Wofguy |

Ok Nihil. Take it away. I looks like you will at least have Darius and me.
You may want to start a new thread. This one is getting kind of overloaded, and has the wrong name on it.
Gregg, at least stick around and see if you can handle it. I don't think any of us have run a 100d before so we will all be learning. Plus his plan is to keep rules simple, so it shouldn't be to hard.
Anyone else that wants to stick around, it may take some weeks, but I do hope to see this started. I will not let my beautiful British guy fall to the wayside.

Wofguy |

Ok guys, I sent Nihil a message. Hopefully he will be willing to run this thing. If not, I will take up the burden. I'm not the best DM, and I'm not the most dedicated, but I really don't want to see this die. I think this could be the most fun, roleplaying wise, of any campaign I've seen. We've got some crazy characters (like literally). I'll give Nihil a few days to respond, if not, you are under my fascist rule.

GM Armadillephant |

Hey all.
So, I'm finally back after a long period away--almost a month. Ridiculous, I know. It was as unexpected for me as for anyone, but that's no excuse.
I'm not posting here thinking you guys want me to come back and GM--I can see that you've got a potential person taking over, and that's good. I know I would've gone looking for a replacement in you guys' position.
So, consider this my apology, I guess. I didn't mean to leave suddenly and for so long, and now I'm back, it'll take me a bit to get back in the swing of things. I'm probably going to start from scratch.
So, if you guys want me to come back and try to GM this thing, I can, but otherwise, I'm just here to say sorry.
--GM Arma

Surgeon VW Camper Van |

Hey all.
So, I'm finally back after a long period away--almost a month. Ridiculous, I know. It was as unexpected for me as for anyone, but that's no excuse.
I'm not posting here thinking you guys want me to come back and GM--I can see that you've got a potential person taking over, and that's good. I know I would've gone looking for a replacement in you guys' position.
So, consider this my apology, I guess. I didn't mean to leave suddenly and for so long, and now I'm back, it'll take me a bit to get back in the swing of things. I'm probably going to start from scratch.
So, if you guys want me to come back and try to GM this thing, I can, but otherwise, I'm just here to say sorry.
--GM Arma
Make the game thread Arma

GM Armadillephant |

Hey, I don't want to take over on anybody. If Nihil was going to run it, then by all means, do your thing, man. I'm willing to bow out.
If you guys still want me, I had a dungeon-crawl style Vault run in mind, with some story hooks. I planned to do this sandbox-y, with plenty of adventure hooks as I come up with them. You guys can decide what to do.

GM Armadillephant |

Alright. Well, I think I'm going to hook a new Discussion thread to the campaign--the last one seems to have blown up pretty nicely, good work everybody!---and have a check-in to see who all is still around and waiting to play. Gameplay should be up in a couple days once I know who all is in.
EDIT: Discussion thread's up! Please post there to let me know that you're still in. Also, please only post once, maybe twice, until gameplay starts, so I don't get lost in the sea of good players :)

Anderlorn |

Any possibilities for a late newcomer?
Unless there is a need for a certain archetype, I was thinking Wasteland Survivalist but can handle himself in any environment. Basically a geek-jock type of character.
Kind of like this True 20 character but for Fallout and not the Zombie Apocalypse -

Anderlorn |

What Fallout source material are you using for the Templates? Roger on the melee type. Is that physical, range, or either?
EDIT: Disregard, don't mind me, I see ...
Hvy Armor: Are we following the standard Fallout canon on Power Armor training - You have to be in the Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel or be trained by a member of those two factions? Or in addition, we can self train ourselves like the mods in the Fallout3\Newvegas Nexus?
Note: Since the Parent Company of Bethesda now owns the full rights to Fallout, canon will change.
As for my race\class\archetype: Human\Gunslinger\Gun Tank
more to come...

Anderlorn |

Since I start off with two-guns - how about starting off with one gun and Power Armor that looks like this?
or we can work something out. You know how the BHS doesn't enjoy people having Power Armor who are not in the BHS. Of course, they have that belief pretty much for everyone... but hey, it looks cool! ... lol

GM Armadillephant |

Armor: Yes, you need to have connections in the Brotherhood or Enclave to use Power Armor. Nobody in the party yet has any contact with the Enclave, though, so take that as you will. As of right now, you can't have Power Armor training otherwise, but that may change at some point.
I'm not sticking incredibly close to canon in this game, so don't be worried about that.
The race and class there are fine, as is the archetype. Make sure to check the first recruitment page for my updates to humans.
I'm not sure where you're getting two guns from. You get one free gun and one free set of clothing or armor. If you create yourself with Brotherhood relations, then you may certainly have some Power Armor. If not, then you can just have combat armor or something of that sort, and just say it looks like that.

Anderlorn |

This is what I have thus far, I wanted to be further but busy today...
Name: Sagittarii
Male Human Gunslinger\BoS Knight Apprentice (Guntank) 1st
STR 14 (5)
DEX 16 (10)
CON 14 (5)
Int 10 (0)
WIS 14 (5)
CHA 10 (0)
1. Armor Modification - Motion Detector - (+2 Initiative)
Wasteland Tinkerer Template
Wasteland Tinkerer: Most people see the heaps of metal and rubble strewn across the Wastes as garbage, but to a mechanic like you, it’s a veritable treasure trove! With the right materials, you can craft some very high-quality goods... even if they blow up every now and then.
--Master Tinker: +1 Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks; automatically proficient with any weapon you craft
--Craftsman: +2 to all Craft and Profession checks to craft armor, weapons, and ammunition.
http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMArmadillephantsFalloutExtravaganza/recruiting& amp;page=1
1. All simple and martial weapons, all firearms, all armors and shields (including tower shields), Deeds, Grit, Gunsmith.
Grit: (Wis Mod)
Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm’s first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.
Gun Tank's Resolve (Ex): At 1st level, the gun tank can shrug off the most serious of attacks. When the gun tank is wearing medium or heavy armor and is subject to a critical hit or sneak attack, she can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to attempt to negate the critical hit or sneak attack damage. At 1st level, she has a 25% chance of doing so. At 10th level, the chance increases to 50%. At 15th level, the chance increases to 75%. While a gun tank’s resolve does not stack with the fortification armor special ability, it does work in concert with that armor special ability or similar effects, so a gun tank can use this ability even after the armor of fortification has failed to negate the critical hit or sneak attack damage.
Quick Clear (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action.
Caps: 300

Knight Apprentice S. Morrow |

Hm, I'll take a look at the mod, see if I can incorporate it somehow.
As for statsheet, if you can build it in a similar fashion to existing characters--Deidre Rose is a prime example, and has my preferred template for the stat sheet--that'd be grand.
Ahh, that is the Hero Lab Format which I do not have at this time. I always have problems with programs such as those when trying to add customizations.
I will try to format it that way manually.