GM IronDesk |

There are lots of things to love about PBPs - the chance for players to delve deep into their character’s stories, for players from all over the world to meet and game together, and all the other benefits that come from that. One of the things it is not good at is moving things along quickly. It can take months to accomplish in a PBP what can be done in one sit down session, and years to even come close to finishing an adventure path. From what I’ve seen, most sadly never last that long.
I’m also a voracious consumer of 3PP products and, again sadly, never get to see most of them in action.
So I’ve decided to kill two birds with one stone and launch a PBP that is episodic in nature, allowing players to come and go between episodes as their interest wanes or waxes. There will also be an overarching plot linking the episodes and rewarding long term involvement as well. This “campaign-light” will utilize the excellent adventures published by Raging Swan and will be loosely based on their Lonely Coast mini-setting.
I’d like interested players to submit a character background and personality sketch, along with a rough outline of your crunch. Completed character stats and alias will not be required unless selected.
Level: 1; max HP (1/2+1 afterwards); average starting wealth
Stats 25 pt buy, but no more than one stat at 18 and none lower than 8 before racial mods
Alignment: Any non-evil
Classes: Any core, APG, Ulitmate Magic/Combat. Some 3PP allowed (see spoiler below). Sorry, no playtest classes.
Traits: 1 Campaign trait (see spoiler below) +1 of your choice.
Spells, feats, equipment: Same as classes above, but if there’s something else you’d like to bring forward, please do so.
Finder of lost things: Whether you are an aspiring investigator or bounty hunter, newly deputized member of the Swallowfeld militia, or self sufficient woodsman, you’ve always had a knack for finding things and solving problems, and the people around town know you for it. You’ve accepted a job from the merchant Tryfena to recover a pair of silver earrings with three red stones in them that was recently stolen from her shop. She’s offered you 100gp for the return of the jewellery. She doesn’t care what happens to the thief. You gain a +1 to perception checks to search, and +1 to survival checks to follow tracks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you.
Family Matters(Elves or half elves only): You have traveled to the lonely coast at the behest of the cruel elven mercenary captain Tahllian Liaiamne, whose son has fled from his duties. The concerned father has offered you 100gp if you can find his son and convince him to return, or at least get word back of his whereabouts. Your time among the mercenaries have taught you to watch your back and sharpened your reflexes. You gain +1 to Reflex saves.
Respect your elders: One of your parents was raised in the church of Darlen, and has sent you out to pay tribute to one of their old mentors. They have given you a finely illustrated copy of Darlen’s Book of Exalted Prayers with instructions to deliver it to Father Ruan, the Head Abbot of the priory of Cymer. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (history) checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you.
Pilgrim: You are a devout follower of Darlen and have undertaken a pilgrimage to the priory of Cymer to pray before the high altar. You hope that this will provide some guidance or relief from the dark dreams that have troubled you of late. Your unshakeable faith grants you a +1 to Will saves
Infected: Something dark and unnatural has begun to creep forth from the wilds of the Lonely Coast and you have recently run afoul of it. You begin the game infected with zombie rot, and are hurrying to the priory of Cymer in the hopes that the monks there can cure you. You gain a +1 to Fortitude saves, and if you are cured, you gain a +2 to save vs any future diseases.
Last Ironwolf (humans only) : Your great uncle was Valentin Ironwolf, a famous adventurer who retired to the lonely coast to establish a keep on the frontier, and was never heard from again. Raised on stories of you famous uncle and his mysterious disappearance, you have gathered the last of your inheritance and traveled to the Lonely Coast to follow his legacy. You have determined that your first stop should be the archives at the priory of Cymer. You gain an additional 300gp at character creation, and a +1 on Knowledge(nobility) checks.
Local kid makes good: You have always been someone the other kids looked up to, known for always doing the right thing. Rumours of bandits and other, darker, things harassing the good folk of the Lonely Coast – your friends and neighbours – are becoming more and more common, and its about time someone stood up and did something about it! You gain a +1 to save vs fear effects, and +1 to CMB checks to one combat maneuver of your choice.
Student of the Tuath:You have been apprenticed to a sage who has devoted their life to studying the history of the Tuath The lost civilization that ruled this area long before the coming of modern man. You have been tasked by your master to visit the archives of Cymer and comb them for any new information on the Old People and their places of power. You gain +1 to Spellcraft and Knowledge(arcana) checks and one of these skills is always a class skill for you.
Maben’s Irregulars: You are in service to the Locher family that rules the Lonely Coast, moving from town to town, keeping your ears to the ground and reporting issues back to the constables. Some might call you a snitch or spy, but you like to think of yourself as someone who solves problems before they become problems. You gain +1 to diplomacy checks to gather information and +1 to Knowledge(local) checks, and Diplomacy or Knowledge(local) is always a class skill for you.
Alluria – Remarkable Races
Dreadfox – Ritualist, Swordmaster
Kobold Press – Adv Races: Centaurs
Radiance House – Pact Magic
Rite Publishing – In the company of Gargoyles, Fey, Minotaurs; Divine Channelling
Rogue Genuis – Armiger, Death Mage, Godling, Mosaic Mage, Shadow Assassin, Time Thief
TPK – Scions of stone, Deductionist
Recruitment will be open until Sat June 7th

