Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Just a note for everyone. I live in KC, so central time. I get off at 4PM Central and then go to the hospital to visit my mom, who has been in the hospital since 1/7 this year. I usually have my tablet but they are changing some treatment so it's a bit busy right now. I should be home by 6:30 each night.
In addition, I've GM'd this part, so I am kinda trying to stay in the background so I don't spoil anything.

Gavmania |

Sorry to hear about your mum, forthepie. Hope she is ok.
I agree that it makes sense to sell the equipment, unless Lorilon can use any of it.
If someone needs to be designated as holder of loot, remember that Anders is a paladin, he can be trusted not to run off with it. Other than that, unless we pick up something that someone can use just sell it all.
It might take a bit of work, but can I suggest some kind of rotating order for who picks first, otherwise you might find that some people are continuously lucky and always get the good picks while others are unlucky and always get the last. I don't want to see anyones character nerfed by a few unlucky die rolls.
By all means, though, let's roll the first time. That will establish an initial order. Then, next time, whoever was first picks last and everyone else gets bumped up 1 place. That's what i suggest.
obviously, if there is anything that someone needs, they can get that, but a commensurate value would need to be taken away from their pick (or would that get too complicated?).

Bedlam Bottomland |

We do the same thing in our table-top game. If you want an item in the treasure sheet, you 'pay' 1/2 cost out of your share of the total that each party member receives.

Lorilon Minkmasher |

I really don't like rolling at all, so I wont participate in such - as it kills the immersion of the game. Items should go to whomever needs it the most, that fit the character and their role.
If a small Bastard Sword is found, Lorilon will assume it belongs to him, and will roleplay it as such. I don't really care about items at all, so I wouldn't want to spend too much time on it. If per say, a Great Sword +1 and 350 GP is found in a treasury - I would assume it goes to the Barbarian great-sword user and that he relinquishes his cut in taking the blade. We're not loot-crazed children, are we.

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Plus, I would rather roleplay the loot-distribution than handle it in the discussion section. You might have noticed that I hate min/maxing and would rather pick feats and skills that make sence to the character, instead of what is condidered "best" or "mandatory". It's what ruins modern gaming, as there is less room for roleplaying different characters with completely different skill-sets and instead you are ridiculed for making "gimped" choices. Sorry about the rant, but this is to me what kills modern rpgs.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

I like Lorilon's idea of you get loot, no cash for you, just remember the person getting lucky "drops" isn't getting any cash to update his/her equipment. With the spread of characters we have here, I am not sure outside of some armor, we'll have much overlay. My primary weapon is a spear, even though at third level I can one hand polearms, a polearm drop is going to go to the polearm using fighter, where i'd hope the spear drop would come to me first. A lot of us can use a bow, but I'd hope we'd get the most bang for our buck with drops.
I am of a mind that if the party is getting better, then I am getting better. With a party this big, drops we can use are going to be precious. As long as we are reasonably close to the wealth curve, I think we will be fine.
Selling the "junk" brings up a point, GM can you rule on what we sell stuff for? Also, goblin stuff sell for less? I've played it a few different ways, which is why I ask.
I just realized work blocks Google Docs, silly bank! So it will be tonight before I get the loot table up.

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Well one thing my old DM used to do is that to speed up equipment distribution he basically would ask if any of the PC's would claim any of the loot for themselves. In the case of two or more people wanting the item they'ed roll off to see if they get it. For general crap loot like the crappy goblin weaponry and armor he generally just cashes out the cost of the item and gives 1/2 its value in gold to the PC's to represent the group selling off the goods for gold.

Sacerdos Echthileon |

I'm for dividing the coin evenly, then pass out the commodities as needed. For instance, Sacerdos has little need for a greataxe, but if it were a healers kit, then he'd raise a hand.

