unafe in turn. “She says the dormitory will be clear soon. If Anna brings the prisoners back, we’ll have a safe place to stash them.”

“What about the fly-demon?” Hinagiku asks softly, her brow furrowed in concern.

“Yui’s plan is to charge Grillixbee’s room as soon as the templars are far enough away,” Rue replies, a faint smile of anticipation tugging at her lips. “We strike fast, take out the demon, and destroy Baphomet’s altar. If we pull this off, we’ll break the unholy blessing on this place and weaken their hold. As soon as Yui gives the signal, we go in. Swift and quiet. Do you all agree?”

The commotion in the hallway intensifies, the clamor of templars growing fainter as they march down the corridor in response to Yui’s deception.


“Sounds like you're almost clear,” Rue sends back to Yui. “Keep us updated.”

From her hidden position, Yui follows the mass of templars at a slightly slower pace, allowing them to surge past her. As the last of them disappear around the corner, she drops back, melting into the shadows and out of sight.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9


The comforting light of Amber casts soft shadows over the prisoners’ weary faces. As Sana prepares to leave, she allows the magical mote to hover in the center of the room, its gentle radiance reaching all four of them. Just before she departs, one of the Kellids—a young, scarred man with a haunted look in his eyes—steps forward, his voice breaking.

“Please… my brother,” he begs, his voice choked with desperation. “They took him. The monsters have him… Please, save Aedric.”

In the washroom, Rue’s eyes narrow as she relays the information to the others. “Anna’s found four prisoners who aren’t in immediate danger, but there’s a fifth who is. Minotaur fiend guarding the entrance, but no other enemies in sight for now. She needs us to make space for now.”

At that moment, Anna re-emerges in the washroom, so Rue backs into one of the stalls to help make room.

Time passes: 1 round.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

"The coast is clear, move now but stay quiet," she calls to Rue. The templars were heading down the hall now, and would be well out of range by the time the group reached the door to the fly-demon's room.

Yui reaches out and focuses on her weapon. "側に飛んでえ苦しみ物語! she calls out softly, holding out her hand.

Ready an action to summon Kurushimi when the group arrives

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

Hearing that the coast was clear, but that it wasn't quite time to fight just yet, Beatrix steps out of the bathroom and into the next hall. She isn't exactly quiet about it, opening the door with a loud groan, with her iron feet clonking on the ground, but she tries.

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Just after opening the door, she sees an armored Templar standing there, but not much else. She freezes for a moment, having heard that the Templars were going to betray their allies but not sure what they might do if they see unidentified intruders as well. Not wanting to lead the way, Beatrix takes a step back to allow the others to pass by. She whispers, "Templar there!" back into the door as she does so.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Stealth, GH: 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 26 + 3 = 43

With a saurian grace that belies her size, Unafe follows Beatrix into the hall.

"Where to?", she whispers on their magic connection.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Stealth (Good Hope): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Ehren is, unfortunately, not exactly the most graceful person in the world. He follows after Unafe, his stealthiness (or lack thereof) leaving much to be desired.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Stealth: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 27 + 3 = 32

"Ah, good timing." Sana whispers into the message spell, as she arrives back in the bathroom. "Hopefully they'll all come along... I don't know, though." she adds as the others are filing out. "I need to stay here until they arrive... or don't. I figure after the first disappears, others will trust it more. I... really want to go save the fifth, though." she adds. She looks the berries over once more in the better light of the restrooms while she awaits the arrival of the prisoners.

"How close do you need to be to the enemy to be fully effective?" she asks Rue telepathically.

Sana refreshes her haste to 8 rounds as a swift action.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Time passes: 1 round.

Rue nods sharply, relaying the message to the others, “Yui’s got the templars out of the way. Now’s our chance—move in, but stay silent. We don’t want to tip off the coloxus before we’re in position.”

The group gathers their weapons and falls into formation, each member slipping out of the washroom with practiced precision. As they make their way down the hall, the only sound is the faint rustle of clothing and the soft breath of anticipation as they approach the fly-demon’s room. Hinagiku’s stance shifts subtly, drawing on her inner strength as she prepares to unleash her power if needed.


Sana looks down at the handful of berries in her palm. The berries are rotten. A sickly gray fuzz coats them, spreading from the edges to the centers. A few of the orbs have collapsed inward, leaking a dark, viscous fluid that smells faintly of decay.

