Brayden Green |

Iodem, I think so. It is basically the story of what happened. I think that he posted it in secret on accident. I think either he should remove the spoiler or we could all just click on it I guess.
He might have done it on accident as a spoiler.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

@Zen Tough break, getting knocked out so close to the end, you can read the same thing happening to Bugsby, just got minimum damage on both sandbag and falling damage, so slightly lucky gnome. :)
We're resuming real time in the tent right? Cause I just posted like we are.

Brayden Green |

Real time in the tent. I like everyone's obstacle course stories so far. Good Stuff!

Brayden Green |

While you are getting to know each other, you watch the last few people make a run at Iodem's time, and then the crowd heads home to eat. Word is spreading that the dance is starting to get set up, and they are making a call for the musicians that are in the band.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

While you are getting to know each other, you watch the last few people make a run at Iodem's time, and then the crowd heads home to eat. Word is spreading that the dance is starting to get set up, and they are making a call for the musicians that are in the band.
is this supposed to be in the campaign thread?

Brayden Green |

Brayden Green wrote:is this supposed to be in the campaign thread?While you are getting to know each other, you watch the last few people make a run at Iodem's time, and then the crowd heads home to eat. Word is spreading that the dance is starting to get set up, and they are making a call for the musicians that are in the band.

Brayden Green |

Man. Totally changes my opinion of you... Make a mistake like that again, and i'll feed you to the dire crocodile.

Brayden Green |

Hey, it just occured to me that Shinoda might need help with his roll.
Click on your name, and there is a bunch of stats there. YOu are looking for the one that says "perception" and then what you are going to do is enter the "dice" code and it will roll it for you online. Perception is a "skill" and skills are always rolled with a "20 sided" dice or "d20" and then you add any bonuses you might have. I am pretty sure you are at a +3 to perception. So you would enter it like this.
[dice]1d20+3 [/dice ] except without the space after the second dice.
Then click submit and it will roll it for you.
I want it hidden, so it gets a little tricky. You are going to put the "spoiler" code before and after it.
Let's see those website developing skills come out! Let one of us know if you need help beyond that.

Magnhlidr Whitescale |

Hold on I gotta find my PbP posting guide....
Found it
[ ooc]out of character[/ooc]
[ b]"Charater talking"[/b]
[ dice=die roll]1d20+9[/dice]
[ ooc]die roll: [ dice]1d20+9[/dice][/ooc]
[ i]Character thinking[/i]
[ spoiler=GM]Stuff that not everyone would know[/spoiler]
That looks like this with all the spaces in the first tags removed:
out of character
"Charater talking"
die roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
die roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Character thinking
@ GM: Please don't then Raseri would have to come fishing me out and that would bring up some pretty bad memories for her. (Found out one of her twin little sisters was probably sold to a brothel by a guy who sicced a gator on the party.) Considering she's a barbarian, that would be messy for all involved.

Brayden Green |

Hmmm. I may consider not throwing you in on the next time, but a couple gp thrown my way would lower the DC substantially.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Wait, why would we each give you our actions for 10 rounds?
I was thinking; Round 1(or whatever #), > GM posts init > everyone posts their desired actions for that round > GM looks over the desired actions and either resolves the entire round if GM has everyone's actions, or GM resolves combat in sections as you get the right characters actions for that round.
Or we flip a coin :)

Brayden Green |

Bugsby - That will work, I think. The root cause of the problem still exists though - that being that we will still eventually be waiting on someone.
1. Do we need to set some sort of "delay" system, or "autobot" function, like we resolve combat rounds once an hour, or every other hour, or once per day, or what do you think?
2. I guess what i am asking, is what liberties do you want me to take with your character(s) in the interest of the game flowing?

Brayden Green |

I think twice per day works fine, unless people have actions in before then. I will be awarding bonuses for combats that flow faster than normal.
I will post what happened in the surprise round, and then we will start for reals in round one.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Yeah I've seen 12 or 24 hour time limits. But we can do whatever we want... and personally I'd like it to be more frequent than 12 hours, more like 6 or 4. If everyone agrees to it of course. If we can agree on a delay limit then that'll (hopefully) let the PC give the GM what they'd prefer their char to do. Or if there is no request the GM can make the call. So;
1) Yes - I vote... 4 hour delay. :) it seems this'll be most difficult for Kerdin, being in Germany and all.
2) Bot me if I'm unavailable/unable to post, if you don't hear something from me specific to that combat, then play Bugsby for Battlefield Control, or buff/debuff, depending on available spells.
EDIT: Ninja'd!

Brayden Green |

However, as Bugsby mentioned, I would like to do more than 2 rounds a day.
I will be providing bonuses (xp, and in combat bonuses such as "fear" and other things, depending on your actions) to combat situations if we get more than 2 rounds a day, but that will be the base for our efforts.
Do you want to volunteer for a "failsafe" mechanism? What I mean by that, is that if 5 of 6 people have their actions in, do you want to yourself to be botted so that not everyone is waiting "x" amount of hours more for your post. Like I said, the more rounds we get the better bonuses I will give you. I don't want to be fighting goblins, (did I say goblins, I meant "little green dudes") midway into next week.
So do you volunteer this? I need a yes/no from everyone.
And, when you are botted, I will do my best to keep you out of harms way, by the way. My intention is never to kill any of you. I am playing the monsters as random, or as intelligent as they are meant to be played, and I do a pretty good job of it. (I can't help it if the die roll comes up a crit for mad damage, however.)
You better believe if and when you fight a black dragon, that I will be looking to kill you (just don't make me TPK you, I still have a TPK-free record... so don't test me, I don't want one!) and that the black dragon will be attacking the healing source(s) first, and the wizards next, unless it receives enough damage to change it's mind/strategy.
I play each monster according to their tendencies, and INT score, and reasons for being in the scenario (protecting its home, looking for an easy lunch, whatever).

