GM Armadillephant's Fallout Extravaganza

Game Master Loup Blanc

Life in the Wastes is a constant struggle. Let's see if our heroes have what it takes to survive...
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Skeck will be transforming into a good skill monkey as well once he picks up some more levels. Right now, being just a barbarian, and freshly conscious he's pretty focused on physical skills and Disabling things by hitting them and sticking his finger in them.

Also here is my alias for Skeck the once feral ghoul barbarian. I went with the Feral Gnasher archetype. It's for goblins but figured it fit, also I upped the bite damage as it seemed like it was 1d4 since it's a goblin archetype and small bite damage is usually 1d4.

Sorry, Winter! Missed you. Too bad Paizo doesn't include a Players page for the Recruitment thread...

Well, then, I believe we have:

DM Jelani's Levi Walstad, the human grenadier alchemist;
divineshadow's Darius Darkblade, a.k.a. Legionare, human mechanist gunslinger;
Limeylongears' Winter McAllister, human rogue;
Sigz's Avenus Rolin, human oracle of battle;
GM Spugly Fuglet's Surgeon "VW" Camper Van, human vitalist; and
DM Heterocephalus' Skeck, ghoul barbarian!

SLOTS LEFT: ~2, although I'm happy to begin soon enough with this group!

Can I get a better idea of Skeck and how he reacts to the new world he's "found" himself in? I like the idea a lot, but I'd like a little more in the way of backstory. Has he just woken up when he joins the party for this adventure? If so, where'd he wake up, and why'd he just take to this lot of heavily-armed and determined-looking humans? If not, what's he been doing since he came back to himself? How'd he get to the nearest town, and what did he do once he got there? That sort of thing. I don't need pages, just a little bit more on the character.

So, I think I'm going to keep recruitment open at least until this weekend, and hopefully get started Saturday, Sunday, or early next week. Have to finalize the first adventure, put stuff in the Campaign Info block, and work up one hell of a first post for Gameplay!

Skeck is actually my alias. I believe Heterocephalus was going for a psion nomad. Teleporting all about and such. nomad was always my favorite psion.

Sorry for the short background. I will definitely add to it, it was just a start. The basics are that he woke up very recently, somewhere in a subway, underground railroad, very capitol waste style, where the ferals always hang out. He stumbled out into the sun and just wandered on instict. It honestly hasn't hit him that he's not human anymore. The rest kind of is determined by where the party will start, and also where we're playing. Had we settled on Chicago? I see him as being introduced right after the party leaves on the mission maybe, their first wasteland encounter. a confused ghoul wandering alone. He would be so glad to see anyone that he's b-line right for them in hopes of companionship.

Ok, I got my idea. A ranger with the archetype trophy hunter. Human, can't decide between templates Wasteland Mutie Killer and Wasteland Stalker.

Basically, he's a trophy hunter. He goes and kills monsters to either sell or mount on his wall.

The hunters aim ability may have to be reworked.

Let me know if it sounds good, and I'll work him up.

Hi DM Hetero here.

Done the basic Outline of my Character 红沙.

Do take a look if it fits.

Will work on backstory.

That's HongSha for those who don't read Chinese :P


Radiation fringed they say. It does things to your body, and sometimes your mind.

Crisis unlocks they say. It allows a human form to do impossible feats. It did for me...

I grew up after the great war from the nuclear fallout. My father died in the war killed by mutants and thugs.

My mother.. well they have sense of humor after all. Instead of killing us, they place us in a wooden hut and enclosed me and my mother, separated by a wooden palisade wall. Pouring kerosene over her they set her ablaze.

I cannot forget her scream as her burning form set the wooden hut on flames.

I cannot recall myself screaming, but I willed myself to be by my mother's side. I do not know what happened but my environment accelerated towards my view and I found myself on the other side of the burning wall beside my mother's charred form.

it's funny, I am not afraid of the flame. It burns but I still see my mother sometimes in those flames.

focusing again, my view accelerated once more as the world rushed towards me as I walked out of the burning hut.

That was 15 years ago, now I have mastered my talents and deliver my fiery talents for the Brotherhood.

I am Red Sand

Red Sand "红沙" wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Yup I know cheesy background. Will try to refine and improve on it.

Hey, I'm going to bow out here, this past week has proven I've got enough on my hands. Sorry.

Sorry had a bad wreck sunday night. Im Okay aside from a few nasty cuts and a bit mild head trauma and I swear I will finish gear soon.

