From Humble Beginnings WotW (Inactive)

Game Master The Indescribable

Alternate Crafting Rules

Veil of Useful Items.

The Nine Lessons

Frost Hammer

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Human Expert (Physician) 2/Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Beastmorph) 1 | HP: 23/23 | Init: +4 | AC:16 | T:14 | FF:12 | CMD:15 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+6 | Will:+4 | Perception: +7

Welcome Leekoo!

On Unchained Bonus Progression: The bonus progression seems made to simply replace the bulk of magic items. It'd be good for a party without casters or crafters; making the non-magical classes less reliant on gear.

Automatic Bonus Progression wrote:
Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don't exist in this variant

We will probably have more than adequate access to such items through D. Quigley, although if they were banned from the game, I imagine there are plenty of other useful items for him to craft. Isabella, for one, could benefit from the ability score bonuses, but will probably have the abilities she needs boosted covered by Quigs anyway. Unless I'm imagining the crafting of these magical items incorrectly...

On Character Roles & Paths:
Isabella is going to be reliant on her mutagen, and might prestige to master chymist for added uses of that. If I do go that route, Korak, would the master chymist levels stack with alchemist levels for sneak damage? It's written for bomb damage to progress normally. I had also considered pain taster, but that character might be too creepy for me to play. I'm definitely open to suggestions as to how to make the character more combat-effective. Right now I'm planning feral mutagen & various survivability-boosting discoveries, generally just trying to get in as many sneak attacks as possible.

Dark Archive

Expert 1/Alchemist (Winged Marauder, Grenadier) 3 | HP [26/26] [0 NL] | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, CMD 13 | Fort +2 , Ref +5 , Will +4 | Darkvision 60', Perception +7 | Init +3 | Bombs [10/10]
Animal Companion 3 | HP [2/13] | AC 16, T 14, FF 12, CMD 16 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Blindsense 40', Perception +7 | Initiative +4

Looking forward to blowing things up!

@Isabella: One item you should totally get Quigley to make for you is a Vest of Stable Mutagen, it negates the mental attribute penalty while using mutagens. Also, the Unstable Mutagen magic trait would be fun to rp with.

Male Dwarf Korak

Alright well keep in mind, people think feinting is useless, but looking at it, you want to get improved feint when you can, but every time you feint, the next melee attack you make against them takes their dex out of the equation and thus gives you sneak attack on your next turn.

Master Chymist, My ruling is that it would give you back the bomb class feature at reduced rate.

As to bonus progression, adventure paths are built upon the original mechanics, I would have to rework every treasure, cutting it in half, changing any boosting item that shows up. I have no idea how f@!*ed the AP would be if I did that. So that's why I changed my mind.

Male Human (Chained) Rogue 1 | HP = 11 | AC = 14 (FF=10) (T=14) | F+0 R+6 | W -1 | Ini. +10 | Per +3
Korak The Boisterous wrote:
As to bonus progression, adventure paths are built upon the original mechanics, I would have to rework every treasure, cutting it in half, changing any boosting item that shows up. I have no idea how f%%#ed the AP would be if I did that. So that's why I changed my mind.

Makes sense to me, plus as an Artificer I should be able to make up ground on magical items if we don't seem to find enough as the AP moves along.

Male Dwarf Korak

Oh wow. We don't have any serious meat shields. Three people with medium armor and the big man on campus is the healer. Well, this will definitely get interesting. I'll be starting in the next couple of days as well. My brain's been a bit fried the last couple of days.

Male Human (Chained) Rogue 1 | HP = 11 | AC = 14 (FF=10) (T=14) | F+0 R+6 | W -1 | Ini. +10 | Per +3

I could do a 1 level Fighter dip don't think it would put me too far off to gain more HP and gain some weapon proficiencies.

Dark Archive

Expert 1/Alchemist (Winged Marauder, Grenadier) 3 | HP [26/26] [0 NL] | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, CMD 13 | Fort +2 , Ref +5 , Will +4 | Darkvision 60', Perception +7 | Init +3 | Bombs [10/10]
Animal Companion 3 | HP [2/13] | AC 16, T 14, FF 12, CMD 16 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Blindsense 40', Perception +7 | Initiative +4

A couple levels of Barbarian would be funny to play. A raging bomber flying on his mount.

