Iseph Pregen |
is there any benifet to being closer than max range for your gun... which is 10 correct
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GM Khaoz |
I'm moving the captain out of the phase, since he can go at any time, and this round has already Encouraged Raia
Captain, Nilesr (Encouragement)
Engineer, Defi (Divert Weapons)
Science Officer, Navasi (Scan)
Science Officer, Raia (Scan)
Pilot, Iseph
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Your Pegasus weapons are as follows, Range and Point summary below.
Forward Light particle beam - 10 hexes - 3d6
Port Laser net - 5 Hexes — 2d6 Damage - Point +10
Starboard Light laser cannon - 5 Hexes - 2d4 Damage
Turret Light particle beam - 10 hexes - 3d6
Range: An attack with a starships weapon takes a cumulative -2 penalty for each range increment between it and the target.
Point: Can’t be fired against targets that are outside the first range increment.
So far the weapons you have detected on the Goblin Junkers are not tracking weapons, so the rest of Point is useless
Now, before moving I need Iseph to make a Piloting check (your Pegasus grants you an additional )+1, this is not an action, it's to set this round's order of "initiative".
Goblin Junkers Piloting (left to right): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 151d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
GM Khaoz |
We're nearing the 10 hour mark after Iseph's last message, I'm going to roll the Piloting check for your ship, so that we don't stall here.
Iseph's Piloting Check: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 1 = 26
Starship combat Initiative works different than ground (regular) combat, this means that for this round the Pegasus is the second fastest vessel.
So I'll move the two slower goblins in the map, then you move, and then the fastest goblin will move. The faster/better pilots get the advantage of being able to better position their ships, the slower pilots, even if they appear to move first have the disadvantage of making their moves 'blind'.
Your ship has a speed of 10 and Good Maneuverability (Turn 1), so you can make ONE turn per EACH hex moved. Each turn means that you can change facing to one of the adjacent sides of your hex.
nilesr |
Keskodai will give some helpful encouragement to his gunners (Whomever fires first gets the Bonus I guess...)
Target the junkers and fire!These sentients have no regard for life!
Encourage DC19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
GM Khaoz |
Keskodai will give some helpful encouragement to his gunners.
Encourage DC19: 22 = 22
Niles, you've taken your action for this round, you did encourage Raia yesterday. Rounds are longer in Starship Combat, and work different than ground (regular) combat. We have 3 phases each round, Engineering, Helm and Gunnery. After all three, if there are still two sides to the fight, we move to the next round and everyone gets their new action. I know that Starship Combats feels WAY slower in PbP, mostly because everything happens in 'parts'.
Keskodai was speaking softly with Chk-Chk when the klaxons began blaring. He hurried to the bridge and called out to Raia
What is it we are dealing with Scientist Raia?
Diplomacy DC19: 23 = 23 (Encouragement, Raia gets a +2 to Scan)
In the meantime, you can all leave him suggestions of what you think will be the best move for the ship, go into the middle (and make the goblins feel they're locked in there with you, and not the other way around), go outside the ones that have already moved, you can read the Pilot Stunts and plot a course of action, if we role play this right, you'll have more fun than the usual "roll dice, kill, loot" we eventually grow used to. Space combat can be filled with teamwork, your characters can communicate with each other the same way we've seen on movie/TV screens with the crews of the Enterprise, Serenity, or even Han Solo and Chewbacca (even if WE don't understand one side of that conversation).
Raia_Danviri |
wow, I was totally going to chill until my phase but... that inspirational GM speech.
Raia's face appears within a screen on the bridge. "Iseph, my scanners show that they do not have side or rear guns! I suggest you strafe them and avoid the front cannon!"
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Altronus The Solarion |
these are only single person ships so I don't understand why they have a forward facing gun that is weaker than the turret? They can only fire one so wouldn't the turret always be the better option? That being said, they can shoot us no matter which way they are facing, and their sheild is equal all the way around them. I am not sure their is advantageous strategy for this fight.
I like our forward facing gun. It has the most kick. Let's try to get one in that range so Uncle Fred I couldn't find the character name can blast the same one. Maybe we can get lucky and knock one out of the sky if we are aligned to hit the same target.
uncle feed can shoot any direction so Altronus was pretty much asking to have the front of our ship face toward an enemy ship.
