GM Rolls
As John tries to cast his spell, the Commodore stands up and says, "What kind of nonsense are you trying to pull!! Seize her!
*John Lang* |
Btw, I don't need to make sleight of hand checks for my divination or enchantment spells, because I don't have somatic components. Unless you're saying that I will need to going forward, cause if that's the case I'd need to for like most of my spells.
*John Lang* |
"Yes, seize her!"
with that John begins wrestling with the woman to confuse onlookers.
Bluff to feint: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43
So Conceal spell says:
An enchanting courtesan can cast divination and enchantment spells covertly. Upon doing so, the enchanting courtesan must attempt a Bluff check, as well as a Sleight of Hand check if the spell has somatic, material, or focus components.
Emphasis mine. Since Psychic casting has thought and emotion components, not sleight of hand check, but I just realized I missed that focus component spells do allow it, so I would need to make a sleight of hand for a couple of spells I didn't think I needed to before. I will fix the annotation for those spells in my character sheet to make it clearer, cause I realize now I need to make it clearer. I should have that change made shortly.
*John Lang* |
Did she fail or make the save, btw?
Seeing that things are turning against him, John shoves his way clear of the guards and makes a break for it, shouting "I will not be railroaded by an evil enchantress!"
My intent is to break LOS and change my appearance.
We will make it half combatty, I guess. You don't know.
Initiative John 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18, Guards 1d20 ⇒ 2, Commodore 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9, Jacale 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
You win the initiative which makes this a lot easier for you.
You sense things are not going well and that the guards decided to worry about confusion later and sort you two out after capturing you, you to use quick thinking and you use a swim move and spin move to break away from the guards and run out of the room and you take a quick left and then a right breaking line of sight.
*John Lang* |
Man, I really wish I had this spell:
Did you want me to declare actions, or was that my action for the "round"?
*John Lang* |
I'd like to duck into an empty room and make myself look like a servant, or barring that a guard.
*John Lang* |
If they don't find me or assail me, I plan to just leave the citado and reunite with the group.
*John Lang* |
I just plan to get out to go update the others.
Femi and Kort were not so successful with their attempt to make the medicine on the first day but they have a good sense that they should be able to make the next day Basically, you rolled well enough on the second set of rolls which should have you finish the cure sometime before noon the next day John's mission might have been an overnight thingy.
Chretien has spent his day allocating security assets to help Griento's railway.
*John Lang* |
Once John finds the others:
"So a purple-skinned woman has mind controlled the Commodore. I attempted to get her arrested, but that did not go so well. We're going to need to resolve this shortly."
Cretien Dufrene |
as far as i understand i'm half a country away from the others? or did they somehow get to me?
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
"Wha?" Femi is surprised, but not really considering their opposition. "How did you find this out, and how should we resolve it?" Femi asks, having no facts to go on.
Waiting to word the message until we know what to send.
Cretien Dufrene |
You guys agreed to message each other every night.
yes but i don't have spells or Use Magic Device. So I guess I can go find somewhere to send a message for me. Maybe Griento can. hah
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
You'll be able to reply to the message I send you Cretien. 25 words is all, but it's something.
*John Lang* |
"Because I was trying to stop it."
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
"I see." says Femi, though he clearly doesn't. He tries not to take it personally as he forages for more information.
"Can we get close to him? Perhaps I can cast Dispel Magic and dispel, uh, whatever is going on. Doesn't need to be too close, a couple hundred feet or so will do."
He wonders what happened.
"We need to give a report to Cretien as well. I'm afraid we haven't made much headway on the disease today, but we are making progress. Maybe tomorrow we'll see some movement."
He leaves John to his own devices, and settles in to compose a Sending to Cretien using another scroll of Sending.
"Making slow progress here, and apparently the Commodore is mind controlled. We are going to address that next if we can. Need two days."
He immediately tells the rest of the group what Cretien's reply is.
*John Lang* |
"We probably can, considering they are going on a sailing trip this afternoon."
Cretien Dufrene |
The reply from Cretien arrives.
Assessed security ahead of track to Renza. Security Assets Allocated. # days until complete. Eyes open vs sabotage. I'll see you at goal line.
