Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike
Special Abilities
Destined bloodline powers
Arcane Arts
Common, Draconic
Part time magic merchant
About Carrion Hawthorne
Carrion was born to peasants and learned early in life that, no matter the task, circumstances always worked out well for him. When a fire engulfed his home at the age of 6, it was miraculous that Carrion survived; his parents and livestock weren't so lucky. To Carrion, such was their fate, their strings having been cut according to a design too intricate to imagine.
Alone and on the streets, Carrion left it to his fate that he would be cared for; he was interred into an orphanage for a short time, then a wealthy family visited and were taken with him. Carrion knew that this was the natural course of his life and never despaired, even in the darkest of times. Carrion's adopted family, the Hawthorne's, took him to Sandpoint soon after, to live and be educated. It is the Hawthorne's greatest wish that Carrion become the man they see, to take his destiny and embrace it, to whatever end it may be. The tales of the Thassilonian empire were researched repeatedly by Carrion, to inspire him, and learn of great magic from the past. Carrion examined the stories, not fully believing hearsay, and desiring to experience it firsthand. The various folk stories of the town, such as the man who crafted bird ornaments from wood and suddenly disappeared, are known to him. To that end he has tried to foray outside the town often.
After diligently diving into his powers, many of which protected him, Carrion came away with a new understanding, perhaps he could accelerate his destiny, the Hawthorne's (Dennis and Deidra) gave him full support (the best teachers and guidance) and access to much of their library. His hard work was noticed by a mage who showed him the basic knowledge available of the Thassilonia empire, and among this collection the 7 runelords. All is going according to the grand design, a design Carrion looks to one day being able to alter at his whim.
Physical description:
Carrion stands 6 feet tall, with sleek, combed black hair, into a ponytail about 3 inches long. He has a goatee and slight beard. His eyes are green and penetrating. He stands with a grace and elegance befitting one who knows what the future holds, or is at least quite comfortable and unafraid of the unknown. He wears dark travelers clothes, a red and black motif, with a cape.
Upon meeting, Carrion generally bows, not out of respect but to find what they will do when he is vulnerable; curiousity hasn't killed him yet, but that's not his destiny. If he respects another, he shakes their hand.
AC 12/16 with Mage Armor/ (2 dex, 4 armor)
HP 8
Init 6
Scholar of the Great Beyond: Your great interests as
a child did not lie with current events or the mundane—
you have always felt out of place, as if you were born in the
wrong era. You take to philosophical discussions of the
Great Beyond and of historical events with ease. You gain
a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge
(planes) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is
always a class skill for you. (Knowledge planes)
Favored Son-You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can choose any one law-abiding citizen of Sandpoint from below as an ally; depending on the person you pick, you’ll get different benefits. ((Ameiko Kaijutsu (Ameiko is one of Sandpoint’s most influential and beloved nobles. Her inn/tavern is the most popular in town, and as one of her friends, you’re guaranteed a place to eat and sleep for free. She has many great contacts with merchants as well, and she’ll sell any of your loot for you. Various merchant contacts through her))-You gain an additional 10% over the amount of gp you normally would gain from selling off treasure.
Destined bloodline-arcana-When casting a spell with range "personal," gain luck bonus equal to spell lvl on saves for one round
Bloodline power-Touch of Destiny(1st)-Tgt touched, standard action, insight bonus to attacks/checks/saves equal to 1/2 sorcerer lvl/round (min 1). Useable 3+cha mod/day
known 4/2, per day -/3, bonus (per day) -/1/1/1
0(cantrips, unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash
1-Mage Armor, True Strike
Current-backpack, rations 3x, small tent, winter blanket, a full waterskin,a scrap of parchment, torch, 50' of hemp rope, and a grappling hook, twine, 6 bells, light crossbow, 20 bolts (1 with alchemist fire on end)
What I will acquire over time:
Daggers (2x), Morningstar, light crossbow, 50 bolts, red and black robes, traveler's outfit, backpack, bedroll, twine, 5 bells, case(scroll/map) 2x, chalk (5 pieces), parchment (5 sheets), 1 oz ink vial, 5 inkpens, silk rope (50 ft), signal whistle, waterskin, torch 2x, flint and steel, oil(1 pint flask), common lamp, caltrops, glass bottle(with stopper), alchemist fire, sewing needle