GM Aest's The Vaults of Padiskar (Inactive)

Game Master Aest

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Howdy, BretI. Good to see you've dotted.

It's beginning to look like interest is dying down, so I'll most likely be closing recruitment a bit ahead of schedule. Recruitment will tentatively close on Sunday, September 27.

Sorry it took so long. Here's the fluff for Ceaser Hamill. By the way, also gave him the Ecclesitheurge archetype from the ACG.

Fluffy Bits:
Ceaser Hamill was born in the busy city of Absalom to two scriveners in the Scrivener's Guild of Forae Logos, the largest library west of the Pit of Gormuz. From a young age, he was raised to respect the written word, and was brought into the worship of Nethys, the god of knowledge and magic, when he was able to understand what that meant.

As he grew, so did his love of books, particularly those pertaining to history. He always had the belief that anything could be learned by studying what had happened before, and devoured any historical tome he came across. His parents and other workers at the library were happy to help, and it was during an all night reading binge that he discovered his connection to Nethys. He had fallen asleep at the table and had accidentally knocked over his reading candle. He claimed that he didn't know what happened, only that he dreamed of his body reaching out to pick the candle up before setting anything alight while a dual-toned mask watched over him.

From then on, Ceaser dedicated himself to researching more into history while learning what he could about his connection to the divine. His need for answers eventually lead him to leaving the library Forae Logos and into the Pathfinder Society, a group dedicated to learning about everything. There he gained access to things he could never get in a library, from people to artifacts. And if all it cost him were forays into the world to bring back more knowledge? Then so be it, a mere pittance to what he could learn.

It was on one such journey that he came across a missive into the uncharted Old Padiskar to help find a missing girl...

The streets of Katapesh bustle and shouts of merchants and peddlers compete with each other to be heard. A fine dust fills the air, which smells as much of sweat as perfumes in the hot autumn sun. You navigate the chaos of the Daystalls, gradually making your way toward a sprawling mud-brick building. As the ivory-and copper doors to Prem Gadhavi's estate open, a beautiful, coffee-with-cream skinned woman bows gracefully before you before turning and beckoning you forward. The room she leads you into is near-black, with only a hooded lantern set on the desk. Nonetheless, she guides you expertly across the thick rug and into a padded seat before retreating to stand near the door, her sari swishing as she walks.

An ancient, wavery voice, filled with stress and pain, speaks, breaking the room's silence. "I apologize for the dark, but the light gives me such a headache anymore. Nalini tells me you are here to answer my call for help. That is good." The lantern moves, and there's a brief flash of lamplight. The old man's face is wrinkled and covered with dark spots, and his neck seems almost too thin to support his head, which rests against the chair's back. Then the lamp closes and all is dark again. "I have a handful of questions. It is important we send the best-suited in our attempt to retrieve my granddaughter Yamuna. Let us begin."

1. What do you offer the expedition? What are you best at?
Well, first off I am a cleric, ready and able with the spells needed to keep my traveling companions alive. Furthermore, I am very intelligent, and am able to speak several languages, including Vudrani and two of the elemental languages, which will be a help in deciphering any writings left behind.

2. What areas do you struggle in?
Combat. While I won't die quickly, if left without somebody more physically able I won't last long.

3. Have you any experience with Vudra or the Vudrani?
Not in person, though I have studied it's history and people, as well as a few encounters with some of the jinn.

4. What training, formal or otherwise, might you have that would be helpful to this expedition?
I was raised in the Forae Logos in Absalom, and am very capable in figuring things out.

5. Do you have any duties or obligations that could conflict with our expedition? Would you explain them to me?
I cannot think of any, though you might get missives from the Pathfinder's Society for me if I am gone too long.

Uh oh. I better hurry and get my application finished, then.

(Should have plenty of time for that by Sunday.)

Hm, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get my application done by Sunday, since I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I may be pulling out of this one.

Interesting concept, looks like fun. I'm going to try to put together an Investigator, probably Empiricist.

I am actually heading away on a retreat until sunday afternoon So I will be unable to finish before that, however i imagine that if I finish it sunday evening I should be good :)
Also, here is most of the Crunch for Midioto, still working on spells and items.
this is Gobo Horde btw.

Colonel Tipper, Retired, Taldan Exploratory Services.

Still a work in progress. It looked like this might be a bit more useful to the group than the Arcanist that I had also been considering.

I'm stepping down from applying. The character I came up with lost his appeal for various reasons, and I'm pretty sure I won't have time to come up with an entirely new character by sunday.

