GM G's Mists of Mwangi (Inactive)

Game Master Magabeus

Trouble in the museum

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Tears at Bitter Manor

Silas skewers one of the weird monkeys, it goes down and now exactly looks like a wooden idol. The moment the idol reverts to its original form all the drumming monkeys stop for a moment, leaving the room in a weird, gloomy state. You are almost glad that they quickly start again.

Taking a bit of liberty with initiative order here. Anybody with break enchantment on their spell list is able to use the scroll, unfortunately that excludes alchemist's and witches. However break enchantment is on the cleric/oracle list

Grand Lodge

Ranger 1 - Init +1; Perception +6 - AC 14; touch 11; flat-footed 13 - hp 13 - Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Marduk the Pale wrote:

"Coronoides, if any of the monkeys get to the ceiling we are counting on you."

Cornoides thinks about a witty response but can't think of anything witty and doesn't blame his comrades for pulling his leg.

He finally manages a smile and then feels foolish - standing there with his sword with nothing to swing at.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Oracles? Those, we got.

"Dunno, let me take a look." Wyeth accepts the jungle artifact and studies it briefly. "Why this is no different than a scroll, really." He quickly surveys his surroundings, then moves to a spot that will allow the spell to affect everyone and everything in the room. Holding the incantation before him, he reads it aloud.

I don't need to roll a Spellcraft or anything for that, do I?


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 1 HP 2/8; AC 15, Touch 11, FF, 10; F+2, R+1, W+2; Init +2; Perc +1

Damn, Wyeth you beat me to it. I was almost useful THREE times in this adventure ;-)

"Yes, either of us could invoke it... hopefully it ends this cacophony."

Tears at Bitter Manor

Wyeth, the spellcraft check is waived, the man (Saldak) who gave it to you sufficiently described the scroll. A caster level check is required at DC 10 because you aren't lvl 9 yet.

I rolled for you but failed, so please make your own roll. If failed, please add a DC5 Wisdom check to avoid a mishap

Meanwhile it seems as if the two remaining wooden monkeys are invoking a power of their own, although it is unclear what that power could be. Although it seems as if their dark wooden exterior is now more akin to the white bark found in northern territories. Unfortunately no one is near enough to make use of the moment to land an attack on them

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas charges the closest monkey, but misses.

Glaiveg: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9 Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

After the lull in noise after the first statue was smashed, Saitama takes a couple of seconds to ponder the repercussions.

"I got it! Mauling monkey miniatures mellows maddening monkey music!" With that said, Saitama rushes over to smash the closest wooden monkey.

Rhythm Breaker knee @ wooden monkey: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage on hit: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas sighs, "Simply skewering simians Saitama, seeking silence so suspicious spellcasting stops."

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

Move to the nearest monkey.
Right fist: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 3 - 2 = 19
Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

C-c-c-c-combo breaker!


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 1 HP 2/8; AC 15, Touch 11, FF, 10; F+2, R+1, W+2; Init +2; Perc +1

As he sees the oracle attempting to invoke the complex enchantment, Sterelin concentrates on his companion bringing good fortune to the attempt.

Fortune Hex

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

I guess the GM will have to weigh in on whether I can use that, since "[The target] must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made" and I'm not clear on current initiative positions. GM, here's that Wisdom roll you asked for.

Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Whoa, geez Louise!

"I think this must be written in a magic dialect I don't know. Sterelin, you want to take a shot at it?" Wyeth asks, offering the artifact to the Varisian.

See, you still get your chance! :o)


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 1 HP 2/8; AC 15, Touch 11, FF, 10; F+2, R+1, W+2; Init +2; Perc +1

Sterelin concentrates on his own luck then takes the enchantment breaker and attempts to invoke it.

Fortune Hex

Caster Level Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Caster Level Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Grand Lodge

Ranger 1 - Init +1; Perception +6 - AC 14; touch 11; flat-footed 13 - hp 13 - Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2

Coronoides shakes his head at the level of banter considering they seem to have no answer to the current predicament.

When Wyeth fails to invoke the required magic, Coronoides' confidence falters - his hope is now with Stelerin - and he waits anxiously to see if he's been effective.

Tears at Bitter Manor

Sorry Sterelin, the spell is not on the witches list, so you can't even try, unless you have UMD.

Caster Lvl check Wyeth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Caster Lvl check Wyeth, Fortune Hex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

In a joint effort Sterelin and Wyeth manage to read the scroll; immediately the elf's face loosens and the feral visage is gone. The elf now screams out loud:

"Destroy those idols! They are the cause of the mists! Please help me!"

