GM Dak - Shattered Star (G2) (Inactive)

Game Master Dakcenturi


Greetings all!

I am opening up recruitment for an ongoing game of Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition. We have lost some party members recently and have 1-2 vacant spots.

The current party composition is as follows:

Magus (skirmisher) - Elf (Female)
Ranger (melee focused) - Dwarf (Male)
Cleric of Cayden Cailean - Human (Male)

We are sorely lacking ranged and focused arcane power. We are currently near the end of Book 1. Please take a look at the Campaign Info for more details about how I run things and feel free to catch up on the current going ons in the Gameplay thread to build into your background/story. We are getting posts in either daily or every other day and I would like to try and keep up the pace.

Submissions will be open until 2/28. If there are a large number of submissions or some really great applications I may close recruitment early so be sure to get in earlier rather than later.

Character creation guidelines:

-Level 3
-2500 gp starting wealth
-Max health 1st level, Half+1 every level their after
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, and UC are acceptable -No ACG or OA Playtest
-Core races, Aasimer or Tiefling would be preferred. If you want to play something else I may allow it based on background. Monster races (goblin, kobold, etc) will be a hard sell
-NO third party publishing sources allowed
-All other Paizo products will be allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class features from the ARG are allowed but you can not build your own custom race.
-2 traits, 1 of which is a campaign trait from RotRL
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 7 before racial adjustment at first level.

-Please include a background, personality and appearance block.
-Also please explain why you would be joining up with this group that are already unofficial heroes of the town and have the trust of a number of its citizens. More specifically, if you are already a level 3 adventurer why weren't you already helping out with things.
-Finally please provide what may have brought you to the Thistletop area where you may stumble upon the adventuring party if not already addressed in the requirement above.

**Edit to add** I am open to the possibility of players taking over an existing NPC. If this is something you are interested please let me know your ideas and we can discuss in the recruitment thread.

Dotting. I'll have to think about whether I want to lean more toward ranged or full arcane and how to work them in backstory-wise, but interested. Just off the top of my head though, how you feel about

Ameiko--if she's been rescued yet--using the Bard and Rogue classes she has in the book to play an Archer bard/support character, maybe classing into Arcane Trickster? Obviously it depends on timing in terms of where the party is, and if it wouldn't really mesh with how things have worked out with the characters in relation to her, but that's the first thing to jump out at me.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've a thought about a Goblin Alchemist that ought to be fairly easy to introduce in Thistletop... if the PC's are sufficiently non-murderhobos to see a caged goblin and not kill him immediately.

Worth trying to sell you on it?

ROTRL Spoiler for player knowledge:

(FWIW, I've played ROTRL through the end of the the haunted house if that's an issue. It's not far past where you are currently.)

I have always wanted to play this.

How about a ranged focused ranger? hmm...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Choant wrote:
How about a ranged focused ranger? What level should we make? Why are the build limitations?

Maybe you should read the OP? It's all there.

Silver Crusade

Dottin .

Just to be clear, do you mean absolutely nothing form ACG, or only the hybrid classes?

Dark Archive

I'm up for a ranged character.

That is definitely a possibility and I am open to it. The party has a good relationship with Ameiko, though you would need to read up on some of their past interactions just to know where things are at

@LessPopMoreFizz Intersting idea and I would say they are not specifically murder hobo but after recent events goblins might not be well invited. Though I am interested to see how you plan it out if you go that route.

@Nohwear I am ok with other content from the ACG just not the actual new classes it introduced.

May I ask what you think of an unfettered eidelon?

Shi's a bunch of fun to play, but his game died. :(

He's not a monster with class levels, just to be sure it's not misunderstood. He's built as an summoner where the summoner half vanished. So, half a class, not a monster with class levels.

To balance it out, he's designed to get a free class level whenever his eidelon progression doesn't give him a hit die (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th).

If not, I understand.

