Brayden Green |

Discussion thread started up and linked to not clutter the gameplay thread.
First order of business for the discussion:
We have a sorcerer, monk, fighter, and the other player will most likely play a ranger w rogue abilities (brand new player, so I'm keeping it simple with him)
Do you want me to play a PC to shore up party weaknesses?

Brayden Green |

Other questions to discuss.
When do we want to officially start? I was thinking the 2nd, but my finals aren't going to be as bad as I thought they were, so I can start it sooner if we are chomping at the bit.
Jeff, the other player has his sisters wedding this weekend, so he is pretty booked til tuesday the next week. I doubt we will even see him on here before then, but he might surprise us with a visit (another reason I was thinking of starting the 2nd), but again, if we are chomping at the bit, we can bring him in a little later, and he won't miss much at all. I know him well, and he'd be fine with bringing him in after we get started if that is what we want to do. As somebody that hasn't played since HS, he might appreciate having some role play to look at before he jumps in himself (Yes, we are bringing him back in! High fives all around!)
We will be using flex time, Jordan, do you want to go ahead and explain that so I'm not the only one talking here, lol.
Try to post a minimum of two a day.
Anything else anyone want to say?
(BTW, my name is Brayden Green - if my avatar didn't give it away and I live in Utah. Currently finishing up school to do software developing. JUst getting into the meat of my classes, have about a year before I gradiate. I have a wife and an almost 4 year old - her bday is sunday, and we are pregnant with our 2nd.)
Nice to meet all of you, looking forward to some awesome RP.
Zen and Iodem haven't done a PbP before. Get ready for the rp of your lives!!!

Zen Al'Shear |

Starting next week is fine with me as I have a Classic Car show to go to this weekend in bakersfield. Ill get a list of the small amount of gear that i have on my toon (living in a monastery for 8 years lol) and list the weights.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Other questions to discuss.
When do we want to officially start? I was thinking the 2nd, but my finals aren't going to be as bad as I thought they were, so I can start it sooner if we are chomping at the bit.
I'm always chomping at the bit for some pathfinder. Which means I'll start as soon as everyone else is ready.
We will be using flex time, Jordan, do you want to go ahead and explain that so I'm not the only one talking here, lol.
So "Flex Time" for those who don't already know, is a method of pbp which allows 'scenes' and 'conversations' to continue at the same point in time they started (basically), while allowing the GM to push the adventure along.
To do this, the one who wishes to post using Flex Time needs to put, in OOC (out of character) text, "Flex Time - Scene being flexed" at the top of the post. Then they can just post whatever they want in the scene specified.
The GM has the power to end flex time conversations at their discretion. Periodically a GM will state "All flex time conversations will be closed in the next 24 hours." This power lets the GM keep things relatively tidy in the forum and helps everyone keep things straight as to who is saying what and when they're saying it.
FOR EXAMPLE Lets say Zen and I just met, and our chars are still introducing themselves, but the GM wants to post the next step in the adventure.
Flex Time - Introductions with Zen
"So Zen, how many men have you slept with? ...I meant beaten up, yeah that's it!"
Zen could then reply using the same, or a similar, heading so I'd know it was our conversation she was 'flex time-responding to'.
It's not mandatory to participate in or initiate Flex Time conversations, but it does come in handy and keeps the story moving forward when it might otherwise be 'paused' waiting for conversations/scenes to finish up.
Zen and Iodem haven't done a PbP before. Get ready for the rp of your lives!!!
Names Jordan IRL, the GM and I are good buddies as well. I like movies and walks in the park, and playing in pbps while I'm at work! I know such a rebel! It's gonna be great y'all.

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My intro post was eaten so I will sum it up here.
-My name is Nick, nice to meet you all.
-I love Utah, went backpacking at Zion National Park last spring.
-I'm really excited about pbp. I've prepared myself a it by reading through a couple of the pbps on here.
-I built my character with 15pt buy, was this correct?
-I am assuming Fast XP to make up for the 3.5 vs PF difference, is this correct?

Zen Al'Shear |

well then nice to meet yall. My name is Steve. Nick if you love Zion NP then you will be jelouse as to where my wife and I live and work(yosemite national park).
It will be good to be doing some RPing again. Havnt played for 4 years I think.

Brayden Green |

Nick, we're actually doing a 20 point buy (the high fantasy format.) So definitely go in and adjust your stats to account for that.
So it is a 20 pt buy, then add your racial modifiers after the buy. We will be on the medium track, so that is why you want to start out at "high fantasy" or the 20 pt buy. I have found that medium track xp and high fantasy even each other out pretty well. You start out a little, teensy, OP but it evens out after a level or two, and pretty soon you are grasping for life like normal. LoL.
As far as a PC, I think I will play one, so I don't have to scale the encounters down (just creates a lot less work for me, and there is a little bit of extra work that goes into a PbP so that will save me there.)
- Here's the catch with me playing a pc. I want you all to look at it just like another PC playing right beside you all, rather than an NPC that knows things about the story. Like if the PC I am playing says "I think we should go right" it isn't because the PC knows that the monster is there, or if he says "We should leave now" it isn't because the police are on their way. I do a good job of separating the two, so don't think you have to follow everything a PC says. I will actually kind of play it in the background, so as to not detract from your RP interaction.
As to why we woulnd't just add another player, the few the better as far as I am concerned. The less players, the less weddings, the less real life stuff that can get in the way during a combat.
Zen, lol about the monk's items. I've played a monk before. "I have a biscuit and my fists... what else do I need?"

