GM Brayden's "Rise of the Runelords"

Game Master Brayden Green

Rise of the Runelords was the first adventure path released in the Pathfinder Adventure Path line and debuted in August 2007.
“ From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the

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Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
Brennan Darkblade wrote:

*pushes Lauranna out of the room* "Begone wench!"

Harsh bro, very harsh.

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

You have no idea what it's like living with that woman. Dirty dishes all over the place, chainmail underwear just lying about, and the cats! Dear god the cats! I swear she can't walk by a cat on the street without bringing it home. One of these days I'm going to make a fortune selling cat meat to the street vendors.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

I'm still stuck on chainmail underwear... Cant. Get. Image. Out. Of. HEAD! My body hurts just thinking about it.

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

After my delay and the results of that round, I was no longer listed in the init order. I figured this was just an oversight, but I guess you used that new list when determining combat so I wasn't included.

Should have spoken up when I didn't see my name in init. No problems, just hope I'm not being penalized for something. :)

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

No soup for you!

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

My action probably makes a very large difference in this combat, just looking out for everyone.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

...Spontaneous combustion? I saw that you may have gotten skipped. I hope it's good!

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Oh I figured it out. He hated your theme music! I just threatened to hum, but you actually followed through. Clearly this is the reason!

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

I've heard of chainmail bikinis, but not chainmail underwear. I imagine that it would involve a lot of pinching... in places you would not want to be pinched.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Yeah! and if there was any hair... that'd all get painfully pinched and Yanked out! Holy bagoo that sounds awful!

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

@Brayden - How are you doing HP for leveling up? Are we rolling? take half rounded up? Having hit points bestowed by the (usually) benevolent GM?

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

(Well I doubt we physically level in the middle of the glassworks. Leveling is for the well rested!)

For HP I'm fine with average. Like d10s would alternate between 5s and 6s.

I'd rather not roll for hitpoints if I didn't have to.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

@ Iodem - go ahead and level now. You might need it :)

@ Brennan - half + 1, or I will roll for you twice, and you get the better of two rolls.

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

Level Summary
+1 BAB
+1 Fort Save
Improved Initiative
+8 HP [(1/2 d10)+1 + Con]

Skill ranks added
Acrobatics, Perception, Ride (Favored Class), I wasn't adding in Human's skilled racial feature so I'm adding Climb to my skill list.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Leveling now!? How fun.

Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]

will think of something later but off to sleep now!

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Level Summary
Cleric 2
+1 BAB
+0 Ref
+1 Will
+1 Diplomacy, Knowledge (religion), Sense Motive
+7 HP
+1 0th-level spell
+1 1st-level spell

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Level Summary
Sorcer 2
+1 BAB
0 Fort
0 Ref
+7 HP
+1 Bluff (9), Use Magic Device (9)
+1 Will
+1 0 level spell

Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]

Level Summary
Barbarian 2
+1 Bab (cmb & cmd
+1 Fort
0 Ref
0 Will
+10 HP
+1 Perception (6) Survival (6) Swim (4) KN:nature (6) Climb (4) Acrobatics (2)
+2 rage use per day (9/9)
Barbarian Feat: Uncanny Dodge
Barbarian Feat: Rage Power (Superstition) +2 morale bonus saving throws (resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities)

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

Level Summary
Rogue 2
+1 BAB
+ 7 hp
+0 Fort
+1 Ref
+0 Will
+1 perception, stealth, disable device, acrobatics, bluff, escape artist, k. dungeoneering, sleight of hand, umd
Rogue talent: Finesse Rogue -> weapon finesse feat

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Everything looks good. You look much harder to kill now.

Are we just waiting for Zen to level?

If that is the case then we should move the story along and zen can catch up when he has time. So where to?

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

ya sry taking a bit lol should be good to go by this evening

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

sounds good.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

let's get this game off of life support.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Zen, do you need any help leveling? I need you to check into the game even if you haven't fully leveled. We're missing our brown little lady friend :)

Also, I am starting to post maps to the "campaign" tab, for you. Hopefully that will help :)

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

sorry got caught up and killed last night in the skype game im part of. decided it was time to drink lol.

incidently charge plus power attack with a crit will wielding a x3 weap is instant death. my 48 hp zen archer took 94 damage lol

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Zen Al'Shear wrote:

sorry got caught up and killed last night in the skype game im part of. decided it was time to drink lol.

incidently charge plus power attack with a crit will wielding a x3 weap is instant death. my 48 hp zen archer took 94 damage lol

Bleh, that sounds awful!