Hey, no hurry, divine. Wrecks are always nasty, I'm not about to hold it against you.

Sorry, Shizzle! Got confused. That all sounds good, I look forward to see it.

Wofguy--that sounds good. I'm thinking Hunter's Aim can be reworked to ignore DR, either fully or partially.

DM Hetero: Red Sand sounds interesting. Keep in mind that this is probably going to be set long after the Great War, so it's more likely your father was just killed by Mutants, and it had nothing to do with the war. Other than that, sounds fine; feel free to do more!

Sigz--sorry to see you go, but I understand.

EVERYONE--is the Midwest, specifically Chicago area, where we want to set this game? If so, are you guys going to hold it against me if I don't hold exactly to canon of the games when it comes to that area?

Any word on crafting a set of armor for daily wear so I can break out the heavy stuff when we expect it to be really bad? Also will we be able to save and recharge power cells and things like in new vegas where you could take like three drained cells and make one full? And reuse bullet casings? Oh the suit of armor I want to craft is 100 caps

Honestly im not huge on sticking to cannon and chi town sounds awesome. Besides it keeps me away from main enclave and brotherhood bases cause they want meh brain lol. Also is this before after or concurrent with 3+4 so we know generally whats going on with the botherhood ncr enclave and cesars legion. Plus we get to see how my character reacts when people tell him about the legion lol.

Hrm... making armor sounds fine, just roll a few Craft checks for partial cost. Saving and recharging power cells makes sense, but I'll rule you can only really do that in a safe environment like a settlement or secured Vault. Reusing bullet casings, I'll think about. You have to craft new rounds anyway.

I know cali wastes the best as it is where it al started. Capitol wastes are cool too and the brotherhood is much much more lax on outsiders so that helps if neone in the party is a pally. I am also down for chicago but only if you feel comfortable with the area. Google maps will be our friend for sure.

Still open?

If so I would like to put together a ghoul. A former vault dweller whose vault specialized in training its inhabitants to physical perfection. Years ago the vault fell to slow, possibly purposeful radiation poisoning. (This could easily been a vault-tech experiment in how the human body reacts to extreme conditions.) Since the vault collapsed in a wave of ferals and raiders our ghoul has been wandering the wastes living as a hunter, a scavenger, and occasionally raiding raider camps.

Class is monk. Considering the Wanderer archetype if is available to ghouls.

Prefer mix of combat and roleplay.

Quite happy with you altering cannon, after all an rpg is different than a computer came and what works in one may not work as well in the other. I am rather familiar with the Fallout cannon having played every everything from Wasteland to the New Vegas DLC's

Chicago sounds like a lovely place.

I do have some questions about Ghouls however.:

Please do not take the following as criticism. You have done a bang up job of adapting Fallout to Pathfinder. I just see ghouls a tad differently and have some questions and suggestions.

By cannon they are almost immune to radiation. The only effect it has on them is to change them to Glowing Ones if they get a truly insane dose. +2 to saves does not seem to reflect this especially when a 3rd level human wasteland resister gets a larger bonus. I propose a flat immunity.

Ghouls are also unaffected by most if not all meds. Even Jet does nothing for them. There is even a side-quest where a ghoul drug lab is working on making super-jet that can effect ghouls. This is good and bad. No poisons but no stim-packs ect. However they do heal from even severe wounds. Perhaps 1hp/day regen?

Are you reflecting the fact that ghouls do not age at all? Several in the games have memories of before the war. Perhaps giving ghouls the Breadth of Experience feat from the APG to account for this?

The -2 con seems an odd choice. By cannon ghouls are never called out as frail. They are however called out as ugly, smelly, ect all the time. Even by other ghouls. That sounds like a -2 Cha to me.

I can see the argument for darkvision as they spend most of their time underground/indoors but why low-light as well?

Did you consider giving them light sensitivity? It fits the theme and would also help explain why they are feared if Ghouls are more active at night.
Anyway just some ghoulish thoughts.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
I believe I made it on the first two rolls.

Chicago's fine - do me good to do a bit of research :)

Oh man the tunnels under it are ginna be bad. Then theres the subway and sewer lines.

Yeah, I think you've got your secondary clothes, Darius.

Poor Wandering One:
Firstly, nice name for a ghoul, or anyone in a Fallout game! Hah.

