GM Brayden's "Rise of the Runelords"

Game Master Brayden Green

Rise of the Runelords was the first adventure path released in the Pathfinder Adventure Path line and debuted in August 2007.
“ From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the

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Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Yep. I contacted the person. We'll see if it works out.

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

Thanks for giving me the chance to play Brennan. He's been kicking around in my head for almost a year now. I think I've applied for over a dozen games with him.

Oh GM< do you want me to transfer over Brennan's character sheet to his alias? Or just leave it on the myth-weavers sheet?

P.S. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My wife and I went out on a date for our 11th anniversary. Avengers, sushi, and househunting. Fun day!

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

Welcome Brennan. Im sure Brayden has some way made up to intro you in

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Sounds like the best date E-VAR! I LOVE ME SOME SUSHI!

I do have a plan to work you in.

You'll notice when you catch up to the end of the game thread that I am alluding to the meeting with the sheriff. You will have played a key part in defeating the northern goblin raid, and you are all to be awarded at dedication tomorrow. So he is bringing you in to thank you and let you know that.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Also, Brennans question of the stats brings up a good point. I actually want everyone to do the statlines at the top of your character if you don't mind. It makes it a lot easier if I can just look up to your name and pick off your INIT or your hp, or something. I do have a folder with your stats too, but I don't always have it with me.

So if you could all do that for me, I would greatly appreciate that.

There isn't really a formatting I care about, just the basic stats there. Your INIT, hp's, Fort Ref Will Melee attack bonus, ranged bonus, damage etc.

HP: 22/28 NL: 0 | AC 18/12/16 | F +5, R +2, W+1 | Per:+6, Init: +2 | Rage: 14/14

Welcome Brennan! I'll be you resident healer/tank for today.

@ GM: Will add the attack bonuses.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Glad to have you Brennan! and you also Brennan, nice to have you both ;)

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

We thank you all for your welcome, and we hope to add our skills to yours when the time comes. Don't look for us in the front of combat, but from the sides and rear. Shadows are our friends, and stealth our natural instinct. Skills we have, and tales too, of course. But most of all what we have is the drive to survive and to pit our skills against the defenses of others.

@GM: We will go ahead and update the character alias, but it probably won't be until tonight or in the morning.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

I've read it lots of times, but can someone tell me exactly what it means when someone posts 'Bump'? It appears to just be a reminder/ring the doorbell type of post to request or maybe complain someone or multiple someones hurry up and post. Is there anything more to it than that?

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

It "bumps" the Forum post to the top of the list

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

It's also supremely frowned upon by most forums/moderators. Especially in a forum like this one that allows you to subscribe or focus on specific threads.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

ooooh, that's right there's a list of campaigns and the most recent posts put that campaign at the top. Do alot of players monitor their games that way? By seeing if anyone's posted recently?

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

I imagine most people just check their "Campaigns" ab for active campaigns. bumping is usually reserved for other forum threads (rules, general, etc.).

HP: 22/28 NL: 0 | AC 18/12/16 | F +5, R +2, W+1 | Per:+6, Init: +2 | Rage: 14/14

If you click your name way at the top and then click campaigns, you should see all of your campaigns and any new posts they have.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Oh sure, I just have a window with tabs full of RP stuffs, just wondered the point of the "Bump Post." Thanks!

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

@GM - The Un-silent Majority has spoken! :)

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

In deed Majority has spoken. Please proceed with the proceedings.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Forthwith and Posthaste! (can anyone tell I'm itching to write a good post?) :)

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Hooray for non silence! Post coming.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Hooray for non silence! Proceeding with the proceedings.

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

Hooray for Proceeding with the proceedings to hear more about proceedings.

Bored at work

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

I'm liking the character, and not telling you how to play him, as you obviously have a plan... but he is coming off a little - how do you say - psychotic, to me.

I thought you were going to play it a little more close to the vest. Like not saying "we" and "us" and all of that. My only reservation is the same reservation that holds true for any adventure. Why would "x" character run around with "y" character?

Do me a favor, and read what you have posted so far (masterfully, I might add) as a 3rd party observer and tell me whether or not said 3rd party person would want to roll a sleeping bag next to the person.

I think the only problem I am seeing is the "we are legion" approach that you have going right now... If it was just "run of the mill" psychosis, where one day you are one person and one day another, that would still be weird, but I think it would be tolerable if played correctly. If someone kept referring to themself as "themselves" and "we" etc etc I would definitely have fight or flight going on.