GM Dak:
Alright, cool. I'd definitely be going through the thread, especially to note how they interact with her, since that would probably be the deciding factor as to whether I go for that or not. But by this point in the campaign she has indeed been rescued and I won't be on the sidelines until such time as she's introduced?

Choant's Submission, Working on the fluff but this is the skeleton

Do you allow flaws for a 3rd trait? Figured Alchemist would do ranged which you want, some more arcane (kinda) and rogue skills which are at least on the surface lacking as well.

Dark Archive

Why has it taken you nearly 2 years to get through the first book?

@Shi Interesting concept, but the group needs some very specific focus. Not sure it would be the best fit.

Yes they have met and they did rescue her

@Balymysh sorry no drawbacks for this one.

@Nebten Lots of real life getting in the way. Loss of job, new job, new kid, kid in NICU, holidays, etc. Just things going on that caused delays. But I'm in it for the long haul and most of the players across my games have stuck with it and we are back to a good pace again. Plus I really don't like to railroad, so if the group wants to go explore something else or dig deeper on something I try and accomidate. We spent a good amount of time in the catacombs :)

No problem, thanks then. Good luck.

Hello there!

Sorry to hear about the rough times, Dak, but here's Lara, hoping to help out both Sandpoint and her caravan - she needs some heroes as much as it seems they need her!


Silver Crusade

I know you said range but... I have a really awesome Idea for a twohanded fighter. OFC, if that would make chances of getting into the game non-existent I can change him a little bit to be an archer.

Just a query - this game uses Roll20 yeah? I've not used that before. Does it require scheduled gametime where players interact in real time? I ask because I live in the Land of Aus, and so am in a wildly different timezone :)

@Rorek I am looking at 1-2 players so it isn't completely out of question.

@Littlehewy I use Roll20 for maps and mini placement and HP tracking that is all. No scheduled times or anything.

Ah cool :)

Going to put forth my elven diviner wizard here... eventually planning on taking the cyphermage prestige class. Might change around his spellbook a bit, to fit combat a little better (I had originally considered going loremaster but cyphermage seemed more flavorful).

Just a disclaimer, I do own the AP book, and was planning on running it eventually. That being said, I am good at separating character and player knowledge, but I'd understand if it's a problem. However, I did use a little of what I knew to compose the potential plot hook down below.

Syuviel Malethrin:
Male half-elf scryer 3
Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +10; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4

AC , touch , flat-footed (Dex +3)
hp 23 (3d6+9)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2; +2 against enchantment spells and effects
Immune sleep

Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +0 (1d6/x2)
Special Attacks
Spells Prepared (CL 3rd, concentration +7)
2nd (2+1/day)-detect thoughts (DC 16), glitterdust (2, DC 16)
1st (3+1/day)-grease (2, DC 15), identify*, mage armor
0 (at will)-acid splash, detect magic, light, read magic
Opposition abjuration, necromancy

Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 8, Cha 10;
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Toughness, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Scribe Scroll
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (planes) +10, Linguistics +10, Perception +4, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common, Elven, Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan, Thassilonian
Traits Reactionary, Scholar of the Ancients
SQ Arcane Training, Elf Blood
Gear traveler’s outfit, club, pearl of power (1st), wand of magic missile (CL 1st, 50 charges), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, eyeglasses, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, spellbook (2nd-detect thoughts, glitterdust; 1st-burning hands, charm person, comprehend languages, feather fall, grease, identify, mage armor, magic missile; 0-all but opposed)
Funds 724 gp

Arcane Bond (Sp) Once per day, Syuviel can use his bonded ring to cast any one spell in his spellbook that he is capable of casting. The spell cannot be from an opposition school. In addition, Syuviel can enchant his bonded ring as though he possesses the appropriate magic item creation feats, so long as he meets the prerequisites for the relevant feat.
Forewarned (Su) Syuviel can always act in the surprise round even if he fails a Perception check to notice a foe, but he is still considered flat-footed until he takes an action. In addition, he receives a +1 bonus on initiative checks.
Send Senses (Sp) As a standard action, Syuviel can place a scrying sensor at a point within 130 feet that he can see and has line of effect to. He can see or hear through this sensor for 1 round. This ability otherwise functions as a clairaudience/clairvoyance with his caster level. Syuviel can use this power 7 times per day.