Rue’s response comes through the telepathic link, steady and reassuring. “Close enough to engage directly—ideally within thirty feet. But don’t worry about that just yet. The others and I can handle it. Focus on getting those prisoners out safely.”

Rue stealth: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 25 + 3 = 46
Hinagiku stealth: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 5 - 5 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 5 - 4 = 6

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

With the group now visible in the chamber by the Templar's room, and the templars far down the hall, Yui finishes calling Kurushimi to her side and then moves across the hall to beside the door the templar had entered earlier and prepares to open the door for her allies.

"Have Unafe take the lead, I will open the door once she is ready to charge into the room," she sends to Rue. She then readies herself to throw open the door to allow Unafe to hopefully charge the demon unimpeded.

Burned 1 BP to summon with the readied action, and then readying an action this round to open the door once Unafe signals she is ready to rush into the room.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe nods and hustles through the door...

So far just posting my Move action. I'm not 100% sure which door we're talking about on the map, but if I see a foe within reach before the end of my move, I'll happily add a Stnd to attack it.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

As Unafe approaches the door, Yui throws it open for the kellid, hoping to catch those inside offguard.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Yui, Hinagiku, Unafe:

The door swings wide, revealing a large strategy room. A massive wooden table dominates the space, its surface cluttered with a chaotic sprawl of scrolls and maps, each one marked with intricate diagrams and notes that reflect the cult’s plans and strategies. The table’s centerpiece is a large, ominous jar filled with twitching, deformed locusts that buzz against the glass with eerie intensity.

Standing near the table, the grotesque figure of Grillixbee, a fly-headed coloxus demon, turns to regard them. Her compound eyes glint with a calculating light, her wings twitching slightly as if disturbed by the sudden intrusion. The demon’s narrow, elongated mouthparts click together with a soft, chitinous rasp, but there’s no sign of immediate hostility—only a keen, dangerous curiosity.

Around the table, four Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth stand at attention, their expressions masked by their helmets. Each one’s hand hovers near their glaive, but they hesitate, clearly caught off-guard by the unexpected entrance.

Grillixbee’s voice echoes your minds-- sharp and authoritative. “Templars, hold!” The word reverberates through the minds of the Templars, freezing them in place. “Stay your hands.”

Grillixbee’s head tilts slightly, her multifaceted eyes shifting from Unafe to Yui. “I must say, I’m intrigued,” she communicates telepathically, her voice smooth and composed. “What is your business in the Ivory Sanctum?”

Perception: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (5) + 31 = 36

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Stealth (Good Hope): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Ehren follows after Yui and Unafe, his bare feet falling heavily on the stone floor of the sanctum.

Ehren double moves at half speed.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Sana frowns at her handful of mush. She could tell she'd gotten exactly the number of berries that she wanted... and yet they were all goop. She sighs inwardly as she listens to the others interact insomuch as she can, butterflies starting to well up in her stomach. Anxious butterflies or excited butterflies still undetermined. Her heel bounces as she looks around herself in anticipation.

Sana refreshes her haste to 8 rounds once more, but otherwise waits nervously.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

...As Yui opens the door, Unafe sees a templar blocking her path to the demon, and attempts to pummel them into unconsciousness.

Round 1:

Stnd: Brutal Strike: 1d20 + 21 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 21 + 3 = 26
Damage, GH, -MF: 2d8 + 15 + 3 + 20 ⇒ (8, 5) + 15 + 3 + 20 = 51 +battered, -3 AC/CMD/Reflex.
Swft: (Only if that hit), Shout!
Free: Strike: 1d20 + 22 + 3 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 22 + 3 - 5 = 29
Damage, GH (nonlethal): 1d8 + 15 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 15 + 3 = 22
Enforcer (Demoralize): 1d20 + 31 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 31 + 3 = 50 [ooc](for 22 rounds)
+ Mark of the Grinning Skull: shaken penalties are +2 more vs Unafe
+ Shaken Defense: add'l +4 penalty to CMD

*NOTE* I'll let the first melee attack against me will auto succeed (Embracing Bear) and then use an AoO to Grapple: 1d20 + 25 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 25 + 3 = 35

35 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
32 CMB (35 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
5/7 Tension (3 start of combat, +1 hit, +1 move)
9/9 AP //
11/11 MP //
7/11 Momentum //
1/2 martial focus // -1 Brutal Strike
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit; 3 rounds)
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
All within my (currently 5') reach have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

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