GM IronDesk |

Because some classes and archetypes are MAD, and I am really not a fan of ability dumping unless there is an in character reason for it.
I see. That's reasonable. And in hindsight I may have been stifling too many options, so I've changed the stats generation to: Stats: 25 pt buy, but no more than one stat at 18 and none lower than 8 before racial mods
@DoubleGold: Definitely not PFS or PFS characters. None of the adventures that I'm planning on using so far are published by Paizo.
@GermanyDM: You have the right of it. The Lonely Coast is comprised of a half dozen small frontier towns and villages separated by large tracts of wilderness, dotted with ancient ruins and hostile humanoids. The party will have to be fairly self sufficient. And I'd say the setting is a little lower on magic that baseline Golarion.

drbuzzard |

Looks interesting, but I don't know the setting at all which makes a background rather difficult.
I was thinking of the Mighty Godling from Super Genius Games (I assume that is what you mean by Rogue Genius, at least this is what is in the d20pfsrd). I would need to know of the pantheon before I could cook it up correctly.

GM IronDesk |

The setting is downloadable for free here.
But you don't need to have read it to play; it a pretty generic fantasy setting. Hopefully the campaign traits I included will help people along with character creation - I'll see if I can throw up some more info on the campaign tab later today to provide more inspiration.
@Azten: The towns in the area have pretty low gp caps, which makes purchasing choice magic items harder. The civilized population is low which means few high level NPC spellcasters to research new spells from, and with the speed of pbps it unlikely the PCs will reach high enough level to craft more than minor magical items for quite some time. I don't mean to say that the party will be magic starved by any stretch, but there won't be a Magic-Mart or Spells r'Us either.
@Wilhelm Shieldbreaker: I don't mind at all! Happy reading, and I look forward to your submission.

st00ji |
this does sound interesting. perhaps a little like you, i've been playing tabletop for decades. lately my regular group has become less and less regular, and im finding the lack of a creative outlet troublesome.
im not familiar with the campaign setting (my regular group plays PF ruleset in faerun) but i have had it in mind to play a small character who rides a medium mount for some time - ideally with a shamanistic fluff, beast totem sort of thing, possibly using summoner or maybe druid class to accomplish. however from a brief reading of a bit of lonely coast stuff it sounds like such a character might not fit in too easily in whats probably a fairly xenophobic community.
so depending on your thoughts on that front, i also like the idea of a wilderness survivalist / scout, perhaps taking two of the campaign traits (if allowed) - mabens irregulars and finder of lost things - which gives him nice ties to the community. perhaps a stereotypical orphan or shipwreck survivor, taken in by the locher family he feels a duty to the survival of the community which enabled his own survival - though his own feelings of isolation means he has never truly integrated into the close knit fellowship of the locals.
hence he acts for what he sees as that communities greater good, possibly regardless of the impact on individuals - perhaps a little like varys from GoT in terms of motivations, taking it upon himself to act as enforcer, investigator, protector, and occasionally executioner, sometimes as directed by his lord, sometimes not.
in terms of crunch ranger seems an obvious choice but i also like the idea of the ninja mechanics, without the standard fluff.
i see campaigns as a combined creative effort, so open to your input on all fronts :) would love to be involved!