Born in the Mierani Forest to an elven mother and human father, Syuviel, like most half-elves, was quick to learn that he was not quite accepted within his community. For a time the elves reached out to him as though he were one of their own, but in time it became clear to him that they did so more out of pity than genuine sympathy. The difference between them became as clear as night and day when, once he reached his perceived, “human” state of adulthood, his people still treated him as though he were a child. This was especially frustrating in regards to his arcane training, which progressed at a painstakingly slow rate; not because of any fault on his part, but because his masters held him back. They did so not out of any disregard for his talent, but out of tradition. Nonetheless, Syuviel interpreted things the wrong way, bid his mother farewell, and decided to take his leave, promising to one day return. He was not entirely certain of whether he intended to keep that promise.

Leaving the Mierani behind him, Syuviel struck out on his own to search for a calling. The first major human civilization he came across on his travels was the city of Riddleport. Initially, he was rather quick to dismiss the place as a hovel of pirates and villains. But though he was disgusted by the people that resided there, the city itself proved fascinating to him. Namely, the Cyphergate became the object of his attentions. The Thassilonian ruin struck a chord in Syuviel’s inquisitive spirit, compelling him to learn more about the grand mystery. No longer so eager to move on, he searched for somewhere that he could learn more; as it so happened, the Cypher Lodge was just the place to accomplish that. Access to its libraries was rather expensive, but Syuviel had no qualms about spending all of his gold there - the money that was supposed to last him his entire sojourn. Eager to learn, Syuviel practically devoured any books on ancient Thassilon that he could get his hands on. The subject was endlessly fascinating to him, a fact that the Order of Cyphers picked up on rather quickly.

Seeing a potential new member in the already partially-trained half-elf, they offered him an unofficial apprenticeship. Syuviel accepted without question, and spent the next few years polishing and improving his skills in divination. He was not yet a full-fledged cyphermage by the end of his training, but the young wizard was encouraged to explore Varisia for himself, to find other remnants of Thassilon that perhaps the cyphers themselves missed. It was a tall order, but it was a purpose that Syuviel was quick to embrace. If he succeeded, perhaps he could become a true cyphermage himself. He cared little for the order’s darker agenda, but the hunger for knowledge drove him onward...

Plot Hook:
Syuviel suspects that the island called Thistletop is in fact a ruin of ancient Thassilon. Perusal of the Cypher Lodge’s libraries and some local hearsay has convinced him of this much. He decided to explore the ruin for himself in person, wishing to broaden his experience, or even better, make an entirely new discovery. The problem being, of course, that Thistletop was occupied by less than friendly creatures. The goblins there were even more violent than usual, and appeared to be under new management. Stubborn as he is however, Syuviel has been camping near there, taking care to avoid the goblins. He has been using his send senses power to scry on the island on a daily basis, but its limited range and function have made it difficult to divine anything useful - as far as he can tell, the goblins have no intentions of leaving anytime soon. One day however, his scrying sensor picks up on something new…

Tall and lithe like most elves, though his face betrays his human heritage, as it often does for half-elves. His features are not quite so angular, and his ears are not quite as long as those of a full elf; additionally, his eyes have an undeniably human quality to them. Though his sight at a distance is keen, he has difficulty seeing things up close, requiring him to wear eyeglasses to read properly; since leaving the Mierani, he tends to keep them on at all times as a matter of convenience. As far as clothing goes, he favors robes with vibrant colors, yet practical design.