Brayden Green |

Nicely explained on the flex time Bugsby. It is not a requirement to participate in flex time, and you control when it happens.
As a GM I am likely to try and move things along so we don't have four people waiting on two people to post "what color of eyes" they each have or anything like that, or (what happens in some cases - two characters get into a pissing match about which deity is better, or why it is evil or not to want for money, or maybe their family back at home, and rp that out), so they are welcome to do that at their "leasure" in flex time, while the entire party moves on and is actively engaged in something else.
IF you didn't get something essential into conversation it is helpful. On days with a lot of "traffic" (if we all happen to be posting at the same time - not a bad thing, one of the best things, actually) you will find sometimes that because a player posts one thing that you need to adjust what you were planning on doing, or saying. That is the nature of the PbP, it doesn't happen all the time, and you will get used to it pretty quickly.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

@Laschoni - Which trail(s) did you do at Zions last year? I ask cause my dad and brothers and I did the Subway last year. It was amazing! This year will probably be the Narrows, if we can manage to get one of the few available campsites!
I've ready a few pbps in here also, it's quite informative on how to do what, and the stories are great. It's like reading a novel in some of them.
@Zen - Welcome back to rp, I think you're really gonna like it. Such a different emphasis compared to tabletop playing, allows you to really flesh our your character, imo.
@GM - We'll make sure to play our chars as if you're PC is just as 'story-dumb' as the rest of us. ;-)

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@Bugsby we did the West Rim and supplemented in an early morning run of Angel's Landing, Observation point, and a couple other trail heads. All in all we were doing about 14-16mi a day if I recall correctly. (I would love to do the narrows)
@Zen I really want to get out to Yosemite sometime soon. Living in Louisville means most of my close hikes and sights are relatively green and not quite the color and adventure that the west provides. I've also spent a couple weeks in Northeast New Mexico, and done a couple short hikes in Arizona.
@Brayden I will update the character sheet accordingly. I always assume the low end so I can be happy if I am wrong.
@All I'm really open to tips as we progress.
I play Pathfinder in person once a week. Alternating weeks I am either a player in Jade Regent or a GM for Kingmaker.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

@Laschoni I think we did Angels Landing as well, I know we did the Subway and then one other one the next day. But they hiking blurred together a little bit over the course of the weekend.
@Zen I'm fine with my character name being used. I'll want a free copy of the book of course, but other than that, I'm good. :)

Bugsby Featherfoot |

@Zen, I don't believe that stats exist for a metal quarter-staff (love the idea however). Perhaps our GM could be persuaded to allow one and u two can hash out the details, or maybe a masterwork quarterstaff would be a metal one? GM, gonna need u to weigh in on this one. Please. :-)

Brayden Green |

@ Zen - totally cool about the story. I'll want a copy too!
Also, as far as a metal quarterstaff, I did some digging and I'm pretty sure I haven't seen anything about a metal one anywhere. If you have something from 3.5 we could port it over. If not, we could make one up. (I am sure it could be commisioned).
Here's what I think for the metal (unless there is something that we can bring over already statted out).
- It would do more damage than a traditional quarterstaff. (Think about getting hit with a "lead pipe" vs a "thick branch")
- It would be a lot heavier. (Think, a lead pipe vs an inch thick branch)
- It would be a LOT harder to break, (damage and hit point wise.)
Here is how I would stat it out vs a traditional quarterstaff:
Cost - Traditional - NONE (basically a 5 foot long branch that you find, or handle to a plowshare, or something) Metal - 10 gp-ish for a smithy to fashion for you out of iron.
Weight - standard is 4 lbs. Metal would be 12 lbs, evenly distibuted along the 5 feet.
Durability - stardard has 5 hardness, and 10 hp per inch of thickness (so 10 hps) - Metal has 15 hardness, and 30 hp per inch of thickness (so, 30 hps) I also would rule that if someone was trying to "sunder" (break) it, it would get a DR if they were using one-handed slashing. Probably a DR of 5 agaisnt slashing. (So they would have to hit it for 6 points of damage or more to start taking away hit points)
Damage - 1d6 standard for medium weapon
1d8 for metal medium.

Brayden Green |

@ Bugsby. I will be keeping track of xp, but it will be a good idea for you all to keep track of your own as well, so I don't miss on anything.
I just saw your post about the metal staff right before mine. We must have been typing at the same time, lol.