Iseph Pregen |
Thanks for the bot. I was on 24 hour shift and just crashed when i got home
I alread made the piolot check to move
I will move us there and turn us 1 click to the left so we can hit the side of the goblin
KhaozKnight Owner - La Guarida Game Center |
I alread made the piolot check to move
Apologies! I did miss that part, that means you were faster than all the goblins. So I'll move Gob#3 to an inconvenient location.
I'll be at my computer in one hour or so, the goblins have another surprise in store for you, so don't shoot yet. =p-Posted with Wayfinder
Uncle Fred |
In the Pegasus' turret Obozaya sighs contentedly. This is an environment she can understand. Even at it's most turbulent, combat remains combat. Taking in hand the light particle beam's controls, she squeezes her large frame into the cramped gunnery seat. "Bridge, Obozaya here. Could you let that little green turd know I'm about to blow him and his crew into very, very small pieces."
Fire at Will!: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 7 - 2 = 10
Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10
GM Khaoz |
I updated the map, and forgot to send this message xP
Goblin Surprise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
You can see a cone of purple light coming from the nearby spire and enveloping your ship. Your engines start feeling a bit underpowered as this unseen force begins to turn you port-wise towards the false moon.
Iseph had stated that you finished your movement with your forward arc towards the nearest goblin, but the tractor beam rotated you so now you starboard side is in the direction of the nearest goblin.
You have two gunners, so you can make two attacks with two different weapons. Uncle Fred, you are using the turret, correct? Remember that the Pegasus has a Mk 2 duonode computer, which grants +1 to two different weapons. Seeing that -2, I'm guessing you're aiming for the one in the middle?
As Obozaya shoots for the Junker, the rotation by the beam skews his aim and his shot misses.
Gunner 2 You're up =)
P.S. Goblins have been numbered for ease of shooting at =)
Altronus The Solarion |
Altronus panics as the ship starts to turn away while he was trying to line up the shot on the forward facing gun. He shoots a look at Iseph and notices the tractor beam pulling us in! What is our plan for fighting the beam? I will use our starboard fun but killing these goblins won't mean much if we crash land in the moon.
Light laser cannon (shooting at #3): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
In his panic from having to switch guns and rushing to aim the new one, he shoots and misses the goblin ship.
Defi |
so a couple of things. One,when do rounds and phases and and begin? Two being the startrek nerd I am scan the moon and I'll try to divert power to whatever we need
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Raia_Danviri |
Gunners fired, so Goblin guns fire now. I'm going to assume they won't one-shot us. So... Engineers phase? And Scientist's phase? And Pilot roll initiative?
Raia's face appears on the screens once again. "I can't do anything about the lock! Maybe I can stop them from chasing us!"
Target System (Engine): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
Targeting Goblin #3, the close one. If the next shot which hits scores a crit (on a 19-20), bad engine stuff happens.
GM Khaoz |
so a couple of things. One,when do rounds and phases and and begin? Two being the startrek nerd I am scan the moon and I'll try to divert power to whatever we need
I left a small description on the Discussion tab, expanding a bit on what Raia said.
Snap Shot 1, Light Laser Cannon vs AC: 1d20 + 5 - 6 ⇒ (20) + 5 - 6 = 192d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
Snap Shot 2, Light Laser Cannon vs AC: 1d20 + 5 - 8 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 8 = 142d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
Snap Shot 3, Flak Thrower vs AC: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 2 = 143d4 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) = 7
The Goblin Junker in the middle of this dogfight manages to land a direct hit on your Starboard side, taking down almost a third of your Starboard shields. Iseph expertly manages to dodge the other two shots.
Target Lock (TL): This value is used when determining whether tracking weapons (see Type) hit a starships. TL is calculated based on the starships’s size, maneuverability, and defensive countermeasures, plus the pilot’s number of ranks in the Piloting skill.
Your Pegasus stat block is missing Iseph's Piloting skill ranks, which I guess is not 1 =P
PEGASUS SHIELDS: Forward 15, Port 15, Starboard 11, Aft 15.
PEGASUS HP: 65, CT: 13.
