GM Brayden's "Rise of the Runelords"
Game Master
Brayden Green
Rise of the Runelords was the first adventure path released in the Pathfinder Adventure Path line and debuted in August 2007.
“ From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
do any of you dms use the chessex mat tabletop games? and if so how well do you like it?
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
I think it is really good and durable.
It is a little too heavy for me to cart around, as I happen to bring too much around anyways.
I just use the flip mats for battles that will be larger than one grid. But I think it is a quality product. Just friggin heavy.
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
heh most of my stuff in electronic i just hate having to hide all the info i have up when I want them to look at a map lol. I difentaly need to get a damn DM screen. they all keep trying to look at my rolls
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
Taking off, as in flying? Flying of any kind counts as a move action. You can go from standing to your max fly speed above the ground in a single action. It does provoke AoOs as usual.
Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Gaming paper singles are also very handy if you like to prepare ahead of time.
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Brennan Darkblade wrote: Taking off, as in flying? Flying of any kind counts as a move action. You can go from standing to your max fly speed above the ground in a single action. It does provoke AoOs as usual. sweet. One of you will also be attacked with magic then :D
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Saturday, feeling ill today from a tdap shot I took so that my little one is safe from all those nasty bacterium.
Sitting in watching my Cardinals survive a UNC rally, about to watch the new episode of Doctor Who.
The kicker, I'm at work :P
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4
Virgil casts cure light wounds on the DM.
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Awww, man. With a roll like that he might be out of commission even longer. :(
He recommends that Bugsby purchase a lozenge when they get back to town.
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
ok im home with reliable internet now and i am mostly alive (tho the jury is still out on that one)
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
We'll settle for mostly alive. :)
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
I'm healed!
So nice to be able to breathe without (explicit details deleted) and then (more explicit details).
So, where were we?
Oh yeah, you were fighting a flying spellcaster that is about to kick your Aces. That's right.
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
Whatevs! We'll rock that guys world! If only he weren't so tall...
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
falalalalaaa, la la, laaaa, laaaaaaahhhhh!!!
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
who gave the gnome booze?
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
You assume booze is needed? Pushah!
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
brennan I aint gonna lie i ran across your shattered star recruitment and random characters sounds like a freaking awsome idea lol
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
Ah I missed out on his recruitment thread!? *sigh*
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
its still recruiting i think lol
either way check it out its an interesting idea
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
Nah, I started 2 groups already. Recruitment is done. Glad you liked the random characters. I had a blast with them. I think out of the 10 players in 2 groups, 7 are random. Pretty cool.
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
its a nice way to keep things random. when i dm i still use the 4d6 method
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Hey all. Work has been stupid busy, and baby is sick.
Also, complicating things are the fact that the Paizo site has been laggy with my phone, eating posts and overall suckitude. So here is what is happening...
I AM GETTING A TABLET! I should be able to use it for portable gaming. I am way stoked. It will help during the winter, as I will be working a lot, and I can just post on that while I'm at work.
Ironically, I can get more done at work than when I am home, lately. But not with the way that the Paizo site and my phone have been fighting against each other.
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
Thats what i use for most of my gaming needs lol
Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4
I seem to be losing all of my dots - all of them! - on a daily basis. I hope they get this straightened out soon.
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
I've been gaming on my Nexus 7 since I got it in July. It's great.
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
I rely on the '(# New)' on my campaign page for my updates. I just keep it open and refresh the page now and again.
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Iodem Toby wrote: I've been gaming on my Nexus 7 since I got it in July. It's great. Got it late last night!
I can't figure out how to get my Paizo Dloads onto the Nexus. :(
What do you find as the best way, Iodem?
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
I pay $2 and change a month for 25GB storage on Google Drive. I then Pin whatever books I want for offline use and view them through Adobe Reader.
(I have every single Pathfinder pdf in my Google Drive) All the core books are currently pinned to the device, whatever adventure I'm running, and anything I want to read. (Currently Lost Kingdoms)
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
Basically the same as what I do with my iPad.
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
I feel like we're close to some adventuring!! > < that close!
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
thats why i like the transformer lol I can have them all on the tablet its self as well as on my laptop and my desktop lol
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
Here we go. Figured it out.
Consistent gaming, here we come! The nexus is awesome.
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Will we be able to resize the +1 cold iron returning dagger or is it just a less burdensome pile of gold?
Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**
That's a good question.
I think I'll let you, for a fee :-)
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Some sort of ritual with a 500gp (scaling for higher bonuses if the party is rich) component cost is generally how I go about it.
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
You kidding me? You know the kind of slight of hand bonuses I can get to conceal a tiny dagger? ;-)
Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
That, plus returning, plus cold iron...the 1d2 instead of 1d4 doesn't bother me at all. Especially since I want to be getting SA bonuses.
Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4
Many apologies for my absence. We had a baby!.... earlier than we thought we would! Thank you for your patience.
female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1
grats bud its always a curse..... and a blessing
Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21
Congratulations. Hope mama and baby are well
Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
I mostly hope you, the dad, has recovered enough. I mean the job we men have... golly. All the encouraging, and rubbing feet, and going out late at night to get yummy food! Boy-oh-boy, sure takes a toll on a man... ;)
Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]
Gongratulations. Hoping all the best there! Seems like these last couple months were full of baby-blooming and celebration. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me) not going to face it soon