Brayden Green |

@ Laschoni, the Jade regent. Cool. THis is actually the precursor to the jade regent, as far as storylines go. You might recognize some of the characters :)
I am GMing for Kingmaker. I love it. My players there are a bunch of morons though. (LOL, there is one on this thread. Just checking to see if he is reading)

Zen Al'Shear |

@Brayden, I also haven't seen any stats for a metal one. Hence the reason for the question. I am willing to RP out whats needed to get a Blacksmith to craft one for me even it he dislikes the thought of just makeing something so inferior to his normal craft. The staff is goign to be a long term part of my character concept.
As for the book heh its a small hobby of mine from when i was playing reguarly. It will be much easier for me to put it into story from from a PbP then actual tabletop.
lastly I have added weights to my profile. well what I could for my meger possessions.

Brayden Green |

Cool concept about the metal staff. If you want it to be a longer term solution, I would suggest making it masterwork, because then it can be upgraded to magic. I'm sure I'm telling you information you already know. :)
What do you think about the stats I gave you? Do those make sense, and are workable to your concept?

Bugsby Featherfoot |

I am GMing for Kingmaker. I love it. My players there are a bunch of morons though. (LOL, there is one on this thread. Just checking to see if he is reading)
"Hardy-har-har, Alice. That's Funny, Alice! Do you know where you're going Alice??!! TO THE MOON ALICE!!!"
Love me some John Belucci (sp)

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@Brayden, we just finished the 4th book last night. My group gets way into the Civilization/Sim City aspect and we have a couple times gone weeks without an encounter.
@Zen I have the feats planned out for all 20 levels on this character. So I can definitely sympathize with a full character concept.

Brayden Green |

@Zen - You have a lot of options.
There is the "ONE SHOT TATTOO" LINK HERE that you can scribe on your skin instead of a scroll. Kinda spendy, but decorative, and you don't have to rummage through a sack looking for a scroll during combat.
If you intend on being a magic user eventually, there is THE OPTION ON THIS LINK HERE. Also, if you find someone that can do this, they can do it for you. It won't be that hard to find someone that can do this in Varisia. But there isn't someone on every corner, either.

Brayden Green |

Also, not sure if I mentioned this, but it is the standard one feat and two traits to start out (obvy if you are human or fighter etc you get bonus feats on top of that.)
If you are from Varisia, or sandpoint knowledge local can be added as a class skill, and if you take a rank in it, take a +5 bonus for the rank (instead of the usual +3 for class skills). Also, if you are from Varisia, you have the ability to take the Varisian feats, which aren't too shabby (p. 13 - 14 of the players guide)
It is a requirement to read the players guide. It can be found HERE

Brayden Green |

You are welcome to change your chars up (just let me know) until the 2nd when we start.
Downloading and printing at work means you are smart, not bad. :)
I am currently prepping the house for my daughters bday tomorrow. Once I get a shot, I will introduce you to your new compatriate.
Also, Jeff will be posting sometime within the next few days, I think he is out of town this weekend for his sisters wedding, which I think is Monday.

Brayden Green |

Hey, that is saying something, if sweet looking cars don't hold a candle to this!
So I left Jeff a message on his phone today. Not sure what his schedule is, so I say we just get this party started. He will call or message me back soon, I am sure.
Let's get the location down, and start filtering in some details. get some party particulars out of the way. Then tomorrow I will be taking finals, so I'll be in and out, but we can at least get some RP started and on it's way.
Gonna mess around with creating a profile on the site. Jordan, in the pbp's that you have seen do the Gm's have a separate profile for the chars they have, or is it just a:
Blah blah blah and then goes over to the bar.
under the Gm's thing?

Bugsby Featherfoot |

I've seen GM's do it both ways. It appears to be easier (for the GM) to just keep the one GM profile and then in the text box specify which NPC is speaking or acting. Having a different alias for each NPC, but I don't like that as much. Plus having only one GM alias/profile allows the GM to post faster.
NPC #1: Blah blah blah in our convo
NPC #2: I say this in a separate convo....
So I'm for keeping one GM profile, and separating the NPCs stuff in the text box. That's my two cents.

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Also, from what I've noticed, GMs will rarely put the npcs words into a quote, mostly because when it displays on the page it says "Brick wrote" which seems to imply the words have already been spoken (wrote). They usually just write is novel style, from what I've seen that is.

Brayden Green |

Sweet. Well, let's get this party started then.

Brayden Green |

how come monks always get the shabby end of a bull when it comes to starting gold
No doubt. Average starting level of 35 gp, lol.
Of course, 35 gold is like a whole years wage for the average family.

Brayden Green |

Yeah, and the standard response of PC's is always "I toss him a gold and see if he has any information on what happened last night."
That is like going up to a homeless person and throwing $600 bucks right into his lap and saying, "Did you see if anyone broke into that house last night?"
Lol, all day long.

Brayden Green |


Bugsby Featherfoot |

@GM - Periodically I'll be posting from my phone if I'm out and about, but there is no "[" or "]" key, or at least I haven't found them yet, and so Busby's words will only be in quotes, not bolded. My plan is to bold these post with a post edit when I'm able. That sound ok?

Bugsby Featherfoot |

Oh yeah, one other thing for everyone. Bugsby is a local, at least the last... oh 5 years or so. It appears Iodem is, since he was working on the new Cathedral (if I read that right) and Zen? I'm not sure about her. New characters who haven't intro'd yet I'm sure I can figure it out in game. Thanks!