Good luck to everyone who's applying!


Introducing more of Tereus. Background and crunch included. I'll submit the Personality and Appearances tomorrow. (Actually tomorrow this time.)


Interested in my background, sir? Happy to provide. I'll give you the longer version, if you want me to speed up, just let me know.

I was born roughly thirty years ago in Oenopion. It's a messed up place in North Nex I call home. It's, in layman's terms, the best place for alchemy in probably the entire continent. People up there even invented a potion that doesn't taste like garbage. Though, problem is, it didn't work half the time. Anyway...

Essentially, most Nex people are quite vested with the arcane arts. My family's in there too, mostly low ranked rank-and-file adepts or wizards. Me and my cousin Nebus, we were, put simply, quite horrendous at this sort of stuff. He couldn't learn the simplest formula, and I was banned for life from the alchemical lab. Little accident, I didn't have eyebrows for months.

See, the options when you're not that well versed in the arcane arts are quite limited. We don't really need labourers, cleaners or anything of the sort. Simple cantrip takes care of most of it. Farm work's pretty much impossible, since if you try to eat what grows on the fields, chances are it's looking back at you judgementally while you do so. So, we joined the legions. When you don't need to slave around a spellbook for hours a day, you got a lot of time to practice swordwork.

So, Nebus, he stood there for a couple of years as a quartermaster, turning out he's quite good with paperwork and the like. Especially when something needs not to be on the books. He left afterwards, became a clerk, then opened a business. He's running a caravan between Geb and Nex, actually. Me, I wasn't that great with all that stuff.

What I turned out to be great with, is keeping a calm mind under pressure, marching and leading. We were mostly fighting threats on the northern border. Gnolls are quite the threat when you first face them. But, funnily enough, if you manage to break their jaw while they're doing that demoralizing laugh thing, they make the funniest noise. After you've heard it once, you picture it every time in your head as you see one, and you can't help but laugh. Another thing we fought there was... well... I guess you'd call them unstable experiments. We call them Flesh. I don't really want to elaborate on that, but I've seen more than my fair share of those, sir. Not pretty, but we need them.

So, me and my company, we were serving under this lady, Laroie. Truth be told, I'd say that she was a vicious old shrew, but was a hell of a witch. Flying and cackling and tossing curses left and right like they're biscuits. Speaking of biscuits, she actually made some in the field from time to time. A really nice lady. And probably the mind for tactics and logistics we have in the country. We had a battle where we got balistas 15 minutes before the charge, and we couldn't find them anywhere when the dust had settled. The reason I'm here now, is about two years ago, we started getting less and less gnolls and more and more... experiments.

Eventually the old witch got fed and handed in her resignation. Two weeks later, there was a big investigation, and turns out that someone's been releasing Flesh into the wastes with no permission whatsoever, just because it's easier than dispelling the magic and burning the bodies, as you should, according to instructions. Bastards. Some... nice words later and she managed to land his spot. I got contacted a week later, asking for me and the people to join work for her personally. Right now, she's planning to divert the attention of the Arclords away from Geb. You see, you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. We can't sustain the population without the skellies shipping food to us, and as much as I'm loyal to Nex himself as any other Nexian, I don't believe that he'd want his people to starve needlessly for starting an unnecessary war.


Gosk Tereus
Human Cavalier 1/Exemplar Brawler 2
LN Humanoid (human)

AC: +17 Touch +11 Flat-footed +16 (Armor: +7 Dex: +0)
HP: [28] (3d10+6)
Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +4

Speed: 20 ft

Masterwork Living Steel Sansetsukon +8 (1d10+9) 19-20 x2
Brawler's Flurry Masterwork Living Steel Sansetsukon +6/+5 (1d10+7) 19-20 x2

Ranged: Masterwork Composite Longbow +5 (1d8+4) x3

Str:18 (+4) Dex:12 (+1) Con:14 (+2) Int:9 (-1) Wis:12 (+1) Cha:12 (+1)
BAB +3 CMB +7 CMD 18
Languages: Common, Vudrani
Traits and Drawbacks
Threatening Defender: When you use Combat Expertise, reduce the number you subtract from your melee attack rolls by 1.