st00ji |
having read some more of the lonely coast PDF, i feel like my small humanoid could still work, depending on the intended direction of the campaign and so forth - perhaps as a goblin, forced to band together with the other PCs in the face of a greater threat - the enemy of my enemy, etc. could make for some interesting tension.

drbuzzard |

OK, downloaded the setting. The section in deities is quite brief. I'm thinking of a character who is rather in the tradition of the old Greek heroes where some god decided to mate with a comely mortal. Hence the godling class. Probably a god of strength (mighty godling subclass). The background would be his mother was a country lass who grew up weaving in an area of sheep herding. The son, seen to be illegitimate (no father around) ends up with a rather fringe job of a shepherd. This allows him to explore his strange lineage in secret while tending flocks.
Do I need to borrow or make up a god for this or is there a pantheon you would prefer to be used?

GM Niles |

OMG! I am so into the Lonely Coast and would be running it tabletop right now if I had the time.
I'm out of town until the 6th....I'll try and get something together for you though in the meantime.

ReliantLion |

I have a druid I'd like to play and the setting seems like a good match. I've never played PbP, but feel comfortable that I can handle it. Posting once a day would be easy for me, and could even post more often if it seemed useful.
I made an alias for my character (it's currently 20 pt buy, and would have to update) named Mitran Disol.

GM IronDesk |

@Tsiron Ragmar: Not familiar with Pathfinder DB. Can you send me a link?
@st00ji: Both your concepts would work just fine. I like the survivalist with two campaign traits. I have no problem reflavouring the ninja mechanics to fit you concept. Goblin would be a challenge to play but could work. I was planning to downplay any xenophobia on the part of the locals, but goblins and other overtly evil humanoids would still be a stretch.
@drbuzzard: Yes, The godling stuff from (formerly Super now Rogue) Genius Games. Sounds like a great start. For Deities lets start with the three in the campaign setting and feel free to create something new to add on to it. At this stage all that would be needed is a portfolio, domains, favoured weapon...the rest we can flesh out as the game unfolds.

st00ji |
@st00ji: Both your concepts would work just fine. I like the survivalist with two campaign traits. I have no problem reflavouring the ninja mechanics to fit you concept. Goblin would be a challenge to play but could work. I was planning to downplay any xenophobia on the part of the locals, but goblins and other overtly evil humanoids would still be a stretch.
alright, lets roll with the survivalist/ninja for now. either idea could be reworked to suit party dynamics i think, so depending on the final group i could adjust accordingly. would you like me to stat up a fully fledged character?

ReliantLion |

Here is my character submission, Mitran Disol, Druid.
EDIT: I suppose I should mention that I plan on having him be in melee combat most of the time. He won't be super focused on casting.
Domains (Animal, Earth, Knowledge, Plant, Travel)
Favored Weapon (Scythe)
Mitran Disol was born to rather regular folk of the village of Oakhurst. His father, Kirgas, was murdered when Mitran was only 10 years old, presumably by goblins while Kirgas was hunting. Nuam, Mitran's mother, has never been the same since, barely involved in Mitran's upbringing thereafter. Mitran spent much of his time with his childhood friend, (another PC or a male human from Oakhurst), adventuring into The Tangled Woods. Together, they discovered a mud hut where a hermit lived. A kindly old gentleman and a druid, Ja'Loc took Mitran under his wing. Before Ja'Loc passed when Mitran was 16, he taught the young man much of his practice, about the hated goblins, and the many wonders of nature.
Recently, Mitran has been apprenticed to a sage studying Tuath, and has been sent to Cymer to find any further information available in the archives there.
Mitran is most at ease when in the woods, preferring idle chit chat with others while roaming. Total silence bores him, unless absolutely necessary.
He has little difficulty accepting other people as long as the acceptance is mutual. However, people who in his eyes do no work and are thankless to nature's bounty do not sit well with him. Mitran would rather pretend to be a mindless commoner in front of a Lord, than make himself noticed in any way.
Modest and often unsure of himself, Mitran never hunts alone, afraid that goblins will take him in a similar fashion as his father. In memorial to Kirgas, Mitran always hunts on the anniversary of his death. Peculiarly, he is always very successful, and often brings enough to have a small feast.
Male Human Druid 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 0
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 14 (1d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +3 (1d6+4) and
. . scimitar +3 (1d6+3/18-20)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3):
1st—cure light wounds, shillelagh (DC 13)
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, light
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Flanking Foil, Toughness
Traits dangerously curious, Student of the Tuath
Skills Handle Animal +3, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +6, Survival +8, Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Druidic, Goblin
SQ hero points, nature bonds (animal companion), wild empathy +0
Other Gear hide armor, quarterstaff, scimitar, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, feed (per day) (5), flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 26 gp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Flanking Foil Foes you strike lose their flanking bonus against you
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