A half-elf that is very proud of his abilities, if not of his heritage. He values knowledge above all else, ancient Thassilon being the topic that has dominated his interests up till now. However, he is also very self-conscious about his shortcomings, even the perceived ones. For example, he tends to be quick about removing his glasses in the presence of elves, as though he were hiding weakness. He rarely contemplates morality, though the lessons he learned from the elves in regards to it have stuck with him over the years.

I present Oliver for consideration. Full disclosure, I have the AP as well and used it to come up with an explanation for his presence in Thistletop. Otherwise I will endeavor to keep character and player knowledge separate.

Here is a current list of applicants that have provided a character and their status.

Balymysh - Tiefling Alchemist [STATUS: Background/Personality/Appearance/Plot Hook Needed]
Laramir - Human Sorcerer [STATUS: Complete]
Syuviel - Half-elf Wizard [STATUS: Complete]
Oliver - Human Ranger [STATUS: Personality/Appearance Needed]

Grand Lodge

I've GMed the Anniversary edition before, can I apply?

For the range class would you consider the gunslinger or the archetype bolt ace? It's like a gunslinger but with crossbows, and can sometimes shoot crossbows at a touch AC. er.html#

As long a players can keep player knowledge seperate from character knowledge I don't mind if you have past experience witht he AP.

@Viskous Not directly opposed to Gunslingers, and the Bolt Ace definitely looks interesting.

Silver Crusade

I haven't ever gotten past the beach scene unfortunately, but here is a archer-
reckless, Seeker, Exile
Drawback- Overprotective

Str: 14
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 13
Cha: 08

1- PBS, precise shot, weapon focus Longbow
2- Deadly aim
3- Iron will

Arms and Armor: MWK adaptive longbow(1300), Chain Shirt (100), 40 arrows, 20 blunt arrows, 20 cold Iron arrows, 20 adamantine arrows, Halberd

Gear: MWK backpack, belt pouch, Waterskin (3), rations (20), sunrod(3), CLW potions (5), Caltrops (5), Grappling hook, rope Silk(100ft), hammer,

Sense Motive-1
know. Dungeoneering-1

Background Incoming-

Concept- Warrior that failed his town, the fledgling town was overrun by goblins and orcs, he has since been " self-exiled" To wonder the world to atone for his failure and gain strength as to never fail again.

Grand Lodge

I am pretty good at keeping my knowledge from my characters.

I am thinking Kitsune(or human)Bolt Ace. She originally traveled from Goka to alert Ameiko of the troubles with the Jade Regent, and has enjoyed traveling about Varisia exploring the wilds and especially the Sanos forest.

Will make an alias for her later, and include a full workup. Still getting her character worked out. Going to read a bit of the adventure you're already running to try and see how to fit in.


Hmm... I was considering to try the Spellslinger Wizard. Essentially, it's a wizard with a gun, and is generally quite good at both, while providing excellent wizard support when necessary.

I'll post the crunch later, but I imagine my character as a former pira... privateer, hired for both his ability to shoot firearms and cannons, and the alternate useful abilities a wizard has at see. He is an elf with a past, and has arrived recently in Sandpoint after a long and unfortunate chase with another pir... privateer vessel. Is unusually straight-forward for an elf, doubly so for a wizard. Quite vulgar, nevertheless sees no reason not to help society, since when you're seen as a hero it's much easier to be forgiven for certain misdeeds, and prefers to help rather than needlessly harm.

I am currently in another RotRL campaign, but it's at an earlier point, and I can definitely keep character and player knowledge separate.

Stats will be posted later. In general, the four schools that I'll keep will be evocation, illusion, transmutation and conjuration. These provide enough spells to be useful as both an arcanist and a damage dealer, as necessary.

The campaign trait I will be picking is obviously Outlander, either the Lore Seeker or the Exile.

Thanks for the consideration, I'll post everything later tonight.