Arclord Agent, Closed Hand: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (arcana), and Knowledge (arcana) is always a class skill for you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
Power Attack
Combat Expertise
Furious Focus
Iron Will
TEAMWORK: Precise Strike
4 per level + background skills

Diplomacy +7 (3 rank 3 class 1 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (1 rank 3 class 1 trait -1 Int)
Knowledge (Local) +4 (2 rank 3 class -1 Int)

Lore(Jalmeray Nobles) +3 (1 rank 3 class -1 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3 (1 rank 3 class -1 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility) +3 (1 rank 3 class -1 Int)
Linguistics +2 (3 rank -1 Int)

Perception +9 (3 rank 3 class 1 wis)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank 3 class 1 wis)
Escape Artist +5 (1 rank 3 class 1 dex)
Stealth +5 (1 rank 3 class 1 dex)


Banded Mail 250gp
Masterwork Composite Longbow & 40 arrows(+4) 802gp.
Masterwork Living Steel Sansetsukon 808gp
Hot Weather Outfit
Quick Runner's Shirt 1000gp

130gp left.
Special Abilities
Challenge: Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier's melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier's level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.

Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier's concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.

The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier's challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier's order.

a cavalier's banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the cavalier's banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the cavalier or his mount to function.
Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
An order of the dragon cavalier adds Perception (Wis) and Survival (Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses Survival to provide food and water for his allies or to protect his allies from harsh weather, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat (Precise Strike) as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Martial Flexiblity:
A brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn't possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat's prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her brawler level (minimum 1).

The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice.

If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat's daily limit.
Martial Training:
At 1st level, a brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats.

Brawler's Flurry:
Starting at 2nd level, a brawler can make a brawler's flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the "monk" special feature. She does not need to use two different weapons to use this ability.

Call to Arms:
At 1st level, an exemplar can expend a use of martial flexibility to rouse her allies into action. All allies within 30 feet are no longer flat-footed, even if they are surprised. Using this ability is a move action. At 6th level, the exemplar can use it as a swift action instead. At 10th level, she can use it as a free action. At 12th level, she can use it as an immediate action.

I've been roleplaying for an upwards of 5+ years; mostly freeform, play-by-post on forums and such, but I have my share of tabletop Pathfinder and 3.5 experience. I haven't combined the two much and this is my first time on the Paizo forums, but I'd be happy to join in and tag along if there's any room left!

@All: Sunday evening will be fine. I won't close before midnight.

@Midioto: Thanks for the crunch!

@Colorel Tipper: Can't wait to see the fluff.

@Aristo_: Go ahead and submit a character, and I'll be certain to take a look. No promises, though.

Character List:
Corsario*, Meat Shield, (dotted)
Dorian Aljinn, Aasimar Paladin (tranquil guardian) 1/Summoner (unchained, synthesist) 2, Padiskar Native (favored son), (Crunch, appearance, and interview are up) (I'm not sure if archetypes work with the Unchained version of the summoner)
Gosk Tereus, Cavalier 1/Brawler (exemplar) 2

The Pale King*, Bard (archeaologist)?, (dotted)
Edinoiz*, Unchained Rogue, (dotted)
Colonel Tipper, Human Investigator, (Needs Fluff)

Ceasar Hamill, Cleric of Nethys (scroll scholar) (mostly done)
Mirode Sharo, Elf Cleric of Sarenrae, Outlander (mystic), (Needs Interview)
Dhenn*, Samsaran Shaman (Speaker for the Past), (dotted)

Sahr-Kharil, Tiefling Magus 3 (Background and Interview are up)
Midioto, Gnome Wizard 3 (Interview is up)
Magon Wonderblitz, Gnome Wizard 3, Outlander (explorer?), (Application is complete)

Agnos Efreeti, Ifrit Kineticist 3, Padiskar Native (black sheep) (Applictation is complete)
Raseed Tawfeek, Halfling Medium (relic channeler), Outlander (mercenary)(Application is complete)
Shub-Niggurath's Cousin Al*, Sylph Occultist, (dotted)


Gosk Tereus Appearance #1: Laughin' it up (Combat Appearance):

A thickly built man in a suit of heavy armor looks away from a gnoll who's falling on the ground. The gnoll's skull appears to be shattered by a strange three-section staff, shining with green metal and blood, held in a swiping motion by the man. The man's visor, open, reveals a relatively young face, groomed black beard, above them a nose, broken in the past, and brown eyes, open with a twinkle of joy. His hand, stretching forward, points towards another man in similar uniform, re-aiming a ray or flames towards another gnoll, lunging towards a woman in a similarly coloured robe.