ReliantLion |

I love the idea of teamwork feats. I played a Monk with a friend Inquisitor with whom we shared the flanking feat. We TPK'd a few sessions later, so we never truly panned out the whole thing, but when we worked together we fought much more naturally. Like how in fantasy novels, people having adventured together just know what the other is going to do instinctively. Mechanics aside, it's pure awesome.

GM IronDesk |

@Azten: Likely starting in Swallowfeld
@GM Niles: Prior knowledge is fine...I trust players to be responsible with it.
@st00ji: Fully statted submissions are nice but not necessary. What I really want to see is a short stat block ( race/class/name min),background/personality to give me an idea of how you'll play him and how I can work him into the story, and a rough idea of where you're going with the stats so I can get a feel for party role and progression.
@ReliantLion: Thanks for the submission! Have you decided what kind of animal companion to take?

Tsiron Ragmar |

Here's the class. Pathfinder DB is a place where players can put their new custom content on for all to see.

st00ji |
alright, fair enough.
Skender Baris, level 1 human ninja
str - 13
dex - 18 (16 +2 for human)
con - 12
int - 14
wis - 13
cha - 12
traits -
finder of lost things, survival as a class skill
mabens irregulars
Skender washed up on shore one day as a young boy following a fierce storm. the truth to his origins are unknown, and could be otherwise (at the GMs discretion) than what seems obvious - that he somehow survived a shipwreck. found and taken in by a ranger in the service of lord locher and his wife, Skenders adoptive parents were dutiful in his raising. Skender however has always felt himself to be an outsider, and bears his parents only a passing affection. As he grew Skender began to spend more and more time alone, and the rudiments of woodlore his adoptive father had taught him began to take a darker twist - he found delight in his ability to pass unnoticed, and only feels truly alive while stalking someone or something, be it object or foe.
it was during these early years that Skender met and befriended Mitran - perhaps the only person he truly regards as a friend, though given reliantlion describes him as somewhat insecure Skender probably manipulates him mercilessly.
blessed with great physical and mental gifts, Skender secretly considers himself superior to everyone else he knows and thus has a certain level of arrogance in thought and action. he has recently killed his first man and takes a dark delight both in his mastery over the life of another, and the fact of it being a secret.
though outwardly law abiding this is mostly to avoid drawing attention to himself. he considers himself a man grown, but is in fact still a teenager in mind at least. at times he has childish imaginings of his real parents being royalty of some sort, or great heroes, or indeed even demigods, and tends to be prideful and easily insulted.
in spite of this he is loyal to a fault when it comes to his friends, and puts great value in his word (and the word of others).
in short Skender stands at a crossroads, darkness beckons but redemption is still a possibility - the next few years of his life will be make or break.
i see Skender as primarily a skill monkey/scout, preferring to strike from hiding as a flanker in combat. he'll probably finesse a scimitar, relying on sneak attack and poison for damage, and depending on what level the campaign reaches, critical feats for status debuffs.
love the idea of setting up some teamwork feats with mitrian and his animal companion.
im putting him together in herolab at the moment - will post up a link to google docs or something a bit later.