As for your thoughts and suggestions, I'll admit I've struggled with ghouls. How to incorporate all that stuff? Will they be overpowered? Their bonuses and penalties seem a bit much--how can I keep them on par with other groups? A lot of questions went into them, and it's a reason I didn't include Super Mutants as a PC race--I wouldn't even want to begin with them.

Rad immunity was tough, because I'm still deciding how prevalent I want radiation to be in the game. For ghouls, I'm thinking they just get the mechanical +2 to saves, but they really won't need to worry about it--I'll be using some form of RADS counter, and ghouls' will go up by about a tenth of the rate of humans, and even then, they'll suffer fewer effects from rad poisoning... all in all, not to worry about.

Meds and chems were another question. I included the requisite on saves against all chems and meds, but I'm still trying to figure out how to also factor in that extra ghoul factor. Probably similar to the rads thing--they'll heal much, much less. In return, I may give ghouls a regen rate of hp at 1/day. That may make up a little for the lack of healing from stimpaks and the like... I may also grant them the Fast Healer feat as a bonus. I'll definitely decide by game time.

Aging, I think is mostly a neat little flavor thing, and much like elves, is cool and can be played up. I don't think they should get Breadth of Experience for free--if they do, why don't all races with long life spans?--but they certainly qualify for it.

The frailty made sense to me, and seemed a stronger penalty than Charisma. Sure, ghouls can be seen as smelly, grotesque, stupid zombies... but people who think of them that way are usually the ones who hate ghouls in general, just for being ghouls. I personally find that many of the ghouls I've encountered have a certain charm to them, discounting the gruff ones of course. And isn't that one of the aging perks they missed out on? Haha.

With regards to darkvision and low-light, it made sense to me. You never know what radiation will do, and ghouls seem to often operate at night, underground, et cetera. I personally don't understand having darkvision without low-light, so again, it made sense when I drafted them up.

Light sensitivity would be a huge b*tch for ghoul PCs to deal with outside, and while many ghouls do stuff at night and underground, they also often seem adapted to the surface and doing stuff in the Wastes during the day without much trouble.

Your character idea sounds great, by the way! I'm down with Wanderer for Ghouls.

So, Chicago and the surrounding area it is? Great! This'll be fun...

I'm happy there is another ghoul. Less chance I'll be shot on sight. he he.

Sweet will get gear up when I get home

Oh well. This was going to be fun. However, it was going to require a lot of work to try and get the character figured out, and I have to much going on for that. Hope you guys have fun. I'll have to check in everyone once in awhile to see how its going and pine over how I didn't even try to get in.

Lol you can do it wolguy we believe in you

Ok, never mind. Looks like the other groups I'm in have all died. If I don't try for this one I'll have nothing to do. I'll get working on Fitzgerald.

Sweet another ones in

Yeah, don't worry about time restraints, Wofguy. I'd like to start relatively soon, but I'd also like to have the full group together with everyone who wants to play!

By the way, everyone, I forgot to mention earlier; I'm pretty free with archetypes in this game, even racial ones. If you'd like to add one to a character, just shoot me something here to let me know you'd like it and I'll give you a thumbs up or down.

So let me just clarify, that the DR of the armors is translating to damage reduction? So the choice is mainly either Damage Reduction or higher Armor Class from the Defense Bonus?

I'm confirming there is no divine spell casting? So I should try and replace that ability as a ranger. I think I'll pick up the trapper archetype.

Also on the link for Defense Bonus, it lists ranger under column B, but it should be column C since they wear medium armor.

Are grenades going to be treated as splash weapons? Then by the same token are nukes? And we can reflex save on both?

Are we really going to be getting pip-boys? Because I think i'd like one for my character and am willing to take the archetype if needed.

Rasta man smokin

Not quite we get armor from the wiki and halve its dr anything under five pounds we get arm. And def bonus. And cleric is there and so is ororacle just reflavir your spells as technology

Ok all done

Wofguy--good questions, these are important!

Darius has it pretty much covered on the armor part of things. Take from the wiki, cut the DR in half (round up), and that's what you get. Same for hats/helmets/headgear.

Spells aren't spells, but they can be reflavored as technology and knowledge. This works especially well for cure spells and things of that nature, but with a little thought, you could do it for almost anything.

Yes, put the ranger in block C. I'm not sure why they had that set up like that--maybe there was some reason for it, or they did it because the vast majority of rangers stick to light armor so they get their combat style benefits and all that jazz.

