GM Blood's Age of Worms in Golarion #2

Game Master David James Olsen

Group 2 Map
Loot spreadsheet

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Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

I normally put my hit points in my posts after being damaged along with relevant conditions for a historical record and then update the status on my profile. I think we are getting more efficient with our posts. I will put things like AoO attacks in spoilers to save time.

I think the use of resources in this encounter say it is a good time to go back and talk to our sponsor and show him my bag of eyes with ray attacks and refit for the next day.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

Sorry for the silence, I was sick today, and only now feeling better.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

No problem -- maybe I'll do damage next encounter.

Time to go home and let the ladies with the important spells and bombs replenish. How many times have I seen the 'Just one more room' idea end in disaster?

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Justin - your ability to roll like 7 attacks in a row all misses was pretty astounding.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

It would be nice if I felt it would make me due. I think I will roleplay that Justin wasn't used to being so large it disrupted his fighting. Yeah, let's go with that. And do forget my abysmal FORT save--the only good save I have now.

Figured something like that Ingrid, you are usually posting a lot more so no worries. Just had you delay to keep things moving. (and since it had 3 hps left!)

Justin, your rolls would fit right in at my Monday night Carrion Crown game. Just about reached the midway point and two out of the four players took themselves out of the fight right away with horrible attack rolls and saves, almost sheer luck they managed to limp through!

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

I will have diminished posting capacity for the next 48-72 hours. To keep things moving, please feel free to dictate my actions. Y'know, as long as I don't do anything crazy. Well, nothing crazy I wouldn't normally do.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

I think it would be a good idea to know what everyone will take at the next level so it can mesh with each other's abilities

example, If I take the cantrip "Lullaby", and Aarakess takes the "Sleep" Hex. I could use lullaby first on some targets, and if they fail, are weakened against Aarakess's sleep hex save DC.

So let's see if we have create some team attacks for when we level up.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

For leveling up I get 1 cantrip, and 1 1st level spell.
Uncanny Dodge, and Clever explorer(weaker version of trapfinding)

for skill points I plan on putting ranks into other class skill that don't have a rank in them, though I will put another rank into disable device again.

I am thinking of taking Lullaby as my cantrip if Aarakess takes the sleep hex, as that cantrip can aid her in that hex's effectiveness.

The first level spell, I have a few ideas:

Charm Person,
Comprehend Languages,
Delusional Pride,
Detect Charm,
Disguise Self,
Ear-Piercing Scream,
Enhance Water,
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall,
Obscure Object,
Restful Sleep,
Silent Image,
Swallow Your Fear,
Tap Inner Beauty,
Undetectable Alignment,
Youthful Appearance

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Grease is a good Bard spell, especially if you have a high Cha.

I was going to take Misfortune at level 2, Cackle (extra hex) at level 3, and then Fortune at level 4. Using Evil Eye (to reduce saves) followed by cackle and Misfortune can cause monsters to have a really tough time hitting us. Very useful against big monsters, less useful against lots of small ones.

I could take the Sleep Hex, but remember, it is only 1 target and only lasts for 1 round, so unless someone is ready to do a coup de gras, it will likely be wasted.

Most likely Sleep would be my level 5 or 6 hex, but if people want it, I can grab it at level 2.

Also, doing Lullaby and Sleep uses 2 full character actions, 1 for your spell and one for my Hex.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

when we level up it would be 2 rounds of sleep, not 1

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

And Justin can deliver a solid cdg. Putting a target asleep for two rounds after which he ends up prone is quite good. And you can do it on many targets each day.

I think I look forward to the feat mounted combat at level 3. The decisions of a melee fighter are far less involved :-) Just want to upgrade to half plate at the first opportunity.

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

I plan on Precise Bombs for my first Discovery next level. Of course, with the way I'm missing these swarms, not gonna do me much good. 17 touch AC? What the heck? It's like a large creature, how do I miss? It's a 5 for a square! (Just ranting)

As a Churgeon, I'll be able to use Cure Spells as infusions, so others can use them (yay!).

Skill wise, I plan on Perception, Disable Device, Spellcraft, UMD, Know (Arcana & Nature), Sleight of Hand, Survival, Craft (Alchemy), 1 rank each.