Viluki |

Across the Kingdoms and in the Lonely Coast itself a war is being waged, few know of save for ghostly whispers heard in the darker corners of taverns and churches... This war is between the holy and the occult, the worshipers of the Gods believe that those who use the occult art of Pact Magic are a blight upon the world, fit only to be exterminated. The Holy know no weariness nor mercy in their crusade and thanks to their actions most binders have united in common cause against them...
These Binders are members of the "Society" and are spread throughout the land and in the Lonely Coast they congregate in one particular settlement, Oakhurst. Oakhurst itself while seemingly established by the disenfranchised and criminals was actually founded by the "Society" who used Oakhurst's remoteness to hide the place's true nature...
Oakhurst is a sanctuary and academy of Pact Magic, in addition to this it is also acts as one of the greatest dens of intrigue in the Lonely Coast... Oakhurst's inhabitants are currently trying to sway important figures within the Lonely Coast to their side. To do this they have selected special agents to both gain allies and eliminate threats ruthlessly...
Gm do you like my idea? The character I would be running would probably be a ranger Foe Reaper, Rogue Untouchable or Inquisitor of either the Pact Protector of Occult Sadist archetype.

st00ji |
heres a first draft of Skender.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-mdZdncUR38aHdzNjhFczhXOWs/edit?usp=shari ng
you may note i have changed his stats a bit, and also have him wielding a wakazashi - it turns out you cant finesse a scimitar... lol. wondered how you feel about this, either reskinning the wakazashi, or saying no, or maybe Skender was clinging to one when he washed up on the beach.

![]() |

Is this first come first served? Because it looks like you have plenty of applications already if that is the case.
If not then I'd like to post a spellcaster from Swallowfeld. Fair warning I have written a couple of bits and pieces for RSP and gamed with him. Also run Retribution once before, although it ended in a tpk.
Either way GM Irondesk, I'll let Creighton know about this.

GM IronDesk |

@Tsiron Ragmar: Sorry, I'll have to say no on the PathfinderDB stuff
@st00ji: Starting with a wakizashi is fine as it fits your story, but be aware I won't be porting Asian themed equipment into the setting, so finding replacements or upgrades will be exceedingly difficult.
Viluki: I've got plans for Oakhust, and I really don't want to get into a whole organized secret society/secret war sub-plot. What about either 1)PC has fled persecution elsewhere to hide in the Lonely Coast where pact magic is little known; and/or 2)PC has come arrived following lore that this region is rich in forgotten binder lore. Out of curiosity, why a pact magic archetype rather than a straight up occultist?
@French Wolf: Not first come first serve. I'm keeping recruitment open until this Saturday because I want people unfamiliar with the setting to have a fair chance to check it out and develop character ideas if they are interested. We'll likely be starting with Retribution. Give the nature of the adventure I don't know if you'd be interested in running through it again but if so, go for it - as I said upthread, I trust players to be responsible with prior knowledge. Oh, and not the least bit intimidating having your and Creighton paying attention :)

![]() |

French Wolf sent me the link for this campaign and I just wanted to say hi! I hope you all have tremendous fun on the Lonely Coast!
If you've got questions or queries about the setting just send me a message here and I'd be happy to answer it.
@GMIronDesk - I have a new version of Retribution out: the Collector's Edition. If you don't have let me know and I shoot you over a copy at RPG Now.(Send me a personal message so I definitely get it; I often fail to spend enough time on the Paizo boards).