Meanwhile another monkey reverts to a more wooden state due to the actions of Saitama, while Marduk hits the last remaining one fair and square in the face with his right fist.

One monkey standing, others are out of combat

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

Marduk turns towards the last monkey.
"One more to go."

If by his turn it isn't down yet,
Right hook: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Took penalty unneeded last time.

Tears at Bitter Manor

And the last monkey is reverted to a more permanent state of wood.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Well done, gents!

Tears at Bitter Manor

You free the elf, who urges you to really destroy the three wooden idols. From the storeroom some mallets are organised and the three idols are duly destroyed. As the last idol is smashed into smithereens the mist disappears, causing all the monkeys to scatter from the museum!

The elf then introduces himself as Nigel, the curator of the museum. He thanks you profusely and urges you to accept his eternal gratitude and an item from his personal collection: an incredibly ancient Mwangi spear that Chelish explorers found near the colony of Sargava during the reign of the expansionist Chelish prince, Haliad I. It would be worth a great deal to the Pathfinder Society and they’d hungrily pay to include it in their collection.

Nigel also gifts you with a magical item he believes to be of special significance to Pathfinders: an ioun stone. He explains that many ioun
stones can be placed within a wayfinder to create fantastic magical effects, but remarks that his inferior stones are sadly not capable of such resonance.

Well done, please roll your day job's if applicable and I will send out the chronicles

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

According to text, i need craft, perform or profession. So too bad, it would count me out. Unless aiding a temple earns me abit.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Day Job (Craft (Alchemy)): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

Well, that's five gold I wouldn't've had otherwise... and with a -1 penalty on my only applicable skill, I ain't complainin'! :o)

Marduk, if it's any consolation (in a "misery loves company" sort of way), my PFS girl has no usable skills either and won't be able to earn anything until she makes 2nd Level (one more scenario). For now I just figure she's apprenticing to learn the ropes. ;o)

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

"Oh good, you are Nigel! Captain Hestram wanted us to save you! Mission accomplished!"

@GM: No Dayjobs for me! Also, will there be a round 2 with this group? :)

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Well I like hanging with you guys so I'm up for it, if you'll have me.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

That makes 3 of us.

Tears at Bitter Manor

Twist my arm will you. My considerations:

Pro's: I like the way you all roll
I really want to see Coronoides hit something with that bow ;-)

Con: I felt that I let you all down a bit at the end with my posting frequency. Therefore I am a bit reluctant. Let me think a bit on it.

What do the others think?

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

Well, it helped that Mists is a very short scenario all things considered (great for pick me up games!) I'd also be tempted to take over GM'ing role for the game after that (share the love and all).

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

@Saitama...who's going to be the Iroran fanatic then?
@GM G, don't sweat it. You kept the pace the majority of the time.


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 1 HP 2/8; AC 15, Touch 11, FF, 10; F+2, R+1, W+2; Init +2; Perc +1

I'd love to stick with the group for another session... And I believe that everyone has to understand a few pauses in posting - it is a game that can be paused, ulike life. BTW, Break Enchantment is a 5th level with spell according to the SRD:

Profession Fortune Teller: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

GM, my posting got a bit anemic at times too because of my schedule, shifting work situations, etc. I think we all realize that life happens. What you didn't do is simply disappear or flatly declare you couldn't finish the scenario. That matters more.

For what it's worth, the GM my other FPS character's playing under is about to start Library of the Lion for the existing group and has made some noises about running a second table. If you'd really rather take a break for a while, I can ask him if he wants a pre-made group ready to roll, rather than recruiting.

Only bad thing about that is, we are six already and it'd be awesome if you could play as well if you're not going to GM.

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

I can't Library of the Lion myself; I'm in another PbP with a different PC that is scheduled to do that in a few months time. Since that group has just been established, I'd hate to break that up. If the group does do that, I'll bow out of that session but be happy to join up for the next game :)

@Marduk: You'll have to do double duty on the Iroran goodness!

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Yeah, and I just came back to post my realization that GM G could play -- in Wyeth's spot! My other PC's already in the "alpha" party. Rerunning a scenario with a different character, maybe; playing two simultaneous instances... d'oh!

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas examines the objects with interest as he sizes up the elf, "Glad to have been of assistance. I hope this means the Pathfinder Society can call you friend again, and would ask you to consider rejoining our ranks."

Dayjob Craft Alchemy with Crafters Fortune: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

Thanks for running GM G, great game, the pace did suffer a little, but that's very common in PBP and simply finishing is an achievement. I would be up for another round, but I am currently inn Library of the Lion with another character.