Gosk Tereus Appearance #2: Keepin' it real (Non-combat appearance):

The same man sits on a rocking chair in a well-furnished office, filled with a strange mix of fetishes, decorative plates and military paintings. The green metal staff is hanging on a hook on the wall, next to a straw hat. The man is wearing a short-sleeved, colourful shirt, and lax trousers that end up under the knee. His bare feet are perched on another chair, and he's turning towards the door, raising a hand holding a half-smoked cigar in the air, with joy on his face. Next to him, on a table covered with various pastries, and a massive cast iron teapot with a stamped number on it, sits a fifty-ish woman with a tattooed scalp and no hair, fighting a smile as she sees the door open. From the barely opened door perches the head of the same mage as before, his facial expression a feigned defense, holding a dark green glass bottle as an offering.


Gosk is somewhat of a social animal, bordering on gregarious with people he knows. Despite that, he does respect professionalism, and attempts to show such at any and all opportunity. While often a fan of making plans, he knows not to make them too rigid or complicated, since he has seen things go wrong often, and respects the value of wingin' it.

Having went from a frontline combatant to more of an agent, he understands the need for discussion, politicking, and flexible morals. He does, however, attempt to find a morally reasonable outcome to any situation at all costs.

A faithful believer in Nex (both the person and the state), he attempts to explain to outsiders what the state is all about: Nex himself was a wizard beyond compare, proof to it being the many wondrous creations he'd made. It would be clear that such a person would be worthy of following. However, after his disappearance (Gosk prefers the term Missing in Action, but only to himself), it is only reasonable to assume that a great leader, such as Nex was, would care about his people, and hope they better themselves and their standing while he's gone, and not dwell on the past.

Similarly to his believes, Gosk thinks that it's only reasonable to help people help themselves and move on from old rivalries, which piss him off a bit. He's a reasonable optimist and a joker, trying to always lighten up the mood, rather than letting people depress each other in a wicked circle.

Also, for whatever reason, I keep imagining Nex as something of a banana republic, with its personality cults, tense relations with a neighbour you rely on, unbased expansionism and weird magical science. Thus, the colourful shirts and straw hats.

What all am I missing for my character, want to get it finished before recruitment is closed.

@Deko: What does your character look like, both when he's adventuring and when he's just hanging out at the bar or studying magic in his room?

Ah, that. Forgot about that lol.

Ceaser Hamill is about 5'7, weighing in at roughly 120lbs. He has dark, black irises with no discernable pupils, and his long white hair is worn in a sensible ponytail. His outfit consists of standard traveling clothes, with his holy symbol in the shape of a ring on his right ring finger. He has a set of ceremonial robes that he only brings out during important holy events consisting of a two-toned robe and slippers. He doesn't wear armor of any kind, trusting in his God to help protect him.

Going to have to withdraw, I'm afraid. Good luck, everyone!

Because Gunslinger isn't permitted in this campaign, does that include Swashbuckler, on behalf of it being a hybrid class of it?

@Aristo: Swashbucklers are certainly allowed. In fact, the only reason Gunslingers aren't is because of firearms. Bolt Ace archetype would be good to go.

Great; I'm writing up my backstory and other details now. I've got an Azata-blooded Aasimar Swashbuckler in the works.

Here's the interview:

1. What do you offer the expedition? What are you best at?
My name is Galbert Aurelian - a mercenary by trade; although I'll implore you not to regard me as a simple sellsword. Rather, I aspire to the highest degrees of professionalism – a condottiere, if you will. I have served all over the Inner Sea, from Geb to Galt, and farther still. I have been hired by many lords and rest assured, I left them satisfied. While skilled at arms, I have dealt with all sorts of people; negotiation comes naturally to me. I would also have you know that I have some Azata ancestry; take that for what it's worth. I do have a trace of noble heritage in Taldor, although I don't presume courtly etiquette will count for much in Old Padiskar!

2. What areas do you struggle in?
You may have already guessed, but I am not a spellcaster by any means! I have seen many strange things in my travels, but I don't pretend to understand the arcane, much less dabble in it. I do trust you have others in your employ that are... used to that sort of thing?

3. Have you any experience with Vudra or the Vudrani?
I have had the pleasure of visiting Katapesh before, although my stay was short-lived. Unfortunately, I know very little of the language. However, I know a thing or two about Vudrani culture; enough to get by.

4. What training, formal or otherwise, might you have that would be helpful to this expedition?
I have had considerable training with the rapier, and as I've mentioned before, I regard myself quite highly in combat. That is my principal offer to the expedition; I will not let any harm come before your granddaughter or any accomplices that are less savvy in a fight. My profession requires that I travel often, so I'm no stranger to a saddle, nor the deck of a ship.