Viluki |

Actually I'll take both options, best to maximize my roleplaying opportunities.
I'm rather fond of the old classes from 3.5 Pact magic book done by the same company that did it for pathfinder... They had instead of archetypes actual classes, occultist was only on of them, the Foe Hunter (now the ranger Foe Reaper) etc...
I'm still debating which class to go let me think here... I would like to use the Atlan race from the old 3.5 Secrets of Pact Magic book... They have a conversion guide here for moving the Atlan from 3.5 to pathfinder.
Atlan Racial Traits
Atlan characters possess the following racial traits.
—Medium: As Medium creatures, atlans have no special bonuses
or penalties due to their size.
—Atlan base land speed is 30 feet.
—Born of Pact Magic: Atlans are capable with pact magic.
Since ancient times it has flowed in their blood. All atlans gain
the Minor Binding feat for free. They are able to bind with a 1stlevel
spirit to receive one granted ability of that spirit of their
choice. They receive this in addition to any other spirits they
can bind. Each day the atlan can select a different spirit. Unlike
other characters with this feat, atlans do not need to meet
the spirit’s requirements. However, they must still perform the
ceremony, attempt the binding check, and experience all other
aspects of binding as usual. For example, any atlan can bind
with Aza’zati the Green Wyrmling and select one of that spirit’s
granted abilities such as acid gout, detect gold coins, or swim bonus.
An atlan can select a spirit’s capstone-granted ability as his or
her chosen ability for the day when the binding check succeeds
by 10 or more.
—Ancient Knowledge: Apply a +1 inherent bonus to all
Decipher Script, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history),
and Knowledge (the planes) skill checks. These skills typically
require training in order to use them effectively.
—Spirit Mark: Each atlan possesses a distinctive birthmark that
betrays his or her heritage. The mark provides a racial bonus on
all saving throws to resist the effects of supernatural abilities.
The bonus equals +1 per 5 character levels (round down), to a
maximum of +4 at 20th level.
—Profane Presence: Atlans gain a +1 bonus on Charisma-based
skill checks when dealing with goblinoids and fiends (demons
and devils). However, animals cannot help but sense something
is amiss. Atlans suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-based skill
checks when dealing with animals.
—Aquatic Affinity: Modern atlans have a link to the sea due
to the lingering curse of the gods that drowned their empire.
They always have Swim as a class skill and are able to hold their
breath for 4x their Constitution score.
—Cold-Water Tolerant: Modern atlans ignore Fortitude saves
against hypothermia or similar effects due to immersion in cold
water or exposure to normal cold weather (0 to 40 degrees F.).
This offers no protection against cold energy.
—Divine Curse: Due to a curse of the gods, atlans suffer a -2
penalty on all saving throws to resist divine spells.
—Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Aquan,
Goblin, Infernal. The ancient language of the atlans is based
upon the Infernal language. In addition, many texts and legends
of the Atlan Empire have survived in goblinoid communities.
—Height, Weight and Age: Same as human.
—Favored Class: Any with spirit binding as a class feature.

st00ji |
having thought about it a fair bit, and since we have a little longer til you close recruitment, i've put a bit of time into my small mounted character idea too.
Tomi would be a halfling with a tribal background, pushed to the lonely coast in part by the typical wanderlust, but i was also thinking to take the pilgrim trait - modified somewhat (with your permission of course) - the idea behind the character being that Tomi is a totemic shaman and is on a journey of self discovery. his spirit guide has pointed him towards the lonely coast as a place to strengthen his bond to the spirit world.
i'd set him up as a summoner, with the Eidolon acting as his mount and also as a manifestation of his spirit guide - almost the reverse of the typical summoner/eidolon bond, with the eidolon being the wiser of the two (if not strictly the master). Tomi is young and brash, with a streak of small man syndrome, an inveterate risk taker and gambler. quick to anger and quick to forgive, Tomi likes to see the good in everyone and cannot resist backing the underdog.
i'd also like to take a couple of barbarian levels to reflect partly his background, to capture that wild shaman feel - but also to bump up his combat ability a bit as i plan for him to fight from the back of his eidolon.
if you like the idea i'd appreciate your input on the multiclass idea - whether to start him as a barbarian or a summoner... the mount is a big part of the concept, but in alot of ways it makes more sense to start as a barbarian and arrive at the summoner class as part of his self discovery.
let me know what you think!

Wilhelm Shieldbreaker |

Really interested in the armiger although the only rules I can find are listed as being by super genius games, is that the same people? Can't read the background from my phone, so I will put him together tomorrow morning when I am off shift. As he may struggle without another front line fighter I am interested in putting together a fighter (viking archetype) as another option (if I can work a suitable background).

drbuzzard |

Wilf the Shepherd.
Human Mighty Godling 1
Str 20 (18+2)
Dex 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Chr 8
HP 14
Fort +4
Ref +4
Will +1
Handle Animal +3
Survival +4
Perception +4
Acrobatics +6
Local kid makes good (+1 CMB Grapple)
Indomitable fath
Improved Unarmed attack
Improved grapple
BAB +1
CMB + 6(+9 grapple)
CMD 18 (20 vs. grapple)
greatclub +6 1d10+7