Tears at Bitter Manor

OK, your support convinced me and we are in for another round

Regarding Scenario: will you have a look at what I already played through and see if anything catches your fancy? Note that there are some scenario's there that I currently play in (in italics), I will not run these as I like the encounters to be fresh.

Scenario List

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

I've heard the river rescue was fun. A friend completed it recently.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Past avoiding the ones I've been in if possible -- First Steps I, The Confirmation, Library of the Lion (and Mists of Mwangi obviously :o) -- I have no preference.

Tears at Bitter Manor

Wyeth, do you have craft (alchemy) trained?

Sterelin, I normally only check the Paizo PRD:
Break Enchantment and the Witch Spell List.

However I also just checked my Advanced Players Guide PDF and that clearly shows that Break Enchantment is a witch spell. My apologies.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4
GM G wrote:
Wyeth, do you have craft (alchemy) trained?

Hah! I was just about to type, "Yes sir I do," but thought to bring up Hero Lab to double-check and... no sir, I don't. :o(

I recall now I added it to the list in Hero Lab as a reminder to invest a rank at level-up. Seeing it on the online profile, I somehow conned myself into thinking he had a rank in it.

Thanks for keeping me honest, GM G. I deleted it from the online profile so it won't mislead me again. And there ya go, Marduk: More consolation for ya! :oP

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

Ah, 2 more scenarios and i'll put it into either craft or profession. No big deal.

Grand Lodge

Ranger 1 - Init +1; Perception +6 - AC 14; touch 11; flat-footed 13 - hp 13 - Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2

I don't have a profession or craft skill. What can I use for a day job roll?

Tears at Bitter Manor

Only perform, profession or craft are normally applicable for day jobs.

With some vanities from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide you could use another skill.

Tears at Bitter Manor
Wyeth Riceak wrote:
GM G wrote:
Wyeth, do you have craft (alchemy) trained?

Hah! I was just about to type, "Yes sir I do," but thought to bring up Hero Lab to double-check and... no sir, I don't. :o(

I recall now I added it to the list in Hero Lab as a reminder to invest a rank at level-up. Seeing it on the online profile, I somehow conned myself into thinking he had a rank in it.

Thanks for keeping me honest, GM G. I deleted it from the online profile so it won't mislead me again. And there ya go, Marduk: More consolation for ya! :oP

The -1 modifier triggered my suspicion: my idea was that it should be +3 if you had the skill trained

Grand Lodge

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4

If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to play either The Beggar's Pearl or either of the City of Strangers. Trying to avoid Season 5 stuff for now since I'm doing a PbP for those in another thread (long term goal stuff, but hoping for the best :) )

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

I've heard some scary stuff about Begger's Pearl. :o)

Tears at Bitter Manor

Beggar's pearl is scary...

At the moment only Saitama has posted a real preference for a scenario, any others that want to chime in? I will decide this weekend, have to purchase the scenario and prep. I aim to start Monday.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

I'd like the glass river. But if there is a majority for one other than season 5, since another char has started, i'll tag along for that.

Grand Lodge

Ranger 1 - Init +1; Perception +6 - AC 14; touch 11; flat-footed 13 - hp 13 - Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2

I'll bow out of the next one (pun intended). I've enjoyed two great scenarios with you GM - but real life is about to get busy and now is a great time to pause my Society character.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Elf Oracle 4
Quick Stats:
HP 5/32 (0 NL) | AC 16; T 12; FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +4; ++2 vs. enchantments; immune to sleep | Init +4 | Percept +9 | L1: 7/7 L2: 4/4

Aw, we're gonna miss you, Coronoides!

Be well, man!

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc Monk of the 4 winds/QingGong lvl 4 HP 39/39 AC: 17/17/12 F.+6 R.+8 W.+5 Perc+6 Init+4, speed 40ft

Maybe we'll see you around another time. Take care man.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

I've played all of the scenarios mentioned - Beggar's Pearl is fun, and I'm enjoying City of Strangers. Burning with fever at the moment, but got a week off coming up so I'm up for more but would not object to bowing out if you guys want to play something I've already done.

Stuff I would like to play off the top of my head, The Frostfur Captives, Rise of the Goblin Guild.


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 1 HP 2/8; AC 15, Touch 11, FF, 10; F+2, R+1, W+2; Init +2; Perc +1

I'm up for the scenarios being proposed as I'm still new to PFS and haven't done many yet. PFS I, II, III, this, Gods Market Gamble, and Voice in the Void are the only ones that I'm not good for.

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