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11


Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Hey, so I have been thinking about anytime I call for "perception checks!" like what is happening on the main thread, what is your feeling on me having a macro on the campaign page that I just copy all your rolls, and then roll them for you, and post in spoiler format what you find?

Rather than "perception checks," and 3 or 4 trickle in, and 6-12 hours go by...

Not accusing anyone, just saying, for me to move the story along, I would rather just roll the #'s, and give you what your char knows when you log on, that way your time logging on can be a little better used.

Not pushing, just wondering.

What do you all think?

Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]

sounds ok to me! Just remember that Kerdin got +2 to perc rolls in underground / near stonewalls etc

Grand Lodge

HP 10/10 AC 15 CMD 14 Touch 11 Flat 14 (Baridiche)+5;1d10+6 (Spiked Gauntlet) +5;1d4+4 F +1 R +1 W +1 INIT +0 Perc -1 CMB +4


That's what I always do for the games I run. I have a google doc with all the appropriate rolls set up and I just C&P them. It's just faster on PbP. The only thing you have to remember is situational bonuses and to update them when the party levels up or gets new things. Since you already have everyone put their modifiers in their character bars, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Down like a... clown

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

It allows us to proceed with the proceedings much faster that way im all for it.

god i missed that phrase lol

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

At least someone did... zing! :)

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Sorry guys, had a job interview today, and PFS tonight.

Fingers crossed. This job would be top 5 jobs of all time.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

So I had my interview with the regional rep today. Needless to say he was impressed. It is just coming down to dollars and cents now, he offered me the job, but I want to be considered for the higher position.

I'll know about the higher position on monday.

It's a good day, all around.

(Sorry for the infrequent posting the last couple days. This is the 2nd person I've interviewed with for the position. I might be interviewing with HIS bosses on tuesday if they are seriously considering me for the upper position.)

I guess they take the store manager position seriously. :)

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

very cool. good luck!

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Happy FREE RPG day everyone!

I'll be out most of the day, as I'm running some Paizo stuff a good portion of the day.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Hope all had a happy fathers day. Let's get this train moving! You've got some freaky dudes to kill.

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

hehe My wife bought me a new bike for fathers day. Wonder if its a hint that i need to get out of the house more.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**


Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

So, after 3 interviews (the final of which took place yesterday), peeing in a cup, salary negotiations, and things of that nature...

I am now officially the Assistant Manager of one the largest/busiest Gamestops in the state of Utah, with a very sure foothold to be the next Store Manager.

So now I get to spend my 9-5's talking about video games, and my off duty hours RPG'ing lol. My conversion to ultimate nerdness is almost complete!

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

Congratulations on the job! I promise I won't hold the fact that you are working at GameStop against you.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

lol grats!

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

hey... MANAGING at gamestop.

"I am assistant Store Manager."

"Don't you mean assistant TO THE store manager?"

"That's what I said!

"No, you didn't..."

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

At your GameStop does "Assistant Manager" mean "Manager With Less-Desirable Shift"? At my local GameStop they have a Manager from 10:00a to 4:00p, and an Assistant Manager from 4:00p to 10:00p.

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

Glad to see you made it back home with (I assume) all in tact. I won't hold the delay in gaming against you :)

I've been doing nothing but reading the last few days, in a way it has sort of whet my appetite.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Virgil Longstreet wrote:
At your GameStop does "Assistant Manager" mean "Manager With Less-Desirable Shift"? At my local GameStop they have a Manager from 10:00a to 4:00p, and an Assistant Manager from 4:00p to 10:00p.

My store manager just got promoted from assistant to manager, so he is all gung ho right now, wanting to work 60 hour weeks, himself. I'm not against that ;) I cap at 40, until I get promoted than I get salary pay.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Yeah, I'm glad to be back. I'm excited where this story is going... I just upped my Herolabs account too, so you will be seeing some custom baddies here and there as we go now too! Excited to throw them at you.

Hero Labs is going to really help with combat time, and cutting down on that - I think.

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

Yeah I have used Hero Lab to create some pretty nasty stuff. I usually save it for the BBEG types, otherwise I'm just getting carried away.

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