5. Do you have any duties or obligations that could conflict with our expedition? Would you explain them to me?
A condottiere I may be, but the trade has rules. Under contract, I am bound to your service until your granddaughter is safe in your care. I shall not and cannot offer my services to another while under your charge. These stipulations I pride myself on. It helps to have a dependable reputation in this line of work!

"Colonel Tipper, reporting in!"

I'm not really happy with the formatting, but the text is there.

I'm not sure how you want to handle alchemical items, since he can craft them. I've left them off for now. Note that he has a donkey (named Hote, of course) to carry all his stuff.

@Colonel Tipper: No crafting before selection, but there will be bits of downtime during the game.

As Prem Gadhavi finishes listening to your last answer, he clears his throat. Nalini, the woman in the sari, takes your arm and gently guides you back to the ivory-and-copper doors. ”Thank you for coming. A messenger will arrive at your place of residence if the Maurya-Rham has chosen you. Regardless, we pray that all the gods will guide you on your path.” With a graceful bow, Nalini leaves you outside, once again on the bustling streets of Katapesh.

Recruitment is now closed for The Vaults of Padiskar. Those who have dotted prior to this time have until 4:00 PM mountain time to finalize their characters, since that’s when I’ll get back from work and be able to consider submissions. Thank you for all your interest, and good luck!

I finished writing up Galbert's other information:

Galbert was born in Cheliax, a son of the minor aristocratic House Aurelian. His father possessed a mixture of Taldan and Azata heritage, while his mother was full-blooded Cheliaxian. House Aurelian possessed little political weight, as it only gained its noble status by supporting House Thrune in Chelliax's civil war. Compared to the top-ranking houses of the country, it is humble in comparison. However, Galbert's youth was a comfortable one; certainly much better than it might have been elsewhere.
At twelve years old, Galbert was under the apprenticeship of a condottiero named Guilliame de Labourd. At the time, de Labourd was in the employ of Queen Abrogail II and was involved in a series of campaigns aimed at quelling minor uprisings out of Gault. Under de Labourd's tutelage, Galbert became learned with the sword and acquired skills at leading men. He became familiar with living off foreign lands and dealing with nobility; mostly in terms of employment.
When de Labourd passed away, Galbert was now nearing his mid twenties. Territory gained by de Labourd had been threatened to fall into Gault's hands at his death. Queen Abrogail appealed to Galbert to retake the region. He was given command of a Cheliaxian army, and quickly subjugated territories that had been in dissent.
He was rewarded handsomely for his service, although was envied and feared by Bertrand of House L'anguille. Bertrand's own territory bordered those taken by Galbert, and he worried that the condottiero would turn into a powerful rival. Rather than continue to receive military orders, Galbert was appointed the governor of a small administrative region instead.
Galbert was disgruntled by the political maneuver, and rather than accept the commission, offered himself to nobles in Andoran. Ever since, circumstances have seen him change allegiances many times over.

Galbert is both ambitious and easygoing. In his journeys, he has been in the service of many powerful individuals and worked up a notable reputation. He is used to the hardship of military life, but also to a degree of prestige and wealth that comes with being a famed mercenary. Although he serves his clients faithfully according to their contracts, he does not feel beholden to them and knows he just as well may end up serving their enemies in the future. Military service has given Galbert a sense of discipline, and he will fight alongside companions for the greater good – coherency and efficiency are virtues he aspires to. At the same time, he exhibits a measure of flamboyancy and a flair for excess – no doubt thanks to his upbringing.

In both peacetime and combat, Galbert lets his inner decadence seep from the recesses. He can often be seen in fine clothing of Taldan or Cheliaxian make, embroidered with gold thread in elaborate patterns. This most often includes a doublet with or without sleeves over a linen shirt, accompanied by stockings over trunk hose and leather boots. He dons a short cape over his torso; a longer cloak for bad weather.
Galbert's hair is short, drawn back from his forehead and the color of mahogany. He wears a finely-groomed mustache and a round beard that conforms to the shape of his face. His Azata heritage has gifted him with a sunny halo and his eyes give off an iridescent shine. His skin is a pale goldenrod.

In combat, Galbert protects himself with a jerkin of studded leather and thick gloves. He prefers light armor; if necessary, a breastplate at most. He carries a polished buckler in his off-hand to ward off blade strikes. His head is topped with a brimmed hat with a stiff crown. The light from his halo permeates around his head even with it on.