I do plan to treat grenades as splash weapons, thrown of course, and likewise, missiles and fat mans (men?) will also deal splash damage.

Yes, you'll all get to have Pip-Boys--don't waste your template.

Grand Lodge

I'm interested in coming up with a ghoul character to round out the group if there's still an opening. I'll try to have concept/crunch done by the end of the weekend so I have time to delve through this thread and figure out what classes are represented already in the group.
I've played Fallout3 and most of the expansions for it. I can't really remember the rest of the questions in the initial post...

I think I'm gonna withdraw from this. I'm trying to reduce my PBP load, and starting a new game isn't gonna help as much as I love Fallout. Good luck guys, I might follow this one once it starts. Someone else feel free to fill the bomb-guy role now.

Sorry to say me as well, Im cutting back on the slow games, and doing more GMing, Healer roll is open again.

Aww, that's fine, guys. Thanks for letting me know now, and I fully understand. If an opening ends up later on, I'll make sure to contact you two!

So, it looks like we now have 4 full character submitted, and two or three other people have expressed interest. Since I'd like to have a fuller party, I'm going to definitely leave recruitment open for a bit longer.

For characters, I've got...

--Darius Darkblade, mechanist gunslinger
--Winter McAllister, rogue
--Skeck, barbarian
--Red Sand, nomad psion

So a healer type and a blasty could be nice to have in the group :)


How would you prefer me to run the "counters" in the Campaign Info tab (stuff like Quests completed, Creatures Killed, Pants Exploded, etc.)--for the entire party, or person by person?

I'd say the party. Makes it easier for you, and if people want to keep track of their own stats, they can. It's not about the individual, its about the party.

I'll have my character up soon.

Grand Lodge

Ghoul "halfling" rogue... A child when the bombs fell, the radiation has stunted his physical growth but not his mental development. If it's too redundant to have two rogue/stealth characters in the same party I can come up with something else

Hm, sounds interesting. How are you thinking of working it? I'd be willing to apply the Young simple template to a normal ghoul, or if you have another suggestion we could use that.

Grand Lodge

I'm not really familiar with the Young template. I was thinking of essentially just making him small instead of medium, adjusting his speed accordingly and leaving everything else alone. I'll also be voluntarily dropping his STR by 2 to add 2 to another attribute. I was thinking of using the Wasteland Stalker template if it can apply to ghouls.

Well, here's the young template...
PRD's Young Template wrote:

Young Creature (CR –1)

Creatures with the young template are immature specimens of the base creature. You can also use this simple template to easily create a smaller variant of a monster. This template cannot be applied to creatures that increase in power through aging or feeding (such as dragons or barghests) or creatures that are Fine-sized.

Quick Rules: +2 to all Dex-based rolls, –2 to all other rolls, –2 hp/HD.

Rebuild Rules: Size decrease by one category; AC reduce natural armor by –2 (minimum +0); Attacks decrease damage dice by 1 step; Ability Scores –4 Strength, –4 Con, +4 size bonus to Dex.

However, I think yours are good. Make it Small size, but go ahead and stick with 30 foot speed. Grab a -2 to STR and a +2 to DEX for free. Unfortunately, templates normally only apply to humans... But if you want just one or the other of the templates abilities, you can drop your speed to 20 and pick that up.

Grand Lodge

I will have a crunch and more of a backstory up soon, along with an alias.

Grand Lodge

Still a work in progress, but here's rhino's character. How many years after the bombs is this campaign set so I can establish my age?

Uhm, I'm thinking probably around 100-200 years, at least. Maybe more.

Fallout standard is prox 200 iirc

Indeed, although I'm contemplating setting it differently so I don't have to worry as much about breaking canon. Earlier and I can ignore the events of the games entirely, later, and I can just work certain things in. I'm trying to decide.

Earlier would work better for my background. I'm going to have a British ancestor, that survived through the vaults. Grandfather would be preferable to great grandfather or older.

First game was 84 years after the great war, the second was another 80 years later. Third was 200 years, and New Vegas 4 years later.

I am going to have to bow out guys. Time crunch.
Looks like a great group. This game will be one to watch.

I think a little before would work well also

Whats going to be the availability of ammunition? Are stores going to be constantly stocked in certain kinds? Especially my concern is in energy weapons. It seems silly for me to run around with a a hunting rifle and a laser rifle, but may be necessary if energy ammo is scarce.

Do we start with free ammunition in our one free gun?

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