The people in the world of Golarion know about psychosis, and they have wards and things set up for that type of thing.

I copied this from the GameMastery Guide about Multiple Personality Disorder to read over (in the mental illness section p. 250) just in case you haven't seen it before.

Multiple Personality Disorder
Type insanity; Save Will DC 19
Onset 2d6 days
Effect –6 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdombased
skill checks; multiple personalities (see below)
This is a complicated disorder that
manifests as 1 or more distinct and different
personalities within the same body and mind.
The number of additional personalities the victim
manifests equals the DC of the insanity divided
by 10 (round down, minimum of 1 additional
personality). Should the insanity worsen in some
way (such as by the save DC increasing), the
number of additional personalities increases
as well. Likewise, the number of additional
personalities decreases as the sufferer recovers
and the insanity’s DC decreases. The GM should
develop these additional personalities.
Every morning, and each time the afflicted
character is rendered unconscious, he
must make a Will save against his
insanity’s DC. Failure indicates that
a different personality takes over.
A character’s memories and skills
remain unchanged, but the various
personalities have no knowledge of
each other and will deny, often violently,
that these other personalities exist.

Also, you should have gotten this in the rules page, but I will tolerate NO player violence or repeated antagonism within the group, no matter how said behavior might apply to the character.

(Also, as a side note, I don't want to create any personalities for you. I like the ones you have.)

JUst trying to get a feel for what you are doing, and where you are going with it, and *again* not telling you HOW to play your character, just giving you my .02 and giving you a feel for maybe what the outside world thinks of the character.

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21


Brennan is a little excited about his "hero" work, and thus is letting more slip than he would normally. When the gnome asked about it, it reminded Brennan to be cautious and he is reigning back. As a rule, he will try and use the singular, but he thinks of himself as "we", and so in times of stress or excitement, will refer to himself in the plural.

As for violence, I am an absolute "no party violence" player and DM. Brennan's darker personalities only get to surface when there is danger at hand. He really does have them under control...really.

HP: 22/28 NL: 0 | AC 18/12/16 | F +5, R +2, W+1 | Per:+6, Init: +2 | Rage: 14/14

First, I have to apologize. I've never done this before, and I don't really want to do this now, but I'm not going to be able to keep up.

This is no fault of the group and the GM, it's just that some personal stuff has been happening the past couple of days as a result of the past couple of semesters. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves and good luck, may Goblins piss their pants at your approach.

@ GM Brayden: If you want, you can play it as Magnhildr just continued on her journey.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Adam, that's allright. These things happen.

Sometimes you have to take care of things outside of gaming so that it is more fun when you can jump back in. We have a real life group that is experiencing that right now.

@ the group: I'm opening it up again for submission. IF you just want me to man a PC instead, you can let me know as well.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

I defer to the widom of the GM :) I'm sick today and sleeping a lot, I'll try to post when I'm up to it. So sorry

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

BUgsby sick = no bueno. get better :)

There are some applicants for the position up, everyone let me know what you think of them when it drives your fancy.

I personally like the tanner admission. We can vote on it or wait some more.

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

He seems...enthusiastic enough. And his character looked good from what I saw of it.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Agreed, he does seem enthusiastic, and from the several character submissions, I liked his quite a bit. +1 for Tanner.

@Tanner - I did notice you're involved in quite a few pbp, which is awesome imo, but is it gonna be too difficult to post with the frequency requested in this one? Judging from your recruitment post frequency/quality, it won't be a problem. But thought I'd ask.

@Brennan, you feel up to being the loot tracker? You character seems willing ;)

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

I can loot track, no problem. I'll just dump it into a Google Doc spreadsheet so everyone can see it. I assume cash will just get split evenly between every player that is "active" when it is given out?

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Ill let the gm field that one.

I don't know if I can do this, but I also thought Arknights char looked interesting too, but I don't know if I can vote twice. Lol.
+1 tanner
+1 arknight

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

Here is the link to the loot list.