PCU: 165 (in case our Quig wants to Divert to Shields, that's 8 each round)
GM Khaoz |
First of all,
Captain, Nilesr Encourage One Gunner DC19:: 22 = 22 You get to choose one Gunner to encourage, if you still want to do this action.
Engineer, Defi Divert, where?
Science Officer, Navasi
Science Officer, Raia
Pilot, Iseph
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Team Pegasus, you're up =)
Altronus The Solarion |
I would recommend you encourage Uncle Fred. He is on the better gun. Also, I will hold off firing till after the movement phase.
Altronus is very disappointed with his first shot. I will let the team down if I keep making mistakes like that... Breath Altronus. Feel the balance of the stars and let it sooth you.
Sorry for my bad shot, I hope to aim better next time. Maybe I can account for the tractor beam in my next shot. Speaking of which. Maybe Iseph, you can try flying us away from the beam. Maybe it has a range?
I don't know which way the false moon is from where we are on the map but I was suggesting trying to move to the other side of the map as it. Just a thought.
Iseph Pregen |
do i need 3 pilot checks then? 1 for tractorbeam, 1 for order, and 1 for manuevering the spaceship?
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GM Khaoz |
@Altronus, the false moon'slocation and the tractor beam's are not so relevant for the map, that's why it's not there =) (or that's what the book said =P)
@Iseph, that's correct, first one Piloting check to escape the Beam, one for phase order, and if you escaped the pull one more for your action if it needs it.
Altronus The Solarion |
yeah, I can understand that. If the book doesn't cover it,there is no mechanic for it. I was thinking that we could try to maneuver and get the enemy goblins stuck in the beam by getting them between us and the source.
Uncle Fred |
I was actually aiming at the closest goblin junker, but I was under the impression that I was at a -4 from firing alongside another weapon system, but had a +2 from the engineering bay.
GM Khaoz |
@Uncle, the -4 penalty is if ONE GUNNER fires TWO weapons, with the Fire at Will Action. Your regular attack is the Shoot Action. In this case, if you had used Fire at Will, your ship wouldn't have any other weapon ready to fire in that round. But since you only rolled for one attack, we can retcon a bit (not like we are too far away from the Gunnery Phase), and get your actual dice roll.
Turret Attack: 5 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 15
Damage: 10 = 10
Attack bonus breakdown: 5 (previous dice result) +7 (BAB + DEX) +2 (Energy diverted to Weapons) +1 (Duonode computer)
*with the sound of a rewinding VHS*
Even after having the ship turned around the wrong way, Obozaya manages to realign the closest Junker in her sights, and with a light squeeze of the trigger BOOM! The particle beam finds the Aft of the Junker, depleting its shields and pierces the hull.
CT: 1d100 ⇒ 14
Your sensors can read a critical failure in this goblin's ship, its own sensors are glitching.
Goblin Junker 3
Shields Forward 5, Port 5, Starboard 5, Aft 0
HP 15
Glitches Sensors
Navasi. |
Just to be sure. Now we're in the second round waiting Isepth to make his piloting rolls to see if and where we move right?
It's shields are down! exclaims Navasi focus on it Then she turns to Raia[/b] I can try to aim our weapons to theirs, so they make less damage to us. Can you help Defi to divert more power to the weapons?[/b]
I think this turn we can benefit only of the target system action, so Raia or I should help in the engineer phase, and I can do it well.
Raia_Danviri |
Are we allowed to switch positions mid battle? Two engineers would probably be better than two scientists at this point. Also, I believe we can perform the target systems action twice in a round, once per system.
Raia looks over her shoulder, "I'm not sure if I have time to get to the engineering bay!"
nilesr |
For speed of play, assume that any bonuses I grant are for the very next applicable roll no matter who is making it.
Good shot Vesk Obozaya. We congratulate you on your martial artistry. To all crew: Continue the fight! Target those space goblins!
Encouragement DC19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 To the next attack roll
I know its probably too early for me, but once again I'm posting early with the intent of speeding things along.
Raia_Danviri |
Raia's face appears on the screens once again. "I can't do anything about the lock! Maybe I can stop them from chasing us!" Target System (Engine): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33 Targeting Goblin #3, the close one. If the next shot which hits scores a crit (on a 19-20), bad engine stuff happens.
