GM BigBusMan |

Carrion, I need some input about your acid splash against the nearest Skeleton, skeleton 3 is nearest to you, but you have no line of attack there since he is behind the wall of the crypt which is giving him total cover from your spell from your current position, Skeleton 5 you could attack, but you have 5 other players in the way between you and the skeleton 5, which adds at least a +4 to the skeletons AC for cover, and maybe as much +25 if they stack (can someone tell me if they do stack?)..I'm having a hard time figuring out if you need to move before attacking to get a clear shot.

Gavmania |

Don't forget that neither Spears nor I had moved before Carrion. If he moves to just south of the right hand door, he would have a shot at skelly#5 that passes only through Lorilon (over his head?). After that, I move up on my initiative followed by Spears at his new iniative level.
In future, we need to establish some kind of system for moving through tight spaces so that we are not crowding one another. If only we had dimension door!

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Well with as many melee as we have, we probably need to let things come to us a bit more. Plus, as they move in, they trigger AOO for Katrin and Spears.
I am kinda wondering if, based on the group's makeup, that it wouldn't be better for me to go to a ranged setup, so we don't all get in each others way.

Sacerdos Echthileon |

I'm chill with sticking on crossbow and spell support. My bastard sword is a last resort anyways. Hopefully my positioning on the map these two rounds works; just close enough to hit them all at once with channeling and far enough out to not crowd.
Let me know if there's something else i should do.

GM BigBusMan |

Sacerdos, yes you are good, and if any are left when its your turn..im pretty sure they are toast..lol..Spears if you want to change up Im OK with that, but you and the group decide if you want toand I will then move Carrion up under the door next to Katrin and assume he is shooting over lorilon's head and run it like, that, if thats OK with Carrion and the rest of you.

Gavmania |

Your probably right, but my character has high charisma and low wisdom - in short he's headstrong and rash. He will charge in first and ask questions later. He has a reasonable intelligence, so if you explained it to him, he would probably grasp the necessity, at least sometimes.
As regards switching to bow, we could do with some more archer support. Perhaps go for a switch hitter? I could see myself in that role. It would then be up to you and Katrin to hit them as they approach while I switch to my greatsword. That way we have something to goad them (ranged attacks), something to hit them as they approach (reach weapons) and something to hit them with when they get up close and personal. In fact, that would suit me when I go into sorceror at level 3. I could make it part of my backstory leading me towards sorcery. It would also act as a natural curb on his impulsive style.
Don't know how we would persuade Lorilon, though. He is extremely feisty and just wants to fight.

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

Well I am not asking anyone to change their character or behavior drastically, but we as a group might discuss our strengths and weakness to better use all of us. Sure it was fun to watch Katrin hammer the goblins, but it's kinda frustrating when we prevent people from doing anything by clogging a choke point. I think we all want to be part of this group and all.
I know GM said we can make changes as level 1 and he'd be fine, so I want to make sure we have the party makeup we want. I could switch some feats and be good to go, I think. Maybe lose the spears part or just carry one for other things. (well and probably go to vanilla fighter). I love my character but I think my love for him is more how he's interacting in the group than his role and how he does combat.
I think this is a great group and we've been slow due to real life things, so I don't want any of this to drive someone away or reduce their fun.

Bedlam Bottomland |

I actually like that we have 2 reach fighters.
But, I agree, we need to have some more ranged to goad them into you two.
I am planning on taking Bedlam to either crossbow or
bow for his Ranger combat style at 2nd level
so that will help some for that.
I think keeping our Barbarian melee is a great idea!
He can punish and protect our reach people,
who will be fighting 'over' his head! I think it sets up for an efficient combo!
Also Anders with your power attack and bastard sword, it
makes a great asset to our Barbarian in melee.

GM BigBusMan |

We will get back rolling quickly, This time of year is always a little hectic for me, and running 3 APs and playing in 2 was a little more than I should have bitten off, but the one adventure me and spears are in will be ending soon, so that will allow me to focus more on the 2 RotRLs that Im doing here..and my Hollows last hope game..which wont take a whole lot longer either..we are about half done in that one..lol..Anyway, Im playing in a curse of the crimson throne over at RPol as well so I will be ready to GM that once we are done with RotRL..Im shooting to have us done with RotRLs before christmas, Im thinking once we get our styles all settled and really get into it..it will go pretty quickly.

Bedlam Bottomland |

This is a long AP, but really well reviewed.
I am looking forward to seeing where it goes.
These characters will be traveling an entire career together!
I really like our group!

GM BigBusMan |

I really like it too, all three of the groups I GM here are all very good..I do look forward to many adventures with you guys..and if you guys ever want to do a side adventure just for fun let me know..Once we get a few levels up, i could pull some modules out and we could take a break from sand point for a bit to run a dungeon or something..I have been thinking though, that I might want to move our venue over to RPol I really like how they have their setup there if youve never been there the link is Rpol.net Check it out and see what you guys think, if you like it better maybe we can move ourselves over there at the end of part one..let me know.