Male Human Aristocrat 1 / Unholy Barrister Cleric 3; AC 15; HP: 31/31; Init: +4; Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +10; Perception: +9

Means we will have to be smart in our tactics as my plan isn't to really focus on melee over healing and casting.

Male Human (advanced) Godling

Chiming in!! Thanks for the message, Korak! I didn't seem to find where in the thread you made your decisions. Either way, I'm very happy to have been chosen. Thanurtha Half-elven is one of my major baddies in my campaign. I can toldly see this campaign as the untold story of his infamous beginning. Like Episodes 1-III of Star Wars. I hope Thanurtha will be much less whiny than Anakin! :)

Male Human (advanced) Godling

Damn. I read the discussion thread. You picked somebody else. (Sigh) God luck everyone on the campaign.

Male Dwarf Korak

I'm not asking any of you to become the meat shield, I'm more or less with Luckasz. You're just gonna have to play smart and actually use teamwork feats and combat maneuvers.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Oh the lovely risks of being a rogue, even bigger in this campaign :) It's exciting. Bring it on!

Male Human (Chained) Rogue 1 | HP = 11 | AC = 14 (FF=10) (T=14) | F+0 R+6 | W -1 | Ini. +10 | Per +3

Certainly I am not looking to be a meat shield but if the group wants someone to do a 1 level dip I don't think I would lose too much doing so, let the democratic process decide :-)

Man Vampires are fragile. Well, Dominate Person, Create Spawn (which may make me readjust my character one more time to take Scion of Humanity if the DM will allow it, since it seems I'd only be able to create spawn out of aasimars now that I re-read the ability), DR 10/Silver And Magic (which may not be hard for our enemies to acquire by that level), and Fast Healing 5 should add to some survivability. That's later though. Till then I'm a little less squishy than a cleric until level 7, where I finally lose my con score and switch my HP growth to Charisma instead.

That said, I do get some cultures that can add to party survivability.... Though not much more than typical spells.

Well, playing it smart is what villains do, eh?

Edit: I also direct all of your attention to Vile Leadership, AKA, Leadership for Evil Gits.

Male Dwarf Korak

Need more info.

Male Human Aristocrat 1 / Unholy Barrister Cleric 3; AC 15; HP: 31/31; Init: +4; Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +10; Perception: +9

Reasons that most vampires don't go around announcing themselves to the world. It shouldn't be too much of an issue so long as you can protect yourself from or at least mitigate penalties from your major vulnerabilities. Remember that while paladins and good clerics will likely be a bane to parties like ours, they will be especially dangerous for you as you progress into vampire.

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Need more info.

For Vile Leadership? Sorry, I don't actually have the Champions of Corruption splat book. Just remembered seeing that feat and went looking for it on Archives of Nethys.

Edit: And, yeah. That's why I'm going whole-shebang undead feats from the AP. 1 feat to avoid getting obliterated at 0 hp, 1 feat to give me a grace period before being obliterated in the sun, and 1 feat to negate the dag blasted "running water" weakness that also gives me a swim speed. So, 8 feats. Then there's 1 feat to effectively double the amount of spawn I can create which may be dropped. Probably going to skip the increased dark vision and increased blood drain feats but eh. I'll figure the rest out depending on how the campaign goes.

Male Dwarf Korak

Scion of humanity and why you think you need it to turn something besides aasimars.


Well, according to the template, unless my info is out of date: "A vampire can create spawn out of those it slays with blood drain or energy drain, provided that the slain creature is of the same creature type as the vampire's base creature type. The victim rises from death as a vampire spawn in 1d4 days. This vampire is under the command of the vampire that created it, and remains enslaved until its master's destruction. A vampire may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit become free-willed undead. A vampire may free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again."

Bolding my emphasis.

I figured I'd get around that with Scion of Humanity (from the PRD): Scion of Humanity: Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.