Not sure what Formulae I'll add (I only get 1, not two like a wizard).

HP 101 of 110 - AC 24 (T 13, FF 21) - F +10, R +5, W +12

bard spells... I always liked Silent Image, so many possibilities and no save until it is interacted with (which should be discussed with the GM before so everyone knows that that means). Vanish is nice too... a round/level invisibility.

Rohara is going to be a pretty easy level...

2nd level
+1 0-level spell per day
+1 1st level spell per day
Skills: +2 Knowledge (Planes), +1 Knowledge (Religion), +1 Spellcraft, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Linguistics (Draconic)

3rd Level
2nd level spells. Yay!
2d6 channel. yay!
Feat (not too sure yet, advice?)Channel Smite? Improved Channel? Shield Focus? Extra Channel (again)?
Up current skills...

Later on... no clue how the character will go... Spherewalker if allowed 'might' be an option.

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

I plan on sticking with Witch, at least for a while. Might take a level of rogue or ranger at some point to round out skills and get some additional abilities.

As far as skills, not really sure. Probably Perception, Know(Planes). Might pick up some other knowledge skills as well.

Just to let you guys know, tomorrow I am going to be on the road for work and not around a computer most of the day. I have my phone and may be able to sneak an update in, but don't expect much.

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

With your regular updates, I do not think that anyone can complain too loudly if you miss a few hours here and there.

True, but there will be a difference than a normal day! :)

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Despite my general opposition to it, sometimes real life and work have to temporarily take precedence over PF. For instance if I am in court, I am guessing the judge would be really annoyed if I were posting.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

Justin's damage roll was 1 too high and didn't put the round number in. Posted from my phone while traveling.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

All three attacks connected for a .4*.4*.4= 6.4% chance. My luck is changing :-)

Vitals (Kilthan):
(HP: 119[139]/119[139]; AC: 24[22](26[24])/14/22[20](24[22]); CMD: 26 [28]; Fort +11, Ref: +8, Will: +4 [+6]; Perception: +17; Rage: 8/8)
Male Half-Elven Ranger (Infiltrator): 9/Bloodrager (Spelleater): 1
Vitals (Jagdbach):
(HP: 91/91 (118/118); AC: 25(23)/13(11)/22(20); CMD: 23 (25) {27 (29) trip}; Fort +9(+11), Ref: +10, Will: +3(+5); {+4 v. enchant}; Percep: +7)

Glad you got lucky -- I think I burned all mine away with the bug-killing crit earlier.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

Justin's chivalry died faster than I thought. Fighting an underwater creature in its lair may not be the smartest thing, especially solo.

HP rules for advancing a level:

For d6 classes roll 1d3+3
For d8 classes roll 1d4+4
For d10 classes roll 1d5+5
For d12 classes roll 1d6+6

Any new abilities are available right away.
Unless you are a spontaneous casting class, new spells are not available until you rest.

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

HP: 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Hex - Slumber

New Spells - Jump(patron), Reduce Person, Burning Hands

Skills - Know(religion, planes), Perception, Spellcraft, Acrobatics, Stealth

This comment deleted to avoid embarrassing the person who mistyped and fixed something.

Whatever do you mean? That's what I typed there!

Good catch, copy and paste error!

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

HP: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8


I'll fill in the character in a bit.

Lizardman hp=108/108(AC24/ff24/t11) {F=+12/R=+6/W=+9} CMD 26 Paladin 10 (Shining Knight) Smite evil 4/4 - Lay on hands 7/7

2lvl HP 1d5 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

Should be updated. And FYI, I can now share Cure Extracts!!

HP 101 of 110 - AC 24 (T 13, FF 21) - F +10, R +5, W +12

Hit Points 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Blah...

Cleric level 2
+1 0-level spell per day
+1 1st level spell per day
Skills: +2 Knowledge (Planes), +1 Knowledge (Religion), +1 Spellcraft, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Linguistics (Draconic)

HP: 13/13 remaining
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 12 Touch)
In Hand: Mace and shield
Conditions: none
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, (spell slot); (1st level, DC 14) Bless-©, Bless, (spell slot) True Strike (d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 12) 2 of 7 remaining
Bit of Luck 5 of 6 remaining (Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result)
Agile Feet 6 of 6 remaining (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round)

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

Leveled up,
and put some ranks into skills we used, like climb.

and took lullaby as a cantrip, and identify as a 1st level spell.