Kerdin |

I thank Bugsby for the attention he paid on me :) Thanks!
And DM: Yah, I agree with Bugsby about 4h rule. Woudl like to see the combat solved faster but also giving feel something is happening and keep story going forward.
Regarding my different timezone (drastic one) I am willing to post my actions in advance (5-8 rounds) and that is ok for me if my character is "guided" along the combat if I am not available / there is no actions I have given out beforehand

Brayden Green |

Cool Kerdin, that will help a lot. Let's do that for you then. We'll wait, let's say an hour after everyone has posted, and then if you haven't posted yet, but the other 5 have, I'll just pick the next action in order, as we go.
That works for me, that's easy to do for fighters.
Does that work for you, then? I don't want to overstep my bounds, or make you feel like you aren't important. You are actually very, very vital to the party success, lol.
200xp bonus to Kerdin for being such a good sport about the time zone difference and adjusting accordingly.

Kerdin |

Well, off to sleep and I think that there will be lots of action during that time hehe.
Getting my rounds here beforehand if something happens plus story after fight if we got that far.
[round 3]
Attacking the closest Goblin still alive and hitting as hard as he can. attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
[round 4]
Taking a look around and continue to slash at goblins (if any alive)
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
if not= getting into looting the goblins and especially some gear he could take as a trophy.
[fight over]
Happy and smiling for this smile excersice although feeling sorry for all who were hurt and feeling bad, Kerdin just shrughs it off Ay, lif´ be bad and no time to sorrow for tha dead ya? We go and we stay but who knows how long. Better ya to enjoy tha life as long as tou can and gets on drinking again. Drinking some heavy shots and most night Kerdin will at some point be drunk... out of this world. Imagining to be a some nimble animal he staggers forward to his temporary apartment and waving from side to side until reaching bed and falling asleep with heavy snoring.
[fights continue]
Following others and charging visible goblin and sticking in in-fighting with them, hitting with his waraxe as many time as possible bursting with energy and laughing between his hacking and slashing
some rolls to help out
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Brayden Green |

Zen, I would love to play kingmaker, but I've been running it, so that one is out for me to play :(
since upon reading the first module, you literally know the plot for the entire game. **sigh**
As far as running, I'm pretty interested in running it, as the group I am currently running it for (temporarily?) fizzled out. Not really sure, I have one player that wants in and to do it remote (via skype) and the other is strapped as far as time constraints go, and wants NOTHING to do with remote. LoL. I want to get a "real life" game going, and I have 3 or 4 players that are pretty solid, and FULL on rp that are ready and wanting to get that going. (I'm talking, one with an irish accent and a little cap, lol.)

Brayden Green |

Also, as far as Shinoda goes, I talked to my buddy Jeff at work today, and he just got promoted this week, so instead of being one of the peons at work, he is now becoming "the man" with 10 guys working under him.
It is creating a lot more work for him, and I don't think he realized the fast pace nature of the PbP (because, well he told me so), and so I think he is looking to step out, because he feels bad about holding the group up, and taking a spot that would otherwise be filled with good RP.
So, yeah. His final words (unless he comes in and says something, lol) is to leave you with this.
THIS is what happened to Shinoda...
He feels really bad, but I told him no problem, and to not worry about it. And congrats on the promotion, etc.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Has anyone else been able to check out the recruitment thread? Some very interesting concepts in there! I think I'm voting for the Brennan Dark..something. A half elf rogue with split personalities sounds pretty interesting, as well as fill some part deficiencies, and that persons other character, the Oracle of Battle would add another solid front liner with the ability to chip in healing. Either of these two make the most 'party' sense to me. However both the other character submissions, tiny halfling and crazy jane (hehe) seemed more... rp/interesting as opposed to filling a party hole.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Kerdin |

Hm... true. I would say that the rogue seems interesting add with his personality and would make interesting add to our party-people. Regarding also the class= rogue is quite skill-monkey and that extra sneak-attack will down mobs fast

Bugsby Featherfoot |

So it seems we have 3 votes for half elf rogue Brennan Dark...blade I think. While we wait for more votes, or for the GM to make a ruling, I wanted to ask you something GM.
Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Which makes it sound like gnomes are familiar enough with goblinoids to train especially to combat them. I thought this was a dwarf thing, and it turns out dwarves have the same racial trait of Hatred. So I'm thinking they should already what goblins are, based on the trait anyways. It seems like it might be pertinent to the story/history of the world up to this point that we don't know, just cause you're being so 'secretive' about them. It seems goblins are usually common enough enemies that everyone knows what they are, like any other dangerous creature, wolves, dragons, bears, or whatever. Or possibly you're just wanting the right knowledge check, of which Bugsby doesn't seem to have the right k skills to make that check. Any clarification?