Also, the second page is a XP tracker. If the DM wants to give me everyone's current XP, I can track it on a per-person basis. Brayden's call.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

As someone who dislikes tracking my own xp, I would vote yes please on the xp tracker

Male Human Fighter2/ AC18,FF,14,T14/ HP (14/20) /Init +10/Perception +2/Fort +5, Ref+4, Will +1/ +4 M, +6 R/ Bow 1d8

You wouldn't mind adding me to the spreadsheet would you? ;)

Human Psychomancer

@Bugsby - Not to intrude into your campaign ooc discussion, but I noticed your question. Yep, I am involved in a number of PbPs on the Paizo boards. Several of them, however, are of the slower sort, requiring me to post once every 2-3 days. They are still excellent games with great players, but they do not require as much commitment as they may seem to. Playing PbP games is my primary hobby, so I feel confident in saying that I will be able to post on a very regular basis. :)

Iodem Toby wrote:
You wouldn't mind adding me to the spreadsheet would you? ;)

Oh, I suppose. I was hoping to not have to split loot with you though.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11
DM Bigrin wrote:
Oh, I suppose. I was hoping to not have to split loot with you though.


@ Tanner - I saw you mention you'd monitor the boards, so I figured you'd see the question. Never really had any doubt :)

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Some of that text for the character seems like it was right out of the module. Have you run it/read it before?

Human Psychomancer


I went here to find more information on Sandpoint, and here to get more information for Virgil's background. The pages didn't have a spoiler alert. For example, if you look here it has a banner at the top that warns you that it contains information that can only be found in the AP. Everything in my background (I think) can be found in the RotRL player's guide.

I read the AP when it first came out around five years ago. I have never played in a group that has gotten past the Glassworks, and that was about two years ago. So we would pass by what I know in a fairly short amount of time.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Cool. Not accusing you of anything, of course. Iodem currently knows everything, as he was living in town for this happening. The townspeople are very, very, reluctant to talk about the incident, but it is a matter of public record if one wants to research it.

They don't talk about it however. If and when we bring you into the story, you will have more information that I will need to give you about the plot. You have my vote, at least. Well done. When you say that you read through the AP, like you read the module? Then wouldn't you know most of the plot?

Human Psychomancer


I did read through the module, but that was five years ago. I remember the party goes to the Glassworks, finds out a former Sandpoint citizen is helping the goblins, then tracks them down and defeats the goblin tribe. That's the most I know.

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Okay tanner, that works.

Tanner has my vote, for what it's worth.

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

Just waiting on the rest of you 'poke-slows' for some votes. taps foot impatiently

female Human (HP 10, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+5, Per+7, Init+2, Melee +3 Monk / Level 1

+1 for THE Tanner

Knife Master Scout 3 HP 27/27 AC 19 T15 F14 | dagger +7 (1d4+5), thrown dagger +7 (1d4+5) | F +3 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 Perc +8 | CMB +6 CMD 21

Your healer's name is Goodman Tanner Nielsen. Go get him!

Human Psychomancer

What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.

I'm assuming that is enough votes for a confirmation?

Sorcerogue 3 | HP:22, AC: 13/13/11, F2 R5 W3, INIT: +8, Range: +5, Melee: +1, lXbow: 1d6, Perc +8 Stealth +11

I believe the majority has spoken, welcome to the game! ( unless the GM shoots me down, then never mind ;) )

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

Welcome to the game Tanner. Dot the thread so we can port over your Alias, and I have an idea where to bring you into the story. Any questions on the crunch side of things?

Father Zantus wants one of "his guys" in on the searching of what is going on, so he has requested that Kendra include you into the group. You are in the same room as them, and are seated to the side. Peak up whenever you feel appropriate. I would like you to share your experience/background in the Chopper murders, and back Kendra up on how the news the disappearance of Father Tobyns body would make all hell break lose, and that discretion would be the better part of valor. That the churches are making their inquiries into the matter, but it wouldn't hurt if someone that the town respected and revered would start looking into the matter, etc etc etc. Jump in before anyone else if you get to it quick enough.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4


What is 'flextime' by the way?

Male **Smuggler's Shiv Hex Map** Mad Scientest - Level Absolute **Smuggler's Shiv Editable Map**

"flextime" is posting in a scenario/setting different than the one that the group currently is.

For example, if the gm wants to move the story, but the characters want to finish out the discussion they are having, they can generally do it in flex time.

Sometimes the gm will put an end to flextimes, by saying that by such and such time on X day, I am shutting down all past flex times, so they need to be resolved.

So if you want to "hit on" a character, or whatever, well the gm and the rest of the party don't really care about it, so we'll move on with the story and you two can compare zodiac signs and their compatability in flextime.

Make sense?

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