Male Dwarf Korak

yeah go ahead

Dark Archive

Expert 1/Alchemist (Winged Marauder, Grenadier) 3 | HP [26/26] [0 NL] | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, CMD 13 | Fort +2 , Ref +5 , Will +4 | Darkvision 60', Perception +7 | Init +3 | Bombs [10/10]
Animal Companion 3 | HP [2/13] | AC 16, T 14, FF 12, CMD 16 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Blindsense 40', Perception +7 | Initiative +4

Now I'm really thinking about doing a couple levels of Barbarian Unchained. I can just see the RP lulz

Male Dwarf Korak

Do as you wish. I'm just here to murder you horribly. Speaking of, I don't tend to pull punches. I let the dice fall where they may unless things go really t%+% up. So fair warning, your own idiocy will get you killed cause the GM isn't saving you from it.

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Male Human (Chained) Rogue 1 | HP = 11 | AC = 14 (FF=10) (T=14) | F+0 R+6 | W -1 | Ini. +10 | Per +3
Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Do as you wish. I'm just here to murder you horribly. Speaking of, I don't tend to pull punches. I let the dice fall where they may unless things go really t$*@ up. So fair warning, your own idiocy will get you killed cause the GM isn't saving you from it.

We're doomed...

Male Dwarf Korak

Quite possibly. I'm not here to save you from idiocy, but I am likely to reward intellgence and creativity, oh and Dexter something I forgot to mention to you that I saw earlier, high quality items is NOT a craft skill. a metal candelabra takes very different skills than a piece of furniture and both can be high quality items. I'd highly suggest turning that towards black smithing.

Male Human (Chained) Rogue 1 | HP = 11 | AC = 14 (FF=10) (T=14) | F+0 R+6 | W -1 | Ini. +10 | Per +3
Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Quite possibly. I'm not here to save you from idiocy, but I am likely to reward intellgence and creativity, oh and Dexter something I forgot to mention to you that I saw earlier, high quality items is NOT a craft skill. a metal candelabra takes very different skills than a piece of furniture and both can be high quality items. I'd highly suggest turning that towards black smithing.

Alright, I shall do so!

Male Dwarf Korak

Okay, not exactly what I meant, but that would cover most basic metal items from pots and pans to horse shoes and such, also, please put craft in front of all craft skills.

Human Expert (Physician) 2/Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Beastmorph) 1 | HP: 23/23 | Init: +4 | AC:16 | T:14 | FF:12 | CMD:15 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+6 | Will:+4 | Perception: +7
D. Quigley wrote:
We're doomed...

More so without a designated tank. Right now, Bleepos looks to be our best bet, as a small Dex-stacked meleer. I could also re-tool Isabella for Dex, if Korak allows, which would give her a formidable enough AC with a dex mutagen while only slightly lowering her damage output (assuming regular sneak attacks). That's actually probably her best bet for combat utility and survivability.

Otherwise I just plan to beef up her survivability with alchemist discoveries, generally just making her harder to kill (spontaneous healing, lingering spirit, mummification, etc). Of course I'll nab infusion & curative/buffing extracts for the party.

I'm not particularly impressed with my first look at feint. At it's best, it appears to offer (move action + single sneak attack); which doesn't seem like the best primary offensive tactic overall, and is something I could manage often enough with Spring Attack & careful positioning to flank. Still, it could be useful in early encounters, if I can boost Bluff enough to make it effective (although thinking about it, taking a turn to reposition for flanking is just a better option overall whenever possible).

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

About Feint: look at the Snakebiter Brawler.

Male Dwarf Korak

improved feint is where the money's at. Allows you to feint every turn. And you can rebuild. you can futz with the details like that right up until we hit combat, then you stuck. That goes for everybody. Your mental acumen is a different matter, especially in cases where you use bluff or sense motive etc,

Male Dwarf Korak

Zedekiel, you're looking forward to the change? You are aware it's going to happen? I just want to be clear on that from an in character stand point.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

He's aware it's going to happen, given that he traveled with and learned his "profession" from the one that bit him. At this point, he both does and does not want the change.

Being Aasimar, and thus technically infused with the good & positive of the universe, the change offends him on an instinctual sort of level. It'll agitate every fiber of his being the closer he gets to it, what with being more and more "evil and negative energy" as time goes on.

On the other hand, given his life, and that he's seen the power of it himself, he's looking forward to having such abilities for himself. He'll have defeated true death, which while not quite his own strength yet, he'll make it his.