Navasi, I just realized I already performed my action for this turn. You can target the weapons, or your could go to the engine bay. Either way!!
Raia looks anxious. "I don't have time to go to engineering yet! I need to finish targeting their engine first!"
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GM Khaoz |
Just to keep this moving, I'll let Defi chime in while we move to Helm phase, if Quig has no action before we start Gunnery, I'll bot a Divert to weapons.
Now we wait for Iseph's Piloting checks, and you can decide if your Science Officers go before or after the pilot.
Captain, Nilesr Encourage Turret DC19:: 22 = 22
Engineer, Defi Divert, (Weapons if not changed)
Science Officer, Navasi
Science Officer, Raia Target Goblin 3 System (Engine): 33 = 33
Pilot, Iseph
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Goblin Junkers Piloting (1; 2; 3): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 191d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Raia_Danviri |
"Iseph, where are we headed?" Raia looks to see what system Navasi is working on before starting her targeting systems.
Both science officers have to act together. I'm fine with targeting a different ship, if we're in range of one after we move. Navasi, do you want to target #3, or wait to see where we move?
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Iseph Pregen |
pilot check to break the beam: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
pilet check to determin init: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
pilot check to steer: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
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GM Khaoz |
Goblins 2 and 3 are slower than Iseph, so they'll move 'first', and we wait for your movement. None of the goblins will be farther than 10 hexes after their move, so Science Officers can do their Targeting at any point.
Captain, Nilesr [dice=Encourage Turret DC19:]22[/b]
Engineer, Defi Divert, (Weapons if not changed)
Goblins 2, 3
Science Officer, Navasi
Science Officer, Raia [dice=Target Goblin 3 System (Engine)]33[/B]
Pilot, Iseph
Goblin 1
Gunnery: +2 to Turret from Capt.
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Uncle Fred |
So Raia has painted a target on the previously hit goblin junker. Does this mean that I get a bonus if trying to hit that subsystem?
Raia_Danviri |
Raises face appears in the gunner's HUD. "Obazaya! If you shoot at the same ship, and you aim well, the guns should hit their engines and do some serious damage!"
The next time someone shoots at #3, this effect triggers. If you roll a 19 or 20, you will do normal crit damage in addition to damage to their engine. Not likely, but what's a science officer to do.
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GM Khaoz |
Iseph, even if you failed at the Maneuvers DC, you can still move your ship up to its speed and regular turns. (Your forward is the side of the hex with the front on edge, opposite the blue nameplate). Gunners, roll your attacks even without knowing who you'll hit, we'll define your targets after your movement. I'm guessing your plan was to try and get in Goblin #3's Aft arc, which is unreachable based on your speed and position. Navasi, I'll be rolling your dice as well, just let us know if you're Scanning a Junker to get new info or Targeting a different Goblin.
Bold can declare actions.
Captain, Nilesr Encourage Turret DC19: 22 = 22
Engineer, Defi Extra Power to Weapons: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Goblins 2, 3
Science Officer, Navasi Your call: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Science Officer, Raia Target Goblin 3 System (Engine): 33 = 33
Pilot, Iseph
Goblin 1
Gunnery: +2 to Turret from Capt. and 1s count as 2s on damage dice.
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Also, I had forgotten to answer this. Changing Roles You can switch between roles (or assume a role if you don’t already have one), but this change must occur at the start of a round before the Engineering phase. You can switch to the captain or pilot role only if that role would otherwise be vacant (or if the character in that role is unable to take actions).
Navasi. |
I think we know all we need from the goblin's ships, so I'll target Goblin 2 in case Altronus or Fred blow up the other junker
I'm targeting the weapons of the other junker. adds Navasi. But only in case you destroy the one Raia is targteting
Raia, don't worry if we don't coordinate well. Being 7 players mean there's one more crew to act than needed And we all are learning
Defi |
Defi feeling the but and seeing the shields drained diverts power to repair the shields
Eng. Check: Divert power to shields: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
way to go nat20
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Altronus The Solarion |
Altronus fires at who ever is most convenient with which ever gun is best aligned, prioritizing goblin 3. I will roll to hit here and roll damage for each of the weapons and we will use which ever weapon can hot goblin 3. If goblin 3 dies from Fred, I will fire what ever one will hit goblin 2.
attack!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
forward?: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) = 13
port: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
starboard: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
I placed my attack in spoiler so that my action wouldn't influence where we move. That is the main reason I wanted to wait till we moved to roll.