Grand Lodge

Taking longer than I thought. I'll get something up soon


Kanthar Skardel:

Male Elf Wizard (Spellslinger) 3
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (dex +4, armour +1)
hp (3d6+6) 20
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Dagger +0 (1d4-1) 19-20 P or S
Ranged: Musket +6 (1d12+1) x4 P or B
Space: 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

2nd(2/day) (DC 17) Scorching Ray, (DC 16) Web.
1st(3/day) (DC 16) Snowballx2, Vanish
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB +1, CMB +0, CMD 14

Feats: Run, Gunsmithing, EWP(Firearms), Rapid Reload, Amateur Gunslinger(Dead Shot).

Traits: Youthful Mischief, Outlander(Lore Seeker (Snowball, Scorching Ray, Lightning Bolt)

Skills: 21 points:
Profession(Sailor) +4(1 rank, 3 Class)
Knowledge(Arcana) +9(3 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Knowledge(Local) +7(1 rank, 3 class 3 INT)
Knowledge(geography) +7(1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Knowledge(religion) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Knowledge(Planes) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Knowledge(Engineering) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Knowledge(dungeoneering) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)

Spellcraft +9/11(3 rank, 3 class, 3 INT, 2 racial*)
Stealth +7 (3 rank, 4 DEX)
Perception +3 (3 rank)
Craft(firearms) +7(1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Linguistics +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)

SQ Fleet;
Languages Common, Elf, Draconic, Goblin, Orc, Varisian, Shackles.
Gear: 2500GP
+1 Musket 1300gp
Haramaki 30gp
Gunsmith's kit
200 Alchemical Cartridges 230gp
4 Scrolls of Mage Armor 100 GP
2 Scroll of Make Whole 300 GP
4 Scrolls of Magic Weapon 100 gp
1 Scroll of Grease.

2nd: Scorching Ray, Web, Make Whole
1st: Magic Weapon, Grease, Mage Armor, Snowball, Burning Hands, Vanish, Infernal Healing, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person.


Kanthar is a dirty looking elf, wearing a dirty looking shirt with leather attachments, short seaman trousers and worn boots. A bandolier is strapped around his chest, complete with a weird smelling pouch behind on his back. A large musket is usually worn on his shoulders. He has scruffy looking hair and a dirty bandana on his head. He has a small golden ring on his left ear.


Kanthar is usually quite vulgar and straight-forward, but behind the sailor's appearance is hidden quite the quick mind. He dislikes smooth-talkers, thinking that they use way too many words for simple things. He is quite respectful of strength and cunning, and is quite interested in different spellcasters and casting techniques. Usually outgoing and talkative, nevertheless know when to shut up and when to speak. He understand that a good bond between crewmembers is necessary for any purpose, and is willing to help whenever he is needed.


Kanthar spent his early life in Osirion, his native homeland, in a wizard's academy. However, his need for knowledge and adventure took place, and he left earlier than others, ignoring some of his arcane studies. Leaving for Absalom, he tried to work aboard the vessel rather than paying for his journey. He took an instant liking to the naval life, and as soon as arriving in Absalom, continued onward on another vessel, one of questionable nature, and there learned how to use, maintain, and handle a musket. After a couple of years on the high seas, and a bad choice of prey by his captain, he fled in the Varisian seas. Having nothing but his spellbook, his skills and his musket, he set off inland, having heard of ancient and powerful magic rampant. Arriving in Sandpoint, he quickly learned of a band of adventurers clearing catacombs, hunting goblins and defending the town. Setting for Thistletop, after learning that it was a remnant from a powerful ancient civilisation, he thought he can kill two birds with one shot.

I present Matsuno Kaijitsu for your consideration.

Viskous has finally made the character.
Full stat block coming real soon, need to buy gear.

If you really don't want the kitsune, I can easily swap to human and get an extra feat too.