GM IronDesk |

@Wilhelm Shieldbreaker: Yes Armiger by super genius is the same as Armiger by rogue genius (company broke into separate pieces.
@Viluki: Lets just stick with what's in pact magic unbound. No Atlan please.
@st00ji: I can't find a trait named "pilgrim." Can you send me a link? Tomi sounds fun. While a barbarian dip would be appropriate and bump his close combat ability some, every advice guide I've read recommends against it because you delay both spell and eidolon progression. That said, one lvl of barbarian would net you: better weapon choice, a fort save boost, a few extra HP (4 if you started at lvl 1, 2 otherwise), +1 BAB, fast movement (great for a small race if you weren't going to be mounted most of the time) and enough rage for probably 1 good encounter a day. Might not be a bad trade off.

st00ji |
@st00ji: I can't find a trait named "pilgrim." Can you send me a link? Tomi sounds fun. While a barbarian dip would be appropriate and bump his close combat ability some, every advice guide I've read recommends against it because you delay both spell and eidolon progression. That said, one lvl of barbarian would net you: better weapon choice, a fort save boost, a few extra HP (4 if you started at lvl 1, 2 otherwise), +1 BAB, fast movement (great for a small race if you weren't going to be mounted most of the time) and enough rage for probably 1 good encounter a day. Might not be a bad trade off.
I agree it's not ideal for the typical summoner, but I'm hopeful it will work out ok in this case. I would like to give it a try anyway, and if you are happy with the concept I think I would prefer to play this character over the scout idea.
Oh and pilgrim is one of the campaign traits :) not sure how crucial the fluff is but obviously a wandering animalist/totem shaman is not going to be worshiping at darlens altar. If you aren't happy with me re-purposing it I will probably end up taking finder of lost things

Uriah Lewis |

Here is GM Niles's character
He is a Time Thief, a new class from Rogue Genius Games. He will play like a Fighter type with expanded class skills. His party role will be that of a melee damage dealer and secondary skills character.
To Uriah it is always the same, he wakes up naked and shivering and with only a vague recollection of what came before. His memories come to him in flashes of insight but he can never hold them for long. He knows that he has lived many lives...possibly hundreds or thousands of them. His memories are clouded with strange visions, flying carriages, noisy building filled streets, even light from tiny glass bulbs. He doesn't always understand what these mean but he does know that he doesn't belong in this timestream. Now if he could only remember what that meant... When Uriah woke up this time in Wolverton he made a slight stir, naked and wandering the streets until Lord Lorcher's men brought him in. Luckily they didn't hang him as a madman and instead he kept his wits about him and landed a job as a guard for the Lord. He served Lorcher for a couple of years until he felt a tug to return to the road, a feeling that there was something out there that might help him understand what was going on, and why he was here in the first place.

Viluki |

here is my character concept
Years ago the great purge began in Emerest Province, the priests of the jealous gods attempted to wipe out all users of Pact Magic from the province... Some needless to say escaped, one of these beings is Turin Baelor... Turin managed to escape the persecution, his habit of drawing the sacred seals in his own flesh helped him use the aid of the spirits to escape a grim death at the stake of "holy".
Turin relocated tot he Lost Coast and to Oakhurst village, in that place odd folk were not out of place and after a year of living there the natives came to accept that he was there to stay... Turin makes his living as a professional tattoo artist.
Turin Baelor is a grim and secretive man often prone to dark mutterings under his breath, especially when the "holy" men are near... Turin while his normal dour self around most, however when the so called "holy" men appear, especially those of the Justicar he tends to become even more sour then usual...
If these holy men start poking around Turin Baelor and other members of Oakhurst village often arrange "accidents" and so forth that tend to be lethal to the "holy". Turin Baelor keeps an eye on the Priory of Cymer, Turin suspects that if an inquisition is ever launched by the "holy" that it will be based there. Should that day come Turin Baelor and several other members of Oakhurst village are ready to stage an "inquisition" of there own...
Turin Baelor is a pale man who possesses a strong, lean face and short black hair. His eyes are gray and he stands at roughly six feet tall. He wears long, loose robes of a subdued black color to hide the tattoos which adorn his back...
Turin Baelor will be mechanically an Occultist with the Seal Etched archetype, based on the group chosen he can be built as a gish or as a caster. Regardless of which build his trait will be Student of the Tuath, although in his case he will be undertaking his studies without the aid of a master... The lore of the Occult is a potent enough lure for Turin, your thoughts GM?