GM BigBusMan |

LoL..Im all for whatever you guys decide, if your going to sell, 50% sounds good to me, goblin stuff like dog slicers are pretty much worthless i would assume and can be sold for 10%..does that sound fair to you guys?..id also throw out there that we could just have a group cache of whatever loot we find, that can be used by whatever PC needs it at the time..and if two players need the same thing at the same time, we decide with 1 single roll?..for example we could say that there is a magic backpack that someone carries everywhere and in the backpack there is 10 collected swords, 4 leather armors, 10 potion of healing..etc etc..and whenever you all agree you can sell off whatever is in the backpack and split the cash, and anything left at the end of the game can be claimed or sold..of course if the +70 squillion sword of uberness happens to drop, whoever can make the best use of it would claim it, but take no cash that time or we can pool the cash as well, and and split it 6 ways at the end, or when leveling up and buying stuff..you will all level at the same time, so whenever you level we could split the kitty and disperse payment at each level?..let me know what you guys all decide..i will leave it up to you as to how to handle it.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

No need to push mundane loot over to you. You have enough to deal with, we can handle the loot. I think the magical backpack is a good idea.
I'll switch to knowing Goblin if that's fine with everyone?
Since we are in town, I'll just sell the mundane stuff and let the magic users figure out the potions.

Bedlam Bottomland |

Hmm...Bedlam may need to put a point into Linguistics for Goblin next level...Int 10 didn't afford me any extras and I really needed my skill points. But this scenario is perfect to have him start picking it up.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Bedlam Bottomland |

Nice job Spears...that works for me. If anyone wants something just post it. Split money evenly. If you take an item just subtract 1/2 for it out of your coins.
or not. it really doesn't matter to me as long as the ones that use/need the item(s) get them and the rest we can sell for hard cold cash money....errr gold I mean!

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I chose Draconic as my bonus as it is the natural extension of my arcane abilities.
As to the spoils, so long as there is an even split (as close as is feasible) with gold and item value, I concur. Those in need of items (by class), or greatly improved by items, should have dibs.

Gavmania |

It all sounds good.
I chose Varisian as the son of a landowner is more likely to need to deal with Varisians than goblins. Goblins are for the hired help. Ironic that now I am likely to be the hired help.
Still, we may need to deal with Varisians at some point, so it probably would be useful to keep.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Okay, so consider me speaking goblin then.
I'll adjust the spreadsheet to reflect the sale of the horsechopper. Then I'll divide the spoils of war and post the distribution in the Gameplay thread as an IC post.
I can't edit the spreadsheet on my tablet..yay. So I'll have to do it at night at home, not an issue.
Based on my calculations, we have 117 gold to divide by 7.
16 gold per person leaves 5g or 50 silver.
7 SP per person, leaves 1 silver, so we end up 1 copper per person with 3 copper left over. I say we consider that a gift to the street urchins or a tip to the waitstaff, what say you?

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Haha, glad you feel better - it's how I feel pretty much every day. I'm probably the cruelest man in the world after I get out of bed. I hate people in general before I have my food and coffee, and can't seem to control myself. I'm a wreck.
Thought I'd just weave my typical morning into Lorilon's character.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Well the 30 minute commute to work didn't help my attitude this morning. I've been fighting a summer cold, possible sinus infection and today is an ozone alert day so my sinuses are killing me. It's a combo of getting some food in my system and my allergy medication/Advil finally starting to work. Still going to be a long day...
Also, Foxface was hilarious.

Gavmania |

No, there was some question of it, but these days divorce and second marriage are considered mild by most people. The problem is that the people who care about it are the people who most support the monarchy; though most of them seem to have come round.
There has always been a question mark over whether Charles will seek the throne simply because he has always - even before his divorce and remarriage - seemed uncomfortable with the idea of being king. I guess only time will tell.

GM BigBusMan |

are you guys all having fun?..just want to make sure everyone still having a good time, and see if anyone has any suggestions or comments at this point?..I think for my first attempt at GMing im doing a good job, but i don't know for sure, so i welcome your feedback..I am having fun, and im amazed at how much different both groups games are shaping up..its very exciting!!