The rest of my Monster Hunting companions are resting back in Magnimar and I wanted to travel up the coast looking for interesting things to do. Maybe get a shot at the Sandpoint devil. After resupplying in Sandpoint, I heard about a group of heroes heading up to Thistletop to wipe out a bunch of goblins that had led an attack on the town. Nothing's more fun than skewering a bunch of goblins. I imagine climbing up the sea side of Thistletop to join the adventurer's up by the fort.

Hearing the sound of battle, Mayumi rushes across the island toward the scary rope bridge.

Added Description and Personality to Oliver's page.

Balymysh - Tiefling Alchemist [STATUS: Background/Personality/Appearance/Plot Hook Needed]
Laramir - Human Sorcerer [STATUS: Complete]
Syuviel - Half-elf Wizard [STATUS: Complete]
Oliver - Human Ranger [STATUS: Complete]
Kanthar - Elf Wizard [STATUS: Complete]
Matsuno - Human Monk [STATUS: Complete]
Mayumi - Kitsune Gunslinger [STATUS: Complete]

Due to the number of submissions so far and the current state of affairs the party is facing I am going to cut recruitment short and make my decision on the 23rd. If you plan to apply or have something still needed on your character please get it in by 11:59PM EST Feb 22.

Thanks so far from everyone who has applied!

Liberty's Edge

A tiefling witch sits in a small Harrow reading shop in Sandpoint, waiting eagerly for a new client. To pass the time, he consuls the aid of his patron through the cards, asking for a glimpse into the future.

Much of the vision is discernible, but it ends with a frightening sight of an evil wizard smiling smugly as he looks over a few corpses at his feet.

While this sort of vision is fairly common, what makes the tiefling gasp in horror, are the faces on the corpses. They are those of a few adventurers who have risen to be heroes on Sandpoint. Sandpoint would very likely be under the rule of goblins now, if it were not for these unlikely champions. They are the faces of: Ioxeia Androdaixa, Dan Townson, Thorfinn Feigrsson, and a couple others the witch is not able to determine.

Not willing to let this vision be the end of the heroes, and possibly end of freedom for the city, Akvius Syrthos (the tiefling witch) closes his small shop and embarks on a journey to use his skills and abilities to prevent the bloody demise of the heroes by any means necessary. For if these heroes are doomed to failure, it will have a ripple affect that will affect the entire world we know.

Will Akvius be able to guide the heroes on a path that doesn't end in this vision becoming reality... only time will tell.

submitting a tiefling witch for acceptance. A witch to fill the request for arcane and possible ranged gaps

Akvius has a darker red hue to his skin than most. He tends to keep his tail hidden under his garments whenever possible. If care is taken, he can make himself to blend in as another race, he is aware of some of the fears and prejudices that come with being a tiefling. He also knows that his race and appearance add believability to his chosen profession (fortune telling).

Akvius is good natured and eager to assist his companions. Whether his patrons influence is viewed as a blessing or a curse, he uses his abilities to hinder his enemies and aid his allies. In an attempt to put a wider range of clients at ease, Akvius has found speaking in native tongues adds to making clients feels more at ease with him. He speaks most common race languages and in always expanding the list of known dialects.

I am able to post min daily, but typically multiple times/day is the norm. I play PFS on pbp mostly, but would love to join a group for long term adventure. I've got a decade of rpg experience (d&d and pathfinder). Thank you for your consideration.

Everything should be in good order at this point if you would like to look through it and give feedback/need clarification on anything.

Well where does the cut stand GM Dak?

Thank you all for taking the time to apply. There were some great character concepts. I have sent a PM to two players who have been invited to the game. It is always tough selecting players, especially when there is a great selection. I just had to pick the two I felt and that members of the existing party agreed would be the best fit.

Liberty's Edge

does that mean recruitment is closed?

If not, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

If so, please feel free to PM me if you find yourself needing a replacement, and thank you for your consideration.

Recruitment is currently closed. However, I am running 3 games so if anything opens up I will be sure to post a new recruitment thread.

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