GM IronDesk |

@st00ji: Ha, right, I wrote the pilgrm trait! I knew that! <oops>
Here's a rundown of submissions so far:
Completed submissions:
ReliantLion – Mitran Disol – Human Druid
GM Niles – Uriah Lewis - human Time Thief
Viluki – Turin Baelor – Human Occultist(Seal Etched)
Azten – Ray Remiar – Human Summoner
Drbuzzard – Wilf the Shepherd – Human Mighty Godling
Wolfgang Rolf
Wilhelm Shieldbreaker – armiger or fighter
St00ji – ninja or barb/summoner
Tsiron Ragmar
French Wolf
Aku Warashi

Lanarial |

IronDesk - sounds like we have similar backgrounds! I still have the original AD&D books and add-ons =)
Here is a character I developed a while ago and have never been able to play him for more than a few weeks before the games died. I will need to modify abilities to get to 25 (I think this is a 20 point build) and will take your 'Infected' campaign trait ('cause I'm a sucker for a good story and this one makes the most sense!)
He is fully developed on the character page, but here's the background for ease:
I have always been alone. I have always been an outcast. I have always been discarded. I have always waited…until now.
I was conceived from the rape of my human mother by her drow slave master; I was ripped from her body when she could no longer conceal her shame as yet another means to torture her and break her spirit. In this final act of horrible pain and suffering, the drow finally succeeded after years of efforts. My mother died from her broken spirit as much as her broken body.
Somehow I survived. Discarded; thrown away as so much garbage; yet I lived. I was given to the slavers, where I was never allowed to forget my mixed blood nor my unworthiness of the food, clothes, and shelter I received. I was beaten, ignored, taunted, and used as slave labor for the Mistress and her staff. I was never allowed to learn what the other drow children learned, and human children always perished quickly after being taken by drow. So I learned my own lessons…
I learned to fight. I learned to hide. I learned to disappear and strike from the shadows. At eleven I killed my first person – a kitchen scullion who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It felt…liberating. For the first time in my life I was in control. I decided the outcome. I controlled not only my fate, but the fate of someone else. It was glorious. And I knew what I was. Not an outcast...not a slave...I was the hand of vengeance.
I searched for years to determine who my father was, and once found I plotted his death for months. I had the b@$t@&* in my sights - perfectly hidden in the shadows with an old bow and a specially crafted arrow that would tear his flesh with the tiny barbs I had cut into the head and spread poison that I had stolen from the Mistress into his blood. I slowed my breathing; drew; aimed; and let my pain, my anguish, my hate fly towards his heart. The High Counsel for the Mistress. My father. Who lives only because a chill wind blew at the wrong time. The breath of the gods, perhaps. It matters not.
So I ran. I escaped the dark underground drow city into the world of light, where I live in the shadows, on the edge. I do what I know best. I hide. I fight when I must. I disappear and strike from the shadows. Now I am here, having run half-way across the overlands to escape my past and hide here in the human lands. No one notices me, or even looks my way. Imagine that. Hiding in plain sight!
Let me know if you have any questions/issues/suggestions!

st00ji |
heres a stat block for tomi
Tomi Petric
Halfling Barbarian 1
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 14 (1d12+2)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +0; +2 vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Melee lance +5 (1d6+4/×3) and
shortsword +5 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged sling +3 (1d3+3)
Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Power Attack
Traits deft dodger
Skills Handle Animal +9, Perception +5, Ride +7, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ fast movement
Combat Gear oil; Other Gear leather armor, lance, shortsword, sling, sling bullets (20), backpack, bit and
bridle, fishhook (5), flint and steel, hammer, iron spike (3), piton, sack, sack, pony (combat trained),
bedroll, blanket, winter, pack saddle, pot, riding saddle, rope, shovel, tent, small, torch, 3 gp, 8 sp, 4 cp
Special Abilities
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.