Uncle Fred |
Obozaya chuckles. "Where do you thing you're going?"
Turret vs #3: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 1 = 20
Damage vs #3: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) = 9
Iseph Pregen |
i think it is up 4 and left to with a 1 turn counter clockwise rotation to chase #3 correct? That is what we are wanting to do get in range of 2 and 3 and farther from 1? I cant move the ship but unless someone else has a better approach or i am doing something wrong, then i will move up 4 left 2 with a counter clockwise turn
"He is moving away. Hold on while i get us back into possision"
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GM Khaoz |
Captain, Nilesr Encourage Turret DC19: 22 = 22
Engineer, Defi Divert Power to Shields: 33 = 33
Goblins 2, 3
Science Officer, Navasi Target Goblin #1 System (Weapons): 21 = 21
Science Officer, Raia Target Goblin #3 System (Engine): 33 = 33
Pilot, Iseph
Goblin 1
Gunnery: +2 to Turret from Capt.
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
i will move up 4 left 2 with a counter clockwise turn
I tried my best to move like you said, but first had to turn the ship around, and that's as far awya as you can get from #3 before getting penalties. #1 moved after you.
You can see the goblins move slower as you approach the glitching one, you get into position to put it between you larger weapons crosshairs. Only to find that the Junker that had been farther away glides between the other two, and your systems alert of incoming attacks. Raia manages to paint this Goblin to receive a larger payload.
Goblin Gunnery 1; 2; 3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 - 2 = 171d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Goblin Damage 1; 2: 3d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) = 62d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Turret vs #3: 20 = 20
Damage vs #3: 9 = 9
Altronus fires prioritizing goblin 3.
attack!: 20 = 20
forward: 13 = 13
PEGASUS SHIELDS: Forward 15, Port 4, Starboard 15, Aft 15.
PEGASUS HP: 65, CT: 13.PCU: 165 (Divert to Shields, 8)
Your ship shakes with the hit from two of the goblin vessels, the third attack going horribly away from you as the Junker gets hit by both of your gunners. You can see it disappear from your sensors and you see a small explosion where the tiny ship was just a second ago.
This time, we'll try getting Engineering and Helm together, I'll fix the timing of your actions =)
Captain, Nilesr
Engineering & Helm
Engineer, Defi
Goblins Piloting: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 211d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Science Officer, Navasi
Science Officer, Raia
Pilot, Iseph
Goblin 3
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Defi |
Defi and Urgo work as much power as they can spare into recharging the shields!
Eng. Check: Pier to shields: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
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Raia_Danviri |
Raia's voice comes over the com system, slightly frantic. "We've been hit! I'll balance our shields back to Port!"
Balance (Starboard to Port): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27
However much engineering patches, I'll move over the rest so that Port is full.
nilesr |
From earlier
Good shot Vesk Obozaya. We congratulate you on your martial artistry. To all crew: Continue the fight! Target those space goblins!
Encouragement DC19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 To the next attack roll
GM Khaoz |
Captain, NilesrEncouragement DC19: 12 = 12
Captain Keskodai's words are lost between the sounds of battle and the adrenaline of the gunners.
Engineering & Helm
Engineer, Defi Engineering: Divert too shields: 25 = 25
PEGASUS SHIELDS: Forward 15, Port 12, Starboard 15, Aft 15.
Science Officer, RaiaBalance (Starboard to Port): 27 = 27
PEGASUS SHIELDS: Forward 15, Port 15, Starboard 12, Aft 15.
Science Officer, Navasi
Goblins Piloting: 21 = 2112 = 12
Pilot, Iseph
Goblin 3
Gunner, Altronus
Gunner, Fred
Navasi. |
I'm looking where you should shot to make disable their weapons says Navasi as she targets goblin 1 weapons. I'll tell you where I can discern something, they look like trash solded without a plan!
Computers: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 4 = 15
I think we can use the ship computer for 2 rolls. Nobody said to use them so I suppose thy are for the gunners (and I prefar that way)