Brayden Green |

So now we have some options.
I started a recruitment thread because the rp was kind of at a lull. I'd actually like to add another player anyways to make it an even "6", as long as they are the right type of player and will make posts, etc. That way your combat will be a little less lethal. :)
So, we have a couple prospective people in there, that we can vote on.
We only have the one spot open, unless we like 2 people enough to bring them in and punt Xue to the sidelines. (I have no problem with that. I like Xue, but I don't NEED to play someone.)
So tonight let's pick one, maybe two people to jump in (if we like them more than Xue), and Jeff will be coming in pretty soon too.

Brayden Green |

For all intents and purposes, you are with the group, Zen. Unless you wanted to go somewhere else and meet up later, or not even meet up. We weren't really sure what to do with you when you dropped.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Also, welcome back! I echo the GM, thanks for serving our country! And maybe we should rethink our time limit or something.
As far as the two possibles, they both seem up for the frequency, and desire to play. I guess the character concepts will be the deciding factor for me.

![]() |

Go ahead and catch up on the reading it won't take too long. The obstacle course hasn't happened yet. Iodem is betting his glory on that particular competition.
I'm really trying to get a feel for how descriptive I need to be at pbp. I feel a little outclassed at the moment! But I am having a lot of fun and looking forward to getting the whole party going. On that note, I really liked AdamWarnock in the recruitment thread.

Brayden Green |

I liked Adam quite a bit too. I did some background research, and he seems pretty responsive in some of his other games. He is in on all the action, as far as responsiveness.
The obstacle course hasn't happened yet.
It *was* next, but then everyone went puking their guts out in the bug eating contest, and didn't much feel like running around quite yet.

Brayden Green |

So I think we should add this Adam character. What say you all?
Also, does anyone want to swap Xue for any other characters that have been submitted? I am liking playing her, but not that worried about her if we find a better fit.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Well, if we're getting meta, she's a ninja right? so dps role? If we add Adam as a cleric, and the other potential in the recruitment thread, Kerdin the barbarian. That'd give us two solid front liners when Jeff arrives, a healer, a caster, a glass-cannon (monk), and an archer (glass-cannon). I think I'd prefer that group, no dis on Xue, but the group above seems like the ideal situation if it's gotta be Xue or a true PC. That's my opinion.

Brayden Green |

I'd rather just run the game, as long as everyone is involved. If we have a bigger group and everyone is flowing, I am fine with taking a backseat player-wise and directing the action.
I'm going to invite Adam, and Gal-whatever (he has presented his character is Kerdin the barbarian) to the group unless anyone has any objections. Both seem pretty interested. Should make for some good rp, I think. Plus you won't get TPK'd in combat, lol.
Hmmm, now if only I knew how to add someone....

Kerdin |

HI all!
Thank you for invitation and accepting. (Galrian is fine) I know that this the game flowing forward is the most crucial thing plus need to have the right people to play with.
Knowing that my style is not always good or maybe even not so "original" (I don´t know) but I do enjoy playing and having a fun. Adam had and has, that I can admit 100%, better chance to me get in game and better concept so it came as a bit surprise to me that I was also accepted. I promise that at least I will not cause disappointment :)

Brayden Green |

I can't speak for everyone else, but I am excited to have some new people and ropelplaying opportunities in here. I think they are too.
Welcome to the best game online!
So are you from sandpoint? And how long have you been there?

Brayden Green |

Kerdin, can you do an "ooc" comment on the game thread, so that we can get you logged in to the game?

Kerdin |

Brayden Green |

Brayden Green |

So I messaged Jeff on facebook, because his phone has been down for a couple weeks, and a funny thing happened.
I saw last night he had a post about someone texting him, so I'm like "Hey his phone must be back up" just thinking that he has been in 'his sisters wedding mode' for a week or so...
So it went straight to VM again. So i just posted if he was still interested in the game that we are up and running, and btw I keep going to VM, so not sure if his phone is off or whatever.
Apparently with Google and Google + merging, I think I am in different folders for him with either for Google Voice, but not in both (I was in a rock band with him for a few years) so the merge put me and a bunch of his friends in the "Spam" folder, which is basically a number blocking mechanism.
So he has been waiting for me to call telling him the game has started, and I have been calling almost daily, getting blocked. Lol.
So if any of you have Google Voice, you might want to double check that. Jeff should be in here pretty shortly. I know that he is at work, but he might try on a break or something. Let's keep the game moving, we'll have plenty of places to work him in.
Too funny. *SIGH* technology...

Bugsby Featherfoot |

@GM haha! That's funny in a sad way. No disrespect, this is just one of my favorite sayings but in regards to technology..., "Some say it's the Indian, not the arrow." ;)
Also the void seems to have eaten my welcome post. So.... Welcome! We just like fun, active participants. and you guys already seem to fit the bill. Thanks for joining and it's gonna be great!

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Hey gang, glad to be a part of the game. I'm thinking of having my first character be a rogue, but you guys are the experts. Any thoughts?
Hey, welcome Shinoda! I think a rogue would be good, it's a bit more complex than a straight up fighter, but a pbp is usually slow-moving enough that you'll have time to look up rules and such. As far as what the party needs, a good lock pick/stealthy guy sounds appropriate, but we certainly could use a heavy up front too.
Honestly though, I think we're already well rounded enough you can play whatever you want to. So in my opinion I'd let that be your ultimate guide.