Bedlam Bottomland |

He's probably breaking a chair over some poor saps head!
Hey GM, how far are you again my Macomb County? (North of Detroit)
we lost 3 of our players in our home group and could use you!
We game on Sundays 2pm-10pmish!

GM BigBusMan |

Its good, Sacerdos finished them off anyway..And Im about 2 1/2 hours away in Battle Creek, I could possibly do something via Skype or something, but I know I couldn't commit to driving that far every Sunday.especially since i work at 5am on Mondays..and I also do a home group on sundays here as well, although two of our players hardly show up as well..lol

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Well I am not asking anyone to change their character or behavior drastically, but we as a group might discuss our strengths and weakness to better use all of us. Sure it was fun to watch Katrin hammer the goblins, but it's kinda frustrating when we prevent people from doing anything by clogging a choke point. I think we all want to be part of this group and all.
I know GM said we can make changes as level 1 and he'd be fine, so I want to make sure we have the party makeup we want. I could switch some feats and be good to go, I think. Maybe lose the spears part or just carry one for other things. (well and probably go to vanilla fighter). I love my character but I think my love for him is more how he's interacting in the group than his role and how he does combat.
I think this is a great group and we've been slow due to real life things, so I don't want any of this to drive someone away or reduce their fun.
That is what I had suggested some time ago, learning what we can do as a team. I didn't explicitly state any ooc actions, I kept it in game.

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Little to no intention of moving near enough to be hit in melee. I will use what I know will cause damage with highest probability (ranged touch damage spells) for skeletons. Looking over the gnome for LOS is fine and I can move for that purpose.

Gavmania |

I understand your frustration. I spent most of that combat running around trying to make space for people and the few times I got in a swing I missed. Most of the Skeletons were taken care of with Sacerdos' ranged channels. Next time it may not be undead, so we will be all trying to squeeze into a small space to get into the fight.
The only ones with good enough Dex for a missile fighter are Bedlam, Lorilon, Katrin and possibly Spears. Bedlam looks optimised for missiles already. Katrin should stick to polearms. Not sure about Lorilon or spears.
How many missile fighters should we aim for? would 1 do? If so, I would suggest Bedlam goes down that route, everyone else has a fighting style picked out.

Bedlam Bottomland |

I am going down that route. It was my plan from the beginning.
I just need 2nd level.
Those were 'special' Xp Skeletons, weren't they?

Pierce "Spears" Friggens |

I don't know that we really need more than one. Bedlam has already mentioned he was going archery at 2nd level. When I had the idea for a fighter that focused on spears, I thought it would be novel and interesting. Plus at 3rd level I can wield the spear with one hand (i have to use two now or switch to the shortspear to use with the shield.) it was more of a in your face tanky guy, which is a bit different than the way Katrin is setup, I think.
I don't necessarily feel any of us need to change, I just think we need to start thinking how to be more efficient in combat and let everyone get a chance to play, without stepping on toes. I don't want those who get high initiative to think they have to not charge in and I am sure all combat won't occur in small tight spaces... I just hope we can have a good plan that allows us to use all our strengths when possible. Heck, with Sacerdos' channel, that was really his Ander's fight.

Sacerdos Echthileon |

I think discussions like this will be a big benefit to us in the long run. Thus we can determine now how best to form are combat lines later. I'm perfectly fine being in the back of the pack, buffing and healing. Besides I built my character to be more of an investigator type. of course I'm open to suggestions that would benefit the group.

Gavmania |

The problem is, we have a lot of martial characters. In a tight space, we can't all get in, but it looks like we will have Lorilon and Anders front rank, Spears and Katrin second with reach weapons and Bedlam, Sacerdos and Carrion at the back with missile weapons/support. It may mean that Spears or katrin cannot get all their attacks in when space is tight, unless they crowd behind Lorilon. Hopefully, that won't happen too often.
Would that suit everybody?

GM BigBusMan |

That last encounter was a very small space, especially since i added 3 extra skeletons, the AP called for 3, but i figured with 7 Pcs and a NPC fighter id double that so you all could have a good fight, but because they were all confined Sacerdos was able to kill them all very quickly..My original plan was to have 3 of them come out of the building and have 3 stay behind, but it didn't work out that way, I was hoping that once you saw how many there were and the very small space that you would back up and let some of them out into the open..BTW Lorilon hasnt been sighted in a few days..i hope hes still around..

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I am still here but I have nothing further to add to the questions or discussion that have not been asked yet.

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I will be out of touch the next few days, work activities. DM-Use my knowledge checks as applicable and I buff first, aid others, then attack.