# would be the numerical word indicating the number of days until Griento plans to be done.
Cretien Dufrene |
well am i really truly good here, or do i need to stay and defend? i'd hate to leave and then they get attacked or something
Well, you never do know. What you could do travel to enemy's area and try to find the lair of that dragon to stir up trouble for them. Femi and Kort working together will finish the medicine by the end of the next day. John can try to infiltrate the ship before it shoves off. Someone needs to go to Seobriga to get the cash for the automatons.
*John Lang* |
"We need to infiltrate the boat, but I can't do it alone. How goes the work on the cure?"
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
"I'm afraid we haven't made much headway on the disease today, but we are making progress. Maybe tomorrow we'll see some movement."
GMEDWIN, can I not slip away for an hour to try and dispel the magics on the Commodore at the docks? I mean, we could just hang out in a nearby alley way and cast dispel magics on him a few times as he walked by. I have a 190' range. He'd never even know it was us. Then I can return to help with the disease work.
Cretien Dufrene |
hmm ok. i do have a vehicle as one of my inventions prepared, i didnt bring it via any teleports but i can remake it relatively shortly with materials gathered over the course of a day. Doesn't take much time. the old one has more than broken down by now as they are ramshackle contraptions. So i will use that to drive to the enemy area. Spy on em a bit from a distance and then see about taking some long gunshots at the entrance to a dragon's lair to get it stirred up. or at one while it flies. then get under cover so the moving thing it sees is the enemy camp. does this seem reasonable or does it need rework based on things i do not yet know?
*John Lang* |
Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
*John Lang* |
"Okay, so we have two options: one, we can stop him from acting, or two, we can go to Cavello and have him stop the Commodore. Also, we will need Break Enchantment to remove the effect from him."
*John Lang* |
Or that =P
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
"Gotcha. I've got to help Dr. Kortemir tomorrow, but then lets find this woman and see what we can do. Unfortunately, I do not have break enchantment." he shakes his head sadly. (Next level.)
Chretien, how far can you drive with this vehicle? Please check the Beran map in the campaign tab. @Femi and John, you cannot be sure that waiting until after you finish making the cure will work. You know that losing to Jierre in this event is if Cavalle's fleet attacks Manhill. You know she will be taking a cruise on the Commodore's ship tomorrow at dawn.
*John Lang* |
"I think you're missing the part where tomorrow morning they're going to take a leisurely cruise to Risur and start a war."
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
Femi shakes his head frowning, "Well, I guess it's time to re-jigger our priorities then." he agrees with John. He wonders where Dr. Kortemir is though, he's been quiet...
"Let's maybe see what we can do tonight then yes? Where can we find this purple woman? Maybe we can take her out of the picture for a day or two somehow. Force her to relinquish control if we can."
"Should we all go? I can teleport to Cretien and back, though it'll mean two more scrolls. I don't think we should do this alone." He thinks about it a little before being convinced of it. He adds, "Let's get the whole team together."
*John Lang* |
"That sounds reasonable. Is there anything we need to transport to the train mission from here, or anything that would be useful there?"
Cretien Dufrene |
it goes 13.63 miles per hour. I forget where I am on the map but most of the places are about 150 miles from each other. that means 11 hours of driving between spots.
Let's get this show on the road. I want a concise description of what you guys want to do to solve the Commodore problem. Is Femi or Kort coming with? The ship will shove off at dawn. You can infiltrate his house again at night, or you can infiltrate his ship at night or you may have another idea. Asking the admiral to get a break enchantment scroll for you is not really reasonable.
Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka |
Femi will teleport to Cretien and pick him up before teleporting back to John. He'll see about carrying any useful goods from one side to another if reasonable, but mostly he just wants the group together. (two more scrolls used)
Once together, he suggests a plan, "Let's see if we can get to this purple woman before the cruise, shall we? If we can delay her so she's not on board, that should be enough, for now, to halt her influence, right? Then we can get back to the sick child... and see what else is on the horizon."
He turns to John, "Can we get to her tonight? What do you think? Though it limits my options, I can make us all invisible for a time to get into position."
Dr. Kortemir Runemace |
Unless you need a healer, Dr. Runemace would rather concentrate on the cure; something he understands. He feels out of place in a superspy job, afraid he'll fail at it and hamper his teammates.
Cretien Dufrene |
also my job wasn't really done so why would i return? i did something but in no way followed through to see if it worked or not. also cretien has no idea what you are talking about with purple woman or sick child or cruise lol