Brayden Green |

Iodem, do you want me to write your epic quest through the obstacle course, or do you want to write it, and I give you the details of it?
Meaning, do you want to get all details into it (as he goes through the last part of it, his pulse begins to quicken as he sees that he is blah blah blah). I probably won't be getting that into it if I am writing one for ALL of you. Too much typing early in the morning! ;)

Brayden Green |

Announcement: We will be moving on from the obstacle course, 5pm MST. Anyone that doesn't have their rolls completed will be done/finished by me. Anyone that hasn't started the obstacle course will be treated as if they didn't want to do it.

Brayden Green |

Gotcha. Zen brings up a good point. If you are making more than a one-sentence post, the post-monster might look at it as a tastey little morsel. It is a good idea to get in the habit of copying your posts before you submit them, just in case you get "selected." IF they are long, I mean. Or you have lots of detail in them.
The post monster is especially greedy when it comes to the first post on a new page.
It makes an "attack of opportunity" against the post, you could say.

Brayden Green |

Grapple in the CMB sense can only be done to "animate" objects, ie things with a pulse or some from of life/movement.
In that sense it was a trap you set off, your reflex would have saved you from falling at that point.

Brayden Green |

Busby sure is doing everything in his power to stave off "the bleaching" isn't he?
Loving the RP everyone, good job.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Nevermind, found some info. and Yes he is! :)

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Well the character concept was certainly intentional, but it wasn't driven by a fear of (or my knowledge of) the Bleaching. Just thought it'd be more along the lines of a gnome. I, accidentally, tend to play any race in a human-esque manner, and this character is a concerted effort to stay from that trap I usually fall into.

Brayden Green |

WHile we are on the subject of rp, I want to bring something up with you all.
I want to have some way of awarding xp in the group, but since I have 2 friends in the group, and a few "new friends," I want to make sure that it is arbitrary and fair.
To be very candid with you all, I plan on cutting some combats from the books, because combat is/can be such a headache in PbP and some combats can take forever in real life. I will be smart about this, I don't plan on cutting battles important to the story. Just the ones where it is like "Hey you haven't had a battle in 4 or 5 pages... Here are bugs, go kill them!" Those types of random encounters that don't have much correlation to what you are doing.
Now, I don't want you to fall behind xp-wise, and I also want to encourage good and in depth role playing. So I have some ideas. I say we discuss it as a group and then come to a conclusion on what the parameters are.
I think we should have a "Roleplayer of the Week" award, where every week we vote on certain parameters about the other players RP, and then I would award them with something substantial (RP, Magical Shizz, Roll twice and take the better number for x times), whatever I decide to award based on the parameters we decide.
Then you cast 2 votes, (I don't mind if one of those votes is for yourself, if you think you deserve it) we narrow it down if we need to, and then WHAMMO! You have a winner. YOu would send votes to me and reasons why as a Private Message and then I would tally it up etc. I think as a general rule that someone can't win twice in a row unless it is unanimous, that way everyone gets excited.
I want it to be something fun, and not punishing. If that makes sense. I am definitely a "catch more flies with honey" GM if you can't tell yet.
For example:
I think one category should be player cordiality and/or congragulations. Like helping players out, complimenting them and cheering them on. Also, comments about what fun you are having, and (how awesome your GM is ;) ) you know stuff like that.
There are other categories, i'm sure you can come up with.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Well, my awesome GM, I am on the fence about this. I see pros and cons, and will always defer to the GM and/or group consensus. That said; I enjoy writing and reading RP tons, and it's probably what I enjoy most about pbps. I also enjoy leveling, and combat, and watching characters do amazing things, in a full and rich world.
I think an award system can be a double edged sword, some people may have more time than others to really liven up their posts, or just write differently than other people, or like someone's style more than another's. Those are some pitfalls I foresee, but if everyone's on board I'm down as well. It's a cool concept, just makes me nervous I guess.
As far as a suggestion... I guess I'd be in favor of looking for an existing/established mechanic. I think I also dislike the idea of the whole party not leveling on or around the same time. Seems... uncool to me. So perhaps if it were something other than xp? or if the entire party got a bonus, and the person got something extra in another way? or no xp at all, and just a 'something extra' for that person?
Just some thoughts from me.

Iodem Toby |

In that case I think the XP isn't necessarily required and we could level at GM discretion. I'm fine with cutting a couple encounters if they are only fluff.
I'd be okay with a "something extra" carrot to dangle in front of everyone for good rp however.

Brayden Green |

Hey all, sorry about the no-show for the rest of the day.
As some may know, my wife is 5 months pregnant, and today "we" had a super meltdown. She hasn't had a big one yet, so she was due.
My 4 year old daughter spilled a bowl of milk on my wife's lap and she (my wife) started crying and couldn't stop. This of course made my 4 year old cry, as she thought she had done something wrong, hurt her mother, and (more importantly) was in BIG trouble for making mommy cry.
So to sum up, I am in the home office doing some school stuff, and posts, and then I hear this cacophony of unending tears.
LOng story short, I needed to spend the rest of the day with my 4 year while mommy rested. Hooray for hormonal imbalances!
Apologies all around.
Now, back to business. :)