It's a very twisted sort of mentality. Full of self-loathing and the fact that, should he manage to survive as a vampire, he can do what he does for centuries to come. Sort of a hollow victory.

Get what I mean?

Edit: Oh, and he's unaware he won't get the full powers until a while after his transformation. He wasn't informed anything about it by The Pale Man. He was just sort of treated like a minion, pet, assistant thing, and occasionally dominated (magically). His mentor was obliterated before he changed. He assumes he'll change in the mines, and just make his way out, as it were.

Male Human Aristocrat 1 / Unholy Barrister Cleric 3; AC 15; HP: 31/31; Init: +4; Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +10; Perception: +9

Hi Korak,

I just realized that the Adept class doesn't normally get the unlimited use of 0 level spells. Is that still the case for this game? Just want to be clear on this before I consider casting spells.


Male Dwarf Korak

You're connection is still weak. No unlimited uses, sorry.

Male Human Aristocrat 1 / Unholy Barrister Cleric 3; AC 15; HP: 31/31; Init: +4; Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +10; Perception: +9

Who does a guy need to sacrifice to get some good rolls around here? ;)

Male Dwarf Korak


Human Expert (Physician) 2/Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Beastmorph) 1 | HP: 23/23 | Init: +4 | AC:16 | T:14 | FF:12 | CMD:15 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+6 | Will:+4 | Perception: +7
Lukasz wrote:
Who does a guy need to sacrifice to get some good rolls around here? ;)
Korak wrote:

Hehe :)

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2
Isabella Deschain wrote:
Lukasz wrote:
Who does a guy need to sacrifice to get some good rolls around here? ;)
Korak wrote:
Hehe :)

I may have to take you up on that... Positively abysmal! With such high bonuses too....

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

@Korak: any chance I could change my level 1 feat if I go for some levels of unchained rogue before Stalker? :)

Male Dwarf Korak

Depends on the feat, are we talking third party or what?

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Nothing third party! Something Paizo and simple. Probably something like Combat Expertise ;) Mostly because if I go the unchained rogue route, the Weapon Finesse I got at level 1 would be wasted. Maybe some sort of automatic retrain type of thing?

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

Hey Warden! Would Zedekiel have a general idea of how the guards would act towards feigning sickness or being insane? Or any way of getting a guard to get near Bleepos to begin with?

Do I need to go roll that?

Male Dwarf Korak

You guys have more or less 3 days to live. And he's a goblin. They don't care what happens to him. The broken bone and an escaped manacle on the other hand would be of concern to them.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

Thought as much. Thaaank you.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

Should I feel silly, grinning like a madman while sitting back in my chair with steepled fingers and chuckling to myself as the game progresses and Zedekiel is coming up with his grand escape plan?

Male Dwarf Korak

Absolutely not. I'm doing the same.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

.... Why does that worry me? ;P

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Bleepos is confused, and the player here is confused as well! Not sure our plan has much hope... :) lol

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

Thought occurs. GM, how close are the prisoners to each other? Right next to each other, or is there room in between?

Male Human Aristocrat 1 / Unholy Barrister Cleric 3; AC 15; HP: 31/31; Init: +4; Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +10; Perception: +9

It is interesting reading this plan as it develops. And a part of me is giggling at the various scenarios that could unfold from the plan so far. Playing a devious Jiminy Cricket here in the OOC however as my character continues to chat with the the enchanting visitor, remember that we likely only have one shot at this and with very limited resources.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Kin) Expert 2 / HP [4/10] / AC 14 / CMD 13 / Fort -1 / Ref +2 / Will +5 / Darkvision 30ft / Perception +9 / Init +2

Which is why with a little bit more refinement, I'm finding out how close the prisoners are to each other.

Alternatively, rather than breaking his hand first, if Bleepos and Leekoo can get into a fight, say, that might draw the guards in and both can attempt to bite at the keys. The commotion will provide a nice distraction. THEN the hand-breaking can occur and use the broken hand to handle the key and unlock everyone.

This thought occurred to me/Zedekiel with Bleepos' post.

Distance seemed like an obvious thing so I figured I could ask it OOC in the discussion, lol.

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