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

I am currently in the process of making sure my desk has a nice oval shape imprint similar to that of my forehead as, while crusing the interwebz, I realized that alternate tiefling heritages also replace your skill modifiers. I don't think it's come up yet to matter (I added 2 to stealth & bluff instead of disable device & sleight of hand), but just giving a heads up.

I also didn't realize it gives a different spell-like ability (which doesn't matter as I took the variant ability, but still neat!).

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

did you look at the traits, some are really sweet.

Vitals (Kilthan):
(HP: 119[139]/119[139]; AC: 24[22](26[24])/14/22[20](24[22]); CMD: 26 [28]; Fort +11, Ref: +8, Will: +4 [+6]; Perception: +17; Rage: 8/8)
Male Half-Elven Ranger (Infiltrator): 9/Bloodrager (Spelleater): 1
Vitals (Jagdbach):
(HP: 91/91 (118/118); AC: 25(23)/13(11)/22(20); CMD: 23 (25) {27 (29) trip}; Fort +9(+11), Ref: +10, Will: +3(+5); {+4 v. enchant}; Percep: +7)

5 + 1d5 ⇒ 5 + (1) = 6 Well, that's not the best roll I've ever seen.

Oh well... Updating sheet now.

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}
Ingrid Anika Nina Jones wrote:
did you look at the traits, some are really sweet.

If you're referring to the Tiefling variant abilities, yea I did. There are some pretty cool ones in that list, thematically great. My Bite is the one I ended up with and I got to say I love it (even if I haven't used it yet).

I haven't seen the Blood of Fiends yet. Expecting some good stuff in that though

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

no, I mean traits.
A bunch of them are on page 30-31.
and each tiefling racial variant has two traits for them, at the bottom of the entry.
Daemon-Spawn/Grim-Spawn have Death's Deputy, and Soul Eater.

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

Ooooh, no I haven't gotten that yet. Sounds like a solid purchase on Friday though.

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Can you post what the Oni-Spawn traits are? I am considering an Oni-spawn for one campaign and would like to know what the traits are.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2


Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Thanks - I may need to redo some of my background, although I really like it as it is currently.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

Rakasa-Spawn in case you want to see another one

There are feats and traits that look nice.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2

More tiefling stuff can be found at

traits, feats and stuff for classes

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17

Thanks, this is all new which was why I asked. It was not there yesterday evening when I checked.

HP: 9/9 AC:16:13:13 Saves:3:5:2
Aarakess Halcorn wrote:
Thanks, this is all new which was why I asked. It was not there yesterday evening when I checked.

They just got it posted at 16:20 EST today!

Aarakess please make sure to update your hps on your class/levels and your max hp line in your stat block.

Rohara You haven't updated your spells with your new level (need 1 more 0 and 1st)

Female Dwarf Witch/10 - (HP: 64/92; AC 16; FF 14; Touch 16; Fort +7/+9; Ref +6/+8; Will +9/+11; Init +2; Per +13/+17


HP 101 of 110 - AC 24 (T 13, FF 21) - F +10, R +5, W +12

We just rested... so I now get spells for those slots.

HP: 13/13 remaining
AC: 20 (18 Flat-footed / 12 Touch)
In Hand: Mace and shield
Conditions: none
Spells (0-level, DC 13, at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Guidance; (1st level, DC 14) Bless, Bless, Comprehend Languages, True Strike (d)
Channel Energy (1d6, DC 12) 7 of 7 remaining
Bit of Luck 6 of 6 remaining (Any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result)
Agile Feet 6 of 6 remaining (ignore all difficult terrain for 1 round)

{HP 74/74 | AC18/FF14/T14/CMD21 | F+9/R+11/W+3 | Inish +4, Per +11}

So we descend into the pit to find out......the iron balls are actually iron eggs of an iron bettle, and the eggs all hatch, forming an iron beetle swarm!! Picture it, swarm traits to immune to weapon damage, golem traits so immune to magic!! I'm actually a little afraid now.

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