GM Auke |

There is an alchemical setup worth 500 gp if carefully transported out of the dungeon. Under the bed is a small chest containing a formula book, a bag filled with 154 gp, 55 sp, and 82 cp, and a single dose of unguent
of timelessness.
Also a large chest with an assortment of items, like holy symbols, spell components, armor and weapons. An adamantine longspear stands against the wall.

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Talwin tears a strip of cloth from his undershirt. Tying it around his face he retrieves the gear and valuables, bringing the items back to his allies.
After re-equipping, he offers his thoughts.
"Well, we've made it this far. There can't be much left to explore. Still, nearly every room has had an occupant. I would be on guard from here on out. I vote we go through Krenar's room via the western door there."
-Posted with Wayfinder

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" Ah. My ancestors may forgive me yet. Father's sword!"
Ebon grins as he dons his gear and holds aloft his Greatsword.
" I feel like I can take an army!"
Frowning and lowering the sword.
" As long as they don't have red, blue and purple bottles stuck in their heads..."

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Talwin moves over, eyeing the statues with suspicion. He gets just close enough to tap one gently in the chest woth his spear while casting Detect Magic.
Perception : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
-Posted with Wayfinder

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" Careful, friend. Those things weren't toys..."
Ebon frowns as Talwin taps the construct. He looks somewhat like a pale turtle, standing with Greatsword in hand and a tower shield on his back...

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"Thanks Ebon. Still, if they are working it would be better to face them now, I think, rather than have them at our backs. Do you think we ought to try smashing or disabling them? Or maybe try to animate them for our use?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"Well, they don't appear to be dangerous right now. I'll just look around the room more thoroughly for anything else, then perhaps Ebon can leads us on to the west?"
Talwin closely inspects the robot room.
Take 20 on perception for 29, if possible. I realize this probably takes a few minutes at least. If it's longer, I'll just take 10 for a 19. I want to try rooms we haven't been in first. If we need to come back to where we fought Snarltongue the first time, that's ok. And we can offer to free him on our way out.

GM Auke |

Knowledge Arcana Talwin: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Knowledge Arcana Targost: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
There's nothing else of interest in the gallery.

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"Well, that crystal might fit here. But would they wake up friendly or hostile? Do we want to just pass them by?"
Any check to tell if they follow the orders of whoever wakes them up, or is it strictly their creator?

GM Auke |

"Well, that crystal might fit here. But would they wake up friendly or hostile? Do we want to just pass them by?"
Any check to tell if they follow the orders of whoever wakes them up, or is it strictly their creator?
It clearly is a construct several thousands years old, most likely Azlanti. Krenar seemed to have been in control of the one that attacked you, but its tactics were very restricted (It seemed to just attack the nearest creature, not the one that was actually damaging it.). Its primary function is clearly digging, not fighting.

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"I say we don't try to activate 'em. Take one when we leave if we can carry it, and the crystal back to the Society 'n let them figure it out.."
Rumbles Ebon as he steps into the tunnel leading to unknown areas....

GM Auke |

Targost follows behind the others, his familiar bow in hand. He wanders over to the piles of equipment and examines them.
Though there are no functioning items left in this room, there are raw materials and items suitable for repurposing. The various cogs, gears, and tools in this room are worth a total of 1,000 gp, though the whole lot weighs more than 500 pounds.

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"No need to carry that junk along, I should think. It would only slow us down," Muluk comments.

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Gripping his sword Ebon stands before the door, waiting for someone to open it.
Looks like a bunch of junk to me anyways
"Works for me,doesn't look valuable anyways."

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"Well, I'd rather not tempt fate too much. But we may have missed a bit on this level. We could explore that other drilled tunnel, or go back through where Snarltongue kept his pets..."
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Definitely #3!!
Going back to explore the drilled out tunnel is what I had meant...but just forgot to add...thats what you get for trying to post quickly before going to work :-)

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"Does anyone feel the need to rest first? No? Well, it looks like tight quarters in there. Maybe Ebon and Muluk should lead the way. I can fight over your shoulders if need be."
Talwin follows the others inside.

GM Auke |

Muluk leads the way, followed by Talwin, Ebon and finally Targost.
This crumbling cavern looks like it was made by some sort of drilling device that tore through the surrounding stone. A large pool of stagnant water fills part of the cavern, fed by a rivulet that runs from the ceiling. Thick sheets of webbing hang from the roof of the cave.
Muluk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Talwin: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Ebon: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Targost: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
BW: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

GM Auke |

Out of seemingly nowhere a sticky substance is fired at Muluk!
To Hit Flat-Footed Touch: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Hits! Muluk is entangled in a web!
A large swarm of little spiders moves over Muluk and Talwin
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
fortitude poison
Talwin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 made it!
Muluk: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 made it!
fortitude distraction
Talwin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 failed!
Muluk: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 failed!

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Talwin moves back out of the room, furiously swiping at the nasty spiders as he tries not to vomit.
"Burn them! Alchemists' fire!" He manages to choke out.
Assuming I can take a full move action. I never specified that I grabbed any alchy fire, so I can run back to Krenar's lab and fetch some unless you guys have a bit. And we may need alot for a swarm this size...

GM Auke |

Talwin moves back out of the room, furiously swiping at the nasty spiders as he tries not to vomit.
"Burn them! Alchemists' fire!" He manages to choke out.
Assuming I can take a full move action. I never specified that I grabbed any alchy fire, so I can run back to Krenar's lab and fetch some unless you guys have a bit. And we may need alot for a swarm this size...
You can only take a single move action when Nausiated. I assume everyone still has an alchemists fire from either the dragon slayer kit or restocked after beating Krenar.

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Ok, I wasn't too clear. I meant a single move, rather than being restricted to only 5' steps or something. I wasn't sure what the swarm did, but if memory serves you can just move away from it, and it doesn't get an AOO. Anyway, I moved to a safe place to finish being nautious.

GM Auke |

Ok, I wasn't too clear. I meant a single move, rather than being restricted to only 5' steps or something. I wasn't sure what the swarm did, but if memory serves you can just move away from it, and it doesn't get an AOO. Anyway, I moved to a safe place to finish being nautious.
Indeed, swarms don't threaten, so no AoOs. The ground is much more level than the other tunnel, so you can indeed move normally. You are only restricted by your armor.