Character Sheet

JThe character list you posted on Friday says that Mirode still needs her interview. I posted that in the thread on Wednesday. I'm 99.9% sure you saw it, but I just wanted to double check since I'm a worrywart. ;)

@Mirode, and everyone, really: I did not go off the character list. Instead, I pored through the thread to find everyone's relevant information.

Alright, after sorting through everyone's applications, building a spreadsheet, and a lot of reading, I've come up with my list of players.

Gosk Tereus
Colonel Horatio Tipper
Mirode Sharo
Raseed Tawfeek

Discussion will be open very shortly, and the Gameplay thread will be up as well for a dot. Once everyone's checked in, we'll begin.

I'd like everyone who was not selected to know that their characters were, in general, of a high quality, and I'll be coming back to this recruitment to pull in replacements if and when people drop. Thank you all for a lot of fun-to-read applications.

Grand Lodge

Oh congratulations, everyone!

Chris is it okay if I stealth dot to better facilitate lurking? India is my favorite story setting, and it looks like you have a great set of characters here. I'd love to read gameplay as it progresses.


@Hmm: Go ahead. I never have a problem with readers.

Scarab Sages

Amazing, thanks for choosing Raseed.

Always a bit disheartening to get passed up, but congratulations to those who did get accepted! Maybe I'll have better luck next time.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello. I'm the guy Bret was talking about, and I'm interested in joining.

I have been looking at party composition, my gut feeling is telling me arcane, battlefield control is lacking (yes, that ugly powergamer is rearing its head).

I am favouring some kind of full arcane caster. Since I am unfamiliar with arcanist, it will either be sorcerer, wizard, or witch. Leaning towards sorcerer at this point. (Padiskar is a fishing and farming community, does not appear to have any wizard academies, a bit awkward to have a wizard pop out of nowhere).

Rest of the party: Feel free to chip in on what you want me to roll :)

I have some questions for you regarding character creation:

1)For the campaign traits, the statement "Choose one of the three traits and one of their respective subtraits." - Does it count as one trait, or 2 of your traits at character creation taken up?

2)I heard you're looking for a native - it means starting as Padiskar Native? What is the race composition of Padiskar, and what is the majority of the people in Padiskar? Also, what gods do the people of Padiskar usually worship, besides Irori?(He's a nice god, but a little too stuffy for my taste, I usually prefer Erastil/Gozreh/Desna/Cayden)

3)How's the campaign setting for animal companions/familiars? Looking at a Fishing Cat animal companion (using small cat statblock under animal companion)
I've heard that in India, they used to use cheetahs to hunt. But that was for nobility...

4)Is the animal companion going get screwed once we get into the superdungeon?

5) Is Heroes of the wild Fey magic alternate racial trait available?

For the rest of the party:

Currently I'm looking at a Vuldrani human sorceress (Sylvan Bloodline) - profession fisherwoman - with a Fishing Cat Animal companion, or a half orc (orc bloodline) Gish/blaster sorcerer who's part of the thieves guild enforcers, and has been sent by his guild boss to assist, to earn the favor of the Rajah.

Also, I tend to be a get the mechanics right person, before I start writing up the fluff for my characters.

*waves at Mirode* We need to declare war on the lizards! *Rawrs*

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can answer the question about the campaign trait. You get both bonuses and it counts as one trait. In the case of my character, Colonel Tipper, I took Outlander with the Mercenary sub-trait. I got both the +1 to Knowledge Dungeoneering and the +1 Fortitude save bonus.

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Hello, Just A Mort.

1) Yes, it counts as a single trait. I wanted to encourage a wider variety of people to take a single background.

2) There's like, 1000 gods in the Vudrani pantheon, and a character could worship any of them. If you'd like to go with a standard-issue Inner Sea deity, that's fine. If not, there's a few Vudrani deities that Paizo's fleshed out.

3 and 4) I'm pretty open to animal companions, as is the setting. There could be places in the city and the vaults below that they have a harder time with, but I'll try to accomodate whatever a player decides to run.

5) That's a player companion book, yes? Sounds like it'd work to me.

Your background pitch seems like it could work, so feel free to move on with creation.

Manifested, still working on gear.


Grand Lodge

I'm looking forward to seeing your sylvan sorceress in action, Mort. The cat too!

Ready, shopping's done. Man, that's a helluva lot of presents from the family. Along with all those hugs and kisses. Thanks for the well wishes.

Looks good. Go ahead and dot gameplay/hop into discussion. I'll try to get this thing moving again on Monday.

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